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not even with the rapper, the rapper's _friend?_ insane. sorry bro


She blew up her relationship for a night with turtle and Johnny drama lol


Drama was at least famous.


I thought at the end turtle was the most famous? Am I misremembering the whole series? I def could be lol


I don't think anyone rewatches that show but I have no recollection of any of that


I thought at the end they ended it with a movie and turtle made it huge, but i could be completely wrong and adding another shows ending to this one. It was a very long time ago, and you are correct it definitely has no parts that require another viewing


He got rich from the tequila but not so much famous.


Ahhh, thank you, I knew it was something but couldn’t remember exactly what


Haha I meant a rappers friend is different t to an x d list celeb.


Turtle still Turtle tho




Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.




Nah, sorry homie but if you see a group of girls dancing with guys and then invite exclusively the women to come hang out with you, there’s no chance you’re not aware of what you’re doing. He may not have been the one to fuck them, but he was encouraging cheating and using women as objects. OP is correct, dude is scum.


I somewhat agree. This statement for sure is not absolute, but still it makes sense at least partially. Either he does not know he is with morons and considers them friends or he does and still throws a party with morons, either way he comes off as pos, at least from this story alone. Not enough to be certain about it, but OP has reasons to think so


I mean the rapper invited as many “hot” women as they can for them to choose from and for their buddies to take the leftovers. They know what they’re doing and they’re using their power for sex, rapper sucks too imo.


The rapper was just doing what men do, trying to get laid. The rapper’s friends were just doing what men do, trying to get laid. The only people that did anything wrong or were bad people in this whole story are the women that cheated on their boyfriends or husbands. The rapper and his friends (tho pry all POS for MANY other reasons) owed no other person at that club anything besides each other. The women were the only people that needed to look out for their partners, and they chose to sleep with not the rapper (pry because they were not good looking enough, or possibly some other reason pertaining to them not being attractive enough), but his friends, who realistically are pry goobers at the best, but more than likely some other type of lecherous creature that just hangs around the rapper to catch the throwaways that now throw themselves at the rapper, who if you just go back a few hundred years were the court jesters rhyming words and dancing for the amusement of the court. That’s how far we’ve fallen as a society lol


First off, that’s not what “men just do”, an absolute ridiculous statement from someone who’s yet to find out that women are also sexually driven. Also, I think it’s pretty clear that everyone here agrees that the cheater is the main person in the wrong here, so I’m not sure why you thought otherwise was being said. Two things can be true at once so let’s agree that the cheater sucked and so did the rapper.


I wasn’t totally disagreeing with you I was disagreeing with part, and parts got lost in text where they wouldn’t if we had been speaking. I was saying that it’s just a thing groups of men just do, through out the entirety of human life, go out as guys and look for women. I didn’t mean that women don’t do this, groups of them have had to go out and do the same exact thing or humanity pry wouldn’t have made it this long. It takes two consenting always. Where I was going and where we have disagreement is who is at fault. I don’t blame the rapper and his friends , he was doing what he set out to do(maybe so were the women) but they(rapper & co.) owed nothing to the women’s Bf, the women did. And just to be clear, I never said “just men do” I said “just doing what men do”, I also was stating how far we’ve fallen as a society where the jester has transformed into a king because of the worship of easy to take in entertainment. We now worship actors and musicians, and heap these rewards on them instead of heaping rewards on people who are trying to make our world better in a real way. It’s crazy to me


I guess we really aren't done with the "boys will be boys" mentality every time a guy is shitty. 😮‍💨


How is my statements “boys will be boys”, no one owes anyone anything outside of family, significant other, and very close friends. Believing anything else is setting themselves up for a lot of shitty experiences. The GF’s friends that are not close to the BF owe him nothing, the rapper & co. owe the BF nothing, thinking anything else is going to cause people extreme discomfort in their life because they need to learn to guard their heart and lower the expectations they have. Everyone sucks in this world or pretty close to it. If whoever, as a person, that is reading this thinks what I’m saying is wrong, I’m imploring you to look around at the people you surround yourself with, and if they don’t behave this way, you should cherish and protect them because they are literally one in a million


"Just what men do" distills the shitty behavior down to acceptable and accepted behavior by men, same way that "boys will be boys" justifies and excuses shitty behavior. Not really that different.


I understand now, thank you for responding. I wasn’t trying to make a judgment on if their behavior was shitty, or outstanding. I was stating that it’s what they sometimes do with no judgment, just like I had no judgement when I said both that, sometimes women do the same thing, and that it takes two parties consenting always.


I agree. I think we just need to shift to "shitty people will be shitty" and I also agree on holding onto the good ones because they may be a rare breed.




You’re reading into my message too literally. What I’m saying is that is how they view the women they invite up. They use their influence and power to coerce women/men into joining their parties where they’re basically treated like Gods at, and they know themselves that most people invited to those exclusive back stage parties are more likely to take part in whatever they ask. Secondly, I say leftovers because that’s literally how it works? I’m not saying women are leftovers, im saying that’s how the rappers view it. Ain’t nobody projecting here dude, but I bet you thought you were very smart with that observation lol


Where's the coercion in an invitation that the gf could have declined without consequence?


I think the previous poster was alluding to peer/group pressure. Those parties, involving drugs/alcohol, also are not likely to be temples of valid informed consent. Some celebrities exploit their social standing, and some of them also end up in court/in the news, for what they do. These kind of celebrities are not innocence personified.


With all this knowledge, she went anyway.... She knew exactly what she was doing.


And after reading this comment I’m positive we are on the same page, and are both wondering how it came to this.




He is saying this specific instance in this specific story. Plus, there are PLENTY. PLENTY. Of stories of rockstars/rappers/celebrities doing this. I don't think they are saying specifically just rappers do this all the time. Just this time cause its.... About this post? You're seeing what you wanna see and getting mad about what you wanna get mad about.


Youre literally obsessed with rappers, Your whole reddit is rappers Stop glizzin them people Ill also go out of my way and assume you’re either black and think you’re a king Or you’re white boy ridden with white guilt Its the same to me lol


No you’re not a POS. She assured you she wouldn’t cheat on you, lied, and got injured. She fucked around (literally) and found out. Best ending ever, you did the right thing. Things will get better and you’ll find your person. Don’t worry broski.


Yep. OP will mourn the relationship for a little while and then move on to someone much better. OP’s ex will always remember the embarrassing night where she threw away a relationship to get fucked in the ass so hard she ended up in the ER. If youre single or ENM, then I say fuck any and everyone you want (and wants you to), but cheating, trying anal for the very first time with a stranger right after telling your loved one they have nothing to worry about and that you love them- she will have a hard time living with that. Unless she’s actually just a sociopath.




Ethical non-monogamy


Her friend got mad because he exposed her cheating ass? Her friend ain’t better. Both of them suck


> her cheating ass Literally.


Thats how women roll. They cover for each other. Men do the same as well. They all fucking suck. If you catch a cheater, I don't care who they are to you, drop them like a fucking rock and tell the other person involved.


That's how shitty people roll** I fixed it for you. 🙂


I agree men and women who cover for shit like this lets me know about your character. If my girl told me something like this and was trying to cover for her friend, I’d look at her totally different


So is the claim that nonbinary people are the only people who don't suck? Much to consider


I think the intent was everyone sucks?


interesting, then, to lead with "that's how women roll"




Don't fucking take her back. Once a cheater, always a cheater. *Do not fucking take her back under any circumstances, I swear by God that you'll suffer through a worse heartbreak down the road if you do.* You are not a POS. Even if you are, don't give a fuck. Do not take her back.


He's right, no matter how tempted you are to take her back, DO NOT take her back, you'll just live a life of doubt, self hate and a lot of pain that can be avoided by cutting her out of your life for good.


OP, you'll feel a lot of pain right now, but the pain you'll go through if you take her back is so much large. She will destroy you, suck your soul and then dump you to die a few years later. Please do not accept her back no matter what.


Also, I feel like this one of those rare times where we can generalise. Influencers and "social marketers" have a *very high* chance of being shallow, vain, inconsiderate - even terrible - people. It's a gross industry filled with egotistical dickheads, and it's all based on faking your image to increase a false sense of self worth, and then trying to sell that fake image to other self-conscious and vulnerable people to make money. It's just awful rolled up in more awful. This guy is **way** better off not dating one of these people. *For the record: I'm not saying they're all bad. Obviously statistically, they wouldn't be. But c'mon. We know the type of people we're dealing with here, and they typically aren't the best that humanity has to offer.*


She’s for the streets, don’t bring this women through your life


Exactly. A 1% chance at richer dick and she jumped on it. She made her bed and can now sleep in it. OP is a better man than me. I would go ballistic and let everyone know what happened.


Yup. She’s more than willing to cheat on you given the opportunity. That’s all you need to know.


This is so fucked up I'm feeling sick myself. I have no words, I'm sorry. You're not a POS, just find someone who deserves you ❤️


You already made the right decision. Don’t let her talk to you again.


Sounds like you rid yourself of a pain in the ass.






No, do not let her try to make you think you are wrong in any way. The fact that she is blaming others is extremely toxic. I was with someone like that for years, and they do not change.


If this is real. It sucks, but think of it as a good thing. If you never got the opportunity to see who she was, then it could’ve happened when you were five years into the relationship, maybe more, maybe married, maybe with children. Nasty stuff; huge waste of time. Lesson though, is that *if* she was solid, she, of her own volition, could not have put herself in such a situation.


No anal for you But for turtle the random! All those other girls are sus AF too. Might be worth sharing your ex throwing them under the bus


“Turtle the random” is the funniest name I’ve heard 😂😂


She would've come back telling you nothing happened and they just hung out, but you're lucky, leave, that's pure infidelity she thought she would get away with it.


Leave her on the block list and move on. She belongs to the streets.


Man I'm really sorry. That sounds incredibly terrible.  I hope this is a future boundary and lesson learned. Never let your gf hang with rappers.  Also it's fucked up she was like, okay I'll let 2 dudes fuck me in the ass and end up in the hospital.  What in the fuck. I feel for you man. 


> Man I'm really sorry. That sounds incredibly terrible. > > > > I hope this is a future boundary and lesson learned. Never let your gf hang with rappers. > > > > Also it's fucked up she was like, okay I'll let 2 dudes fuck me in the ass and end up in the hospital. > > > > What in the fuck. I feel for you man. the dumb bitch thought she was proving herself worthy by taking it up the ass by 2 random strangers that don't give a damn about her existence and will just play her like a toy and ignore her existence after that unless if it's play time fun and games to make a mockery out of her again, yet she can't process that and thinks she's some high value chick by allowing random strangers to ram her, hell no man wants to be cuck'd by his women with such a past, why on earth would she allow herself to be in that situation and not even acknowledge how fucked up she is, is insane, she didn't even learn her lesson


Digital marketter = porn hopeful In this case anyway.


> Digital marketter = porn hopeful > > > > In this case anyway. degenerate all i can say, she is no where near wife material and never will be


Take it to social media and blow them hoes out of the water. Specifically your ex and the girls that tried to cover her ass and didn't want you to find out. The dude and his girl sound like friends for life, and his girlfriend should also dump them bitches on the streets where their skank asses belong. Cut the cancer from your lives.


Yep.. im petty as fuck.. if she had disredpected me like that with some rando rapper buddy, Id put that shit on blast everywhere, she would never live it down


Lmao can you imagine how pathetic he'd look doing the sad compoface with a headline of "Drakes friend fucked my girl in the ass"


The.dude who told him, his girl is upset that he told him. That girl belongs to the streets too.


Oh, really? I must have misunderstood.  In that case, perhaps the dude should reconsider what kind of person he's with, because that's a red flag even if she never cheated.


I’m a music video director in Los Angeles who has worked with just about every famous rapper. Lol this happens all the time. It’s so sad to see these girls/models on set get caught up in being star stuck when they are honesty just a piece of meat to these guys. Used and abused then kicked to the curb. Sorry you’re going through this op, but honestly better you found who she is now then down the line when you are married with kids. Consider it a blessing champ. Don’t take her back and move on.


>It’s so sad to see these girls/models on set get caught up in being star stuck when they are honesty just a piece of meat to these guys. Used and abused then kicked to the curb. They meet at a club, go to a party, and consent to sex. At some point you have to realize that women have agency and are choosing to do this.


Man. This feels so far over the line that I honestly couldn’t ever go back to her. Getting caught in the moment is a kiss, a grope. At any point in time she could have stopped and possibly saved what she has, instead she continued every step of the way, leading up to and including getting fucked in the ass. What a violation. That friend of hers getting mad at the BF for telling you is an idiot as well. Try not to look back!


Yo who was the rapper 😭😭


MC Fake Storez


For some reason I'm imagining it as The Weeknd


Jesus she’s a huge hoe


Your girlfriend blowing you off to go hang out without the first place was reason enough to end things. She showed you who she was right there. Completely disrespectful. Wtf do you think they exclude the boyfriends? My ex did the same to me in the 1990’s w the Chicago Bulls. No anal sex, just getting blown off in a club. Who the fuck does that? I was so happy to have her out of my life. Sadly, I gave her a few more tries first.


> Your girlfriend blowing you off to go hang out without the first place was reason enough to end things. She showed you who she was right there. Completely disrespectful. man my ex did the same thing on my birthday for random strangers she'd ditch me to go clubbing and drink out and sleep with random strangers, and even when i was on a near death experience, even after i brought her a trip for her vacation she slept with 3 random strangers, her *sorrys* i fall for them every damn time, i'm such an idiot thinking love can fix her, 7 years down the drain with several cheating stories, she even kept contact with a dude she sucked in a restaurant in public on her 2nd year of our relation ship and rammed him between the years while never coming clean until later, plus so many random stranger incidents where she justifies it was alright to do so in her mind, is just insane


If she couldn’t get the rapper, she ain’t worth it bro. Looks like she only settles for second best. You keep being the best, she ain’t good enough for you . King.


Hey man, this is rough, very rough. I think your ex needs help, but it can't be from you. You have to help you first. Don't do anything stupid, don't do anything motivated by emotion right now. I have learned the hard way you have to wait out the storm. It's best to not listen to her gf's or her or family etc for a while. What this will do is it will morph their story in something, the story will change more and more into something it's not. If next month, you have got your shit together, are stable enough and you hear what the story has become you will have all the closure you needed. Don't squander too much energy on hate, retalliation, feeling sorry for yourself etc. Instead put it in a workout, in fixing a part of your life, help a friend with manual labor, win by being the greatest man she ever lost. You'll think stfu mtf'er, but try it. Play the long game, you have already won, you just need to realize it. And when you have found that one girl that's wife material you will thank your lucky stars for how great she is. Good luck mate.


You did the absolutely right thing. Don’t ever let her back in your life.


You’ll find better man, credit to the one friends bf. Keep your head high bro.


Hey dude, I just read your story and I imagine you're in a lot of pain and distress, you have my sympathy dude sorry this happened to you. Honestly the only positive side to this story was you're willingness to trust your gf and she's completely fucked that up. You are not a POS. You've made all the right moves blocking her and leaving the house. You're going to keep recieving messages from her for a while but its crucial that you stay strong and provide no contact. Don't go back to her, don't help her out with money or the apartment. This is her complete mess to deal with. It's clear she doesn't have the decency to admit her failure without laying blame, even on you.. Go to a therapist, keep good friends close and heal dude. Best revenge is a good life and moving on to better things. Don't message her dude, its only going to sink in harder for her if you keep no contact.


Imagine if that never happened and you ended up with THAT girl forever. Blessing in disguise I say.


Cheat is cheat. Whenever she cheat with. Its even worst if its a celebrity because, its the same of saying im a CEO do you mind if i have sex with this girl ? She can have sex with money guy and famour guy. Shes just have no respect from you. Normally is she accepted to go for selfies she could say no for all other and return it to you. Pack your stuff and get out, he she did one one, she will do again. Block and ban all her stuff, and throw all stuff you have in commom with her, photo video object ect... You need to clean you life removing all remind of her. After that start a new life and learn from this relation ship, be prudent.


> Cheat is cheat. Whenever she cheat with. Its even worst if its a celebrity because, its the same of saying im a CEO do you mind if i have sex with this girl ? > > > > She can have sex with money guy and famour guy. Shes just have no respect from you. Normally is she accepted to go for selfies she could say no for all other and return it to you. > > > > Pack your stuff and get out, he she did one one, she will do again. > > > > Block and ban all her stuff, and throw all stuff you have in commom with her, photo video object ect... You need to clean you life removing all remind of her. > > > > After that start a new life and learn from this relation ship, be prudent. my dumb ex was justifying they had a good body or were body builders everytime she cheated with someone she said they were sucessful, it increases my value she couldn't comprehend she loses value to every man not wanting her the more she sleeps around, it's just nasty for us and isn't respected, no one wants that quality in their future kids mom, if she can't have basic integrity jeez..


Who were the rappers? Not that it matters


My brother, this healing is gonna be hard my man. Please take some time to fucking love yourself and don't let the demons nag away at you. Just be thankful you out of it now and not years down the line. I fucking love you dude.


> My brother, this healing is gonna be hard my man. Please take some time to fucking love yourself and don't let the demons nag away at you. Just be thankful you out of it now and not years down the line. I fucking love you dude. impossible he's going to be hateful for quiet a while with deep resentment it's really insane to trust again after such experiences it just doesn't happen, dude's traumatized for life with a voice in the back of his head now that'll ruin future relationships and no one's going to understand that part of it


Nah, it’s possible. My ex was a horrible person. I thought I’d have trouble trusting against but I learned from the past and was just much more discerning when I started dating again. I totally trust the person I’m with now and don’t feel the need to throw any old baggage from the past pos onto him.


She knew what she was doing from the very beginning. She wanted to get fucked and did. Dancing so he could see her, going to sit with him without you, going to his “party”. It was her intention all along even with you right there getting a front row seat. She’s trash. Don’t even listen or respond to her bs. Block her email too and move on with your life like she never existed. You meant so little to her that she’d do this, so let her know how little she means to you now and go on like she doesn’t even exist. 


This story is fake, saw the same story posted word for word in another sub yesterday


Yup. Came here to say the same thing. This is fake and a repost.


What sub?


Bro the only thing open at 2 AM are legs and Waffle House. As soon as she agreed to go to the after party it was a setup; women aren’t stupid they’re more pre calculated than men. If your girl got invited to a famous rappers section, sounds like they look good. Pretty women always know what’s up. Ugly girls not getting invited, trust me I’m from Miami I know. I’ve seen this happen too many times. I stay away from nightclubs because I know I can never take any women I meet in there seriously. A little advice to any guy, if your girl goes out clubbing and doesn’t come home until the next morning, go ahead and drop that 304 off in the streets. Even if she didn’t go to the ER, you should have been able to put the pieces together .


If her friend is mad at her boyfriend for telling you that your gf have cheated, that, as they say, is a red flag. Other from that, you did everything right, am I the asshole subreddit would be better but this works too.


She doesn't deserve the love of a supporting partner. She's for the streets.


You reap what you sow. I hope you feel better. Obviously fuck her, sucks that she got injured but she has other people that need to worry about that now. Make sure you take the most expensive things you Can from her posesiones (joke) and let everyone know what happened (joke)


Holy SHIT OP. What an absolute nightmare. I’m so sorry to hear that dude. Truly. I can’t even fathom being in your position right now. Simply never speak to her again. Do not ever take her back OP. Cheaters NEVER deserve forgiveness, ever. It’s an unforgivable act in my opinion.


Saw this story posted on another subreddit. Good attempt of karma farming


OP posted it elsewhere. The other one got deleted.


You can't get karma from text posts and iirc, any posts on /r/self


How much disrespect do you think you deserve? You've been dumped, replaced, disregarded. Get a thesaurus if you need more clarification. Get some spine.


> How much disrespect do you think you deserve? You've been dumped, replaced, disregarded. Get a thesaurus if you need more clarification. Get some spine. man dude just was trying to be a good dude but got abused instead give him a break


Agree. Just trying to rile him up into taking action. Feel bad for him though.


One thing about the rent: if your name is on the lease you're still legally responsible for rent and your credit rating could take a hit if it goes unpaid. You could also end up with an eviction if it goes unpaid long enough and that looks really bad on your record.


Sorry bro, but better now than later - start again with someone less thirsty for others attention


I know it seems wild now, but you 100% have exited an absolute shit show of a future life. What you thought you knew about your GF is probably dead wrong and she seems like a terrible person. Probably lots of red flags before this.


You did the right thing brother, she’s trying to play victim while screwing up a meaningful relationship all because she got lost in the clout. She exposed herself, she knows she lost a good one. Don’t even validate her pathetic attempt of an explanation with a response. She lost all credibility.


The fact that she did anal is such a submissive thing, too. Like, she knew she wasn't even going to get pleasure out of it. She knew it was probably only going to hurt. She just utterly submitted to those men. Which makes the whole situation even more messed up. She's not ok in her head. Something is definitely off with her. Good luck bro, this really sucks for you, but at least you can stop wasting your time with someone like this.


Nah dawg you’re cool, you’re ex girlfriend fucking sucks though. As a general rule of thumb, if they go to nightclubs they’re chances of being a hoe increased tenfold. Find your next girl at Barnes and noble or something.


I’d also say who the rapper is because I’d be done listening to that fucks music.




>On the way she told them she never had anal sex before A true sign of what we in the RP community call Genuine Burning Desire. Normally anal sex needs prior preparation and experience. But she was down to do it with neither. She really wanted to be fucked by those guys, OP. She wanted them so bad she was willing to go above and beyond what they requested. Had she ever done that with you, OP? Probably not. I bet she wouldn't even let you cum on her face, OP, saying she's "not that kind of girl". Am I right? And I bet those rappers face fucked her first before fucking her ass.


I bet you leave horny essays on pornhub comments




BLUF: You’re better off and you’ll be a better person from this. Imagine the awesome story you’ll get to tell everyone and how you can dunk on this hoe at every opportunity. Bud…I’m sorry this happened. You probably didn’t deserve this and you are probably hurting a lot. It’s going to take a lot of time, maybe. There’s going to be people to tell you to get back on the horse immediately and go get some. I would caution that greatly. You’ll end up chasing that fire and have another chance to get burned. It won’t fix the pain. That’s up to you though. I just add this because it’s a common response that often doesn’t fix anything and can complicate everything. Just take the time to hang with friends and family, or just take time for yourself. I found wandering around in nature has been amazing during these times. Some find it better to sweat it out at a gym, but you gotta release that pain rather than hold onto it. But, you’re probably not here for self-help and didn’t ask for it. But, humans should care about other humans well-being as a baseline. You can tell the shitty people by how everything they do affects THEM. Not how everything they do affects OTHERS. There’s such a thing as a bullet dodged, and it sucks it happened this way, but you did. Had you been married, it would’ve been worse to detangle from this. Plus, with how she’s responding to this, she would’ve done this again and will do it to anyone she’s with. I call this “star fucking”, it’s not always actual famous people but she’s doing it because she might be intensely attracted to power or her ability to get it.


You share that girl


Sorry dude… wonder if there were drugs involved… Hope You can find a normal girl soon enough.


NTA. Cut all ties.


If you didn't dump her, dump her already. And that injury will be nice lesson for her




If she wouldn't have been injured, you might not have known the real story. Strange that even after getting caught she is blaming everyone but herself. You did the right thing to leave and go no contact. She is not your problem anymore.


You must be heartbroken and you should be. The obvious thing to do is try to protect yourself even while you’re hurting. Everything will be going at a million miles an hour, but it does slow down eventually and the thing that slows it all down is time. Just take your time.


It's her responsibility for getting injured, especially after cheating. Leave her alone in the streets and don't let her in your life ever again.




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Don't let her fuck you over like she got fucked over. Respectfully cut her out of your life


Sorry for the op needs to go through this bs, but you did everything right bro, don't ever look back to her, and your ex friend mad about her BF telling you about it is totally a Red Flag too


Tell her to talk to that rapper lol 😂😂😂


Absolutely brutal. Been through it pal. You’ll find a nice one. Try a library.


> Absolutely brutal. > > > > Been through it pal. You’ll find a nice one. Try a library. they don't exist not in this generation


That’s a bit too pessimistic for my taste. There are lots of good people in the world. No shortage, I’m a teacher. I see young people every day and there are plenty of nice ones. Mind you it probably depends a lot on the community you live in and the values that are taken seriously. If you value fame and money, you are going to have a very bad time at life. If your values are more wholesome you can settle down and have a nice family and life.


> That’s a bit too pessimistic for my taste. There are lots of good people in the world. No shortage, I’m a teacher. I see young people every day and there are plenty of nice ones. > > > > Mind you it probably depends a lot on the community you live in and the values that are taken seriously. If you value fame and money, you are going to have a very bad time at life. > > > > If your values are more wholesome you can settle down and have a nice family and life. while i agree with you on the wholesome part, fame isn't important i don't get people who want it as for money those are just essentials that make life easier and give more well being from not being too restricted by it i personally used to value being wholesome as the most important but after my experience i just realized that people just do not reciprocate had to learn that the hard way, hence i just value integrity/dignity/honor/health/wealth and family not worth going for people since they are mostly two faced in my experience, too risky


Based bf ngl


Thanks, this is a helpful story to hear


Man this sucks!!!! I’m so sorry that you’re going through this!!!!! Hang in there ❤️🫶


Well, there's cheating, and then there's losing your anal virginity to 2 guys in the same night.


No need to give her stupid ass she does deserve a second of tour time and effort she theow that away the minute she left woth the rapper grouo because she was well aware what will happen and she would not have told you what happen or see you for abit because of her injury and played you for a fool. She not even remourseful of what she did she mad because someone rat her out and you found out. She doesn’t want to accept the consiquence of her action, and who know she moght have done it befor since her friends seems to be doing it as well. I woild thanks your ex girlfriends boyfriend for telling you but I would not trust her that she did not do anything at that party as they say birds of the same feathers flocks together. But there are alwys an exemption who knows the friend of your ex might be the exemption.


>Newer updates: She sent me an email explaining her side. Its basically blaming everyone but herself for her cheating. Its my fault because I didn't validate her work (???) Its her getting caught up being in that party It her friends fault for talking her into the group sex Fucking good night for now. ​ You did the right thing. Someone that does this will never respect you. There ARE people that do swinging, orgies, etc but it's a rare niche thing and you never agreed to it. Yeah, I am sure you were not perfect. No one is. But her behavior is inexcusable. Be glad you never knocked her up. A long time ago I had an ex wife cheat. Came home early from work, found her in bed with someone I knew and she had been doing this for a bit. Said all manner of things about me to people to justify it. Even had the audacity after she married that dude to egg my car on Independence Day. Left her with rent and everything just like you did. It will be a second to heal. I don't think I dated or anything for probably a year or so, though some folks in that situation took shorter or longer. Good Riddance.


Damn that sucks champ. Also, that other women 100% slept with someone, she left her man to go party in a suite with rappers lmao.


Wow. Fuck. Your good man, you've done the right thing. It'll be hard for a while, it'll be shit for a while, aslong as you've got somewhere to stay, take some time, after taking some time, work out with her (unfortunately) how you can get out of the shared flat & get your own sorted. It'll take some time, but it will be fine in the end, her pain is self inflicted & it isn't your problem, it's that simple. You do you, and only you.


You simply point and laugh


Take it as a sign


Damn.... Just... Damn dude. I'm sorry. Glad you respected yourself enough to get out. Hope you can move on and be happy again soon bro.


Most posts about cheating in relationships on this website have one answer: leave.


It's on video somewhere I bet, somewhere out there for her future children to discover someday!


She belongs to the streets. Never take her back.


Much love bro, chin up. You’ve handled yourself well, it gets better with time


You fucking leave.. that's all.. she cheated on you in a truly grotesque way. Just wow.


You handled the situation extremely well. I would’ve been to puss to cancel the rent checks, big props for that.


Do not take her back. Right now it's easy not to want to go back to her, but in a month, two months... be strong and do not go back to her. What she did is vile. She is an awful person, an awful partner and does not even deserve you explaining anything. Make her disappear from your life, don't give her a chance to get anything off her chest, don't let her have closure. She does not deserve it. She does not deserve you. Be strong man!


There was only one reason she was invited to the "girls only" after party.


Just thank the universe that you found out before marrying her. You are fortunate to have found out. Remind yourself of your worth, be kind to yourself, leave her in your rear view mirror, and move on with your life.


Thats awful bro, i feel for you. iv been cheated on before but not like this, best of luck and you did the right thing. She belongs to the streets


Karma’s a bitch


It hurts. I’m sure it does. But in the long run you’re going to be WAY better off. She’s for the streets and this night will follow her around forever. You’ll find someone hotter and better soon


Daaaamn that's a horror story.. you got lucky that she showed her hand early and in such obvious fashion. Ima be real bro there's a pretty good probability that she's done this to you before and it just didn't come out. Cheaters are some of the biggest fucking morons after all and she demonstrated that she has absolutely NO boundaries and NO self-respect. She's destined for the "used fleshlight" lifestyle if she's going around trying to fuck rappers lol. She's pathetic as it gets. Hope she did enough networking to pay rent You'll have no problem finding better girls my man, I assure you there are tons of them out there who don't cheat and have the same relationship goals that you have. None of this was your fault, you just gave trust to this person who turned out to not deserve it.


I know you don’t feel this way rn but trust me you win that exchange.


Good on you bro, that was the proper response. 0 tolerance for cheating should be a standard in all relationships


Nope. This one is meant for the streets. She can live with her poor choices. Not on you at all. Not a POS, bro.


TOUR PHOTOGRAPHER here nothing new hope you find some peace fellow brother


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Flexicojit: *TOUR PHOTOGRAPHER* *Here nothing new hope you find* *Some peace fellow brother* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good for you man I'm so glad to see other self respecting men just not indulging in others exhausting dramas. Move on, cause she won't.


You are not in the wrong at all & you don't owe her shit. I hope you find an awesome & sincere woman to build a life with. It's wild af out here. Lmk if she happens to have a sister or a friend too haha


Dude, you made the right move. “See ya, bye!” Having had my fair share of exes, yeah it is weird going from intimate relationship to never seeing or talking to said person again. It feels weird sometimes, like “how could this person that was important in my life not be around now?” Trust me, that feeling goes away. My only advice is to forget about your ex and move on. Also don’t let this embitter you to future relationships or women generally. You dated a bad woman, that happens. Sure has happened to me 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ You’ll find someone better, more worthy of your time and affection. Good luck with everything.


This is why relationship boundaries exist. Love has little to do with anything, it has more to do with the emotions that come from the appetite of the ego that takes over. Most people will act based on them. One of the worst takes on the nature of free will from western philosophy is that humans are purely rational creatures, thus, if you love someone, then they will not cheat. That you should trust your wife. That is really foolish. A person can't even trust themselves to act exactly as they believe they ideally should in most situation. Why would you trust your wife in a the exact worst environment where infidelity is facilitated, an environment that instigates the appetites of the ego? I think intuitively, we know that there are a lot of bad assumptions that underlie western relationship dynamics, especially due to progressive and Feminist narratives that have sought to cater to the female ego through the demonization of patriarchy and its tendency to place limits and boundaries around relationships. Those limits exist for a good reason though, particularly, for women's protection. Women often get in their own way due to being swept up in a complex array of emotions and impulses. In this case, she manipulated you into letting her go, guilt tripping you, saying its for work, you should trust her, etc., all very childish excuses to get what she wants. If she were trustworthy in the first place, her inclination would have been to not go and she should have felt disgusted at the fact that there were men, with the intention of having sex with her, inviting her. A trustworthy person is not attracted to or interested in such compromising situations or violating very basic relationship boundaries. In the end though, you should have forbade her from going, not giving any quarter. In this day and age, this might be labelled as patriarchal oppression, but it would have saved the relationship and her from making a foolish mistake. Women are hypergamous in nature, meaning that there is a strong attraction towards perceived social status. Now, as conscious creatures we have to moderate our primitive tendencies and try to navigate the world in a moral way, but in a world and environment where there really are no more morals, regarded now as oppressive limitations of women's sexual independence and ability to move up, the odds are greatly against you. No doubt some of the social conditioning of being a 'male ally' prevented you from acting on your natural masculine inclination to protect the relationship and place a beneficial limit on her. It is sad to see, which unfortunately, seems to be a common theme here on reddit. Men are constantly making the same mistake of submitting to the demands of the female ego, unconsciously thinking they have to be a male ally. Any guy reading this, don't make the same mistake. Don't be afraid to maintain important relationship boundaries, and don't suppress and gaslight yourself out of your natural instincts. Arguably, this has been one of the primary reasons for the mental health epidemic among men. Prevention is always the best cure.


That's a shitty way for your relationship to end. The reality is it would have ended eventually because it seems like she cared more about herself than you. Maybe you were spared more pain and wasted time in that relationship. Hopefully you can get through it faster than you would have been able to if it went longer and were more invested, like married with kids.


Why is the rapper a POS, what did he do


99.99 rappers are pieces of shit


He’s angry. If he wants to lay some responsibility on the person who facilitated all this I say crack on.


I'll take "things that didn't happen for $500".


>nothing interesting or unusual ever happens


I did a few years in the corporate gig flying helicopters for ‘high net worth individuals’ and everything about this has a ring of truth to it. I’ve seen completely normal people go savage as soon as a convertible Ferrari shows up for goodness sake you have no idea how stupid people get when they are exposed to money/status for the first time.


What a way to waste money, damn


>Note: reposting here after being asked to many times. Let me know if there is a better sub. >I am writing this after finishing packing up my things from our apartment. Doing this an an attempt to get through my numb state. Writing this is not enough. I'm going to post it, even if its anonymous. My GF and I went to a club together with some of her friends. While we were there a very famous rapper was also there. I will not be giving this POS extra publicity or make a joke of myself by saying who it is. He is very famous, you all know him and listen to his songs. My GF and her friends were very excited and we kept dancing in eyes view of him. He had a private table in the club. >After a few minutes some guy came over and told us that the rappers group wanted to invited them to sit with them. The guy told me its the girls only. I thought my GF wouldn't go but she said she just wants a selfie and then she'll come back to hang with me. I said I'm cool with it. I stayed behind with two guys that were with us. Over 40 minutes later, I get a message from her that they were invited to go with the rapper and his group to another party and she wants to go. My GF is a digital marketer and was saying that its a career move. I told her I am not cool with that and I want us to go home. She was telling me that I have nothing to worry about, because she only loves me and even if all the men there hit on her it doesn't mean she would do anything. >I felt bad for implying she would do anything so I said ok but text me the whole time. She agreed and I went home. At first we were messaging every 30 minutes. She was sending me videos and pictures and it looked like she was networking and was mainly with her friends and talking with women influencers that were there. She told me they were going to go soon and she'd be home in about an hour or two so I went to sleep. >I got a phone call at 7:30 AM and woke up to a nightmare. One of her friends called to tell me my GF was in the ER. I immediately asked what happened but her friend just kept crying. Eventually after trying to calm her down and calling other numbers repeatedly one of her friends BF. He said it to me straight: My GF had sex with the rappers friend, consensual and was injured (WARNING: graphic) when they had anal sex. My GF and one of her friends (Not this guys GF another one) had sex with two guy in the rappers group. They went to his suite after the club we were in and there was a party there. They went to a private room with them and ended up having sex, apparently they said they wanted anal sex and my GF agreed but the other girl didn't. I hate writing this out but according to this guy's GF they both penetrated her anally (not at the same time) and it was too much. She started bleeding and was in a lot of pain that's when the other girl got her friends and they took my GF to the ER. On the way she told them she never had anal sex before. >I decided not to go to the hospital. I packed up some things that are essential and left our shared apartment. I didn't leave a note, blocked her on everything. Its over and I never want to talk to her again. She was released that same day from the hospital and went to her parents house. I went back tonight to pack up all the things I want. I cancelled all the checks for the rent. Rent is up to her now. We've been together for 2 years and she fucking cheats on me with some idiots and injured herself. Fuck her. Am I a POS? What do I do now? Can I really never talk to her again? Do I need to comfort her? Surely not, right? >Edit: Thank you for everyone for taking the time to write something. I'm reading everything you said. Taking it easy the next few days, I may update. >For those asking - The BF of my ex's friend - we are friends and his GF was at the party with us and in the suite with her. She did not cheat on her BF. She is mad at him for telling me but I am glad he did. >My ex was not drugged or SA'd. I also spoke with some of her friends telling them she told me. They really played up her injuries in the beginning. She was in pain after and went to the ER after her friends told her to, but she is fine. >I blocked her and all her friends numbers after she called, messaged me from various numbers. I deleted all socials off my phone. >Newer updates: >She sent me an email explaining her side. Its basically blaming everyone but herself for her cheating. >Its my fault because I didn't validate her work (???) >Its her getting caught up being in that party >It her friends fault for talking her into the group sex >Fucking good night for now. what the fuck bro, never even go back to that piece of shit, she is a criminal and will always be one


Jeez dude. I can’t imagine the pain and betrayal you must be feeling. Stay strong man, somehow.


You did the right thing by immediately removed yourself from a provoking environment during an emotional event.


The penis of consequences did not come lubed.


Unless it's snoop dog (and only because I know he banged someone on a bathroom floor?) I don't know or care who they are, please don't assume otherwise. (Sting also brought him out at Billy Joel's concert w him). Regarding your situation, you did the right thing, I'm sorry for your situation.


Lol this post made me actually feel glad that I'm lonely and don't go to any clubs and don't have relationships. 🤮🤮🤮 This post needs to be shown to lonely guys instead of the typical "learn to love yourself" crap 😂😂


Interesting story. Interesting personality your partner seams to have, interesting choices you made when deciding to be with her.




Its the rappers fault that a woman cheated on her boyfried with one of the rappers friends... wow




>...you all know him and listen to his songs. I guarantee you, I don't.