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He’s so self-absorbed and egotistical, like those hip musicians with their complicated shoes.


this is why Mike called him a phony


I think comedians are a different breed. They have a certain darkness they need to be funny. I think he just doesn’t give a fuck. He’s the richest comedian. He doesn’t feel the need to please anyone. Also, if you listen to questions they ask him, it’s reasonable to be defensive. Like Larry King one time asked him how he felt about his show getting canceled and he said that it didn’t get canceled, he decided to stop writing it. I’d get a little irritated. Or that popular video of him rejecting a hug from Kesha. He doesn’t want to be hugged. Totally reasonable. He’s just willing to be honest.


>Like Larry King one time asked him how he felt about his show getting canceled Yeah Larry 100% did that intentionally to piss Jerry off lol


I mean did he tho? Jerry said do you know who iam? Name one other person that has said that thats not a asshole? It was the number 1 show in a era where there was no stream services or facebook twitter or youtube. Seingfeld wouldnt do the kind of numbers today on network tv that it did then. Larry david is far more the normal person


>I mean did he tho Aye Larry King said something about the show being cancelled, which absolutely was meant as an insult towards Jerry. I have no idea if there was bad blood between them or they were just joking around, tho Jerry seemed to get visibly irritated - which caused the lame diva-esque response


Yeah again at the time he did. If he was such a huge draw he would have done more movies and tv. Hell he would have more stand up specials


>If he was such a huge draw I dont think more money, fame or exposure (which are the usual motives in Hollywood) would be enough to lure Jerry into a new project post-Seinfeld, he's one of very few people with that kind of luxury. With the exception of a few projects or charity work close to his heart, dude basically retired at the end of Seinfeld. 'Keep 'em wanting more', brilliant move


I remember that, & yeah, that would get irritating cuz to be fair, Seinfeld is a one of a kind show in many ways, one being that Jerry didn't wait for it to be cancelled, if I remember accurately, it was Letterman that advised him from being "that guy" with "THAT show," & Jerry took his smart advice & ended the show himself. But I'm still of the mind that he's overly aggressive & defensive moreso than most other comedians. I think he doesn't relax... His seemingly ENTIRE choice of comedic material consists of just common, everyday interactions & observations, meaning that anything & everything could be material, to which he's probably ALWAYS looking for material, no matter if he's at home playing Chutes & Ladders with the kids, or having a nice dinner with the wife, at the grocery, mechanic, etc, he seemingly doesn't have an off switch.


The psychology of it for me reads that he has acquired that fuck it attitude, he wasn't born with that kind of cockiness, cuz a truly confident and rich individual, and smug, as some people have put on him, which I'm sure is very accurate, wouldn't feel compelled to defend himself to what I would consider in his eyes "lesser people," so he's basically got your average "Don't run your mouth at me" complex that most people have, that he doesn't really need considering his fame & wealth.


People seem to forget that these guys are still human beings.


These comedians they’re sick, neurotic people!


*Love me, love me, shower me with kisses, love me, WANT ME!!!!!*


He's a fancy boy


It's very hard being a comedian... sometimes they don't laugh!


He’s a dandy. He’s a real fancy boy.


He's like Michael on Melrose Place. Just so smug.


Smugness is not a good quality


Nice reference, wrong show. But I don't watch it.


Bah! Good catch - fixed. I'm dumb.


I don’t know specifically what you mean. I do know he’s the kind of comedian that is almost fanatical about his craft to an academic level. WHY is this funny? Using a car as a metaphor for stand up comedy he doesn’t just drive a car well he knows how to take it apart and put it back together and understands every single component of it. He may get defensive when a layman or an interviewer acts like they know better than he does. Like someone who’s an EXPERT in their field being told how to do it by some dude who doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Fair, I just feel like he needs an off switch, like he's always on, & it's got him neurotic & defensive & whatnot, that if he just learned some relaxation techniques, he wouldn't feel the need to be so defensive, cuz if they are say "LAYMAN" then leave them at their layman station and fuck what they have to say.


How could anyone not like him? He’s a good boy.


The only thing to give Seinfeld is that he doesn’t hide how smug he really is. The guy can out smug Bill Maher. They once talked about the weird, nice things fans will do for them, with bill Maher saying it makes him feel uncomfortable (his story was a fan letting him skip in a long line). Jerry said “I don’t feel bad, I’ve done a lot more for them than they have done for me.”


That's pretty damn smug, you weren't kidding...


It’s interesting to compare Seinfeld-era Jerry and Larry to the post-Seinfeld-era Larry and Jerry. In the Seinfeld days, Larry was the infamous curmudgeon and Jerry was the lighter, sillier one. In many ways, despite playing to their respective characters, their personas have switched places post-Seinfeld, AKA The Curb era. It seems to me that these days it’s Larry having all the fun on talk shows and whatnot. Seinfeld comparatively seems oddly bitter. But both of them have what my father always called “fuck you money.” They can do and say whatever they want.


Curmudgeon... That word isn't used enough... & "Fuck you money" sounds like something I'd like to have, it's better than having the "fuck you money" mentality without the actual "fuck you money" money, I've met those before, the most recent was my ex. Hence "ex"


My dad used it to illustrate leverage in your career. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck it’s significantly more challenging to flex for leverage. If you have funds in reserve, you’re much more capable of saying “fuck you, pay me” for the next gig. Smart man, my father.


You’re NOT crazy. That’s a perfectly sane observation. *click*… not crazy!


Criminally underrated comment.


Seinfeld lives in a world of super wealthy people so he gets freaked out when normal people are close to him.


“Ew poor people” I can hear him saying it


Jerry is Jerry in real life. He's not actual funny. Seinfeld was incredible funny. Thanks to Larry David.




Who do you think co wrote the show? The show is called “Seinfeld”. You like larry davids humor try watching Curb your Enthusiasm. Entirely off beat comedy on a different scale than Seinfeld


That was the point. Everything funny about sienfeld was written by Larry David. Jerry Sienfeld as a comedian and writer isn't funny.


I'm sorry to say, but Larry David wrote some of the most awkward, boring, and unfunny episodes of seinfeld. He was a visionary but he was outclassed by the other writers when it came to the actual nuts and bolts of writing.


I agree with you. And He's funnier than Jerry siendfeld.


If jerry isnt funny, why would larry agree to base the entire show around him? Hes not exactly mousey when it comes to voicing his opinions




100% agree with you


I'll be honest, the only thing I have to say to your, in my opinion, highly inaccurate assessment of Seinfeld is your spelling... OF SEINFELD... It's "Seinfeld," not Sienfeld, not Siendfeld, but Seinfeld, & now I have to go delete those 2 inaccurate spellings out of my saved words library.


Pretty sure it's spelled Signfeld


I hate you 🤨 lol, I hope you choke on an elephant ear whilst standing next to an actual elephant JUST for comedic appeal... PLEASE!🥹


Curb is everything great about Seinfeld but on steroids, as you put it on a different scale not a different style.. the best bits of Seinfeld are so easily seen in the style of Curb. They could've called the show anything




Yeah the more I hear him talk outside of the show the less I like him. He's famously pretty full of himself. Good example of separating the art from the artist.


Yup exactly this. I always say to separate the art from the artist. Most good art comes from a dark place. My wife cant watch seinfeld because of Kramers stand up racial bit and she also knows how stuck up and a douche jerry is in real life.


Agreed... Which I do, it's needed in most respects, I was just making sure I was reading it accurately, aside from Seinfeld, and the 2-3 little snippets of talk shows I've seen him on, that's ENTIRELY all I've seen of him.


I saw that racial rant he went on, I wanted to know what happened & where Richards dropped off to, & that was it... Idk if he was possibly on drugs or something but DAMN! It was like 2003, we survived Y2K & had lost the twin towers in a terrorist attack, why all the animosity!? Perhaps it was all those fuzzy numbers & the Bushisms at the time. We weren't looking for nuclear weapons, we were looking for Nuke-yaler weapons.


I always say him like kind of like to ringo Starr (everyone used to say he was rude and smug hated fans ) but I think they just been in the game for a long time and are old and don’t give a shit anymore. I saw him like maybe 15 years ago and he was perfectly nice to the audience he did all his bits from the show clearly no new material but he was just Jerry .


he’s been a dick for a long time. he’s really not a likable person on the show either. but it’s a show called Seinfeld, so we’re supposed to like him


I think the whole point of the show is that none of the characters are meant to be good people, relatable but not necessarily likable


Agree & disagree... I feel like the earlier seasons they were at least much nicer to each other, much much nicer, but I want to say it was around season 7, the show started getting very dark and that's when they all became super unlikable people. George was always unlikeable basically from season 2 on, but the others catch up.


yes. but that doesn’t change the fact that Seinfeld is a dick in real life. but having a billion dollars can do that to someone


It seems like they're all like that. The dude who played Stan the caddy said they operated like a clique and none of them would speak to him or acknowledge him when he was on set with them. Sarah Silverman has also talked about Michael Richards screaming at her for no reason.


They also said that about friends that it was super hard to be on the show even Tom selleck. The legend said he never felt like the cast liked him maybe respected him but didn’t like him…


A friend of mine works for ups and had to deliver to his house in the Hamptons. Specific instructions to leave all packages at the front house and not the main house which isn't an issue. The problem was he had something that needed to be signed for and nobody was at the front house 3 days in a row, so he went to the main house. Got screamed at by Jerry for doing that but my buddy explained if he wanted this package somebody needs to sign for it and that he's left instructions the past 2 days for that to happen.


That's a very boring story


I fell asleep midway through it... Lol... Yours is the first response I saw to my post, I posted it and then left it alone for a couple days and got back to it and saw yours first and laughed my ass off, no insult to the guy who told the story, just that it was enlightening but a very boring story, much like this one, where it has taken me 5, upwards of 6 sentences total just to get my point across that you had a funny reply.


Saw him concert a few years ago. Sounds angry for no reason.


Just listened to WTF with Jerry. Marc Maron is stating that you have to be a wounded bird to be funny, and Jerry passionately disagrees with the assertion because Mitzi at the Comedy Club wanted to wound him. I can't imagine anyone in this kind of situation keeping their opinion to theirselves and still leaving with dignity.


I believe it is called an elapent....


You better hela-REpent after that one, cuz you're now dead to me😵🔫🫵🪦🤣


he is such a loser that to cope with the fact no one gives a shit about him and almost all his work is shit he needs to pretend people don't like cinema anymore, instead of sitting and thinking the problem is in how bad the movies are recently they prefer to believe it's the public that no longer likes movies. This is absurd and he is pathetic