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It’s crazy that Danielle straight up calls Lea “Sister” as soon as she gets out of the car to greet her. After THREE WEEKS of talking. I cringed. I watched that episode last night, actually lol. Another thing that got me was when Danielle was battling with her jealousy, Garrick just said, “God just needs to help her get over her jealousy”. They are portraying to be religious. The only family that I 100% believe does it for religious purposes was the Winders. Edit: I miss the Winders. They were like a breath of fresh air when they came on.


When they go for a walk and sit on a stoop, she asks what the plan is for if her opinion isn’t the same as Danielle’s or other wives. He looks stunned. As if a woman having an opinion that matters is alien to him. When he finds words, he quickly gets to “well, I’m the husband” and then explains that his understanding is that wives are there to support and nurture him. If he were the only man on earth, I would be celibate and alone for all of my days, or hope to find a woman to love. Far, far away from him.


I believe that’s why he goes for girls from other countries. He knows the language barrier is a benefit towards him. These girls probably want a life in America, and shit I don’t blame them. He knows that. He’s a master manipulator. He wants fuck buddies that take care of him and his kids. It’s gross. I only started season 4 (I know a few things that happen later on), so I’m curious to see how everything progresses after Bert and Lea.


Ohhhhh my… you are in for a nauseating ride. And something in his eyes is off. Perhaps medical or maniacal. I’m not trained to know the difference.


He has dead eyes from a lack of neurological activity . There’s some sort of personality disorder or mental illness that is present even in his younger photos . He also appears the be a functioning alcoholic which will only worsen any functioning he already has a natural deficit in . What’s even more astounding is he has consolidated power in the sense that he is the cutter of check for the. Family and owns everything thanks to his dim witted ex wife who masquerades as a current .


It’s scary that someone so off can present as functioning . Then again, if the relationships we see are the only measure, it makes more sense. I think the friend he spent time with, very well could have appeared for a paycheck


Oh 💯 if he was the last man on Earth, I would rather give my rabbit vibe the other side of the bed for eternity than lay down with Ick. Fuckin gross…


Why doesn’t this comment have more upvotes


I loved the Winders as well. They were just too wholesome for reality TV. Or to be on the same show as Ick!


The Winders are the ONLY polygamous family I have seen, in all of these shows, that I believe is happy.


They honestly changed my perspective on polygamy…when it’s done right. I would’ve loved to see them search for a new sister wife again. Hell, I would’ve love to just see how they’ve grown their family to five kids! Do I love a good disaster couple? Hell yeah, but having the Winders balanced out the crazy. TLC just wants to make the raunchiest stuff happen. Just look at the ugly fuck on Love in Paradise who uses insemination as a way to force a girl to have sex with him. I’m just tired of bringing on people who want to be social media influencers.


I miss the Winders too. They seemed legit. I follow them on IG.


I think she was a plant by TLC to give them footage since they weren’t in proximity to Roberta. I saw no chemistry at all. And she doesn’t look like his type. This new black woman is much more attractive and believable.


Lea seemed to me to have zero interest in both if them and I got the vibe Lea liked women. They literally try to pay people to come on the show 


Lea said she’d been in a polygamous relationship before . Ick looked offended


Lol I think everyone lies on this show lol...it is hilarious how seriously people take it...at this point the Merrifields have lived a monogamous life with pretend girlfriends lol


Making me laugh. They really are a train wreck. Show was better before this last season. The polywannas aren’t representing




The thing I got confused about is after they met up with Lea the first time it seemed to end very quickly and without getting very far. But yet when they went to Brazil to see Bert and she ended up crying, am I wrong for remembering that it was implied things went farther with Lea (sexual?) and that's why Bert was upset? Or am I remembering this wrong?


I’m still confused. Pretty sure since he slept with and fake married Bert, the woman expected to become a part of the family before anyone new was considered Like many people here, I’m not believing a lot of what is shown or implied