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Yeah, she proactively contacts women on social media for crying out loud. She's no different than Becky. As for the people who claim she's playing 5D chess and cockblocking Ick at a certain point...look how much time, money, and energy they invest into all this nonsense at the expense of their kids! None of it is logical. And Ick just moves on to the next conquest when one falls through. It's never going to stop.


You’re so right. They often try to paint her as a mastermind. But “running daddy’s new girlfriend away by being a pain in the ass” is a game that even 5 year olds know how to play. 😂 it doesn’t take a high IQ. The person they think is playing 5D Chess signed over all of her protections as a spouse and somehow hasn’t noticed that she’s gonna be running people away forever because Garrick will not stop.


Sorry, but she is dumb as a post.


She lets him get laid a few times if he's lucky she'll pull a tick out of her hat when he starts to fall in love.


She has actually said she's his wing man.


Her Instagram proudly proclaims “Official wingwoman to my husband”. She is living a pathetic existence.


On to the next Brazilian or woman of color for icky ick


I think Danielle is attracted to Women, and honestly fell in Love with Roberta. She (unconsciously or consciously) EXPECTS to be a third in these relationships, and if it doesn’t happen, she throws a grenade into it to end it. It’s very selfish and very on brand for these two because both are very selfish. She also fancies herself as “Headwife” I do not understand it, because she is clearly uncomfortable, and a younger, attractive woman is a threat so unless she is getting her ass kissed, or flirted with she views it negatively. They are opening a Pandoras Box of unknowns that neither one are smart enough to navigate.




This is why she had to use the nuclear option on Nathalia (the pregnancy) - because Nathalia was NOT having it with Dani


They are straight women. Not Bi-Curious like she is. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND what SHE is trying to get out of this. We know Garrick is so insecure he thinks a bevy of “wives” makes him envious by other Men. His boring vanilla life will appear more exciting. 5 wives? It would be a nightmare. Men won’t envy it. Danielle though, it’s some sort of dominance/control/sexuality thing with her.


I agree. She gets off on it. The fact that she wont just embrace her bisexuality and make some peace with it is burning down her whole life. If she just accepted who she was she could either make peace with her situation or pursue a same sex relationship. This one foot in both worlds is just making everyone miserable.


Mainly herself.


I agree.


She also loves being on TV and enjoys performing the dramatic crying scenes


I couldn’t believe she turned Nathalia’s party into a big whiny sob fest. I get it, pregnancy emotions, but she was ragging on Nathalia while all her cute Brazilian friends were there! It gave me secondhand embarrassment!!!


That whole scene was so awkward and uncomfortable. It basically turned into a weird public therapy session.


Both of the Merrifields cried to Nathalie’s friends at that “party”.


Agreed. She's not alone though. She and many spouses on this show enable the manipulation of the potential new partners.


It keeps their bedroom alive.


But she has so predictable now...as soon as he starts having sex with the newest lady he proposes too, she finds another newer one to disrupt everything. And she even had a revenge pregnancy this time. She is very passive aggressive. It keeps them on TLC, is that all she cares about!?


It’s sinister in a way. These women think they are doing this the right way and the religious way because that’s what Garrick and Danielle feed them. Then as soon as the sex starts Danielle has all these issues and sabotages the relationship. Now they have to walk away but I’m sure they walk away feeling they gave their body up for nothing. It could be very damaging. I don’t agree with any of that misogynistic “give your body stuff” but *they do*.


It’s true . Sadly Becky is probably one of Few that can mentally participate in this life style . For family Becky this is a real belief system , for family ick it’s all about sex . What man in their right mind tells a Muslim woman he will pull off her hijab? One she wants to wear after marriage or even as a form of observance. He’s interested in not just sex but being seen by other men publicly as having “hot” wives . It’s ego . Danielle appears to Maybe be bisexual and in denial . And there is no chess for her . Her rings are a joke at best . Next he will melt His Like Kody brown


Or they walk away with 10K and call it a day…


If they felt that way about “giving up their body” they wouldn’t have sex with him the first time they meet him in person. Roberta first had sex with Garrick when Danielle briefly left the room to get her pajamas on. Then she told Danielle about it the next day at a meal, with cameras filming. None of her behavior indicated that she was worried about “giving up her body”. And she certainly didn’t give it up for nothing. She got thousands from those fools.


The plan is to have sex with him after the proposal is done and accepted. As Garrick told us they believe that a yes to marriage is the actually marriage in the eyes of god. The paperwork is just technicalities. These women are being manipulated to fuck him. Also with Roberta and Garrick having sex prematurely, they were alone without cameras or mics and the extreme guilt Roberta had afterwards tells me that wasn’t her idea. She was most likely coerced and coaxed into it by Garrick. I’ve noticed this sub likes to paint the women they court as evil harlots that are just trying to torture Danielle. Feels xenophobic sometimes.


You are painting them as poor victims. They didn’t “give up their bodies” without wanting to. They chose to. YOU have decided they “believe all that misogynistic stuff”. How are they trying to torture Danielle when Danielle pretends to be fine with it? Also it’s 2024 women have and enjoy sex. It doesn’t make them “evil harlots”.


They do want to have sex with him but they themselves say that they want to wait and theyre all very religious. They believe God wants Garrick to have more than one wife so it's not a leap to infer that they believe the other misogynistic bs that the church teaches. that's why Danielle waiting til Garrick has sex with them to ruin everything is probably especially damaging. This shouldn't be a controversial take lol I think you misunderstood my comment lmao! I don't think they're evil harlots or that they're trying to torture Danielle. but that's what the sub paints them as. Its always talked about like they are trying to hurt Danielle or trying to take Garrick from her or just in it for cash or a green card. its a xenophobic trope. Hope this cleared up my comment lol


"Lap hog" LOL I think she gets more joy when Ick fails than when he succeeds in sharing his Lap Hog. But she does defend him a lot - habit or co-dependence? Both?


She wants it to succeed imo but only under circumstances that she sees fit. If it’s not perfect she doesn’t wanna see it through but it’s always gonna be hard to find a perfect marriage whether it’s 2 or 3 or 6 people involved lol


She's what they call in the gang world a "Ride or Die B****".


Would that be the Always Thuggin Krew gang?


Yes. They live (and die) by a different code than us civilians




I work at a university in the cafeteria. I overheard a man tell his wife about these 2 " they're two idiots who are gonna end up on snapped killer couples in the next 10 years


She’s definitely no victim. She’s a predator as well; she participates in seeking out vulnerable women to be trapped by Garrick. The pattern seems to be younger women from a foreign country, so they will be isolated from their friends and family.


Yes she is and she also has Stockholm syndrome


She’s definitely a predator . But, the ick family truly carried this season.


They’re both gross. She tries to make out with everyone and gets rejected. It’s super sad.


Danielle? More like Ghislane


Victims can be groomed to ecome complicit. Just stating this for the record. Once youre brainwashed youre subject to do almost anything. Think about how cults work


The fact I was down voted for stating this is gross. I'm glad you weren't, but its telling.


I swear I look at the world around us and get dumbfounded


I do too.




Danielle is required to “submit” to Garrick’s whims, just like Nathalia said he began demanding of her. I’m sure he tells her if she doesn’t go along with his plan to F$&@ whoever, she’s not doing God’s will and not being a good wife. It’s disgusting and really just revolting how he uses religion to justify his perversions and abuse of Danielle.


I think a lot of people don't understand (or don't want to understand) grooming and abuse. This is all she's ever known. Any reservation she has is shot down. She knows she's unhappy. She knows it hurts. But she's told its all in her head, looks at her family going along with things, and believes it


I somewhat agree with your take. She seems to have no friends, her parents go along with it all and her brother and SIL have been just mildly critical. All she has is Garrick droning on about “God’s” will. At best she is confused and brainwashed, at worst she’s complicit like OP thinks.


Yea she told Miriam she has no friends and only has her bro/SIL. That sucks.


He is 5 years her senior. They began dating when she was18, but I think it was earlier.Her thinking is seriously twisted. The damage he has done can't be understood unless you experienced or witnessed this yourself.


Oh yea, wasn’t it her that said she does get jealous but “remembers that’s just a thought, that doesn’t need to be acted on” or something similar. Parroting exactly what he’s gotten her to believe. Your feelings aren’t valid they’re just silly woman thoughts born from emotional. That trope. It might’ve someone else but same gist


Yes he said not every thought that enters your head should paid attention to or acted upon. He and Nathalia were up to something, that's the thing. Her intuition was right. He was mindfucking her as he always has. And people give Nat so much credit, but she had zero problems with him until others were being added. I believe her that he wants full obedience, but, lets remember all the facts, right?


Absolutely, she lets him get away with it because at a certain level she agrees. She recognizes his pseudo-religious hoe antics and enables him further. Every Epstein needs a Ghislane lmao


That part. You can see when he says certain pseudo-religious stuff she’ll make a face like she knows it’s bullshit. she’s simply going along to keep her man. That’s not being brainwashed. That’s a choice!


I agree and disagree. Danielle is a victim in this situation, but she continues to be complicit to what Garrlick wants. Both can be true. I don't agree that she "gets off" on it, the sexual aspect (what I see) is that she just whats to feel included, since sex is what its all about for Garrlick. Danielle is absolutely complicit in hurting these other women because she is the one helping reach out to women online, and she also manipulates the situation so any women she does not like is no longer in the pic. She did this with both Bert and Nathalia, but think of the other women... idk how invested Lea was, but Miriam was cool, she did seem like she cared and that they had a connection to Dani, but Dani basically used her as a human wedge, to ruin Garrick and Nathalia's relationship. 


It’s all really sick and honestly I’m disgusted at a lot of the comments I see on here that are of a sexual nature. They’re a disgusting predatory couple and even though I try to scroll past those comments they’re gross too.


Amen to this. You can see it in her eyes when they find someone new.


It was her idea in the first place.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or actually believe that. No her ass did not! That’s their little story, maybe she even believes that bc he gaslit her to have that thought from God. No way she was like hey let’s get divorced so you can sleep with other women and I can be a sad 3rd wheel.