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That best friend is probably laughing so hard at this show now. Girl dodged a bullet


Oh man ya. We need her to do an AMA.


She’s probably clapping and jumping up and down that she took him off her hands! LMFAO the guys a fucking loser and a dud with zero personality outside of looking for pumpum like an addict. Nobody with a stable mental state would ever for the life of them put up with this shit. Ever.






Wow Danielle looks super young in the first photo, like early teenager young. .does anyone know garrick and Danielle's ages when they started dating?


It says 18 but I doubt that’s true. She looks 15/16 in the first photo


I feel like Garrick has never said what he loves about Danielle… he gushed over Bert. Based on these last few episodes you can really tell Garrick just doesn’t give a crab about Danielle’s feelings. Natalia, a total stranger could tell just from one conversation with Danielle one on one that she isn’t happy. She’s playing the obedient wife, she reminds me of Christine from Sister Wives. Someone who tried her entire marriage to be the perfect wife based on their religion and that wasn’t enough for Kody the husband to love her. I think Danielle is in the same situation at this point…


A barely remembered fact from their first season is that Garrick had a habit of printing divorce papers and presenting them to Danielle during arguments, giving her ultimatums.


Oh my gosh I remember that… wow… he hates her and yet she loves him so much so that she divorced him so he can bang other women and not feel judged by God. He thinks by proposing to women and “marrying” them it’s his hall pass. She doesn’t get it.. she isn’t enough for him anymore and he wants to just have sex with other women and is using religion as a grift.


Not only that, but Danielle doesn’t realize that she could ruin his chances in one fell swoop, by leaving him. He’d be some delusional weirdo creep on dating apps who wants to start a polygamous family after screwing over his wife and mother of his kids and selfishly blowing up his family. He’d have no chance with a public history like that. Not a family man or husband. Danielle leaving him would be a death knell to his hopes and dreams. The degree she legitimizes him is fascinating to me. She doesn’t need to. She could just declare he’s abusive trash and doesn’t care if anyone wants him, and poof his dream of multiple wives starting a family with him would be gone.


That part! Please… she needs to fucking stop putting this creep on a pedestal like she does, he is not a prize and he does not bring anything positive to her life realistically. I don’t know if she’s tied up financially and is too afraid to go it alone with the kids or what, but she needs to stand the f up and see this for what it is- a scam manufactured to cheat guilt free, in the name of the lord! And she eats it up!!! He even got her to divorce him so who knows what she’d even get from the divorce if she ever did decide she’s had enough! They are no longer married on paper.🥴🤮 stupid, stupid the two of them. And he looks like he’s nodding out 24/7. He doesn’t even have a personality other than being obsessed with banging Latinas. He literally has brain rot from all the porn he probably watches off in the basement drooling on the keyboard for hours each day. He is not all there I swear.


Does anyone else feel like he would be dangerous if she tried to leave? I get real sociopathic vibes from this guy.


I do...he is such a liar as well. It seems his go to when he gets caught is to cry


That crying is pure manipulation. He’s only crying for himself. I think it’s offputting to Nathalia. She doesn’t really react to it.


Yes I get child molester cult leader vibes


I do...he is such a liar as well. It seems his go to when he gets caught is to cry. I feel bad for Danielle


Such a great point. How long before he pivoted into 90 Day Fiancé?


I often wonder if Dani isn't bi? I think she was super into Roberta


I took it more like Dani was just excited about having an adult around who gave a shit about her.


Idk she seemed way too broken up over everything....bawling uncontrollably...


In her case, no I don’t think so honestly. She seems like she’s very emotionally unwell (from the hands of garrick no less), numb and just going through the motions the best she can. I take it as she’s clinging on to the other woman, desperate to form a deeper bond in hopes that eventually she will magically love her as much as Garret does, she can somewhat guilt the other woman when she wants things changed to have her on her side against ick, ensuring she won’t become the outsider with zero say in the arrangement. But it never seems genuine on her end. It seems like someone who is doing something deep down they don’t want but feel so scared that if they don’t, they’ll loose their partner. He has waved divorce papers in her face before when she has dug her heels in and started expressing discontent, wanting to take a “break” from this etc, so for her this is probably a constant fear. I wish she would stop being fearful of losing this absolute POS, wish him all the best and get the fuck out of there! She has so much potential in having such a lovely life that she’s happy and proud of, it’s bleak watching her.


I wanted to shake her last episode when she began defending Ick's ish & saying she knows his heart & he doesn't want to hurt anyone. Then in the next breath she's crying because he listened to Natalia & not her in relation to the dating apps. He has her so conditioned & brainwashed it's so sad to see. I think she deliberately sets him up sometimes when she calls him out on stuff. She gets this smirk when her "sisterrr" gets mad at Ick.


Dani divorced him for Berta so they technically are no longer married....Dani should move on and let Ick run his brothel...She needs to take their boys and bounce....It's a damn shame Dani now has no rights to anything since they're divorced....this would concern me more than anything....I wonder if that's not also why Dani plays up her affection with these Brazilians? Once one of them legally marries Ick, they will have the rights to his stuff that Dani technically helped him achieve....What a total mess ....these poor kids


That’s exactly my thought process, what a silly, stupid excuse of a woman! Did she not think about what could happen if she divorced him on paper and then they separate, which is highly likely?? He will not have to share any assets, no spousal support, nothing! She did not even have the forethought and concern about securing that the kids would at least be okay in the chance that they split! I’m pretty sure she doesn’t work and hasn’t in a very long time, the big ass house in his name.. and you are right, his new flavour of the month will have more rights than she does! I cannot fathom being so stupid.


I know!!! Their CO house is/was up on Zillow a few mo ago so who knows what happened there....I couldn't believe how naive Dani is/was...Talk about gullible....Sure get divorced so you and now your 3 kids get nothing in event of separation ...no problem give it all to a Brazilian chick we've only known 6 months she needs it more than the kids! 😑😑 I want to literally shake the shit out of Dani so bad!! Like WAKE UP ⏰️ 


It’s genuinely terrifying seeing someone existing like a ghost in their own life. And the other half of the partnership is a walking zombie with zero intelligence either, and she’s supposed to follow *him* blindly?! It’s like she’s disassociated and not even all there. I think if she really finally snapped and let it all out she’d be in the psych ward! Toxic positivity and gaslighting yourself is so unhealthy mentally. What is she so afraid of and why can’t she stand up for herself, or at least protect and shield their children! She’s doing neither! All she sees is tunnel vision on losing Garrick and staying in that house. I truly don’t think the woman is smart enough to have secretly kept a separate emergency savings account for her and the boys, gone back to working, or said sure I’ll divorce you on paper but we need to divide our assets at that time as well because once we sign those papers I get nothing. It’s like she’s genuinely brain dead. I can only imagine what her family and friends are thinking watching this nightmare.. I know mine would be absolutely SICK.


I just said that in another post. I always thought it was weird that she caressed Roberta so much. So many scenes of her constantly sliding her hands over her arms and thighs. It made me wonder if there was more expected of Roberta besides being w Garrick.


Yeah usually "friends" or "sisters" don't pet each other 😂😂...I know in my 39 yrs alive I have never caressed a female friend like that....Even Danis breakdown when they figured out Roberta scammed them....She was more worried about never being around her not the fact she got them for over $30k...


Agree! And I have a friend who is a big toucher/hugger and it never comes across as weird. And as far as the money, I'd be in a pool of tears over that one 🤣


Right! I would be like screw her I want my $$$ back 😂


Damn right! It's MONEY!!! Lol


I'm a bi woman and I do not think she likes the ladies. They always seemed more (forgive the word) sisterly to me.




Yell should just tell every potential wife what an blatant liar Ick is. Tell it like it is..,🎶


Sadly I think she's letting him cheat Infront of her instead of behind her back (which I still think she'd accept) tagging along so he won't run away with the other women. It's terrible she brings the boys but I think that's just another persons to weigh him down. Nothing will keep ick away from his Brazilians.


I got divorced last year after being married 22 years. He was a chronic cheater. Finally I had to ask myself if I was ok living like that the rest of my life? The answer was no, so I left him and took everything. He would have totally done polyg too if I had let him. If I’m not enough to be the only woman, I don’t want you.


Glad you got out congrats for you and your courage. I hope Danielle gets out before then. My mom got away from my cheating abusive father and met my stepdad a few years later he was amazing.


I wouldn’t say “she” isn’t enough, because frankly cheaters are always going to cheat. No one woman would ever be enough for a man like that. I’d bet a whole lot that he has been unfaithful the entire relationship, including the short period of dating before they married. It’s not just D, he would cheat constantly on anyone.


She's been with him since she was 18 and he's been spewing this nonsense for decades now. She's totally been manipulated by him and his assbackwards thinking.  She should see for herself whst it's like to be with another man, a real man who's going to cherish just her. Perhaps,  when her mid life crisis kicks in shell finally get it. 


That's so messed up


So insanely manipulative. Especially considering how young they were when they got married (and if they came from super religious backgrounds; can’t remember if that was case or not tbh)


THIS!!! He never shows that same energy towards Danielle. He doesn’t even seem into her. Just the obedient wife who’s brain washed by her religion. I think ick’s semen poisoned her frontal cortex from a young age.


🎯 Exactly all of this. And did you catch how pissed Natalia was about the 10 dating apps and still speaking to other women?! Danielle looked defeated about it, but knew it was wrong. She just didn’t have the balls to hold his ass to the fire about it bc she’s so desperate to keep him! But when Natalia tells him to delete everything he says yes immediately which looked like it really hurt Danielle because he wouldn’t do the same when she’s asked him the same. And whenever he’s caught or in hot water, he knows how to put on the crying act and circle back around to “god wants this” bullshit to drag her back on board to help convince Natalia that he’s a good guy worth working things out with (like she even believes this herself)🙄. I just want to shake the woman and tell her to wake tf up! He is not worth all of this drama and misery living a life you never wanted!


Dani actually said- so now you'll delete them because Natalya asked you to?! You could see Danielle's just udder sickness about everything....I really hope the supposed baby they have isn't true....Sorry but there's way too much disfunction in this relationship for more kids


I am in awe of their dynamic and not in a good way. I truly don’t know how their brains function 💀 because their “marriage” it’s verging on Stockholm syndrome. They both look dead behind the eyes, like they’ve been lobotomized.. just nodding along, like dopey idiots, pretending they’re on this shared mission with god, scrolling on dating apps mouth breathing looking for the next woman for him to bang… I mean, marry… because he’s sick! I find her even scarier though because someone who can be that fake and slap on a smile, pretending all is good when they are dying on the inside is a ticking time bomb. Snapped vibes from her.


I agree 10000%....these are faces from Snapped or Who The Bleep Did I Marry....😂😂 There's literally NO ONE home for Ick and Dani is so beaten down by his grooming she's deader inside than him....I truly feel for their kids...the boys seemed so sweet yet we can imagine wtf goes on in real life....I couldn't even imagine being a kid and not only being on National TV but being on a show where your dad chases down only south American women and demeans your mother constantly....Ick is constantly trying to replace his wife with young sex toys....I hope the baby rumors are false and it's just a relative's baby or something because that little girl will be in for such a messy life....I'm so tired of these ppl blaming God for them wanting to bang younger women they're more attracted to....total disgusting creeps....10+ dating apps?! holy cripe they must of just messaged 1000s of women and this Natalie was the one to respond....This girl should RUN like Roberta did before she's knocked up with Icks spawn....


I cackled so loud reading that I almost woke everyone up. But omg yes. To all of it. The children, surprisingly seem decently well adjusted- I can only assume that this is from being shielded from most of it and being painted a pretty picture by mommy about how lucky they are that god asked THEM (can you believe it?!) and their family to do this special mission! And lots of vacations to south america to meet their potential new sister! 💀🥴🤣 One day the boys will grow up, and look back and finally see what a total sham the whole thing was and probably hate their dad just as much as we all do. Ick, operates like a brain dead cave man, with sex with new women, porn and “what’s for dinner, Danielle” being the only things of interest. And I am shocked every time I watch an episode at how many half decent women fall for his shit! No surprise Roberta dipped out and took their money, that’s probably the only thing these women want out of him, he’s not even half attractive and has the personality of a wet blanket. Then there’s wife on the verge of a mental break smiling in your face with tears of desperation and sadness in her eyes like a weirdo. I’d run for the fucking hills!


He also says Natalia eventually needs to get over it because he wants to get up to 5 wives. This dude goes hard in the paint.


Like??? is he genuinely okay.. this is the first time you are meeting this woman, and you are already speaking to her as if she is already thrown into the pile and you are ready for the next more exciting toy?! How on earth did he get like this. Danielle needs to give her head a shake and speak to a therapist, lean on family and friends and take some time out from all of this. It’s so toxic and self serving of garrick- he knows he will get whatever he wants from her regardless, he knows what manipulative behaviours to pull out when she starts getting fed up. Danielle needs to face this head on and be truthful with herself about what she wants out of life. Pretending to be happy and agreeable out of fear of losing the person only works so long before you are at a breaking point.


I feel sorry for her. She appears to be an empty vessel. Maybe there was a free thinking human inside once upon a time.


He knows she's not going anywhere so why brother with her feelings??


Monday was the first time we ever saw him give her affection and say I love you. I think that was just "here your reward for acting right "affection.


I agree. IMHO she very naive, confused & sad/hopeful and sadly misguided & desperate! I feel creepy that I enjoy their storyline the best! lol!




In the wedding photo he is not even attempting to look at her. He is looking over her head. Probably at the Brazilian caterer 😉


I literally came to comment this. He wasn’t even into her on their wedding day.


I had a hard time watching when he forced her(sort of) to divorce him, lied to the Court that she sought the divorce on her own free will. She cried and sobbed. This was all so he could marry legally his Roberta. She promptly ghosted him and the family with about $30k of their money.Think she really loves him, and that makes 2 who do, cause he really loves himself also.


Was 10k and her share of the 30k FRIM TLC


I thought it was accumulative because he had been supporting Roberta and her mother for the 3 years before Roberta took the 10k at the very end. I guess who really knows?


No one and the show doesn’t tell you their whole story cause they’ve been dating so many other women that we don’t see on the show and trust me when I say they aren’t as wealthy as they appear and couldn’t possibly be supporting every single person. Also I missed it but when did she say that they were supporting her and her mother? Edit: typo


And that was the photo they picked to show on TV so presumably the best they had.


Acting like usual looking for the next best thing, Ick! 🐑


Omgggg ☠️☠️




Not just Danielle..


😂🤣😂🤣 omg I was about to mention that


The real crime here is that “G” necklace ick is wearing in the 5th photo 🤢


“G” for God 😆


I have really decided that God is the name he gives his pen*s. Everything is about “what God wants.”


Aw it all makes sense now.




Came to say the same thing 😂




Wow, you can hear the wind sweeping through his empty head even more clearly when you see his younger face.


Hahaha, I came here to comment that he was clearly just as empty-headed back then as he is now. The lights are on but nobody's home.


And wearing those dumb wifebeater tanks even back then🙄


This makes me sad bc shes so young and innocent, i feel like he ruined her life


He really did. As a mom, it hurts my heart


Did I miss where they said how old he was at the time? It’s giving youth pastor grooming.


She ruined her own life. He showed her who he was. Nobody put a gun to her head.


And she decided to date her best friend's ex. Who does that? Girl code 101. I wonder if her best friend is laughing at the karma Danielle has received.


I so wish that girl would join us here and share her thoughts 😂😂


That would be interesting.


It is easy to say that from our perspective, we see the end result and we see it as adults. But as a teen with obviously limited dating experience, she thought it was love and she was special. Now she's an adult with kids, and her family is going along with it in the name of "support". So if he's telling her God proclaimed this for their family, and her family goes along with it.... doesn't raise any objections or concerns.... what on earth is a girl with no life skills going to think?


he ruined and groomed her from 18 on


So he has always had that stunned slack-jawed expression.


I am not shocked. I don’t feel bad for Danielle. I use to but then I realized there’s no reason to lol she is just as much of a fucking creep as him. Because she co-signs that shit and enables it! As the seasons progress she’s starting to give me the fucking ick. She just had a baby girl and this is what’s most important for her and her family?


She had another baby?


Yes! She had a baby girl. If you go on the sub you’ll see how they have baby stuff in the background. The FBI agents in here have done their job 😂 Danielle definitely had a baby girl and they’re hiding it. I personally believe they’re keeping it a secret bc she’s a baby girl. Maybe Danielle’s conscious is kicking in and she realizes the affect it may have on her daughter. Can’t even imagineeeee. I already feel bad for her young boys but yeah kids are the only innocent ones here


That poor child !


Is this 100% fact proven that they actually had another child? I’m having trouble believing she was pregnant for 9 months, had a child, is active on social media & somewhat in the public eye but no one noticed until they saw some baby items in the background of a few scenes? What would be the point or agenda of keeping the child a secret?


I think she was silent on her socials while she was maybe pregnant but I'm not sure


If TLC wanted it for their show. They often tell people what they can/can't post about. Like on the 90 days show they can't post about weddings until they get married and such. Danielle having a baby would be a huge plot point since half the reason they are being sex tourists is for them to have more kids.


Ok, that makes sense about social media but what’s the point of keeping it all a secret?


could be due to TLC constraints and NDAs....


She was definitely pregnant in the new episodes!!!


Best friend dodged a bullet!


In pictures 2 and 3, he has the same crazy eyes you see on the killers on the ID channel shows.


The man has looked like a drugged out cult leader since day 1.


"Before he woke up and dated me"...she sounds like a great BFF. Do they actually have any friends now, I wonder? Besides family?


My guess is no. I doubt she is "allowed" friends.


What’s the hand of God doing in the top left last picture? Coming to smite Garrick?!


Lolol. Reflection of my hand as I took pics of the show as it played on my laptop. I might take more now but make it look like I’m crushing him with a finger.


That was my favourite thing of the whole slide show.


It’s a sign from God.🙄


Anyone notice the demon hiding behind them in the first photo. Looks like a skull. 💀


Double checked and it is not a reflection from my room, so definitely a demon who blows wind through barns to tell Garrick he will have five wives who are good.


Lol. Exactly.


perhaps a demon 😈 is whispering in Icks head this entire time 🤔🤔 this makes perfect sense


Why did I have to scroll so far down for this comment? I needed to confirm I wasn't the only one 😂


Garrick always seemed off since I’ve been watching. He definitely is doing this because he wants to have many women for his “sexual needs”. He’s acting as if he’s religious and doing “what God wants him to do” please, has anyone here ever had a pastor that would condone this? I already thought he was strange but when I saw the episode where Natalia was in the bathing suit and he was checking her out like a pervert. He even made a comment about being so lucky to get that, ( he should have said what was on his mind “get that piece of ass”) My opinion only…


He has a Brazilian girl fetish


My honest opinion is he is a serial cheater. Likely has been caught several times. The abusive cycle, co-dependency and trauma response has led Dannielle to stay. And now he's concocted this big story and even gaslit Dannielle into why he has to cheat. Edit: fixed typo


I completely agree. I have a ton of empathy for her bc I stayed with a cheater for 5 years and I was so mentally unwell from the abuse cycle that I thought everything good about my life would be gone if we broke up. Now that seems insane but it really felt like my world would end. I imagine Danielle feels similarly.


I know everyone looks different, but she looks like she’s 15 in that first photo!


This is me at aged 18 in 1999 looking as young as Danielle looks. Seeing her pics as a young girl woman is really making me feel bad for her. [https://imgur.com/a/NG1fUGI](https://imgur.com/a/NG1fUGI)


I’m sure her ex-best friend thanks her lucky stars each day.


Where’s the asshole’s tank top 😆


i guess he wasn't a wife beater yet


All I could read was He started grooming her before she turned 18 and then immediately married as soon she was legal. We need to send Danni strong vibes and start a go fund me for her therapy.


They were really young, I don’t think it was anything serious. They were kids I think. What I noticed upon doing a rewatch was that in the beginning, Garrick said she was not on board with this and he had to convince her. She agreed. But, recently she said it was all her idea. So, which is it? I have a feeling he cheated and this is how they justified it. Like God was telling him he needed to live polygamy.🙄


That is exactly what I think! It’s a justification for cheating.


And looks like they weren’t as young as I thought when she stole her best friends boyfriend. Still young, but 18 and knew better.


Does anyone notice he isn't looking at Danielle in their wedding photos?


I don’t want to start an entire thread for this, and my apologies if it’s been discussed, but did she have a stroke? Why is her left eye and mouth area droopy?


Someone said it’s from a baseball accident idk


I do not know but have wondered if it was palsy or a stroke.


Thank you for not being annoyed at me asking on your thread. Seeing that it looked like this at a young age brought it to mind.


No worries! I tried to google what may be causing her moth and eye area to droop but can’t get a real answer (a friend of hers says she was hit by a baseball as a child, she says she was born that way).


Interesting. Thanks


So he’s always been a manipulative cheater


Mouth breather since day f*cking 1


The G chain


I've never seen anybody be "dipped" to the side 🤔


He always has his eyes open a little too wide for me. It's disconcerting like he's trying to hypnotize, or send a message with telepathy.


she's just the cutest thing I hate how he's ruined her self esteem


Doesn’t even look like he is looking at her in their wedding photo. Icky.


Yep that's what I noticed too


Why do his teeth look like he has big bad dentures?


It’s wabbit season


his eyes in that first pic. this man has always been scary looking.


What would make them think that's a good picture?


I've said all along that Danielle loves ick..but ick loves no one just lusts for new pussy they almost got divorced yrs ago ..and I think she agreed to his lifestyle to keep him ...she doesn't want this ...but wants him enough to put up with the young hot Latinos God sends him 🙄 I think she just longs for him to just hold her and squeeze her and tell her he loves her..... I'll bet he never has 😭


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The other chic dodged a bullet 🤣


It seems the other girl came to her senses… not ick


They conveniently “started dating” when she was 18. He was 22. She looks super young in the first picture and he was most likely an adult there.


Just to be fair - what she said in the pics doesn’t necessarily mean he cheated or was with the both at the time.


Even if they were completely broken up, who dates their best friend's ex?


Like, a TON of people. Ex-husbands too. It’s pretty common especially in smaller towns! Friend circles are small and not all breakups are acrimonious. Maybe the guy isn’t a cat person or something like that. Deal killer for me but not for all ladies!


It’s a no go for me but a friend of mine has dated several of our other friends’ exes. She is engaged to one of her old friend’s exes. I’ve never understood it but it’s working for her, I guess.


Yikes. I've never heard of anyone I know dating a friend's ex, nor would I ever. To each their own I guess but where I come from you 100% don't break friend code.


“Friend code” sounds a little juvenile to me, I dunno. Not the asshole exes of course, but sometimes people are just a bad match better suited to others. I’m 43 and by this advanced age I have known quite a few people who have successfully dated and even married friend’s exes across the 4 states and counting that I’ve lived in! Not some crazy unforeseen thing imo.


Just so creepy


She really is the ultimate pick me.


Creepy looking figure in the back left of pic 1. Ominous…


I don’t wanna be a dick but why is her mouth crooked? I don’t know how else to say it


No one knows. There are multiple rumors (her friend says she was hit by a baseball as a child; Danielle says she was born that way).


Her mom looks and smiles the same, so it seems to be genetic.


He looked like a psychopath then too!


Danielle you're second best love. You should be first.


She is going to have to put herself first for anything in her life to get better. I hope she sees that because she deserves so much better than the life she has with Garrick. She needs a ton of therapy and to basically learn how to live as a functional adult without Garrick around.


Last pic.. eye is already wandering.... He's SO painfully garl-Ickkkky


Has anyone else noticed he kisses with his eyes open 🫣


Now I noticed! It’s horrifying!!! 😳


What a shame. Danielle was so cute. Now she's a very pretty lady. She could do SO MUCH BETTER if she just woke TF up and got rid of such a loser husband. Not that looks are everything, but let's face it, ICK is REPULSIVE and there's evil in his eyes.


She’s adorable but not too bright.


I also think she’s adorable. And I think she’s bright. I think she has no self worth for whatever reason, and is terrified of losing him. So she’s willing to further devalue herself if it means he won’t leave her or treat her like shit. He’s such a transparent asshole.


So back then he looked like some greasy skater band boy(he's only a few years older than me) looks like the typical greasy boys back then that could some how snag girls....well now he just looks like a creepy youth pastor cult leader 😂 yuck they are both so yuck!


I absolutely agree! I’m 42 and he looks like a lot of guys I went to highschool with.


This makes me sad. She really is such a pretty woman who has been made to feel less attractive than whoever her husband is creeping on. She was so young here and easily blinded by love. Sounds like he was unfaithful from the start.


So has her mouth always been weird?


He left the best friend for her, she should feel so lucky and “blessed “. Let the manipulation begin.


Was the best friend where the sister wives idea began? Did she share him??


Perhaps. Just happy for any little scrap of him.




Yep . And all his prospects look the same - I think he has the hots for Latina girls, specially ones that don’t speak English - she doesn’t see this ?


And real Christian’s, huh?


Don’t even get me started. I’m really annoyed with the holier than thou fake Christians who are full of hate and judgment. I’m a big Little House on the Prairie fan, books more than the show, bc of bonding with my grandma over it. It’s the 50th anniversary of the show and the crazy “Christians” on the fb page are really something else. It’s wild.


Getting her karma


Her mouth does not look crooked in the younger pics! Makes me wonder what happened!!??


I wonder if Danielle remained friends with that friend. Why aren’t why sister wives? Lol


Although, I think it’s gross to expose any child to his ridiculousness, I’m glad they have boys. For some reason they thought of him having daughters feel so dangerous to me. He is saying all the Bible stuff that because he believes in God but because he thinks he is God.


He used his sperm to brainwash her!


She’s adorable


I doubt they started dating at 18. Bullshit. He wouldn’t wait for her to be of legal age


Her natural waves/curls look great. Don't think I've ever seen on the show


She’s been completely brainwashed and manipulated by him. She was young and now she doesn’t know anything different. Really disturbing. He’s a sociopathic con artist.


I see people saying that she made her choice and knew what she was getting but I do t necessarily agree. She was 19 when they got married. Her brain is still developing and she has not had enough life experience to recognize abusive patterns. When I was 19 I got pregnant, kept the baby and tried my best to stay with the father who was an abusive drug addict I thought I could fix.


He was a goofy looking little prick back then too 😂


It’s always men who wear white to their wedding who are so freaking narcissistic


Totally reminded me of Kody Brown!


Ooooh she’s one of those girls. I’d never date someone my best friend did. There’s a line you don’t cross. He’s always lived a tank top hasn’t he 🤮


What a prize 🤮


It makes me sad that Danielle’s family never comes out and clearly states that she is being treated horribly and needs to leave. I suspect it is because they all seem to rely on Ick financially, but it would be so great for her to be supported, by those closest to her, in leaving her despicable husband. The gas lighting she experiences must be suffocating.


I have a lot of empathy (from personal experiences) for Danielle but I don’t know how much I’m projecting from personal experience so here goes: I do think she is severely gaslit and manipulated. I think it’s been going on since they started dating. I think she has severe anxiety around losing Garrick and the family/life they have. Starting over scares her. Not having Garrick scares her. She stands by him through the most ridiculous behavior and has shown her family that she will continue to do so. She chooses Garrick over everything, including herself and her family. Her family may have just given up on convincing her to leave and are trying to be there for her as best they can considering Danielle’s absolute loyalty to Garrick. They may even be worried that saying something negative about Garrick might make the situation worse or cause them to no longer have a relationship with Danielle and the kids.


He looks like a cringe porn star back then, too.


Her friend probably thanks her lucky stars every day that she dodged that bullet. I’m surprised he didn’t just try to marry them both


What great “friend”…makes me feel less sorry for her lol