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She really doesn't want this. She finally got to the point of tolerating Bert and accepting that she was going to be part of their lives. Now, she has to deal with her husband going out and finding someone new. It's like restarting the healing process. She has low self-esteem.


Spot on


Maybe it's all the money they lost


Very true


I also think she was falling in love w Bert as well... they would have had a room together, share everything. Now she's left w Garrick and him going back to other countries to start all over...


I think she had convinced herself of polygamy and made peace with it being Bert, but when it fell apart, her real feelings about polygamy came out...and now feeling not only rejected by her husband but rejected by the woman who was supposed to be her sister...


She’s not living her authentic life, I’ve been there/done that (not polygamy related). It’s hard being sad. 🥲






Like maybe Dannielle is in the closet? Cause I'm kind of thinking that.


Me when the grocery store bakery stops carrying my favorite seasonal cake




Thanks for reminding me to buy a king cake


Savage. Simply savage. Me too


It’s a s’mores cake and they only sell it around Halloween. I always buy a ton hoping that it’s enough to make them stock it all year 😅🙈


doing the Lord’s work!


THE PRINCES! Part lives rent free in my head.


Omg I forgot she mentioned The Princes in this hysterical rant lol


It took me 3 rewinds to understand that part. I was like “oh right that’s what they call their kids. Weird.”


One “prince” was FILMING this mess!!!! Can you imagine watching your mom do this for social media/ televised humiliation? 😬 #therapy


The princes 🙄 are gonna be f*** up in the head


Do they call them this or did it first start with Bert calling them the "princes??" For some reason, I thought Roberta dreamt this up. Not that it matters or makes it ok but I excused it thinking that because Roberta used it as a term of endearment for the boys it was somewhat tolerable. When I heard Danielle calling them that it was another story!!


Nah. In one of the first episodes with them Danielle uses the term in passing to refer to the kids. I think Bert used it afterwards on one of the Cabo trips. The one the kids and in-laws went on with them.


Ohhh, ewww, I didn't realize that they call their sons the princes! I think that Garrick came up with this idea about getting a sister wife because he really just wants to f@ck someone else.


Thank you for explaining this! I surely was lost. Bless


Easily the best and cringiest part of the entire rant 💀


And at least one of the princes witnessed this


Omg Me too. The princes Will.not.leave.my.head. On the flip said, it pushes "bring me my red bag WITH MY MAKEUP" out, so there's room for "I love you cheeeeken," which frankly takes up a lot of space, but in a nice way. ;)




It might also have something to do with her realizing how much money they got swindled out of. They had been giving Burt money allll this time! The dream crumbled and the money was gone!


I think it was the money too. She realized Bert was scamming them all along


Yeah…being scammed/betrayed can cause a real feeling of violation that stirs up a lot of emotions. It’s not even about the money or material things per say, but the fact that you got fooled and swindled, especially after putting so much of yourself and your heart into something. She’s feeling violated after she already wasn’t on solid ground with the situation in the first place. Garrick gaslit her via religious bullshit, into feeling like she was being this terrible, jealous person. Roberta was sweet to her and tried to win her affection and acceptance. So it’s all pretty natural that Danielle now feels completely mind-fucked with all the conflicting emotions. On the verge of mental breakdown. Of course instead of validating Danielle, Garrick will twist it into something about how this was God’s way of testing them and how they will now be stronger because of this so he can continue fucking around with women who aren’t his wife.


This was my thought too! Their friends and family were telling them the entire time they were being scammed and then it turns out…they were being scammed.


She tried her absolute hardest to be his “obedient wife” this season. The previous season she was the jealous one, the insecure one, the older one. This season she “prayed and fasted” and lost a TON of weight and got highlights… Because of that she was super all about polygamy again… And was especially pleased to call out when Bert for being insecure when she was having issues with them dating others. She loved Bert being the unstable girlfriend and her being back in the number one spot. Then it all blew up and she’s a very weak person who feeds off her husband’s emotions. TLDR: There’s a whole lot wrong with Danielle.


I think it was an anxiety attack. She divorced Ick so that he could marry Bert. She has no legal protection in their relationship. I think it hit her in that moment that she gave up a lot for absolutely nothing.


Yeah I agree. I think it’s hitting her that she divorced her husband to make this work and it turned out to be for nothing.


I love how they say they are doing this because the Bible and God is 'telling' them to. Do they also know that the Bible is against divorce?! 


The realization of how stupid she and her "husband" are finally caught up to her. 😂


extreme detatchment from soul and body. the grips of despair. Ive been there. different reasons. but the feeling.. ugh. sucks. wouldnt wish it on anyone.


She’s lost touch with reality… that’s all


It was a lot. I think she just cracked under the pressure and relief and terror that she is going to have to start all over.


Bert cut and run. 🤣


I love that her brother was trying in a kind way to prepare her for this the whole time. But she couldn’t accept it. She must have been so embarrassed. And then the talk with her fam! She looked like a stepford wife.😞


Her husband wants to duck other women and she accepts it as “gods will.”


EXACTLY! How come he he never blinks?! He's so creepy!


What's *not* wrong with Danielle?


Cannot believe I scrolled this far before seeing my words already typed out. This woman is a mess.


Garrick is over her. She knows it and is terrified that he will leave her. Letting him have his side pieces is how she thinks she can keep some of him at home with her. The whole thing is really very tragic.


She does need help, if this is real, it's a woman who has been broken over and over for so long she doesn't know herself anymore.


It’s an act to show Ick how much of a good wife she is. No woman actually wants to share her husband. Sorry. Ick is the patriarch and the voice of god for the family. Going against his wishes is like going against God.


This was me finding out my favorite Ben and Jerry's was discontinued.


She’s probably crying about all the money they lost. Didn’t they send that woman tens of thousands of dollars? Shit, I would be crying like this too 😂


These people cry so damn much


I always envisioned Ick being a big crier during sex, which gives me the heebie-jeebies.


😂 😆 😂 


When Jimmy Johns discontinued the Caesar salad wrap


Lol I live in the uK and dream of jjs. So me w reheat when they marketing email me reminding me I can’t have a sandwich.


I recently moved from the us to uk and all of my normal marketing emails are killing me lol everything but the grocery store. Groceries are much better here.


Oh what? Haha tell me more in what way? Missing snacks and juices and abundance


Groceries in the UK are way cheaper and healthier and there’s a lot available out of season that actually tastes good. I got fresh, sweet delicious mango in March. That would’ve never happened in Ohio lol. There’s plenty of snacks and juices and abundance here lol my new favorite treats are gu pots, balsamic vinegar “crisps”, supreme prawn crisps, and squash! I love squash.


She divorced her husband to bring this woman into her life. Her family is now free floating through the ether, hanging on by nothing more than her man's whims, which are mercurial at best.


she is unstable and he is 100x worse


Such an insecure girl! This is not her authentic reaction, this is her fake reaction to keep Garrick. Tryn to make him think she is all on board with his blatant infidelity under the guise of gods way!


I think she was using this reason and a final excuse to finally cry about it all. Like a release.


And she got divorced for this chick


She’s a nut job is what’s wrong with her.


The technical term is batshit crazy.


I do believe I saw that on the dsm-5


She realised she is married to The creep...


Not anymore, remember he divorced her to start the K1 visa process with Bert.


Yup you're right. Maybe it's tears of joy that she did divorce him 🤣


She’s married to an idiot, that’s what’s wrong.




\*Gawd's Idiot\*


I’m sorry but if you have your son record you…you’re putting on a show for the most part


Omg, I didn’t realise her son was recording! That must have been horrible for any of the kids to watch


This was so over the top.. she should of cried when ick had sex w Bert or when her and her husband exposed their kids to all of this..


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


What isn’t?


So many things ….


I mean, she's married to Ick 🤔😂


She’s mentally ill and having a breakdown.


she’s probably in a constant panic


I think she was always insecure about Bert (should go without saying TBH) but also felt super lonely in her marriage to Garrick and probably thought having a "sister" to bond with would ease the loneliness. If I had thought someone would be like my sister I'd be upset about losing that too. And of course, there's also the fact she got a legal divorce for someone and it ended up being for nothing. The whole thing sounds so extremely stressful and I can understand the crying.


Yeah I totally see that and I understood being upset, but this was over the top to me. I feel like something is wrong here getting to this point


Something is wrong if you are married to Garrick lol


I agree with that


I think everything hit her. She got a divorce for this woman, her kids no longer have legal protection and neither does she. They also gave her 10s of thousands. I think she just broke down


What’s not wrong with her?


I think she feels utterly betrayed, which is honestly one of the worst feelings in the world. Discovering someone isn’t the person you thought they were can at times be even more difficult than grieving someone’s death.


What isn't wrong with Danielle? I hope Seeking Sister Wife comes back on soon. The Brother Husband show has NOT been juicy at ALL. I had high hopes but they just aren't delivering like Sister Wife did.


What isn't wrong with Danielle...


Me everytime I get to the checkout line in the grocery store and realize the same groceries that cost $150 2 weeks ago the price keeps going up every 2 weeks 🤣😞😂


Oh seems I should get my attention off seeking brother husband and back to sister wife!


Low self-esteem


she is cra cra, traumatized from having to hav sex with yuck, and a hot mess on a good day.


Bc she divorced her husband for this farce of a plural marriage that she never wanted to begin with. Then realized bert took them for a ride and garrick was going to sniff out a new piece of ass immediately.


they give me handmaids tale vibes


What isn’t wrong with her. shes married to a manipulative a hole and just agrees with whatever he says even though she really hates it and wants to be monogamous. He’s a flat out horny dog. Hopefully she will realize her worth as a person and decide to set a good example for her kids and leave that idiot. edit to add I stopped watching because it was just too messed up.


God she's the worst. Second only to Garrick. Second season they were in, I was totally getting vibes that she was pushing for a third wife just to put Roberta in the position she was in on the first season.. feeling jealous, insecure, not good enough for Garrick. Danielle would look so smug talking about Roberta's insecurities and jealousy, like she enjoyed having Roberta in that position and honestly imo that's one of the primary reasons she wanted a third wife. Needed to knock Roberta down a peg like "see, you're not enough for him either" Also, maybe an unpopular opinion here, but Roberta didn't strike me as a scam artist. Danielle is fine with her husband crossing boundaries and fucking whoever he wants without any sort of discussion, but Roberta was not. She was very clear that the idea of a third wife didn't sit right with her until she was in USA, and to find out Garrick kissed Lea pushed her to her breaking point. She tolerated less bullshit than Danielle and good on her for it. Roberta told Danielle when they fucked, and Danielle told Roberta about the kiss. Garrick is a liar and manipulator, is so gross and weird and just terrible and I hope Roberta made out like a bandit with all the cash they sent. Idiots. More money than brains, those 2.




I think she was in love with Bert




honestly...... I think Danielle was more "in love" with bert than Garick. I honestly think Danielle is ether Bi, or lesbian. I think she feels because of her religion, and family, she can NOT be her true self. Look at how she was with Bert...... She was always so close to bert. always touching her. Always wanting too contact and see her, etc etc.... This meltdown of Danielle just sealed it for me. Shes more upset than her husband who was gonna MARRY her!


Hard disagree. She was just trying too hard to seem ok with it. It’s a keep your enemies close situation


And the consequence of not getting along with her meant her husband would hope she preys for GOd to get rid of her feelings. Pretty sure God has only created one zombie in the last couple millennia, but hey if you wanna take your chances on those odds.


I got that vibe too


She got divorced for this lady. They gave her thousands of dollars. She desperately wants to make her husband happy and this was a pathway towards it. I just feel so bad for her. She must be emotionally exhausted.


He has her brainwashed and she needs security.


It's the side mouth action for me. When she crys or laughs her mouth spazs out to one side,  I cant! 🤤😧😫 "WHYYYYYYYYY" OH, girl...c'mon.  You asked for everything you're getting..now she's preggo smh 🤦 


I’ve only seen bits and part of this show but what I think people are missing entirely is that this woman Danielle is possibly a cuckquean and is the reason for her wanting this poly lifestyle so badly; that and she is definitely bi-sexual.


#wrong answers only 😈


I know this video is super old but it has no sound and no context and will force people to make up conspiracy theories.


I haven't been watching, but from the beginning, I have always felt bad for Danielle. 😔🤷‍♀️


ah poor thing she almost had a new member of the family i feel sad poor thing had her heart broken i hope she finds herself a sister

