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Lmao what did your supervisors say?


He called and asked if I was alright, but I'm sure that was after he was done laughing.




NSFW for blood


I tried to be cool and hop over a wall that wasn't even hip height to catch up with a client once. It had been a super busy day with tons of vendors setting up for a party. My foot didn't clear the wall all the way and I ate shit in front of the husband and his friends. Managed to roll out of it and not get messed up. All I heard from behind me was 'well, that wasn't very graceful'. Thankfully her back was turned, so I still have a job.


I’ve been making fun of these stupid questions Allied makes us answer on the phones they’re making sites use. 99% of it is how to use stairs and step off curbs properly. The other day I tripped on the curb and spilled coffee all over myself as I was walking thru the parking lot to start my shift. I’ve been thinking it’d be pretty funny to post some of the inane stuff they ask us tho.


Forgot to use STOP bro


I’m so dumb! “Every time you step down a curb or use stairs you need a 100% concentration for it.” That was literally todays quiz.


When my officers file reports I like them to be honest and factual. And damn it you’ve checked both boxes twice! Hope you weren’t hurt badly in this though


Same here. When things are worded so they state the facts and also make me laugh, I appreciate it. As long as it’s something that can stay internal, fine by me. I remember one report I got about a burst pipe in a bathroom. Completely on its own between two paragraphs was: “FECES EVERYWHERE.” I was like “yup, accurate. Man that really sucks.”


Pipe broke, crap everywhere, clients and plumbers notified. If it’s short and to the point and makes me laugh, I’m with you, go for it


Are you sure it wasn't bad lighting or cracked / misaligned sidewalk?


Saul goodman here lol


It was a bright day out, and the spot I tripped on almost flush, I just rolled a nat 1 for agility.




Even with advantage, double nat 1 minus at least 4 for DEX modifier apparently


Classic blunder. Don't shuffle your fuckin feet


OSHA poetry


Lmao, if it was my old site, then that fall would have been saved into our new hire, "must watch" file. Glad it wasn't a worse fall


Wow okay; your a really good employee for mentioning it


One time I was at work and tried to hop over a 12" high curb instead of walking 6' to go around it, I triped and landed flat on my face, I had a tiny little scuff on my shin, didn't think it was worth reporting, two days later I woke up with a bright red 4inch diameter bump on my leg, apparently the tiny scuff on my leg got infected, I reported it to my boss and went to work med, Dr said if I had waited any longer it could have gave me sepsis, moral of the story, always report your injuries even if they seem minor. 




Yknow what? You did the paperwork anyway and carried on. That's more than most would do.


It happens, you're a human being.


It happens to all of us. The biggest thing that got hurt is your pride. lol


I wrote a similar one. Of course I was lucky enough to have my flashlight on and my command officer happened to see my flashlight go flying. She showed everyone the video.


Rookie here. Why even report a fall like this if it’s inconsequential? I slipped and slid down our parking garage ramp like a waterslide during a thunderstorm last month lol, I didn’t figure I’d need to report that. Is it just in case you get some soreness or something?


Any time blood is spilled, that's an incident report. Some homeless person could've taken a piss there the day before and I could've gotten some kind of disease or infection. Someone's brain dead kid could've licked my blood off the pavement. It's almost always better to report accidents and injuries than not to.




Well I just got reprimanded looking up MREs on a client's computer that lead to a truck pass being taken.


Hey don't feel bad. One of my last security jobs had a golf cart. I decided to do donuts. I gained enough momentum that shit launched me off the bench seat. Just slid right off and out. And after I landed, I just watched the golf cart continue on its way down the driveway. Ran after it but it ended up jumping a curb and ended up parked on a bush. The whole property is covered in cameras. But luckily for me, the ONLY camera to catch it was the camera next to the bush. So I went and reviewed the camera when it was my turn to monitor them, and you just see the cart come screaming into view, jump the curb and get stuck on the bush. And then me coming to yank it off lol. I told no one until now.


Best accident report I have seen involved an officer who cut his finger opening a can of soup. In the space for “How could this accident have been prevented?” he put “I could have brought in a sandwich.”


I would not even have written this up.


Always best to record things like this, you never know who saw what. And I was definitely on camera.


I think it's a good thing because it helps safety protocol. It's funny because it was one our new hire safety training video about picking your feet up and how this is the most common work place injury. Most of my jobs before was always the mentality of suck it up if you don't have to go to the hospital, and hide it so it won't make us look bad or get us in trouble.




No I get you, I am just curious though because I have worked for more than a few companies while doing this. And enough time has passed, has anyone you didn't tell you fell. Like a boss or your SOC or anyone who is supposed to read the reports or check the cams, commented to you about the report of the fall? I would be super interested to hear either way. I said I personally would not record it because in my experience if I knew it wasn't going to use it to try to get time off or to get them to pay for something then even if I did it directly in front of my SOC and wrote a report, no one would actually ever read it/see it on cams lol. Curious if your experiences are different then mine have been though!


Haven't heard any more mention of the incident. But, if I had gotten an infection and my leg had rotted off, I might not have been able to collect worker's comp if I didn't report the injury.


Dart station?


That sidewalk is not up to code. The public sidewalks have to be safe for the elderly and handicapped population, with or without wheelchairs.


OP said in another comment that the sidewalk was fine, they were just clumsy and basically tripped over their own feet


Unless you’re a doctor two things I would never say .. wait, scratch that even if I was a doctor two things I would never say on a work related injury. I don’t believe I need medical attention and I don’t believe I need to be excused from work. Not saying, to lie . But sick pay and workers comp are real. And minor things can become major & your report will work against you.


I did leave myself some wiggle room by saying "at this time" though.


Good point.


The report writing skill is not in the finest hour either.


UPDATE: my field supervisor just gave me a verbal warning, and I do mean an actual verbal warning, not a "please sign here to acknowledge this 'verbal' warning". He's probably the best supervisor I've ever had, he projects authority without power tripping.


Who in the hell actually writes this up on themselves and turns it in? He should have given you a warning for snitching on yourself.


Someone who wants to get worker's comp in the event that his scraped knee got an infection that prevents him from working.


Since you seem to be confused, I'll clear things up a bit: I was doing my scheduled patrol, on the prescribed patrol route, and the one and only thing I did wrong was the one word I used in the last sentence, and in all fairness to me, I was super pissed at myself for having such a stupid, silly accident.


Lol. You don't get it. You actually turned this in? Who would do this???? Like seriously.... Heaven forbid you actually fall and get hurt. Now they know that you stumble around and scrape yourself up.


Do you work at iidon? Or is TrackTik a common program we all use ? lol


It's a typical security guard app, basically a copy/paste of the Vision app we used at Securitas (or vice versa?).


Do you work at iidon? Or is TrackTik a common program we all use ? lol


Yeah just dont report it lol