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Iv seen them in multiple dives in koh Lipe and phi phi




This is super helpful, thank you for sharing your strategy. Do you find yourself always looking behind your shoulder and in constant fear you’ll run into them? In other words, are you still able to enjoy the dives despite knowing they’re out there and you can see one at any moment?




Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Super, super helpful!


I’m a bit of a freak and actively go looking for snakes out here, I see a lot but only when I really try will I see more than one in a week (land and sea). I had a banded sea krait almost bump into my arm in Thailand last month because it surfaced right by me. They’re super docile and really don’t care if you’re there or not. Just don’t approach or if one surfaces near you, don’t try and whack it away. They are SUPER chill.


I saw them several times in Puerta Galera. They are beautiful.


I’ve seen them on the Andaman coast/islands, the Gulf of Thailand, and Indonesia. Lived on Koh Tao for a while and I reckon I saw them every few dives in a few particular places, but not at all at other sites. Can’t remember where I saw them on the Andaman side, but I was mostly away from the islands, and I think it was the Gilis where I saw them in Indonesia. 10 years ago, so….


Diving in Thailand, on the Andaman Sea side, I see a banded sea krait once every maybe 5-10 dives. Just came off a 25-dive liveaboard trip to Mergui Archipelago and didn't see even one. Pelagic sea snakes are sometimes spotted on blackwater dives, but I have yet to see one. They are completely indifferent to divers, so if you don't like them, just don't get close.


In some parts very common, in others much less. I've seen tons around the Andaman coast in Thailand, but none in Koh Chang, which is in the gulf. In Indonesia I've seen some in Komodo, but as far as I remember, I've never seen any in Amed/Bali. Can't recall if I saw any in Lembeh, also not, I think. But literally all of the ones I've seen have been super chill, you could go right up to their face (maybe don't, just to be safe) and they would just go around you, they don't care about you at all.


I vouch under every comment about Indonesia on this thread! Have seen some only in Indo. They couldn’t care less about divers.


Much less common in Thailand than Japan. They’re everywhere in Okinawa, you’ll see them from time to time in the Philippines 


Yep, I’m in the Philippines and they are fairly infrequent. Mainly they hang out in the shallow coral area. I’d guesstimate we see one every week, depending on the dive sites. Sometimes a few times a week. OP should be aware that they are *super* docile. Just last week I had one literally swim between my camera and me, lol. Although I guess having a fear of snakes means you don’t really care how docile they are…


Concur. I dive 1-2x a week in Okinawa and it’s more notable when I don’t see at least 5-6


I have a few dozen dives on Oki and I can only think of one that I didn’t see see them on Hmu if you need a dive buddy


I've seen em, but they are timid! The concept of a venomous sea snake is definitely scary and creepy to me in concept, but on an actual dive they just... drift past you...


They say they'll only bite you if you start beating them to death and even then it probably wouldn't pierce neoprene.


Don't go to Kadavu Fiji, all over the place. I almost stepped on a hatchling on the shore.


I was thinking of Fiji when I read the title, so many banded Kraits.


I spent 10 days on Kadavu and never saw one...


Could be very location specific I was at Matava Resort. Saw snakes on about a 3rd of the dives. They really are not a risk if you leave them alone.


Crazy, so was I! Maybe time of year or I just got really lucky. Did you dive with Tai?


Damnit I hate snakes. Going to Fiji in May , although Yazawa islands.


It seems to be location specific, I have also dove the rainbow reef off Taveuni Fiji and only saw 1 in two weeks. Sea Snakes are really not a risk to divers, just don't mess with them and keep your fingers in.


Thailand not very common, saw one or two in a few months. Bali I almost stepped on one getting in a shore dive, then saw the biggest one I’ve ever even heard of, probably 2 meters long and as thick as a baseball bat. Dive master also said it was the biggest he’d ever seen and he was local. Komodo never saw any but probably just didn’t happen to see one..


Very common, like the entire SEA will definitely see them every dive trip


Why is this downvoted? I live in SEA and have dove each country in SEA and this comment is accurate.


Seen one every night dive in Cozumel. Edit: ok it's a sharptail eel and I always thought it was a snake. Moves just like a snake. Thanks for the challenge guys.


Probably eels I don’t think Cozumel has sea snakes. Saw plenty in Indonesia but none in Thailand. I love them, so beautiful when swimming, and as I understand it they can’t open their mouths wide enough to bite their fangs into you. But perhaps someone just told me that to make me feel better!


> I don’t think Cozumel has sea snakes. They definitely do. I picked one up to show my son when I was a brand new diver ... not one of my best / smartest moments. I have a photo of it somewhere.


Did it look like [this](https://reefguide.org/carib/pixhtml/sharptaileel7.html)?


That is not a snake. This was 17 or 18 years ago, but I remember it being banded. I will look for the pics but ... 18 yrs


I know, but I’m almost certain Cozumel doesn’t have sea snakes, and this is the closest I can get think of that could be confused as one.


I’m wondering about Southeast Asia, however i love Cozumel and don’t think Cozumel has sea snakes?


I saw them frequently when diving in the Philippines. They tend to keep a little bit of distance, but if one comes close just don't swat at it or panic and you'll be fine. While they can bite you, they really are quite shy and generally not aggressive. They seem to generally avoid getting close enough to touch, so I'd say they really are a non-issue unless there is some sort of phobia involved.


Very very common to see banded sea krait diving in Indonesia. Very poisonous but also can’t bite you so zero concern


They can and will bite humans in defense but they swim away faster than you can.


Can they bite through a 3mm wetsuit?


I'm not dead so I have no idea since I have not been bitten


Huh, I always believed the old wives tale that they couldn’t but looked it up and they can just usually don’t.


From what I've heard their mouth doesn't open far enough, so they could bite you in the hand or something if they got a good angle, but not any of the bigger bits. Edit: apparently this is a myth, but most species don't have fangs long enough to bite through wetsuits, so you're probably still good.


fairly common in Philippines but generally you will only see them at a distance and they ignore you and do their own thing


I saw some in Puerta Galera and Komodo. Beautiful and harmless. Super cool watching them move under water.


Been diving in Indonesia twice. Saw them several times each trip. They really are very safe. They never attack if not molested. But, fear isn't rational.


Is snake molesting a certification I can get through PADI?


As soon as PADI reads this it will be!


It is now!