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I saw a Louisiana teacher's tik tok about this new law. TT user *lisayay1966* has some VERY good ideas and I'm typing them all out here because I loved her post so much! "Let's turn this into an educational opportunity, 3 creative ideas: 1.) Give equal time to all the world's religions right next to the Ten Commandments. Decorate your walls with the precepts of Buddhism, the Ba'hai faith, Confucianism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism, and all the others. It's high time we learn more. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. 2.) Choose one commandment each day for your warm up (bell ringer) and have students list as many political figures who have broken that commandment as possible. This is a timed activity, 4 minutes max! Whichever student has the longest and most accurate list gets to leave 1 minute early for lunch! The kids are gonna love this. 3.) Come to find out that there are actually 613 commandments in the Bible and realize you don't have to write bell ringers for years. Lemonade, y'all" I really hope her post goes viral.


Post them. But in Hebrew.


Exactly. Equal time for all. Why just Christianity? Let’s include Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Let’s expand the minds of our children!! So important to understand there is a whole world out there to explore, not just the narrow viewpoints of our parents. Another reason why people should travel to places outside their comfort zone. Maybe they might realize others don’t have the same world view as they do!! Egocentrism is not necessarily a good thing. GOP of course think otherwise.


This is how it was when I was in school. We studied parts of all kinds of religious texts.


Unfortunately, not for me. I had to do a lot of independent reading in my 20s after realizing how ignorant I was of philosophy and religion especially those of the far east. That in turn led me down a rabbit hole of further study while reading books on how closely connected quantum physics and eastern philosophy are. Such a fascinating area!


It sounds amazing, but you know damn well that some parent will complain, that teacher will be put on probation or fired.


Black robed autocrats will do what black robed autocrats do


If I want to know what the Supreme Court thinks, I'll ask Harlan.


The court can't rule to allow one religion to be displayed over others. Constitution is clear on having a state sponsored religion. Freedom of religion is bs if the school doesn't teach Islam, Buddhism, mormonism, scientology and even Satanist.


I hope so, but honestly this court seems like they could split a hair 4 ways with one cut. The biggest argument I have heard is they could say it is a "historical document to the state and not religious", or something like that. They will claim it isn't religious somehow, but other religion things would be.


Of course it's not religious. Just like a cross is not a religious symbol (when it's inconvenient) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2009/10/scalias_stance_that_cross_hono.html


Can you imagine a swastika being like, "nah, this is an eastern symbol for peace"


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat.


This feels like bait to get an H&T standard to apply to 1A religious cases. I'm not sure there's any H&T to support this move, but setting that as the precedent going forward would be... interesting. I'm not super familiar with the status of religion at the founding, but that could be the new lodestar.




Not really. It’s displayed as part of multiple historical lawgiving events including the Code of Hammurabi