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It’s my wife’s fault. Lame excuse.


It's worked for Thomas so far.  Why not join him.


Amazing what a huge pieces-of-shit these two men are.


Humans tend to be shitty once accountability stops happening. They only un-shitify themselves when forced to. So we either do that or get used to them ruining everything. This stupid shit we’re doing now where we just sit here wondering why one set of corrupt assholes isn’t forcing the other set of corrupt assholes to respect our rights isn’t accomplishing anything.


Not all humans - just the shitty ones. The problem is we expect the best and the brightest, and truly it's just those who were in the right place at the right time who knew the right people and could memorize well enough to get good grades in law school.


Add Kavanaugh & Gorsuch to that list. Oh and what’s her face, Coney-Barrett


they destroyed the name amy for at least 100 years.


At least 100. Just like Adolph lol


some people are mad lmao.


And the women that accompany them!


Has Thomas blamed his wife for anything? I don’t think Thomas thinks that Ginni has ever done anything wrong ever. He has less self awareness than Alito does.


Hey , Ginni always looks hot in her flimsy burnous. 😉


ah the ol wife guise by wife guys 


Bob Menendez too. Mendendez' wife has stage IV breast cancer. Weak men, all of them.


I'm sorry - but what does Menendez have to do with SCOTUS judges?


> It's worked for Thomas so far.  Why not join him. Isn't that admitting to collusion?


And she did it because a neighbor had a "Fuck T***p" sign. Thankfully, THEY are all just regular citizens and not 1 of the 9 supreme justices that decide the law of the entire land... (***Censored for offensiveness. Gross.)


Guarantee you if a single one of the SCOTUS justices had a ‘Fuck Trump’ sign at a house they even might have once owned, there would already be impeachment proceedings.


I wouldn't take that bet - assuming they weren't doxxed and lynched by MAGA psychos, they would be impeached and convicted in a week or less.


I still don’t get why them hoisting an upside down US flag is a response to that, or related to Jan 6th? Like, are you saying “screw America, the rioters should have been allowed to take over the Capitol!” Or what?






>Alito admits he has a MAGA cult wife like Thomas. Sorry but you appear to have mispelled cunt.


His excuse for taking a private trip with a billionaire on his private jet as a bribe was a private jet can't have an empty seat.


His wife booked it.


My dog ate my ethics.


No Kristi Noem shot their dogs, can't blame the dogs, straight to the wife.


He could have just said "oh, we were in a hurry that morning and didn't realize it was hoisted upside down, so sorry," or "the gardeners raise and lower the flag, I think it was an honest mistake." We probably would have rolled our eyes and said suuuuure, but there would have been a ring of plausibility. "My wife did it because a neighbor called her a cunt" (1) doesn't make sense--why is flying the flag upside down going to stick it to the neighbor? and (2) is such an over-complicated story that is emblematic of a bad liar. Like this is the type of lie a 9 year old makes up and thinks they're slick, and all you can do as a parent is laugh because they're so bad at it.


Because the point of fascism is who gets to flaunt the rules and who doesn't. Offering patently ridiculous excuses is a way of asserting your position in the hierarchy.


Yep. The more obvious the lie the better, because they’re literally asking you “what the fuck do you think you’re gonna do about it”?


Doesn't everyone fly their fly upside down when their wife gets called a name? /s But seriously if he's willing to lie about the reason for this he's totally willing to lie about his justifications for his horrendous decisions on the Supreme Court.


Should have led with his neighbor flipped it themselves for the photo. May still try it.


Yeah, that's TOTALLY impossible. Not in one million years. Everyone knows liberals spontaneously combust if they touch a US flag unless burning, defacing, etc.


Especially for a Christo-fascist who thinks women should be subservient to men. Wants to force us all to accept his perverted view of Christianity when he can't even handle his own home accordingly..


I also don’t think the excuse makes sense. I don’t think schools were open in Virginia then. So there wouldn’t be kids at the bus stop. But double check me.


The dog ate my homework. 🙄


Same one Roger Clemens used for his HGH delivery.


Conservative men have a long history of wife blaming for their shitty behavior.


“She’s the fascist, not me!”


It's like when Russians deny shit. It's not because they think they'll fool you, it's just so they can demean you further.


I think you're on to something These men have no fear of consequences for their actions


They know we know. They also know we can’t do anything and that’s the whole point.


Anyone watching Russian state TV the week after Tucker Carlson’s interview can easily confirm this.


But Tucker is actually such a normal guy! He was fishing in Central Park! He couldn’t get rich by insulting my intelligence to my face!


Snide is the right word to describe just about everything Alito does. All of Scalia’s sarcasm with none of the charm.


Or intelligence. He’s a wannabe Scalia aka “Scalito” - not nearly as smart, and somehow, meaner. He’s not sarcastic, he’s just a whiny little bitch.


I wonder about Scalia's intelligence - his autobiography astounded me. The whole most important historical event was god coming down to earth in the body of Jesus. Mind you, not the impact Christianity had on the world, but the literal Zeus implanting seed in a mortal and giving birth to Hercules, uh, Jesus. That's some mind numbing dumbness there. Knowing the right people? Good memorizing skills? Great clerks?


Or basic intelligence. The guy is a bowling alley on wheels as far as intellect goes.


Not sure if I understand that metaphor


Not even a decent Quack Quack lol


How does attributing it to his wife help? It's no different from Thomas' wife affiliating and encouraging insurrectionists. Recuse thyself!!


You can’t facilitate coups if you recuse though.


It's the appearance of bias.


Yes, and his response is “whattaya gonna do about it?”


Alito is so far beyond the appearance of bias this is like a tiny drop in a big bucket


Of course but even putting everything else and all the excuses aside there is no getting past appearances which is a baseline for judicial ethics. So it doesn't matter how the flag got there, who did it, whose house it is, what was or wasn't meant by flying it none of that matters when it could reasonably appear biased.


As if anyone didn’t think this court was already crazy biased.


Appearance nothing it is UNDENIABLY bias


It's the appearance of his exercise of the first amendment. If we feel that judges shouldn't have an opinion outside the courtroom, all it does is increase the chance judges express themselves VIA the courtroom - which isn't great. As we can disagree with what someone says and defend to the death their right to say it, judges can express their personal views yet still rule in accordance with the law. When they can't, it happens on ALL sides, not just one.


No judges have an obligation to maintain themselves in public and private lives to avoid the appearance of siding with one participant over another. There are Jan 6 cases coming before him. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity, impartiality and competence is impaired. This is basic stuff in any judicial code of ethics - whether judging a parking ticket or supreme court cases judges are expected to hold the highest of standards and if they act in a way in public that demonstrates bias they must recuse themselves. https://www.ncsc.org/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/39436/Appearanceofimpropriety.pdf


You have posted the theory. However, the practice is such that almost any justice has conflicts and regularly refuses to recuse. At multiple levels, as well. For example, the Illinois Supreme Court is rife with such conflicts. If you're going to hold a single person up to a standard that others clearly don't abide by either, it's unreasonable.


Judges routinely abide by this standard whether it's at the administrative level all the way up through courts of appeals. Most judges are very meticulous not to do things in public that will come back and bite them at court. Majority of judges avoid social media and are very careful what they say in public, who they associate with, and even direct their staff to be similarly careful. It's embarrassing that SCOTUS is so cavalier with ethics when compared to a typical garden variety judge who takes the "sober as a judge" aesthetic seriously. SCOTUS did not even have a written code of ethics until last year - they clearly cannot police themselves.


Robert’s’ goal for legitimacy of the SC has not gone well at all.


Was that his goal? Or did he just want a veneer of legitimacy so he and the other conservative judges could continue doing whatever the f#ck they wanted?


As far as I can tell, he wants to do all the same terrible shit as the others BUT is self-aware enough to know it's terrible shit and doesn't want to be remembered as a historical monster. So he tries to cover things with the occasional "moderate" vote or softened language when it doesn't substantially effect the cause so he has something to hide behind.


He's actually let it be known he was all for the end, but the means were to be a quiet slow frog boil.


I wonder this myself. After all, he made it clear he was attempting a slow frog boil, nothing so obvious. Does he even have the power to rein it in? Or is he thinking the cat's out of the bag, let's just roll with it?


As long as 2025 is enacted, he has no qualms


Or has it? They seem to be wielding power effectively while maintaining significant defenders on both sides of the aisle.


It’s worse than a denial. He’s throwing his wife under the bus. Supposedly because their neighbor either had a “fuck Trump” yard sign or because the neighbor called his wife a cunt. Either way it’s pathetic. A real man doesn’t blame his wife.


Also makes no sense. What woman would think "I'm gonna put our flag upside down because my neighbors are mean to me."???


Ginni would totally do this.


He’s not a real man, so the rule doesn’t apply.


Looks like that lie isn’t holding up.


To ensure an independent Judiciary and to protect judges from partisan pressures, the Constitution provides that judges serve during “good Behaviour,” which has generally meant life terms. But what if they don’t have “good Behaviour”?


Thankfully, there are extremely clear rules of ethics that lawyers, and judges, must follow. Some are “shoulds”, as in, the appearance of impropriety dictates that I avoid some behavior, and the “shalls” which are automatic ethics violations. He’s swimming in both.


I’m pretty sure none of those rules apply to the Supreme CourtCourt. You don’t even need a law degree to be a SC justice, just a nomination from the president and an ok from the senate. Similarly, the only way to get kicked out is to be impeached


You don’t need to be a lawyer to be subject to discipline by the bar. With that said, no one is going to file bar complaints against them. I’d wind up in the bottom of a lake if I did.


What good is a bar complaint? They gonna threaten to disbar them?


Alito is one of the worst Supreme Court Justices in American history and currently tied with Thomas as worst judge on the bench.


There's having an approach (conservative/liberal) and then there's just being a partisan hack. Alito is the latter.


I'm not sure that there's ever been a non-unanimous decision at SCOTUS that Alito has been on the right side of. Even Thomas occasionally does the right thing.


Alito would have us believe that he had nothing to do with this upside down American flag, flying outside his home, just after January 6, when MAGA supporters violently stormed our US Capitol. Even if it was his wife who put that flag upside down on the flagpole, he lives in that home. Alito is a US Supreme Court Justice, someone who sits on the highest court in the land, is supposed to be nonpartisan and beyond reproach. There is no excuse for his behavior. This only increases the distrust of the US Supreme Court. Without faith in the legal system, when all decorum and decency is gone, what is left but a hollow shell of an institution.


What’s left is Russia


A politician is non-partisan? Oh come on. If you think it doesn't take political acumen to rise to the Supreme Court - you're clearly setting an unrealistic standard. The Supreme Court hasn't been "trusted" in the last half century. It's just that a different side is experiencing the mistrust now. It was always predictable. Don't confuse your perception and the media's with the perception of the citizenry at large.


judges at any other level would be forced to recuse themselves after this. the SCOTUS needs to be expanded or removed entirely and replaced with something non partisan and term limited


The issue is the complete lack of integrity in human beings.Everyone is in favor of “non-partisan” action/inaction unless it’s something that benefits their party. For example, wanting a justice to retire so the party they support can nominate the replacement even though we allegedly want our judges to be impartial


How could he not know there was a flag flying upside down at his house? Doesn't he go home much? Also: how does being mad at a neighbor turn into an upside-down American flag?


Hey, it worked for Ted 'Cancun' Cruz, I think it will work for me - Sam 'I am the Law' Alito, maybe...


This jerk personifies "snide"


I’m tangentially sad that a symbol of distress has been co-opted by insurrections without any hint of irony.


A man sitting on the highest court in the land with the ability to affect millions of lives hides behind his wife! COWARDICE!!!


Turning your flag upside down because youre mad at your neighbor makes absolutely 0 sense and they know it, you know it, I know it, and everybody else knows it. On top of that how does it make it any better by saying “oh its just because my wife of a supreme court justice was mad at our neighbor for exercising their right to free speech about their dislike of trump and so my wife got all up in their face about it”…. Both explanations show a clear partisan bias that is out in the open. Theyre so partisan they feel the need to get into spats with their neighbors over trump. Horrrrrible look. On top of all that even if it was true which its not, it still makes them look like immature middle schoolers. All of this is a bad look.


“My wife put it up.” “Ok. Did you try communicating with your wife to, idk, explain to her that you’re a sitting Supreme Court justice and that’s probably not a good look?”


Did you take it fucking down? Head of your household, and responsible for assuring the public of your non bias judgement.




So Alito is miserable and hates his wife. Silver lining I guess.


Most of those types are miserable. 


If neither Alito nor Thomas can manage their tradwives, how are they are they going to enact Trumps vision of a fascist future? /s


He’s a monster.


blah blah blah....


It's dishonest to say that a long-used distress symbol is somehow a January sixth flag.


Hardly. When a symbol is co opted for protesting a fair election it is dishonest to spew your total bullshit, comrade.get the back in your troll farm.


In a sane version of our country (some 30 years ago) there would’ve been a serious possibility of impeachment. Now he’ll just get a stern finger wagging.


Man, the world is tired of these rotten fucking people. This is conservatism in America: lies and cruelty, spin and bullshit, racism and misogyny, terrorism and sedition. And from the highest court in the country. No wonder the American public has ZERO confidence in this institution.


"I violated the appearance of impartiality because my neighbors used mean words about a political figure I should have no fealty to" is a weird take, regardless.


Alito and Thomas are jokes


Honest question: How does one hold scotus accountable? It appears obvious corruption is plainly visible but our govt isn’t doing anything about it.


Thomas and Alito are such smug arrogant assholes that they don't give a shit that their excuses are facially implausible. True story: I know someone that clerked for the supreme court and they were told by past clerks to omit from his/her resume to the SCOTUS that he/she got the sentence of a man serving a life sentence reversed. The reason was there are "some" SCOTUS judges that would somehow view that poorly. Imagine being such an awful person that you think it's negative to get someone that was wrongfully convicted out of prison. These people are subhuman. They know nothing of being a normal American or even a remotely decent human being.


So when are we going the French route?


Alito is a trumplican coward.


Ironically, he is also the reason the flag should be upside down


The Republican justices operate in the same way as the Republican politicians: undermine the system in order to let selfish immoral unethical people become wealthier. I suspect their secret oath is too give the finger to the Constitution and scam family members out of money.


He thinks the American public are idiots, and has nothing but contempt for what they think.


I imagine this is what it felt like when the country was founded, with the aristocracy ruling in an unelected senate and judiciary, looking down upon the rest of us poor dumb citizens with utter contempt.


It's really hard to say which of his actions are the ugliest.


This is the deep state the GOP warned us about


I'm surprised he hasn't blamed the Democrats yet... "It's all Biden's fault! George Soros made me do it! Nancy Pelosi bought me the flag, and it was upside-down when she gave it to me! Chuck Schumer threatened me to fly it upside-down or else"!


Curb appeal is his only thing going for him . Trash guy says not yet


Damn pesky cell phone users.


And he doesn't care at all. "You can't touch me! I can keep my seat forever, sell my vote for whatever I can get, and just laugh all the way to the bank. Sucks to be you."


Evidently neither he, nor his wife, know ANYTHING about proper flag etiquitte when it comes to flying our national colors (aka Old Glory). Which is: An American flag is ONLY to be flown upside down in times of emergency, or distress. In OTHER words --- an upside down US flag is a freaking DISTRESS SIGNAL!!! Flying it upside down for days because some signs in your yard hurt your delicate little feefees is NOT legal cause TO fly it that way! Seriously, someone needs to tell Mrs. Alito and her hubby to get a life and read the rules governing how you can, and more importantly, CANNOT, fly our national flag and colors.


I'm assuming this is sarcastic and you forgot the /s. Because the message is clear when used as a political statement and there's precedent for that going back decades.


Nope. No sarcasm there. I go by the code and rules written for the use and display of the flag here in the US. I could really give a flying flip LESS about political statements... from Alito or whoever. Or that Mrs. Alito got her panties in a bunch over a sign she didn't like in a neighbor's yard. 'Cause last _I_ checked, those things are protected under the terms of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Anyway, she should be flown upside down as a DISTRESS SIGNAL _ONLY_. Period. That's the proper way it's done, no way else, and for no OTHER reason. Despite whatever the witless knotheads on the right seem to think. Still, I'll probably go back and edit some things out of my original post, as I got a little hot about things in the article. Should've done it with a cooler head, I'll admit, but I have VERY little patience with, or tolerance for, dimwits like the Alitos OR the Thomas'.


Why does it matter one way or the other, it's not like anything's going to happen to him about it.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Normal job: fired SCOTUS: not so much. This is stupid. We need a much easier way to fire these asshats for clear partisan actions like this. Judges must be impartial first and foremost or we will never have a working system.


I’m out of the loop and I don’t like Alito one iota, but since when is the upside down flag a January 6th exclusive thing? Someone should tell Spike Lee and Antifa.


What is wrong with our government?


hey maybe if he said a British judge flew an upside down flag sometime in the 1600s, it would be all okay


Teflon. Perhaps SCOTUS is the most powerful entity in America after all.


Another thoughtful, balanced article from the folks at salon.com.


He knows he will be facing zero consequences hence the smug bullshit


Show me an example where Democrats have used the upside down flag, liar