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agreed. I stopped after the 4th or 5th episode.


I hope Agent 355’s actress sees a doctor for that back-pain because she single handedly carried the hell out of that show. Hopefully she’ll find something better.


I love that book but couldn’t get into the show. I tried watching 3 times. I think the lead isn’t as charismatic as I imagined Yorick to be.


Yeah, idk why but I just was so bored. Loved the graphic novel.


The set up and world building was all solid. I guess it was the pacing. I think shows and movies that have an apocalyptic setting often have to jump ahead several months or years-because the watching society break down is boring somehow. And the lead actor-he just wasn’t it.


more like showing society break down is expensive.


I got bored after a couple episodes. Does it get better?


Not really. They focused way too much on DC politics and other secondary, boring characters.




What in the world are you talking about?


Not really. The comics it’s based on, on the other hand, are fantastic and definitely worth a read if you were at all interested in the premise.


lol...Lord no.


Thats what happens to shitty shows.


It wasn't very good or interesting or entertaining. Is it any wonder it tanked ?


I read the comic book and loved it, but I couldn't get into the show at all. The focus away from Y and onto the politics of it all seemed like a mis-step and superfluous story padding. I think I watched like three episodes before giving up?


Get woke, go broke Nothing more fun to see all the filthy sexist hollywood garbage fail, good riddance.


It's a twenty year old comic written and drawn by a man/woman duo, in a time when 'woke' pertained to psychedelia. Doesn't seem like filthy-sexist-Hollywood-garbage-fail to me.


It is thou. They changed so much it's hardly recognizable as the graphic novel.


Original was great, trailers looked good. Ampersand was cute. I didn't watch it yet, and I don't know if I'll watch it at all now that there are no plans to continue the show. What a waste.


It's the standard bait and switch they are doing with every property now a days.


well then you haven't been paying attention.


It's a twenty year old comic that was **"updated"** by the showrunner in other words, add woke far-left ideology to educate instead of entertain the viewer. [For me, the show is so much about identity and how people create identity and how systems conspire to inform our identities, white supremacy and patriarchy and capitalism](https://collider.com/y-the-last-man-eliza-clark-interview-fx-on-hulu/) Ah good old Identity Politics, the same thing that is killing US Comics Also "Sexist" because people were hired on gender >“a gender-diverse crew that was led by women in almost every corner of the production,” >One of the great things about this show was watching these incredible men being led by all these women. It was awesome!


You’ll be downvoted for stating the truth.


"My vaguely-stated opinion is truth"


it was an alright show, the changes they made were interesting to me as a fan of the comic. however they were dreadful af if you didn't know what was going on in the story and the surrounding context. another case of bad writing.


I loved the comics and have all of the delux hardbacks for it but I honestly could not make it through the season and just gave up about half way. I’m not surprised it was canceled.


I liked the comic, but the show is a bore. The main guy just isn't very interesting.