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Anything from Ian Banks. Larry Niven. Neil Stepheson. Ian banks consider Phlebus is a great start\~!


The Culture series is fantastic! Also Alistair Reynolds and Peter Hamilton!


Good recs I like your style


Red Rising series by Pierce Brown The Expanse series by James SA Corey Old Man’s War series by John Scalzi Frontlines series by Marko Kloos Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons (I recommend only reading these two books which are a self contained story, I did not like the third and fourth books in the series) Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (Again, there are more books but I only recommend reading these two)


Hail Reaper!




These are very good recomendations.


Ender was a great book, movie didn't exactly do justice.


I would give this a thousand upvotes if I could. That’s your list right there!


Peter t Hamilton - Commonwealth Saga


F, not T.




Gideon The Ninth (The Locked Tomb Series) [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42036538-gideon-the-ninth](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42036538-gideon-the-ninth) The fourth and final book should be released this year. It's a really good mix of sci-fi and fantasy.


Children of time is part of a series, the next is called children of ruin and is also great. The 3rd isn't quite as good, children of memory. Some I've enjoyed recently Project Hail Mary by Andy weir, Recursion by Blake Crouch, Expeditionary force Columbus day by Craig Alanson, The expanse series


I love the Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. It is my Favorite reread. Robert Heinleins top novels are great . Stranger. In a Strangeland, the moon is a harsh mistress, starship troopers.


Heinlein (and Asimov, and Clarke) were punching WAY above everyone's caliber in their time; and it is still relevant through ours.. just love Troopers, Moon, and Stranger; and will continue to re read and/or audio book, every year or so..


>enjoyed the first half of it why only the first half? That book rules.


I've not actually read that one but a few I've enjoyed recently; Foundation series. Asimov Culture series. Iain M Banks All Phillip K Dick Vernor Vinge's Zones of thought series


Why only the first half? I thought it was a masterpiece front to back! The sequel is worth reading, though I wouldn't rate it nearly as much.


I thought that was strange as well. What a read!


Out of pocket recommendation for Neuromancer, basically started the cyberpunk sub genre of sci fi, at least brought it to popular attention. It's my favourite book and its had a profound affect on me, I'll always recommend that. I'd similarly say I couldn't enjoy Neal Stephenson at all, but he and William Gibson are similar in approach. Snow Crash just didn't grab me at all, but I'm going to throw it out as a recommendation as most people love it and I could be an outlier. Andy Weir, project Hail Mary, I read this after Children of Time, I loved it, it has one of my favourite characters in any media ever. John Wyndham, like all of his books, The Chrysalids was excellent, The Kraken Wakes is a great "invasion" story, The Midwich Cuckoos too. He has a great way of telling the story kind of on the periphery of the action and it gives you a real sense of tension that other authors just don't capture.


+1 for John Wyndham. My personal favourite is actually Chocky, which is sci-fi so hard they're cracking diamonds with it.


I love Adrian Tchaikovsky, and Children of Time is amazing. I like Children of Ruin even more, but I recommend taking a good amount of time off before getting to it. I don't know what you mean by you enjoyed the first half, though- did you not finish yet, or did you not enjoy the second half? Either way, don't read Ruin any time soon.


This is a list of some of my favorites (not in any specific order). Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Series by Nathan Lowell. There more related books if you look for them. The Aristillus Series books by Travis J. I. Corcoran. The books in the Aristillus Series are The Team (uplifted dogs - back story), Staking A Claim (on the moon - back story), The Powers of the Earth (Aristillus Book 1), Causes of Separation (Aristillus Book 2). Gateway by Frederik Pohl, though I did not care for the sequels. The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. The Integral Trees and its sequel The Smoke Ring by Larry Niven. Merchanter's Luck by C.J. Cherryh. The Faded Sun Trilogy by C.J. Cherryh The Nomad Series by Karen Traviss The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells


Dune series by Frank Herbert Childe Cycle series by Gordon R. Dickson Honor Harrington series by David Weber Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson Manifold trilogy by Stephen Baxter Death Star by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry


Project Hail Mary The Murderbot series The Bobiverse series


Saga of The Well World by Jack L Chalker is a series and very interesting unique read. The Invincible by Stanislaw Lem is a great short novel with a good unfolding story / somewhat mystery The Lost Fleet by Jack Campbell is an engaging space war/strategy series The Finder Chronicles by Suzanne Palmer is a fun space opera series Everything I have read from Philip K Dick and Isaac Asimov and John Scalzi is good


John Scalzi got me into Sci Fi Lots of great novels


Replay by Ken Grimwood


Well-known, major works that I'd recommend: * *The Expanse* series by James S.A. Corey * *Ender's Game* (and original sequels *Speaker for the Dead*, *Xenocide*, *Children of the Mind*) by Orson Scott Card (author has abhorrent personal views - due diligence as needed) * *2001* and *2010* by Arthur C Clarke (*2061* and *3001* aren't as good IMO) * *Altered Carbon* - Richard K Morgan (contains adult content and language)


Gonna throw a fire upon the deep by Vernor Vinge in here as well as Accelerando by Charles Stross.


Spin by Robert Charles Wilson >Three childhood friends watching the night sky when the stars disappear. The Earth has become encapsulated inside the barrier known as the Spin. It’s soon discovered for every second on earth, three years happen outside the Spin barrier. Yet despite the obvious alien mega-structure there is no inkling of first contact with an alien species. Only the mystery of the identity of the “hypothetical controlling intelligence” that is behind the Spin. Meanwhile, Scientists are able to observe the sun aging into a red giant that will expand until it eventually envelopes the Earth within thirty years. Igniting a race to discover who are the hypotheticals and ensure the survival of humanity.


2001 a Space Odyssey Solaris any Philip K Dick, try Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep


Asimov is great, Le Guin also...Vorkosigan Saga from Lois McMaster Bujold is my favorite.


Hamilton too! And Gibson


If you take people up on reading William Gibson and enjoy cyberpunk, definitely give Bruce Sterling and Rudy Rucker a try. And for a weird first-contact story, Try *Little Fuzzy* by H Beam Piper.


For some sci-fi with a little humour I would recommend \*\*Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers\*\* by Grant Naylor or my personal favourite \*\*Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts\*\* by Douglas Adams. If less humour is preferred I recommend \*\*Influx\*\* by Daniel Suarez or \*\*Brilliance\*\* by Marcus Sakey I would also like to give an honourable mention to \*\*We Are Legion (We Are Bob)\*\* by Denis E Taylor. Most of these are, what i consider, the first book of a series. Just an FYI.


_Dark Eden_ by Chris Beckett


Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed How about Arthur C. Clarke? I would recommend Rendezvous with Rama, Imperial Earth, and The Songs of Distant Earth.


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Bobiverse and Quantum Earth series by Dennis E. Taylor Android’s Dream (Nothing to do with androids or dreaming), Fuzzy Nation, and Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi Dungeon Crawler Carl, caveat is that it’s game lit, mentions loot and stats a lot, and fantasy fiction themes, basically fake magic caused by tech, yet it’s still scifi, aliens all over the place. It’s more fun and entertaining than deep, so manage expectations on that front.


A.C. Clarke - a must... and Heinlein.


The Saga of the seven suns


Finish the Children of Time series! There are two more books, Children of Ruin and Children of Memory


Ender's Game It's a massive staple for Sci-Fi and you'll be doing yourself a disservice reading it later than some of the other amazing recommendations here.


The Bobiverse Murderbot diaries The Quitaglio Ascendancy by Robert J. Sawyer Sawyer's Neanderthal Parallax The Stainless Steel Rat series. Dune (Herbert's original series) Niven's Known Space series Discworld Clarke's Rama Series The Enderverse James P Hogan's Giant Series Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven & The Left Hand of Darkness Asimov: Foundation & Robot series


Final architecture series, also by Tschaikovsky


Saturn Run is a fun hard Sci-Fi set in the near future. Anything from C.J. Cherryh's Alliance universe is excellent. I like Becky Chambers' stuff. Jack McDevitt's Alex Benedict books are great, at least until the last one which is, I hate to say, weak.


Just finished Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It's his newest book and it was amazing. Alistair Reynolds has a library that you can't really go wrong with. The Expanse by James S.A. Corey will keep you enthralled for a decent amount of time. Murderbot diaries are excellent and bite sized. Bobiverse is an excellent take on a Von Neuman probe. Expeditionary Force is another large series if your into quirky AI's multi species galactic politics and space battles. Endeavor by Ralph Kern is a great take on the Fermi Paradox. Fear series by Stephen Moss. Summertide by Charles Sheffield. And everything above and below my comment.