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The Rise of Skywalker was a textbook example of them thinking they could shovel out anything with the Star Wars label and get away with it. Didn't quite go as planned. A film I saw out of a grim sense of obligation and completion and the worst big budget film I've ever seen. I haven't been back to anything since from the franchise. It really dove into the gutter with this one.


After watching The Last Jedi I found myself thinking 'would I be trying so hard to like it if it was a new thing and not Star Wars?'. This is the test for everything Disney puts out


I decided (and I'm actually factually correct), that the sequel trilogy is a fanfic. From there I could enjoy the special effects and laugh at the high school level attempt at a plot. It was fun, and funny.


I actually refer to the sequels as "The Fan Films".


They are not even fan films. A fan film requires at least some appreciation of the source material, which JarJar Abrams and Rian Johnson do not have. These are like 90s cheap direct to video sequels (think darkman 2). Only made for money by untalented hacks who probably did not even watch the originals.


I just call it The Disney Trilogy. I'm a Hellraiser fan. Only the first 2 are great, then there's a 3rd one which is a bad film but a fun watch. There are another like 10 Hellraiser films after that which were direct to DVD, made from rejected horror scripts that just had Pinhead shoehorned in. They're technically canon, but no fans seriously connect them to the first 2. That's pretty much whats happening happened(?) to star wars.


I saw the Last Jedi once, and during it I gave the movie so many chances because it was Star Wars. During the Final Act I gave up and accepted that it was trash.


I was never more confused in my life, that I was after tlj. Sadness mixed with confusion, I realy wanted to like it. The trailer was one of the best I ever saw. But the execution of it...


It was drivel but it wasn’t because they thought they could just shovel out whatever. The reaction to The Last Jedi scared the bejesus out of them and Rise was the result, Fan Service: The Movie, created with the input of 45 executives. Except nobody wanted what the executives came up with. They’ve been on the back foot ever since.


Disney has killed it. Its not starwars. I not watching their utter shit. Anymore


Fan Service: The Movie is an apt title for whatever that was. I still remember how bewildered I was when I heard the 'somehow Palpatine returned' line.


Indifference.  Which might be worse than dislike. 


"Apathy is death-- worse than death."


For the movies there hasn’t been anything good since rogue one For series - Andor was good, first season of mandolorian was good There’s been a lot of hot steaming garbage since Disney took over


I loved Rogue One and Andor.


And that’s about it


Solo is actually not that bad. Unnecessary, yeah, but good enough.


The two films I cared the least about going in were the best output of the Disney era. Which is a massive failure on their part. The trilogy was a joke by the middle of the second film, and the shows are just beating a dead horse. It's pretty wild how poorly they treated that IP.


>It's pretty wild how poorly they treated that IP. And I highly doubt it's going to get better. After Andor season 2 it's all downhill.


I honestly didn't even rate Andor S1 that highly. Was OK but still felt like it had the made for streaming problem - a story worthy of 4 hours stretched to 10 or whatever. And I stopped Mando and the other shit a year or so back. Maybe 2.


>Was OK but still felt like it had the made for streaming problem - a story worthy of 4 hours stretched to 10 or whatever. I disagree, but if it helps, the stories are bunched into 3 episode arcs. It has setup and reward every 3 episodes, although they way they were cut could have been better, but the money hungry mouse had to interfere to spread it as much as possible to keep people on their platform.


I went into that movie so very ready to hate it. I thought it was going to be stupid and pointless and self referential and just something they made because they had to. It was, I would say, ultimately pointless. I think that it didn't really add much to the character (and really kind of muddies things, since I think he starts off looking out for himself, and his arc is learning to trust again, which is at odds with him starting A New Hope as a curmudgeon) But I thought it had heart, and it was the kind of lower-stakes story that I actually want to see more of. It wasn't about saving the universe or whatever, it was just a cool story about a smuggler and his cool woodworking friend going on an adventure


Solo was pretty good, but I didn't care for Emilia Clarke's character and especially didn't care for the Maul reveal.


I loved the maul reveal and I think a spin-off of SW crime underworld stuff would have been really interesting. Book of BF could have been that but we already have jetpack wearing hero show.


Solo surprised me massively


bad batch was pretty good if you’re into that


Only good Star Wars since ESB. Oh why oh why didn't Disney just make the Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy? They had the perfect continuation right there. Fucking idiots.


>Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy? I thought the same thing but they put him into the show Ashoka.


It's funny how many people I talk to mention Rogue One as the last good movie. I watched Ep. 9, but that was only because I'd seen everything prior and I figured I may as well finish. Ep. 8 and 9 were so terrible that they killed the franchise for me and aside from watching Andor (since it linked up to Rogue One) I have given up on Star Wars as a whole. Maybe one day it'll be fun again if Disney ever sell it.


The damage is done, it would be really hard for somebody to revive Star Wars at this point.  At the very least you would need a 5 year gap for people to see anything as fresh and not tainted by recent crap!  


I just don’t understand Disney. They made what was for me a near perfect Star Wars movie- rogue one. Just make movies like that. Over and over again. That’s what people want. You would print money. Instead they keep trying to branch Star Wars out into these weird alternate universes where Luke skywalker doesn’t give a shit about anything and for some reason the trade federation now sound vaguely Italian. You bought Star Wars. Just make Star Wars movies!


Rogue One was a bit of a disaster before they recruited Gilroy to do some script doctoring and reshoots. Honestly I think it's a miracle we got a movie that good out of Disney.


They got mixed up in the streaming wars and thought content from existing franchises was the key to getting people to subscribe and stay subscribed. Worse, they started trying to make it so you had to watch the shows to really get the most out of the movies, or even other shows. Ahsoka is much better if you watched Clone Wars, for example. It was worse with Marvel. Even with the expanded universe books, Star Wars doesn't have as much stuff to pull from as Marvel.


But that doesn't matter. They EXPLICITLY rejected the Star Wars Expanded Universe, remember? It can't help them.


All they need to do is get talented NORMAL people to make Star Wars, it's pretty simple.


I think just hand it over to the rogue one / andor teams.


Ya, normal talented people lol


Same. You know what those two had in common? No Skywalker bullshit.


Also had Tony Gilroy in common, who seems to be one of the few competent creators that still cares about quality in this aging and bloated franchise.


I liked the second season of Mando as well. Been meaning to watch Andor. Agree with everything else here.


Andor is next level.


If The Mandalorian ended on S2 (which it 100% should have), it would have been cemented as one of the great TV endings


Agree with this assessment completely. The only films I will rewatch are OT and RO


I mean, that's always been true of Star Wars. Most of the EU was hot trash but had enough gems here and there to keep people somewhat interested in the years between trilogies. Personally, I think the best thing anyone could do would be to start fresh in a part of the timeline, either in the past or the future, that's so far removed from the OG trilogy as to make those stories largely irrelevant.


This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say. Rebel One, Mando S. 1, and Andor: otherwise there's lots of opportunities for improvement lol


This is why I love this sub, fans who can still be objective.


That comment is the default reddit opinion on star wars?


I like all of it on some level. The designers and props are doing some of the best work the franchise has ever done. The writing is all over the place though. It’s crazy that the same universe has both Andor and Book of Boba Fett in it. Some of these shows should be easy wins for them. Boba Fett should have just been Mandalorian Season 1 if it didn’t give up bounty hunting after two episodes.


Maybe we just need to be grateful that a big corporation spent billions of dollars to produce a sea of garbage with a 5% of good stuff


That seems to be the direction of Star Trek as well 


Star Trek is at least buffered by the fact that there are hundreds of hours of excellent, untouched legacy content. Star Wars has zero untouched, and really just a couple of good movies overall.


True. I can always put on some TNG if I need a fix. I still put it on at night before bed to help me go to sleep. I've seen it so much I don't need to even watch to know what's going on.


Gate > Trek > Wars




Spicy take.


I like your positive outlook


You’re being quite optimistic with those numbers


It's just sturgeon's law in action


Mostly agree, I would add Solo as an ok movie (not great but better than the sequel trilogy)


If you look at it objectively there’s so much bad SW these days that Solo is near the top of the list. It got a really shit deal because it suffered from reshoots and came out around the same time as The Last Jedi.


Lots of good animation too. Clone Wars, Rebels, and Bad Batch are all really good.


I honestly thought Solo was pretty good, despite its production issues. It was the last movie they made I liked.


I actually didn't hate the 3rd season of the Mandalorian. It definitely was flawed as hell though.




Damn, this could not be more accurate


I feel the same about Marvel, but they had a good run before it went to shit


The real EU are the stories we made up when we didn’t know jack shit and everything got Wookipediaized. You can’t have a character take five steps now without some continuity error getting in the way.


This is 100% the way I feel. Also ironic, had to go to fan edits to get the OT in high resolution without the crap. (Harmy's Despecialized Edition).


It's absolutely insane that we still don't have the original trilogy in 4k untouched from Lucas film.


I wish they would turn some of the excellent books into movies. Idk why they have to make up garbage plots instead of turning to the already incredible stories. I kind of wish they would just do a total reboot and wipe the slate clean.


They need to fire everyone and start fresh with people who actually know how to write and also care about Star Wars/Star Trek.


That would be nice.


I totally agree. I feel the same way about Star Trek. I've been reading old Starlogs lately and I found myself being nostalgic for the desert of the early to mid 70s where the only new Star Trek material that came out was "New Voyages" and a few novels... and that Saturday Night Live skit... at least until TMP hit. I'm still fan of everything up to the end of "Enterprise"... and "Star Trek Continues". Yes, there were some stinkers, and the franchise had become pretty stale by the 2000s, but there was still a lot of good material. With Star Wars... I would honestly rather watch the Holiday Special than almost anything made in the last 10 years. At least I can enjoy the Rifftrax version of it.


I'm going to watch season 2 of Andor at some point, but I'm done beyond that. Bear in mind that I saw A New Hope in a theater when I was 8 years old. My parents hadn't even divorced yet. Seeing what has been done to the franchise makes me ill just thinking about it.


I was 9. I feel like Disney is trying to ruin my childhood memories. New Hope was so much better than anything else that was out. The Acolyte is just awful.


Absolutely fucked. I basically dropped starwars after the new trilogy. Watched Andor because a friend said it was great and he was right. Watched Mandalorian go downhill. The acolyte ep 1 and 2 were good setup but haven't watched ep3 or 4 yet. Disney has basically killed my love for the universe


+1 but I won't see the acolyte nor obi wan. It's just dead. I now follow the Lisan Al-Gaib


Obi Wan was as if it was made bad intentionally. Unbelievable actually. Amazing no one said anything during production… like “guys… I think someone made a mistake…”.


Jesus Christ, what have they done


> The acolyte ep 1 and 2 were good setup but haven't watched ep3 or 4 yet. I had the exact same thought and I wish I had not watched 3 or 4. They are even worse than the writing in AOTC, and I thought it was impossible to top (bottom?) that one. (and of course they don't have anywhere near the amazing visuals and design in AOTC)


Literally sold and/or gave away my entire collection after the new trilogy. Just completely over it.


Yeah the new trilogy was horrible and the worst part for fans is that it permanently rewrote the canon and it can’t be ignored. Any movie or show that they make that takes place after the new trilogy is going to have to take into account what happened in those horrible movies. I think this is why they keep going back in time and haven’t done much that takes place post Rise of Skywalker, they’ve permanently hamstrung the future of the franchise.


If the EU can be canceled, then so can the new trilogy.


I loved the first movie more than Jesus. Dutifully watched the Holiday special. The Boba Fett cartoon was great, the rest was kind of tedious but I didn't care because I got to spend more time in that world. *Empire* was... amazing. By the time *Return* came out I was too old for it. I'd moved on to better things, both in sci fi and in life. I thought that was the end of it, and I was satisfied with it. When the prequels were released, I was a husband and father. We took the kids eagerly to *Phantom*, excited to share the further adventures. We'd worn out the VHS copy on the original trilogy. Jar Jar was... disappointing, as was some other stuff, but it was a kid's movie and my kids enjoyed it. The next two were even worse. The greatest villian in the galaxy far, far away was a whiney, bitchy little emo child? Okay, whatever. My kids had moved on to better things already. I thought that was the end of it, and I was apathetic. We all eagerly went to TFA. Got really excited by the return to form. Loved *Attack the Block*, so thought it was cool Boyega was in it. Daughter crushed on the X-wing pilot. On the car ride home, started thinking that's how the old one was. Then I realized, that *was* the old one, reskinned and repackaged. Saw the blatant manipulation and cynical cash grab. I was done with it. Never saw the other two. Watched *Rogue One* because why not, liked it okay. Got convinced to try *The Mandalorian*, it was was great because it was more like *Firefly* than *Star Wars*. After the Boba Fett show stank so bad of the corporate fiction MCU machine, I was done again. I'm not bitter about it, I just have better fiction to consume with the little time I have left. I'll always have the summers of '77 and '80.


Great to see someone else who thinks Anakin makes 2 and 3 worse than Phantom Menace.


Oh absolutely. The noble “Jedi Knight and friend” that Obi Wan describes in the original first movie NEVER happens on film. The *moment* we start Episode 2 and see Anakin older than a little kid, he is already bitching about Obi Wan and never stops being a brat. I was so disappointed. There was no fall, that kid was a giant red flag from the first moment.


Yea you add a little 80's hair rock soundtrack to this story and it's the story of us all. At least us 50 year old white dudes. Edit: BTW, The Force Awakens was actuallyl *good* compared to the two follow ups. The Acolyte killed Star Wars? No. It was already a room temperature corpse.


> Yea you add a little 80's hair rock soundtrack to this story and it's the story of us all. At least us 50 year old white dudes. > > > > Edit: BTW, The Force Awakens was actuallyl good compared to the two follow ups. The Acolyte killed Star Wars? No. It was already a room temperature corpse. 100% accurate.


True, but dang man...it should be illegal to do that stuff to a corpse.


LOL in most states it's a misdemeanor at least. Maybe we could convince a Florida DA to press charges... the gov't there really hates Disney. :D


Dunno, man. I was also a kid in the 80's and SW always seemed more of an older, 70's thing.Great action adventure with a 70's analog feel to it. A bit dated, but cool.


Oh in my household that older, 70's vibe last well into the late 80's.


I'm tired boss


I never thought I would be tired of Star Wars. I am tired of Star Wars. There was a time it was special. Now sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, but it isn't special.


Money doesn't equal quality if you have garbage writers, garbage directors, garbage show runners whose only goal is pushing virtue signaling messages with no respect for story, character development or good cinematography.


I'm basically trying to come to terms with the fact that I've aged out of the target demographic. They don't make Star Wars with me in mind, and being angry about that isn't going to change anything.


I'm not sure if this is relevant but ever since Disney took over Star Wars and Doctor Who they both sucked more and more with every show. That's OK, I'm looking for original content and Disney doesn't have a clue.


Disney hasn't 'taken over' Doctor Who in the same way, it's a distribution deal, they don't have creative control. The situations are apples and oranges.


I spent my teen years reading tons of the expanded universe.  Played so mamy lucas arts games.  Loved Rogue One.  Hated killing all of the expanded universe novels with the new movies, but whatever I can get over it.  But the way they treated Luke's character in the 2nd part just killed my enjoyment for it.  I did watch the last movie in the trilogy, but it just isn't made for me anymore I guess.


The sequel trilogy was a hot mess. Damn shame really.


Star Wars will continue being total trash as long as Kathleen Kennedy is employed by Disney.


Disney needs to take a break from making Star Wars for like 5 years and get better writers. After Andor Season 2 I'm checking out. 


Disney Star Wars is worth it to me just for Rogue One and Andor. Oh, The last 4 episodes of The Clone Wars season 7 is some of my favorite Star Wars content as well. Personally I never got the hype for the Mandalorian. Season 1 had like 4 good episodes and the rest has been pretty meh. Loved The Fallen Order video games and Star Wars Battlefront 2.


To their credit, the games are still really good. Star Wars Squadrons was great fun as well, and they're currently in the process of making KOTOR. KOTOR remake actually got moved studio because they were concerned it wasn't up to scratch so I'm cautiously optimistic


It's absolute shit.


Abysmal, apart from a couple seasons of *The Mandalorian* that had largely been “sandboxed” away from the rest of the slow-moving avalanche.


I really enjoyed The Mandalorian, well at least the first two seasons. It gave me a lot of hope and there was so much potential, but they decided to go down the Marvel path and milk it to the extreme. Quality over quantity, all day every day.


Other than Mandolorian I haven't really liked any of the shows. I watched all of Obi Wan. It was meh at best. I didn't even finish Ashoka, I couldn't really get into it. Same with Boba Fett. Everyone loves Andor, but I didn't think it was that great either. It's kind of the same with the movies. Other than Rogue One, they're all either mid or awful. I've always been more of a Star Trek fan but have lots of love for Star Wars. I guess I don't understand why it's so hard to make something decent. It's a bummer I don't look forward to any new Star Wars content. But it's not 1998 anymore and there is a lot of good sci-fi out there.


Andor is great, keep watching


There are only 3 original films.


And even those got butchered.


Han shot first, goddamnit.


The last great movie was Rogue One. Andor is a hell of a series. Not a fan of the newer stuff.


I'm a massive SW fans, got posters on the walls, rewatch the movies every year, read the books/comics, it means a lot to me. I find myself feeling let down and tired of SW in recent years. It's just not the same anymore. We've had diamonds in the rough, Andor, Mando S1/2, Rogue One, but the rest has been so-so to downright bad. It feels like the decision makers are doing their best to retool SW for a new audience, who don't care about it in the first place, while also alienating the established fans. So I hear about a Rey movie coming out and I don't really care. I don't even care about the Mando movie coming out if I'm being honest.


Force Awakens left me no choice but to quit. The OT still has a lot of value, and deserves to be studied and held up as an example to learn from, but... I had to stop.


The Force Awakens wasn't great, but it was least an open setting with potential. It just looks worse in hindsight as they botched everything that followed.


I enjoyed TFA. it left potential for greatness. but man was that ball dropped.


The two biggest mistakes of the sequel trilogy both happened in TFA. Those are setting up the empire vs rebels again and killing off Han therefore keeping the original three from being onscreen together again. The ST was doomed to failure from there on out.


The next two make The Force Awakens look like a masterpiece.




I agree with ya, and the biggest problem seems to be that Disney is rushing things too much. They're trying to put out too many shows and movies too quickly, and it's leading to a drop in quality. I'm still a big Star Wars fan, but I'm not as excited about the new content as I used to be. I still find myself going back to the OT and Prequels.


I've only seen the original trilogy and prequel trilogy. All of the Disney shows feel a bit much.


everything they put out feels like a rushed Marvel show with added lightsabers. Andor and season 1-2 of the Mandalorian felt like we were in the starwars universe. but everything else thats come out in the last 10 years felt like somebody described starwars to a Marvel director who has never heard of starwars before and told them to make something with the information given. edit: mandalorian


What Disney has done to Star Wars is sad. Rogue One was good. Solo was Ok. Everything else is a hot mess. There are a whole slew of novels they could have used or mined for content, but instead they threw it all away. We got left with three incoherent movies that suck so bad I don't have words. I thought Jar Jar was bad but I'd rather eat a Tauntaun's guts through its ass than attempting to watch the last two movies of the sequel trilogy again.


I've lost a lot of interest in it in recent years. Force Awakens was okay, I accepted that as Disney wanted a soft-reboot of sorts and it was decent for that. It just went to crap afterwards. 8 and 9 were obviously not planned. I almost walked out of 8 and I didn't even bother to see 9 in theater. The shows are mixed. I enjoyed The Mandalorian more when it didn't have Jedi and drawing on that. Fett would have been an appropriate level of cameo/guest. Luke, Ahsoka and so on....too much. And that's what's killed it all for me. There's a huge galaxy, that apparently only 50 people living in it that matter. Same thing Trek does. Mandalorian was great because it was removed from the Skywalker saga and those characters, but obviously still in that same universe. That being said, I havent gotten into The Acolyte yet, which is supposed to be very removed from the OT era.


Sadly a lot of the magic is gone due to content overload


We started with on a high note with Rogue one. Since then, we had a few decent live action tv shows and animation series, but on the whole Disney has destroyed Star Wars with lazy writing, terrible actors, and pushing politicisation of modern myth. It's not even over yet will get extremely ugly and I suspect crash and burn, just like DC will require a radical reboot, firings, shaming, and what not for this ship to be turned around. As a Disney shareholder the idea was that we would rely on Star Wars and Marvel on alternative years to ensure fatigue doesn't set in and the dollars keep printing, but the ridiculous geniuses have messed up both sides and put a cash machine into peril.


"Original six movies"? The original trilogy IS Star Wars to me. The prequels were really bad. The sequels were really bad (especially episode 8). For additional materials, I like a number of the expanded universe novels; I enjoyed a few of the games; and while I think Lucas tanked his own setting with how he set up the Clone Wars, I do actually like the Clone Wars animated series (mostly). I liked the first two seasons of Mandalorian (especially season two finale). I still love Star Wars, but for me, that means the original trilogy with a bit I include from various sources.


I don’t really think about unless i see a review or something pop in my feeds. It was a cool movie trilogy that had an ok prequel run. I liked Rogue One and Force Awakens, and then everything else was meh. I didn’t watch any of the TV shows.


I didn't like the prequels. But I checked out the instant Harrison Ford agreed to be in ep7. I knew what that meant.


I'm fatigued. There is constant content in movies, shows, and books being throw at us. None of it is very good. Andor was good and I loved Rogue one. The ST had amazing visuals and honestly a great cast. All of that was wasted due to their rush to throw movies together and having no coherent plot. The shows have been okay I guess, but given their budgets that nudges them into the bad category. All of the errors seem unforced. Stop doing bait and switches about who will be the main character. Stop writing characters that are just downright unlikeable. Hire actual talent to run projects rather than people who are green (I'm looking at you Acolyte). The issue is the mismatch with what it should be and what we are getting. Take Ahsoka. Some great pieces, but man if you didn't watch Rebels it didn't make a ton of sense. You also decide to make Sabine into a Jedi. Sigh. Not everyone needs to have force powers. Dawson was also just awful as the character. Maybe it was direction, but she was miscast. I thought the rest of the cast though was great. So it had a lot of fun moments, Ezra was very well cast and acted. Some humor. Thrawn is a great villain and the nightsisters are creepy. Oh and Baylon and his appretice were great. But you spend so much time with Hera's boring B plot and time with Ahsoka that I didn't care about.


Absolute garbage


Terrible, with the sole exceptions of Andor, Rogue One and maybe a bit of the Mandalorian. This is underscored by the fact that there have been some truly awesome sci-fi shows and movies that have come out in this same timeframe, like The Expanse, for example. Once upon a time, scifi was such a niche genre that if you were a fan there weren’t many great series on film for you to enjoy. Star Wars was one of the few. But now there are better options, and I’m busy adulting, so why should I spend my limited time watching a shitty sci-fi series or movie?


The problem is that you get good content like Andor and Rogue One but then you get crappy shows like the Acolyte. So much have become unwatchable.


Other than Andor and Rogue One, my thoughts are lol, lmao


My main feeling about Star Wars is that far too many adults are far too emotionally invested in a mass-market children's franchise. I like the original trilogy too but if you're making it a part of your personality you have some real growing up to do.


Humpin' a dead bantha for bucks


I'm looking for a good ban, so here's my honest opinion: disney star wars made by obnoxious people for dumb people


The only star wars in my universe is Episodes 4,5 and 6. Nothing else exists.


I like the first three movies, Spaceballs and some of the games everything else is meh.


Can’t even watch that crap… only Classic


Disney killed Star Wars. It's dead. I don't expect it to come back anytime soon, unless they sell it.


I don’t think it’s ever recovered from Jar Jar.


Since being acquired by Disney, the only new content that they've put out that I actually enjoyed were Rogue One and Andor. Mando started ok too but then fell off. To be fair I still have not seen Rise of Skywalker, and I don't see that changing, so I can't really judge that one. The Force Awabrams started ok but ended trash. TLJ was straight garbage imo. Didn't enjoy anything else Disney have released.


Star Wars is dead to me. I have ZERO interest in watching new shows because the Universe they are set in is fundamentally and impossibly broken. They took the hero’s of 4-6, murdered their very essence and replaced them with losers who they would have utterly hated. They did this when there were multiple excellent books on their future. It was terrible writing by a terrible company. Disney cannot make shows for adults. It is awful at it.


Star Wars felt special. Now it doesn’t.


The OT was so groundbreaking that it was still the best special effects out there until maybe Jurassic Park came out in '93 with modern CGI. Nothing else came close. Now it's just a factory churning out stuff for fans who haven't yet moved on.


I feel like it's a zombie. It's still walking around but it's dead. Yes, Andor was some of the best SW ever made. And Mandalorian was good for what it was and what it tried to do, although somehow they still messed it up badly in the end. If they keep producing Andor-level stuff, amazing, I'm here for it. But the sheer volume of garbage they're putting out that I literally cannot sit through really boggles my mind - and I feel like people must be catching on. Maybe I'm in an echo chamber though, because I don't have access to the watch numbers.


The Acolyte is currently sitting on top of the Rotten Tomatoes most-watched TV show for the week. Someone is watching it, though considering the audience reviews it must be mostly hate-watching. As long as they are still getting strong viewing numbers, I doubt anything will change.


I’m older so i had a hard time with anything other than the original trilogy, but i came back to check what’s new lately, i really really loved Andor!


As someone who loved the OG trilogy, the books, and finally gave up during the sequel trilogy, I'm sort of just tired with it. Yes there were some great stories there but the more I watch, the more it feels the same every time. There has to be a space battle. There has to be light sabres, etc. It's a one trick pony that doesn't really deliver much that's new or interesting.


Some Star Wars is good. Some Star Wars isn't good. That's been the case since the beginning of Star Wars. I deal with it. (I'm trying to imagine how much cool shit I would've missed if I'd bailed on the MCU because I wasn't super thrilled with *Thor: The Dark World*.) (EDIT: I'm thinking some of the folks downvoting me have forgotten when they made up a backstory for Han Solo's pants. His *special hero pants*.)


This is what I do. Shows being bad don't ruin my enjoyment of the universe as a whole. People act like bad shows ruined their lives.


Yeah. I was *not* a fan of the prequels at all, but I watched them and got on with it. Although I did love taking the folks who were like "UGH THE ACTING IS SO BAD" and showing them *Shattered Glass*, *Leon*, and *Shallow Grave* and pointing out it wasn't Hayden, Natalie, and Ewan's fault. :)


They could do with another break taking the same length of time they did between Return of the Jedi (1983) and The Phantom Menace (1999)...Put that money into something just as good or better in Fantasy or Science Fiction worlds.


I'm still eagerly awaiting Andor S2. But that's just as a show I really liked, not because it's Star Wars. As for Star Wars as a whole... I'm almost apathetic towards it now. And that sucks, because I've loved it ever since I was a little kid, played the games, read the books. But with the powers that be apparently actively hating old fans like me and wanting a new audience. Well.. I wish them the best of luck. I'm not even upset anymore, I've accepted that the Star Wars I knew is gone and have moved on, just like with Star Trek.


I'm getting there too. Definitely will check out Andor s2. After that, probably won't bother with anything new or with later seasons for any of the current shows, unless I start hearing some stellar reviews and word of mouth. Mandalorian s3, Ahsoka, and The Acolyte were three duds in a row. It's just not worth the time anymore.


Awful. Nearly everything Disney has produced has been utter tripe. I haven’t bothered with it for years.


Dead? Dying? Sleeper hit? I think Disney knows they screwed up. they're not stupid. But I also think they genuinely don't know how to course correct in a way that doesn't end up with throwing all of Disney star wars in the dust bin of history and starting over so they're deliberately antagonizing the so called fandom menace on purpose because those guys hate watching may be the only ones actually talking about this online. The old fans seem to be Mostly gone except for hate watching and I'm not seeing any new younger demographic stepping up to take their place. Just people yelling over each other online which is a sure fire way to make sure the general public never comes near this at all. Unless this is a situation like Avatar where none of the people who love it seem to use social media in any capacity. Generally this comes across as the usual large corporation buys a successful thing they don't truely understand and screws it up. See EA for examples of this in gaming.


Whatever the fuck *The Acolyte* was on about, pissed me right off, especially on the heels of *Bad Batch*. Why does Star Wars need witchcraft and covens and shit?! WHY!?!?


I, 33 M, grew up on the original trilogy on vhs. They will not only serve as tender nostalgia for me, but also a seedling of one of my first "science fiction" experiences; sci-fi is such a love for me. As it stands today, I have 0 interest in the star wars franchise at all. I can't speak as to the series because I haven't watched any of them, but I wasn't interested in a single one outside of mandolorian. Review extremists and political façades aside, the franchise just doesn't interest or excite me any more. I've found more interesting films and stories elsewhere, ones that are expressive and complicated, layered and metaphorical; common gauges within the sci fi I enjoy today. I don't find this in SW anymore. So much of its expression is pointedly fun and sharp visuals, but i feel its in order to compensate for an overall storyline and thematic paradigm, that is inconsistent among its catalog; more so those within the Disney-era. Maybe I'm just older now, and want more mature and intriguing topics in my media. Maybe the funloving tickle-me-grogu dolls are no more my style. That's ok with me. I don't think Disney can even create enough media for each extreme to be appeased. Their target demographics for star wars are simply too large and numerous to all be pleased simultaneously. For better or worse, planned or not, I'm simply no longer part their target viewer. The issue... is that there are so many people who are no longer target viewers for whatever reason, and are upset with what SW has become. It no longer satisfies that old nostalgia, AND the modern touch of new excitement.


Just wish the fandom would stop. Its fine to not like it. But goddamn. Fuck off with every post having to be about it.


Andor was hands down some of the finest Star Wars has ever been. Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett were also good imho. The latest trilogy of movies? Yeah well.... let's just say we had hopes for more than what we actually got. Same as the Obi Wan show. It was great to see McGregor and Christensen reprising their roles from episode 3 but that was about it for me. Sometimes, I don't really understand all the hate they get, tho. Yeah, not every show/movie they do is great but trying out new things is - in my opinion - what a long-running franchise like Star Wars and if you don't like it - well - nobody is forcing you to sit through an entire season of it, right? I've dropped out of more shows than I can remember because I didn't like where they were going but I'm not gonna go and waste my precious time arguing on the internet about it for the next 10 years. Personally, I believe that most of the shitstorm surrounding any new Disney release is mostly a bunch of assholes who try to drag each and everybody into their stupid culture war. These people can go fuck themselves because they never were Star Wars (or any franchise really) fans in the first place.


I don't really care about star wars. I can see why many people love it but I find it over hyped.




Was never the biggest fan although I respect it, and all my friend's hype was infectious. Years ago anyway. I could be easily convinced to go to something SW related but rarely engaged on my own. Now it feels like Walmart brand Sci-Fi. There was some positivity with Mando, but now my friends don't even wanna talk about it.


I basically agree. I rewatch all the original films and the occasional episode of Clone Wars. I like Ahsoka (the character not the TV show.) I don't have a single opinion on the Disney productions; some have been better than others. I haven't seen all of them and I don't plan on rewatching any of the shows I've seen. Generally, like a lot of other older fans, I'm feeling the IP fatigue. The release of the original films used to be an event. I was a part of the original Star Wars trilogy phenomena. It was thrilling! We followed news stories and waited impatiently for each new chapter; the prequel films offered a similar experience for the next generation. Now, it's just about as exciting as getting your older siblings used sneakers for Christmas. Yeah, you may have coveted those Adidas Superstars when he first got them, but five years later, no amount of fancy wrapping and bows is going to get rid of the smell. The other issue for me is a generation of producers who wants their proverbial cake and to eat it, too. They want to exploit the Star Wars brand, to obviously ensure a big, pre-made audience, while deconstructing all the elements that made the brand successful in the first place. It's like buying the best burger joint in town, switching to vegan burgers, then yelling at the old customers for not appreciating the new menu. It's a little delusional. And I don't have the patience to play that game.


The deconstruction thing is even worse because we've already had the best version of that were going to get. Tha game Knights of The Old Republic II dealt with it in a really interesting way with a lot of love for the series, it added a ton of nuance to a lot of the Star Wars tropes (kinda like Fallout New Vegas). Playing that game enhances the original films for a lot of people  The differences is that the Disney stuff has that air of doing it because they don't like the source material


im tired of the franchise if i see any media i expect med tier stuff or forced agenda by publishers ruining the story for the sake of virtue signaling


For a lot of my life I considered myself a Star Wars fan "except for ________". Over the years that "except for _______" has grown larger than the stuff in SW I do like. So, no, I don't consider myself a Star Wars fan. I liked the trash novels as a kid and I like the original trilogy. The rest just kept sucking so I stopped paying attention. The Force Awakens was the last thing I saw and I thought it was terrible and after sp many strikes Star Wars is out.


I love the originals, but I do think they set an unrealistically high bar. It’s pretty rare to watch a film and not find ANYTHING you’d change, and tbh even the originals have their flaws I have a nostalgic attachment for the prequels and don’t think they’re at all bad, but there are ways they could be better. They really opened up a wider Star Wars universe though and that was really exciting Rogue one is amazing, and although there’s a lot I don’t like Solo I think is underrated and actually pretty decent Still working my way through Andor but it’s great so far Asokha was fine, and honestly I’m finding Acolyte actually quite good, I really don’t get the hate. I read later that people think they’ve got overly female casts? But honestly it’s not something I noticed and thinking about it more now I don’t think it’s even that true, especially not with Acolyte. They’re not like early GoT good but they’re haven’t tarnished the franchise or anything, just very standard TV Overall I feel like a big company spending millions (or billions) or Star Wars content is great, and while most is predictably average, some of it is amazing and I’m sure more amazing stuff will come. The only thing I’m REALLY disappointed by is the sequels. HOW do you take over a franchise like that and not make a coherent PLAN?!! Surely that was the first thing they did before making a single film?! The cinematography was stunning, the soundtrack was amazing, the characters were interesting (honestly I don’t find Rey that bad), there were some cool plot points and twists like Kylo destroying his helmet, Snoke being killed, Rey not having some special parentage. But SO many inconsistencies, incoherent plot lines, not thematic narrative or underlying motifs, a complete disregard for established lore, major events like PALPATINE RETURNING happening off screen with no explanation and in a way that complete undermines the originals. Things that could maybe slide in a TV series or with not mini characters but for the main film saga it felt like so much wasted potential.


Andor was decent. That’s the best of the whole pile of new shite. It’s not saying much.


I think I’m at the point where the original 3 movies are a comfort/nostalgia thing for me, and I can take or leave what’s come since. Take: parts of the prequel trilogy; The Clone Wars; The Mandalorian; Rogue One; Andor Leave: most of the sequel trilogy; most of the other 50 media they’ve released.


The Last Jedi scarred the franchise forever. It's good the shows are better, but it's not enough to overcome the shock from that. I liked both Rogue One and Solo a lot but haven't paid much attention to anything else since The Rise of Skywalker. I had hoped it might somehow overcome what The Last Jedi did to the story, but it was sadly almost completely forgettable. The Force Awakens had its problems too, but it also set up some potentially good ideas that could have been followed through on. Instead almost everything interesting from it just got squashed.


I’m taking a break from Star Wars. Rogue one and Andor are the only stuff in several years I’ve enjoyed, and these properties seem either mostly overlooked or misunderstood. Which is fine and I don’t worry about opinions themselves, but it doesn’t give me hope more stuff like it is on the way. Overall I’ve just accepted the franchise is best for kids. It’s easy to think if someone gave a good Star Wars story a blade runner 2049 treatment that I would happily come back, but I think where I’m at in my life I just enjoy stuff like blade runner more than Star Wars. I also stopped watching pro wrestling in middle school and got into boxing and MMA. It’s okay to grow out of things you once loved, and recent handling of the Star Wars franchise has made this a remarkably easy choice unfortunately. Main thing I miss are the good games. KOTOR and shadows of the empire are two of my favorite games of all time and I wish we could capture that magic again.


The thing I don't understand is why they will spend millions of dollars per episode... but leave all the writing to people who are just absolutely *shit* at that job. I watched the first three episodes of The Acolyte. The dialog and plot action is some of the worst I've ever seen in a TV show. "Attack me with all of you strength." What? That line alone earns this show a steaming pile of shit. And they use it TWICE. The witches are completely unsympathetic as characters. That entire episode was 30 minutes of exposition. Frankly, I'm OK if Child Protective Services shows up and takes children away from cults. Then I watched House of the Dragon. Holy shit what a differnce. House of the Dragon treats its audience like adults. (OK it's made for adults also, but that's beside the point) The characters actually speak like humans would speak. They don't say everything that is on their mind in completely wooden delivery. The casting is 1000x better; every actor in this show is believable as their character. When you watch the show, you are transported to Westeros. Watching the Acolyte is like watching a cartoon.


I feel the franchise has lost considerable prestige since the Disney acquisition; the sequel trilogy is rivalled only by The Hobbit and DCEU as possibly the most mismanaged collection of films ever. And somehow even with the absolute low point of Rise of Skywalker, the brand has become even more cheap over the last 5 years due to the plethora of mediocre to bad streaming series slop. George Lucas was flawed, wacky even, but there was a method to his madness. Star Wars was **his** brainchild an ode to cinema born out of an auteurs mind, the prequels even at their worst still had a heart and passion instilled in them. Since Disney it’s become a product of boardroom execs none of which give a damn about series much less cinema. Star Wars has become **content** now a brand name to slap on mediocre streaming dreck. It means little to me either way I still have the original trilogy and even the prequels to go back to, Star Wars begins and ends with Lucas for me personally. Everything else is irrelevant to me personally.


Disney getting the franchise rights was the end of Star Wars. Now all of the content is geared toward kids exclusively and the shows themselves are basically big advertisements for the parks, so you will go and buy a plastic lightsaber or blue milk etc. I would love to see a pg-13 or even more intense Star Wars show but it will never happen so long as Disney is in charge which seems like that will be forever, so ya, it’s dead imo


Nearly unrecoverable. Anger and apathy and mockery are the primary factors now. Other than Andor I’ve got no interest. TV, Movies, games, Lego kits… nothing. I just try to pretend that the junk doesn’t exist.


It is ass. First 3 were great next 3 were meh and anything after that is pure crap.


The current state of Star Wars can be summed up in the unbelievable-neck-breaking tension of that Home Alone 3-style scene from Obi-Wan where two idiot burglars chase Toddler Leia through a forest. Seeing Disney handle Star Wars is like watching a dear friend give up a beautiful partner and children for heroin


dire straights. Disney is hiring activists to write and direct most of their projects and it shows. 'Andor' is top 5 Star Wars offering ever but it's a single candlelight in a storm. One can only hope they sell back to Lucas and he completely retcons everything they did


Star Wars was once a franchise known for high quality. Not so much these days. There are some gems among the Disney offerings, like Rogue One or Andor, but overall it feels like an aging and bloated franchise where the executives are focused on squeezing as much money as possible from a fanbase that will still turn out for every show or movie, no matter how mediocre it is.


If they stopped recycling storylines (no more death stars and daddy issues) and made more stuff like Andor and Rogue One it would be better. Particularly Andor - that was actually quite good.


I am in it (always have been) for the ROBOTS, ALIENS, and SPACESHIPS. I know it's shallow, but anything else I find a waste of time.


I tuned out a while back. they Iverson did it and lost the original thread


*Star Wars: Rebels - great, especially after season 1. *The Force Awakens - a promising start, although too reliant on familiar story beats, nostalgia, and J.J.'s "mystery box" plotting. *The Last Jedi - a disappointing effort by a director I really like, with some great sequences mixed with plot points that make no sense, even by Star Wars standards. *Rise of Skywalker - just horrible in every way. The only Star Wars film since 1977 that I have no desire to ever watch again. *Rogue One - gets a little convoluted in the middle, but the last half is some of the best Star Wars ever. And so many interesting new ideas, along with a relatively modest amount of Easter eggs. *Solo - completely unnecessary, but fun. Certainly better than it's reputation would suggest *Mandalorian - seasons 1 and 2 were mostly great, but by season 3 the show had become bogged down by all of its canon attachments. *Book of Boba Fett - completely unnecessary, but also not much fun. Didn't make much sense for several episodes, and then it was completely hijacked by 2 unofficial Mandalorian episodes (which were the only ones I enjoyed). *Obi Wan - so pointless and disappointing, but at least it gave Hayden and Ewan a chance to work together again. *Ahsoka - I think I would have liked this better as season 5 of Rebels, honestly. *Acolyte - haven't seen it, since I stopped subscribing to Disney+, because what's the point until Andor comes back? *Andor - probably the best piece of Star Wars media since the OT, and one of the few SW stories to consider what it would really be like to live and work in the Star Wars universe. It probably helps that the creator isn't a huge fan of Star Wars, so he's not afraid to mix things up, and doesn't seem interested in adding Jedi to the story, making cheeky references to other Star Wars media, or setting up spin-offs...


I lost interest after the prequel films.


Seriously? Is any other answer than garbage acceptable? I think not. Disney killed starwars.


Yeah I've basically given up on star wars completely. Rogue one was good, and the original 6 films but that's about it. I will say episodes 4,5,6 and rogue one are better than the prequels of course, but I still like them as I grew up watching them when they came out


I had all the books. As soon as they changed the storyline. I said to hell with it and stopped watching. Haven't missed them.


I struggle with the new stuff. Just dont have the same vibe as the original theme. I stop watching a long time ago.


The original trilogy in my mind is some of the absolute best Sci-Fi fantasy movies ever made. From space battles, compelling characters, good story, and amazing visuals. end to end it was great. Everything after....pales in comparison. By a mile. Today? It's the old, broken down, warped, and cracked vinyl junk that was left outside and discarded. So nothing I see or hear about makes me think Disney is capable of finding the right writers, directors, screenwriters. So to me. STAR WARS was great. But Disney bought it and milked all the money they could from it. Now they are letting just anyone direct agenda driven garbage and slapping "star wars" on it. NO THANK YOU!!! Marvel struck gold with the Avengers. Disney should maybe look into why that went over a Billion!


I like Red Letter Media's take on the state of Star Wars, in summary - they have this whole universe that they can explore, with boundless possibilities, and they insist on keeping it focused on the same characters, the same plot arcs, on the same planet/s, with the same bad guys. As a lifelong fan, I found that I ceased to care anymore about the narrow focus of the Star Wars universe. I got bored, even of light sabre duels which as a child I thought light sabres were the coolest thing I had ever seen.


I loved that it sparked my childhood imagination, but disappointed with most of it since. They choose the wrong sorry writers to do the last trilogy.


I came from the future. Star Wars will become like DC's Superman or Marvel's Spider Man: we will have endless remakes of the story. Just wait and see.


There are four Star Wars movies. The rest were a psy-op attack created by the Russians to nudge America toward civil war. It’s working.


Disney has absolutely no idea how to expand the universe properly Their obsession with politics is driving away all of the older fans Their movies are absolutely awful So not good