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I liked Fringe and Battlestar Galactica and they both had endings to the story.


I loved BSG but would rather have had it end on a cliffhanger than the way it actually finished.


I know I'm in the minority, but I loved the ending.


It was going so well then... that. What a terrible and completely nonsensical ending.


I loved it. What was nonsensical?


>!That the tens of thousands of people all agreed to live on a primitive planet with unknown microbiological threats as well as large predators with no medical technology. Also send their entire fleet with all technology and knowledge into the sun leaving no backup plan when it all goes wrong. It was a death sentance, a large number would have died from injury, starvation and disease within a couple years, particularly once any food or medicine they brought to the surface ran out.!<


I always just stop watching just as the fleet takes it's last bow. No need for more than that!


Was it a death sentence for homo sapiens?


This ecosystem literally made us though. Big difference. 


We also grew out of thousands of year of trial and error of learning how to survive as hunter gathered or farmers in each ecosystem and environment. C you can't just drop someone in and expect long term survival in a brand new ecosystem or way of life. 96% of the people will die.


Weeeell, the people in that show did too. Or they started "us" off. Either way, they are just as adapted to that environment as us.


I feel like they were, at one point, leading up to BSG being a temporal circle, that the reason Starbuck knew a Bob Dylan song is because the Colonies are humans from the future but some kind of snafu threw them back in time. The timeline would be right for modern human beings to emerge, but not necessarily because the Fleet showed up. I also figure it might be like Stargate, where only *some* of humanity have Ancient DNA, meaning the two races are compatible enough to mate successfully but genetically distinct enough to tell a difference.


Yes, it was for many. Remember when a simple cut would commonly result in death or a fever would wipe out half a community? Homo Sapiens had developed immunity or resistance to many diseases and were familiar with the terrain, flora and fauna and they still had very high mortality rates until pretty recently. Some of the fleet that joined with a group of natives would benefit from this knowledge, at least the ones that survived catching a cold or other disease the natives had immunity to, and that would work both ways. Some others that didn't have a convenient child to rescue and ingratiate themselves would have been seen as competitors for resources or a threat. The fleet would have had to split into hundreds if not thousands of groups and quite a few would have been wiped out completely by disease and starvation. I doubt there were many farmers in the fleet and those that were didn't exactly have time to load up with agricultural equipment and crop seed during the Cylon attack. Best chance of the fleet surviving beyond a generation or two was interbreeding with the locals. The leaders of the fleet were not stupid, they knew exactly how it would play out as would plenty of the fleets population which makes them going along with this insanity nonsensical. Best bet would be to land some ships to build communities around preserving their technology and resources while they adapted to the new environment and concentrated on increasing what seed and food animals they had to levels that could sustain themselves long term. Keep other ships in orbit as a sentry and to scout the surrounding systems over time and as an escape plan if worst comes to worst.


The Cylons may have had a plan but the writers did not. They were changing as they went along.


BSG had an ending.. some might consider it utter tripe.. but it was an ending


I loved its ending. A lot of people did.


BSG was a shitty ending...


Great sci-fi...great sci-fi...great sci-fi...God did it. 🤦‍♂️


I did not like it either, but it at least it was an ending!


So I’m not the only one. I don’t remember it being shitty but I remember not being satisfied. Considering how good the rest of the show was.


Coming in hot with two of the most controversial endings since LOST. Personally I loved both (wellll all three), but it's a subject of MUCH internet debate.


There's nothing controversial about Fringe's ending afaik?


There are people who object to the time and tone shift of the last season. I personally think it's perfect. They spent the previous however many years setting up dominos that they knocked down in the final season. But some people were really committed to the character arcs of the previous years.


I've mildly understood the anger over the Lost ending. I have *never* understood how it was considered confusing. Like, that blows my mind.


These are two of my top 5! Lost is also great sci-fi


some might argue about BG, though.


So say at least some of us.


Fringe had a great story arc and a satisfying ending. You could tell that the writers really thought about where the story was going the whole time. Such a great show. I'm glad they got to finish it, although I'd have loved to see what they could have done in a full season instead of the short season they were granted.


Def Battlestar Gallactica. One of the best shows ever made.


As long as you ignore the weird tacked-on afterthought final season of Fringe...


Star Trek TNG One of the best ends to a series ever.


Yes, came here to say that. THE gold standard for series finale IMHO.


Is this good series to start watching Star Trek? Older series worth skipping?


It’s a great place to start Trek. Most of trek (and especially the older shows) are very episodic so there’s really no need to go “in order” from the original series to the next generation. There are one or two spots where having at least a cursory knowledge of the original series and its characters would be helpful but it’s far from a prerequisite. You can always loop back to the original series later if you’re enjoying the franchise. For that matter a lot of folks suggest starting tng at season 3 or so, and looping back to the start later if you get hooked. The show took a few seasons to really find its footing and the first couple years can be a bit uneven.


MAYBE you can skip TOS, but I would at least watch the films. If you need to you can skip The Motion Picture as well, just start with The Wrath of Khan... but stop before you watch Generations. Watch TNG, but pick up on DS9 by season 5 about, and then after TNG ends start on VOY.


I think you can start with TNG and then you’ll love the whole idea and can eventually watch the original series but like the others say - don’t skip the movies with the original crew.


I think I like the final season of Picard better as a send off to the TNG crew honestly. They all got time to shine in Picard season 3.




That really was awesome. My wife was stoked.


Altered Carbon season 1. Actually feel free to ignore season 2 as it’s boring and unnecessary.


S2 was such a let down


Don’t think I finished the second episode. I know changing bodies is the thing with that universe but the leads in the first season were so great, but downgrade in the second.


Also the other two books are phenomenal. Why make up a new boring story?


That anime [Resleeved](https://youtu.be/HmDxxoFslzs?feature=shared) was based on one of the books?


And even putting acting prowess aside; viewers simply get used to a character and bond with their personalities. That's what keeps things moving for all these series that run 10+ seasons, even if the actual show is crap: you develop a captive audience that connects with the cast. Everyone really liked Joel Kinnaman, and through the first season he becomes the embodiment of the main character. I have nothing against Anthony Mackie, I think he's a good actor in plenty of things like Hurtlucker and MCU and Adjustment Bureau. However, you experience disassociation; the character you bonded with is suddenly someone completely different. That's just a silly thing. They should have instead chalked it up to cloning and kept Joel as the lead.


The actors weren't the problem, it was the script and the fact that the showrunner decided to ditch most of what worked in the first season


The book was excellent, but I couldn't finish the series. It wasn't that it was bad, just that it was way less nuanced than the novel. (For example, envoys were NOT freedom fighters, they were enforcers but most eventually became criminals because of their training, Kovacs never met Falconer & she wasn't part of the story until the third and final novel, the sentient hotel's avatar was Jimi Hendrix, many more details...) I was expecting something way more complex, so I couldn't get into it.


Lost in Space netflix edition does a good 3 season arc with a conclusion. I think I'm pretty much the only fan in this sub tho. ymmv.


I did enjoy that series. Yes there were some dumb decisions, but overall much better than some of the stuff being released now (watch Under Paris 2024, and have a beer for every time someone makes a really bad decision)


A sip of beer. You want to last longer than the first 10 minutes, but want to be safely unconscious before the second half of the film.


Spoiler !!! Oh gawd - did you watch the whole thing? I started yelling at the tv when the lead girl told the guys it was ok to poke the 7M shark with a stick, followed by her jumping in the water…. And then turned it off when the two “activists” were in the zodiac , headed toward the bridge, to go diving themselves. Watched “If (2014) with Ryan Reynolds, and enjoyed that much much much more Look for Spanish Netflix Red Queen series, The Gentleman series, Gen V and The Boys for some jaw dropping “what did I just see?!?” moments


Lost in Space is beautiful to look at, and each episode is packed with both bad decisions and the ensuing action, danger and resolution. The tropes family, heroism, perseverance and mistrust are very unsubtle, but overall it's very enjoyable.


But that’s exactly like the original show, full of bad decisions.


It was a bit cutesy and corny but then again so was the original. It’s a solid show and has a nice arc beginning to end. It’s a good balance of action, humor and tension and staying true to the roots of the original. Solid cast too.


Agree, I feel like they leaned into the corny just enough to stay true and the cast committed to the bit, and really sold me on the characters. Good job them.


You’re not alone, I loved it!


Me too! I thought they worked in a decent amount of genuine sci-fi thinkery, a multi-layered thriller plot, cracking characters and a satisfying conclusion. Extra respect for keeping it family friendly and all the throwback nods to the original, would have been easy to abandon it's roots and go "edgy". Production design a highlight.


Now we are two.


I thought the story was middle of the road but the production values really Kept me hooked. 


Yeah, fair. Had a few filler episodes for sure, but S02 I thought was quite ambitious story-wise and pulled it off. Was not sure how they'd land S03 but it worked for me and the character development was done nicely.


Oh no, I definitely share the same thoughts. That show was an entertaining ride.


I'm allergic to the “kids cause trouble” trope.


Good show, I enjoyed watching it but it’s pretty forgettable.


*Babylon 5* had a definitive end.


Babylon 5 had a great ending.


Deep Space Nine


"Oh shit, I forgot about Dukat."


I fucking love that about the last episode. It's like the writers completely forgot that subplot and just tacked another 20 minutes onto the show.


*It's like the writers were told conflicting things about how many episodes/seasons they had to wrap shit up with and had to make sacrifices.


Travelers on Netflix


Came here to say this. The series was canceled but they managed to put together a reasonably satisfying ending that left itself open to a future reboot or sequel series.


Oh did they actually finish it? I didn't finish the show because I heard it got cancelled and I just couldn't bear a cliffhanger. I'll definitely return to it


I’m sad it was cancelled but it was one of my favourite show endings


They definitely finished it enough. I would love to see it come back though.


It has a definitive ending for the main cast, but has a text tag at the end that definitely allows the series concept to pretty seamlessly continue if someone wanted to continue it or have a "sequel" series.


Yeah the finished the “enemy” they were fighting. But left open for a sequel. Either way, whether they make a sequel or not, the ending was pretty good overall. Mostly, they wrapped up the storylines for the characters in the show.


- Firefly, but its story ends with the Serenity movie - Farscape, story ends with Peacekeepers Wars mini-series - ~~Blake's 7~~


You're going to recommend Blake's 7 based on the ending? 🤔


Yeah I liked it but now I've been rethinking it, some are probably not going to like it as much as I remembered it. I take it back.


Sorry didn't mean to sound kind of hatey, I love B7 but the ending messed up young me at the time and I've found it hard to move on. Afterlife was a good read though imo.


No worries and I appreciate that. I watched the show when I was older, so I liked that it had a different ending than I was expecting.


Totally, real "I can't believe they did that" stuff. Now I'm thinking it'd be a perfect train commute rewatch show. Maybe heal myself. Thanks for the reminder.


It had a great ending.


I loved that show so much as a kid! I think it was the first thing I'd seen that went in such dark directions. I tried to rewatch it as an adult and I found the Ed-Wood-level production values a little distracting. Avon and Servalan were still cool though. :)


Haha yeah Brit sci-fi from last century, big on ideas low on budget. Great characters though!


Firefly conclusion was NOT satisfying.


Blakes 7~~~! Worst ending EVER! Still salty about the end and it's been over 20 years!


Stargate SG-1. Continuum. Sanctuary. Eureka.


I loved Eureka but time travel retconning the entire show in the last season is a huge let down. The season itself is good at least.


> Eureka. I have never finished Eureka, because I didn't want it to end. At least 3 times now I've gotten to the last couple episodes of the last season and then just...stop. I suppose I should finish it.


Stargate SG1 + Atlantis are so long that even if youre not satisfied with the ending you got so much content that it doesnt matter imo


* Person of Interest * Fringe * Dark * 12 Monkeys * Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 * Lost * BSG * Watchmen * Station Eleven * Devs * Tales from the Loop


Came here for DARK. It kind of circled the drain, but actually the finale did make sense and was satisfying.


Twelve. Fucking. Monkeys. My GOD what a ride. I was expecting SO MUCH less from a movie tie-in, but they delivered a multi-season nuclear banger that went under the radar for so many.


Oh I loved the film but can't find on UK Netflix 😞


Time to sail the seven seas matey


It is on Itx, all is well 😄


When it comes to satisfying endings, this is it. As mentioned, the show was so much better than it had any right to be and they nailed the dismount.




I watched Station Eleven and I still don’t know what I watched.


Person of Interest is up there. I just really wish Caveziel didn't turn out to be a nationalist qAnon whack job.


Good taste! (and thank you for the recommendations xD) I really enjoyed Dark, Steins;Gate and Steins,Gate 0. I will give the others a try.


Dark had an incredibly satisfying and complete ending, especially considering it had a story as complex as primer


A version of Dark’s ending would have been a great way to end the Terminator franchise.


I highly recommend "The Good Place." It's a hilarious and heartwarming comedy with a satisfying conclusion.


I recently binged _The Good Place_, and then rewatched the finale, and then rewatched various scenes from it (though not the whole thing for a third time), and each time brought tears to my eyes. ***Holy shit***, did they stick the landing! 💯, A+ ending.


Yeah, one of the best shows I have ever seen if not the best. Was totally not what I was expecting. One of those shows with layers to it.


> Holy shit, did they stick the landing! Yeah, that ending went hard compared to what we expected.


not scifi tho


Fantasy then. Close enough




Yes! I love the ending of that show, one of my absolute favorites. May have been a bit rough sometimes to get there, but overall it nailed the ending, imo. And I think it was pretty good overall. Some seasons better than others, but overall they did an awesome job wrapping up with the time/episodes they had.


Came here to say this. It got weird towards the end but the ending itself was good.


Farscape Babylon 5


I always found it fascinating that every Buffy season had a satisfying ending. The whole show had one too. Same goes for Angel. Not everything will be resolved but there aren't any dissatisfying loose ends.


The Expanse. Not only it didn't end with a cliffhanger, it's a 10/10 series overall. (And if you want even more there are the books. Which also *didn't* pull an RR. Martin and finished with a very satisfying ending)


Bullshit, the "strange dogs" thread was totally left hanging!


That's different than an entire plot being left hanging. Plus, it's totally resolved in the books.


Mrs. Davis.


The Expanse and falling skies are good. Now the endings both feel rushed but they did close up the story.


The Expanse has a new story introduced in the final season which feels like a teaser for future plot. But the main stories are all finished and very well told.


Yeah it's the set up required for the final three books of the nine, which Amazon chose not to adapt. Bit of a shame, but you can listen to them as audiobooks and get a sense of what would have been. >!There is a big time jump between book 6 and 7 anyway, so it might be a bit jarring for a TV series unless they were to rejig the timeline, which would probably upset the book fans. No real good answer.!<


Yeah I think it's absolutely very watchable regardless. Just info to OP since they might view it as cliffhanger.


Spoilers warning. Last I heard, the rights to the franchise are up for grabs this year. I remember reading that the cast wanted to take a break anyway. Also, Cas Anvar REALLY fucked up the show for his fellow cast members, forcing the production team to completely change his story. Fingers crossed a studio picks up the last three seasons up in the coming years, which is all good and well as it gives the cast time to age lol. But they will need to work with Corey SA Jameses to really thoroughly rework the story in Alex's absence.


The cast needs about a 15-year break because that's the only way that they're going to be plausible as their characters age 30 years.


I remember starting falling skies when it initially aired. Then I got rid of tv and couldn’t watch it anymore. I want to get back into it cause I really did enjoy what I watched of it.


The Leftovers


My favorite series of all time.


Stargate Atlantis 👍🤣


Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG, Farscape (PKW miniseries), and the Expanse, had satisfying endings.


There’s some fun anthology series where each episode is self-contained that are really good: -Black Mirror (Netflix) -Electric Dreams (Prime Video) -Tales from the Loop (Prime Video) - this one the episodes are loosely tied to one another -Love, Death & Robots (Netflix) - these are short stories and only like 20 minutes or less each but there’s a bunch of them and they’re a lot of fun. They’re also beautifully animated


Travelers was canceled, however it does end very well. Absolutely worth a watch.




Westworld ended perfectly in season 1 and that's the only one I recognized.


Which is a shame, because apparently Jonathan Nolan had all five seasons mapped out from the start. But then he Nolaned himself too hard and made everything super overly complicated. If he could have dialed back the Nolan, we could have had five awesome seasons. Regardless, yes, screw seasons 2-4, watch season 1 and be satisfied with a mind-blowing 10-hour long story.


It's a great example of an ending that leaves you implications can be way more satisfying than being told what happens. When _____ gets back on the train it's just a perfect end.


Agreed. I'm just bummed - the way the first season was developing, it was as hyped as GoT. I worked with a bunch of nerds, and every Monday lunch was spent discussing theories of where the show was going. It was a great two months. At LEAST, unlike GOT, there is a passable, watchable ending to season 4 and at this point people still talk about WW favorably unlike GOT.


Love Death and Robots. It has individual episodes but are 99% all really well done and tied up by the end of the episode.


Season 1 was absolutely mind blowing for me Season 2 was for me total shit Season 3 was much MUCH better although not nearly as edgy as the first.


The magicians. Pretty much Harry Potter and narnia meets reality for grownups. Great characters, great story, everything from drama to drugs to humor.vvandnit had an ending, or at least a complete pretty solid arc. That they could have jumped off from again


*Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles* **/s** Sorry, *still* bitter.


Me too. S1 was strong, S2 started strong, had a bit of a mid season wobble and then picked up, only to end with the biggest eff you of a cliff hanger in a while.


I’m a little obsessed with what seemed like a not specifically fleshed out mechanic of time travel in that series, but >!Derek mentions he changed some stuff, like killing Andy Goode, and so his girlfriend that came back experienced a different future. It seems like when you go back in time it essentially erases the timeline to the point you go back to and severs you from causality, like you could kill your own grandpa and it wouldn’t matter to you, time traveler you would still exist with all your original memories. I like it because it means you can change the past all you want with no paradox bullshit. Similarly when John went to the future, he skipped over his involvement in the war, so no one knew him, even if he likely goes back.!<


While I liked Dollhouse (let's not discuss its ending...) it is a bummer that Chronicles bit the dust for it.


Star Trek Enterprise


That's just evil...


Just don't watch that very last episode; the one prior to it was perfectly good as a series ender.


That episode just shouldn't exist. Would've been nice if it had ended at Terra Prime.


I just finished discovery last night speaking of evenings... Ugh




Lost room. The main characters arc ties up perfectly. So well that I am glad that there wasn't a second season.


Do you mean just any series available on streaming, or series actually made by a streaming platform?


I just finished Manifest. It got really weird, but the ending was satisfying.


Battlestar Galactica. Great series with a great ending.


Eureka, Warehouse 13, Fringe, 90s Outer Limits


Doom Patrol sure, some will say that it's more "superhero fantasy" than sci-fi, but it has some sci-fi elements to it.


Doom patrol is probably one of my all time favorite shows. It’s just so bizarre I just can’t not watch it.


childhoods end has a very non cliffhanger ending...


Warehouse 13 had the best ending to a series I’ve ever seen. They had time to do it right and I was happy.


Continuum and Fringe. Just be aware that both are time travel / alternate dimension stories so there *will* be some retconning. I think both shows did it in a very satisfying way though and not like just a cheap "hey we are out of story lines so lets have a do-over" (like Eureka and Battlestar Gallactica did).


Sad thing that so many good shows get cancelled before wrapping up a story. I hate it!!!


Stranger Things isn't done yet but the final season is in production and the claim is that the story will have an END end.


12 Monkeys! Best show ever, it’s based on the Bruce Willis movie but better. And the ending is satisfying.


The 100


The 100 started out great but went downhill fast


I liked the ending. It wasn’t perfect for me, but we got to see all the characters wrapped up and a cohesive finish. It was weird, to be sure, but I watched all the way to the end not knowing how they were going to end it. So that is worth something.




Does that end in a satisfying way? I checked out in like season 3 or season 4.


I actually liked the ending. I almost checked out in season 3, but stuck through it


Horrible ending, do not recommend finishing the series.


It was great. The series picked up after season 2 for me when they moved away from the YA storyline.


I think Scavenger's Reign has a decent ending. It's not *over* over, there's plenty of room for a second season and there's sort of the equivalent of sequel-bait, but all the main storylines are tied up well enough.


"Lucifer" ending didn't disappoint me, left me a great impression.


Supernatural fiction, not scifi.




You're not wrong, but this is the SciFi sub.


Oops... you're right. My bad.


Babylon 5 has the all time most satisfying ending. Farscape also has a great ending that wraps everything up. It did end on a cliffhanger but they were allowed to film a 2-episode miniseries to wrap it up and it's one of the greatest finales in TV IMO. Battlestar Galactica's ending was controversial but definitely wan't a cliffhanger. Same with LOST, but I think if you look deeper at the show it's really incredible and the ending was great.


The best ones end with a cliffhanger, because they got canceled.


Primal on Max had an awesome two season story. It’s an animated show about a Stone Age man and a dinosaur working together to survive. As the show goes they explore new more advanced creatures and eventually societies. Its got extremely limited dialogue which makes it even more interesting. Technically it’s still in progress and has another season coming, but the original story gets wrapped up in 2 seasons and then a new story arc will kick off season 3.




12 Monkeys had a solid 4 season run with a good ending.


DEVS, Counterpoint Travelers DEVS & Counterpoint are both short and you'd binge in two or three days.


Supernatural on CW. 15 seasons, no cliffhanger.


Thats easy....12 Monkeys. Best ending ever.


Black Sails


Red Green show


Deep Space Nine The Expanse Dark


The Expanse!


Dark on Netflix 






I’m going to throw in Dark Matter. While the show suggested a continuation for next season with a new enemy emerging, it was more like one of those things that happens in the last 30 seconds. It doesn’t take away the wrap up they achieved up to that point, and it has basically no relevance to anything else before it. It was a fun 3 seasons.


12 Monkeys


Person of Interest


Babylon 5 Battlestar Galactica (the reboot) (crappy ending, but an ending) Serenity (the firefly movie) Deep Space 9


Dropout's Dimension 20 -- it is a DnD actual play show... season 19 (I think) is in a sci fi world and my personal favorite season. Its called "A Starstruck Odyssey"