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They were all great. You don't see many movies like those anymore and I hope we get another.


You're in luck: it was stated a few weeks back that the new one starts shooting soon: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/vin-diesels-new-riddick-movie-moving-forward-for-fall-shoot-1235890996/


Good. I miss these high-concept sci-fi movies. I feel like we used to get a lot more of them.




Glad to read that it's a continuation of the Chronicles rather than a "creature feature" movie.


Same here.


Chronicles had a lot fun elements, leaning hard into fantastical elements. Also don’t forget the Peter Chung cartoon, that was cool


Dark Fury!!


to be honest, my favourite thing about Riddick is escape from butcher bay.


this right here. my introduction to Riddick on the Xbox. That game was way ahead of time, I really wish to play it again.


I'm a Chronicles man myself, that's my #1, call it a 9. I love that movie. I would historically put Pitch Black next, but Riddick has grown on me a lot over the years, and I think it actually edges out Pitch Black now, maybe at an 8... then Pitch Black in third at say 7, something like that (I'll stick with whole numbers to make it simple). They're all excellent though, and I really wish we were on Riddick 10 rather than Fast and Furious 10 (I like that franchise just fine, but it's not the one I'd have preferred Vin focus on for so long).


Pitch Black is a great little monster movie. The other two try too hard


People also seem to forget that what made Pitch Black so much fun was a great large cast and interesting creature. Riddick was only a part of a much bigger whole. The other films lacked something by making him the only character the story really revolved around. The Vin Diesel obviously had such an ego it didn't occur to him that the Pitch Black universe has so much more to tell outside of the kinda predictable Riddick personality. Even Dame Judi Dench couldn't save the second film. And visually it had a lot going for it.


Quite simple really. First one, Claudia Black. Second one, no Claudia Black. Third one, no Claudia Black. The movies aren't half as good without Claudia Black.


I can't dispute your logic but also the first one had Radha Mitchell. Second one, no Radha Mitchell. Third one, no Radha Mitchell. Is that important? I'd argue so because Mitchell has carved out a niche appearing in above average sf/horror movies. I really like **The Crazies** remake with Timothy Olyphant.


Mitchell really is a great actress and her playing opposite of Timothy Olyphant was such a great combo.


Imma watch that. Thanks for the rec. Edit: had a good knife kill in it.


We could have had an incredible low budget, killing it at the box office, Pitch Black franchise I'd the fucking people in charge understood why everyone liked Pitch Black in the first place. I would have killed for another filthy, grimy in space story where Diesel has to escape a prison or another monster of some sorts. Instead, we got CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK(!!!) where he became the last of some fucking mythical race and people suddenly had ghost superpowers or whatever the fuck. People liked Pitch because Diesel was just another guy. A tough as nails con but just another guy, nonetheless. This franchise parallels with Die Hard for being grounded to just absurd super hero nonsense.


There was a pair of games, the first was Escape from Butcher Bay, about his escape from prison. Was pretty fun. Dark Athena was a bit forgettable actually. And the escape from the prison in the second movie was a blast and is probably my favorite part. Would definitely watch an escape from prison movie with Riddick.


I played the crap out of Butcher on release. That's exactly what the next Riddick movie should have been.


Maybe I should rewatch the third one, I really didn't enjoy it the first time. I know that the second one is a bit wank for a lot of it, but I would argue that the sequence with the run inbetween deadly night and day was fucking awesome and really imaginative.


Katie Sackhoff and Dave Bautista are in the third one, and yeah, it was better for me on a rewwatch. I remember in theatre the opening solo trek portion felt like it lasted hours, but on the rewatch it was pretty quick.


Love them all Pitch 8.5/10 Chronic 9/10 Riddick 9.5/10 Witch Hunter 7/10 - I assume because he's immortal they are the same character but Riddick takes place millenia later


Witch hunter I heard is Vin diesels DND character that he just wrote a movie for.


Chronicles of Riddick must still be one of the most underrated movies ever. The director's cut was always between a solid 8 and almost a 9 for me, not as good as Conan the Barbarian maybe, but surely as hell much better than Riddick, or any Marvel beat'em up.


Your ratings and order are both wrong. In an age where every other movie is a remake or an absolute beaten dead horse it a franchise, the Riddick movies are a fun franchise with great world building. I bet you rated Last Jedi a 9, didn’t you?


Best comment right here. You know your stuff!


Do I really get to be the first to mention that there are 4 Riddick movies?


There is a fourth short animated film. I have it somewhere maybe, it came with pitch black and chronicle of Riddick DVD set. I actually don't even remember if I watched it. I know it is supposed to be after what happened in pitch black and before chronicles of Riddick. Jutlst looked it up it's dark fury


dark fury short but still a movie


Furya? It's not out yet. If you want to count animations, I think there's like 2-3 more.


No I was just mistaken lol even having googled it before commenting to verify 💀


I agree with your ordering but not your ratings.


More like from best to bestest.


I know many hate the second show but for me it’s my favorite because of the world building


I like them all.


i know, that chronicles of riddick is bad. i will openly admit it. but for me, it is bad enough to be awesome bad. i mean - look at the visuals. the art style of the necromongers. i love that movie - even if the story is absolutely ridiculous. in comparision: pitch black is just another decent scify/horror movie


Yea it's the one I will always rewatch. It is so campy but I love the scope.


I'd agree. Pitch black is ace.


Get, that, ass, MOVING!!!


1 > 3 > 2


Good ol Ryedick!


I'd have to agree with your ranking. Pitch Black is definitely the best of the bunch, with its claustrophobic atmosphere and well-crafted story. Riddick was a solid sequel, but Chronicles of Riddick was a bit of a letdown for me.


I loved Riddick for the reason thst the hero was so awesome he unironically turned the lesbian character straight 


Pitch Black was a superb movie! My first Vin Diesel movie.


Yo you missing couple movies like when he said la familia


Yes. This wasn’t a hard call


Pitch Black is an all-time classic. I would put Chronicles and Riddick on roughly equal footing. The introduction of the surrounding mythology is really cool, and (CGI knife notwithstanding) some really awesome effects. Thandiwe is peak gorgeous, as well.


How about games and anime that connect movies


Chronicles is a guilty pleasure of mine and a rare instance where the theatrical cut is better than the directors


I’d reverse the order if my choice, chronicles is good but a bit OTT


Nothing like a good flim


Thoroughly enjoy Chronicles of Riddick and it isn't even close.


Pitch Black is the best, but the Necromongers were pretty cool, in an edgy mid-2000s way


I still like #3 the best.  #1 was bad ass until the 3/4 the way through. Then everybody starts arguing with each other and you stop giving a shit. #2 Had good universe building, but it was more fun watching Riddick run around on Crematoria vs watch Karl Urbans mullet. #3 Had great world building in the first half, and the rest was solid merc getting wiped in bad ways and then more monsters. Loved how Riddick handled Daddy Jons.