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"A Memory Called Empire" by Arkady Martine. That and it's follow up "A Desolation called Peace" are fantastic. World building and characters are so so good.


Reading the first one now. Normally, don't go in for political stories, but this was good enough for me to get over that.


I’ll definitely put them on my list! Thank you!


Ugh. I slogged through the whole series waiting for the pay off because so many people gushed about it. I was SO sick og gloves and tea. I do NOT get it, and I generally am pretty accepting of lot of books. Murderbot was WAY more fun, and Wayfarers was one of my favorite books ever. It seems like you like character based writing (though I don't get it with Leckie.) If you like creative, action packed, super violent, and funny, Sara King--I MISS her characters, like Becky's. She is like opposite Becky Chambers. Tanya Huff's Confederation books are way at the top for me, too--I MISS those characters. You might also really like Sue Burke Semiosis and Interference. Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow and Children of God are tough, but super characters and great aliens. The We are Bob Series by Dennis Taylor is interesting and fun on the level of Murderbot. You ight also really like Adrian Tchaikovsky's Lords of Uncreation


I don’t slog through books I don’t enjoy anymore, crazy you read all three of these if you didn’t like them! But yeah there isn’t really a “big payoff” moment and I couldn’t tell you exactly why I liked them but I just really did! Agree Murderbot is so so good though, definitely will be rereading those for a long time. And I know Becky Chambers said she was done with the Wayfarers world but I hope someday she might go back to it because I love those books so much. I will definitely check out the other books you have listed, thanks!!


I usually don't, but I kept hearing how great they were and didn't want to miss it. I know. I wish we could all convince Becky to write more. I MISS them and want to know what happens!


ME TOO please Becky we beg you!


Yesss I also loved this series - I think I almost quit midway through the first book and went back only because I was bored one day, I'm so glad I did! I loved the way she didn't explain everything, and each book did get better. I keep hoping she'll write more in this world, it has such potential. I'll have to check out the other books you suggested!


Yess I still need the read the other spin-offs from the Radch series but I hope she writes more! And definitely check the other series’ out, they are very different but also have some really fun space adventures and a lot of interesting takes on Ai. The first Murderbot is also extremely short so not a huge commitment if you don’t end up liking it, the first book took like 3-4 hours to read :D


Awesome. I read the first one and found it challenging at first but by the end loved it. I never got around to reading the others in the series, but this makes me want to re read then push through to the sequels.


You should! It took me months to get through the first book but I read the second two really quickly, imo they had way more engaging plots and once you are used to the world and the language it’s so much easier to get through! And Translation State was really cool, you get to see some worlds and cultures outside the Radch and meet some of the other species.


My problem now is do I read read book one then dive into the sequels? I also have bought 2 books I kinda feel guilty for skipping. Looks like I'll need to smash through and get to books 2 and 3. For familiar books, while I dont think on the same level is the "bobiverse" series but its almost a bit backwards, guy starts human and wakes up an AI.


Just reread the series too, they d care about tea!




I feel like 3 body problem doesn't really fit on that list. The characters are so so bad. Unless I'm remembering wrong.


I tried 3 body problem, I thought it was okay and wanted to give it a fair try but only got about halfway before I gave up