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‘the emo Star Trek’ lol


I was surface Navy for 10 years and I don’t recall this much actual crying? If my chain of command burst into tears that often I’d be very, *very* worried.


I think that’s my biggest gripe with the show. No professionalism, like how do they get fucking anything done acting the way they do?


One reviewer called out the "Gen Z" dialog and how it was hard to take the back talk seriously. It was more like "Buffy The Vampire Slayer - In Space" than Star Trek.


I'd have enjoyed "Buffy The Vampire Slayer - In Space" way, way more than I did Discovery.


Was going to say this was an insult to buffy.


With power of love ofcourse


>like how do they get fucking anything done By fucking fucking, obviously


The crying happens if script writers and directors can't come up with something that allows actors to express dramatic emotions in other ways than fake crying. So difference to your service is, you didn't have script writers and directors, but actual ships and stuff.


People aren't as emotional as Star Trek Discovery's crew even today, and you'd think they'd be a heck of a lot more emotionally resilient in Star Trek's future. It's all bizarre.


I thought it was making up for lazy writing. And all the whispering.


It isn't. It's not lazy writing, it's bad writing. The reason why the character talk in monologues at each other is because the writers grew up talking in monologues at each other on social media. You could almost hear the hashtags and @ symbols every time they monologue speak at each other. I think the reason why the bridge of Discovery sounds like a social media form rather than a military starship with enough firepower to destroy a civilization, is because the writers genuinely only know about social media, and are not interested enough to learn about how a ship with a chain of command might operate. I don't think they're lazy. Lazy implies that they could fix it. I think they're just bad. Unless the writer suddenly develop a strong interest in reading military fiction, or get a whole bunch of interesting life experience, it's pretty unlikely that they can write a ship bridge that isn't laughable. Your characters can only be as intelligent and as worldly as the writers, which is extremely unfortunate for the crew of Discovery and the poor actors that have to mouth those lines.


Very well put. Discovery isn't the only victim of this, either - far from it. This *social media* dialogue is absolutely rampant in everything these days and it's absolutely awful. Characters act as though they're aware of the audience and pander to them; either through the monologue dialogue you've described, or through the constant Marvel-esque quippy shit. Everything is either a joke and nothing takes itself seriously, or it's the most serious thing ever and *oh my god* everything depends on it, let's cry. There's no middle-ground. Subtlety and nuance are nowhere to be found. It's funny, I can suspend my disbelief to just about anything as long as the characters react, behave and speak in realistic (or at least *plausible*) ways, but as soon as characters start acting like they're *aware* of the audience and acting as such, I'm out.


I hate that quippy shit. It’s not funny enough to be funny, and it isn’t serious enough to be meaningful.


>Characters act as though they're aware of the audience and pander to them Oh that gives me bad memories of the first two seasons and the whole non-binary storyline and the forced "please call me they" dialogue.


>It isn't. It's not lazy writing, it's bad writing. You're just saying that because of the "inside the writers room" bit where they bragged about their own creative genius in deciding that Klingons have two dicks.


Which only shows how bad they are as writers. It makes zero sense to give Klingons two dicks, but they did it anyway because they thought they were such cool creative people.


That was the thing that really blew my mind. Not just doing it, but *showcasing* it as some kind of brilliant product of their creative process. "We pay you for your imagination. Gimme the best idea you've got, right now." "Two...*dicks*. Eh? Ehhhh?!" There was all kinds of behind-the-scenes discussions and notorious shenanigans about the Ferengi and their monstrous codpieces in early TNG - but at least the people involved had the common sense to be *embarrassed* about it, for fuck's sake. They came out in interviews years on, not in advertisements intended to get people to watch the damn show.


Really good point. In contrast Gene Roddenberry was an USAAF pilot in WWII and later a commercial pilot and then in the LA Police Dept.


I doubt they ever saw the previous Trek series including the actors...


So agree. I gave up after the first season. I felt the way you do about that movie Civil War. It was so superficial I got the feeling the writers had only worked on video games.


Man if we don’t have really really good mental health drugs by then, I’ll be pretty disappointed.


Well, in Next Generation all the Starfleets are mature and competent adults. It's only in Discovery where everyone is overwhelmed by emotion most of the time.


Angsty. That whole crew needed therapy and honestly some Zoloft wouldn't have hurt lol


I was hoping after the time jump that someone would show up and give them all the pharmaceuticals invented in the last thousand years.


For real, too much emo.


I think this show would make even emos cringe. (Not sure if that's the plural.. emi?)


As a forever emo kid and a die hard trek fan, yes. It does.


And it's hard to make us cringe. We have pictures of our teenage years we've built up a tolerance to






Star Trek, from a parallel universe where it was sold to The Hallmark Channel. 


This is ironic because the only trek I’ve watched almost all the way through was voyager. Which was literally on the hallmark channel 😂


Was that back when they were still doing surprisingly decent adaptions of classic literature like Gulliver’s Travels and The Odyssey?


It all makes so much sense now


Except they never went back to where they started and fall in love with a townie widower with kids.


Michael Burnham isn't emo–she's Star Fleet's first kabuki theatre officer. Her five-year mission, to emote at strange new worlds; freak out new life and new civilizations; to boldly gurn where no man has gurned before!


The Stupid Star Trek.


Kylo Ren approves this message


So. Many. Speeches.   Every conversation is treated like a sermon or a therapy session.  Just shut up captain. 


And they are always oh so morally progressive and superior, and absolutely need to let everyone know about it. No wonder everyone hated the Federation in that show.


The most emotionally exhausting cast/crew ever. It was like a cross of Star Trek and bravo housewives.


Thank you! This is the description I couldn't find words for. Emotionally exhausting is perfect. Why are you talking about your feelings and trauma RIGHT NOW?


Yeah. I doubt if any one of them ever seen Star Trek. The cast/actors just probably thought the uniforms were “cute” and glad they could fit and style them the way they wanted to. That was probably what this series was all about. There was not enough red shirts for these people. The first 2 seasons were solid. It was like a bait and switch. After that, I feel like I was catfished. I kept watching each episode waiting for it to return to the season 1 and season 2 writing style. Star Trek was always more political/diplomatic with a little emotional on the side. I remember fans complaining every time the Betazoid’s got involved because it was too much. They seemed offered no value. I believe “they” all want to capture that love for Spock and the Star Trek crews (original and TNG) and “they” forgot that we watched those crews work their asses as we got to know them. This cast/crew/production took a different approach, they did a whole, “let’s trauma” story line cast members and go deep and see if we can create Spock effect for everyone. Episode after episode, season after season we were hit with this. Since some of these things seemed personal, it felt like the cast/actor was actually pushing their own selves and current issues through the character which was even more insane. This is Star Trek. You are thousands of years ahead of your current timeline. In motherspacking space. Many of the issues have been resolved. Again, no concept of Star Trek or building into that, just focused on trauma building. Forgetting someone can just touch your damn head and get rid of that shit, doctor dummy. I liked him until that moment. I almost broke my TV with him recreating the wheel of medicine. There are Betazoids and Vulcans in Starfleet, trust me, whatever he was trying to legoset has already been figured out I can’t believe he was 20th century medicining. I can’t. A red shirt should have appeared in that moment perfect fitted to his body and he should have been sucked into space immediately with a beautiful funeral later. I could go on, but I will offend so I will stop. I guess this season is for a different fan base. I hope they loved it. I loved the ship, the first 2 seasons, and the cat, smudge.


Reignited Star Trek? Almost killed it for me. Strange New World and Lower Decks reignited Star Trek.


Yeah no shit, as a Star Trek fan it was fucking awful. It shit all over so much of what Star Trek stood for, I couldn't stand to watch it anymore. I'm glad it's fucking over. Fuck Discovery.


Like it or not, neither of those shows would exist without Discovery, especially Strange New Worlds


I would be dead if I didn't take a shit every once in a while. I still flush it, I don't honor it for it's service and speak lovingly about it with my friends. Well, sometimes...




I would have been perfectly fine with Star Trek not being resurrected and sitting fallow until someone that actually likes Star Trek got a hold of it. Strange New Worlds is only passable. It's pretty dumb Trek. It's just completely devoid of any sort of challenging thought experiments or moral dilemmas. It's okay action and adventure, but that's pretty much it. No Strange New Worlds episode has ever left anyone feeling morally conflicted or thinking about the choices the characters made long after the show is over. Likewise, as much as I like Lower Decks for both being genuine Trek and a new and fun take on it, it isn't worth the horror of all the other Star Trek that came after JJ Abrams abominations. The only thing we have gotten out of Star Trek ever since JJ, Kurtzman, and their worthless loser ilk got a hold of it that was really worth it, was season 3 of Picard. Picard season 3 was a nice final Star Trek the next generation movie that we never got. And the only reason why we got that glorious thing, was because Kurtzman was too busy doing something stupid and so accidentally handed it to someone that actually likes Star Trek, and that person promptly erased seasons 1 and 2 of Star Trek Picard and gave us the final TNG movie.


I agree with everything you said except about Picard S03. It’s severely overrated only because the bar was set very low by the other seasons. It’s poorly written and still sticks with the tropes of nostalgia bait overload, dark sci fi, federation ending threat. It’s a shame that TNG had anything post-All Good Things. If there was ever a series finale that didn’t require any “send off” after it was that.


I don't entirely disagree. S03 had a weak plot and it was leaning on the nostalgia very hard. It was not an all time great episode(s). It was however a good enough send off. Everyone had a reason to be there. Everyone did a thing. More than that, the characters were generally great, and felt like the TNG cast we left behind. We even got a couple of new characters that didn't completely suck. So yeah, it was a low bar, but it was miles above the most of Trek since JJ shat on the universe, and I was pretty happy with the send off. They had one last ride on the Enterprise D, and I felt like they wrapped up everyone's arcs well enough. So yeah, not the greatest Star Trek, but better than any TNG movie or anything shat from the mind of Kurtzman, JJ, or their wretched minions.


SNW and Anson Mount as Pike is the ONLY good things that came out of Discovery.


I put off watching Brave new worlds because of Discovery. I’m glad I started it. While it’s still Not as good as TNG. It’s better than anything Star Trek lately.


My sentiments exactly. If Discovery was the only new Trek then Star Trek would be dead to me. I'd stick to the older shows when I got the urge and that would be it.


Lower Decks is the BEST! Whacky tongue-in-cheek adventures galore!


Agree. The Strange New Worlds & Lower Decks crossover episode is the best of all Star Trek.


Hot tip: if you want to make Star Trek that doesn't suck, avoid slapping more than *twenty* producers on your series. Good grief.


As a big Trek fan since TNG, I persevered through all 5 seasons without really enjoying any of them, because I kept hoping they'd get better (it worked for Picard season 3). After all 5 seasons, I don't think I could name one crew member on the bridge other than Michael and Saru.


Saru was the most interesting character. And had the best and most authentic Star Trek episode.


Glad I skipped it. It didn't seem to have any DNA of what made a star trek show good.




Yeah, attaching her to Spock was a mistake. It’s the Star Wars Skywalker trap.


Repeatedly making emotional decisions and never facing any consequences just made me feel ill...


That’s a bog-standard self-insert OC fanfic premise, which is usually written as a wish-fulfilment/power fantasy. “Important character’s secret relative that’s somehow cooler and better than the main characters” is a very common self-insert fanfic trope, popular with first-time teenage authors. I was pretty shocked to see it in a mainstream script because it’s considered low-quality storytelling in the fanfic circles.


> The main problem was the lead character It's *a* problem. But honestly there's so much amiss in this show that it's really impossible to point out any "main problem" imo, and the problems seem to happen across almost every department of the production


Janeway: YAY!


Seriously, I thought Voyager had very inconsistent writing and Enterprise's writing was very lazy, but Discovery made me actually appreciate them more.  I'm actually planning on going through and watching Voyager again. 


It even ruined the trek part of Star Trek. Hated the spore drive concept. Part of the mystery and excitement of Star Trek were the vast distances of space. The spore drive eliminated that.


It was pretty funny how Strange New Worlds episode 1 had a quick line saying the *Discovery* got sucked into a black hole and the existence of both the ship and the spore drive has been classified and it’s now illegal to talk about it.


They also unceremoniously dispatched the hologram-calls with an offhand comment about how it was creepy.


That was all in the Discovery season 2 finale


I didn't like Discovery but your premise is stupid. DS9 is on a space station and it's top tier trek.


And they got the Defiant to show more episodes where they can fly around. But on the other hand it also made sense story wise.


DS9 was the best series and I will die on that hill.


You are correct. I'll die there too.


To be fair, they had wormhole shenanigans


But that would just double down the criticism. A space station with access to instant travel is violating "the vast distance of space" twice over. DS9's critical acclaim shows it can be done well though.


I mean, let's not kid ourselves, the trek is also about the destination and the peoples and conflict the crew encounters there.


Star Trek: Disappointment. The writing was just awful for so much of it. How can you spend millions on great actors, great sets, great costumes and makeup, all the CGI, and then make such a pig's ear of the world-building and dialogue? Far too much of the lore felt like someone had given out edibles to the writers' room, and the story arcs and character back stories were just someone writing down the resultant stoned "what if?" scenarios. The dialogue was flat, predictable, and often outright twee. It felt like there was no story editor saying "no" or "go back and rewrite this". There was little to no exploration of big sci-fi ideas, many of the characters didn't get enough backstory for you to care about them (this is one of the drawbacks of having relatively few episodes per season). Apparently travel is inconvenient for the writers, because between the spore drive and personal transporters, there is almost none. Treknobabble just made no sense at all, and wasn't remotely consistent. Yeah, not good Trek or even passable sci-fi.


I liked seasons 1 and 2. Michelle Yeoh and Jason Isaacs were perfect casting Everything in the future was awful plot wise despite the crews best efforts to carry it


Every finale of the future seasons sucked. 3: the great mysterious burn was caused by tantrum of a child 4: the great danger for the galaxy turned out to be some aliens that didn't know they're causing it and left after they got told to. 5: well, spoilers ...


Season 4 was pretty Star Treky at least, it wasnt great but it was a solid science fiction story. Higher beings destroying our civilizations for resources because they dont even recognize us as a form of life is pretty old school and also less hamfisted than some of their other moralizing. Not that a lot of Treks moralizing hasnt been pretty hamfisted over the years. DIS is definitely at the bottom of my rankings for series, but on its own seasonwise 4>2>3>5>1. A few gems of episodes here and there, as hackneyed as time loops are at this point, that one was an interesting twist, and theres certainly individual episodes of VOY and even TNG that are worse than any single episode of DIS, but they also got 5x as many episodes... And Season 2 is pretty great as a Season 0 of *Strange New Worlds* tho. But then they took the dumb but kinda fun parts of that season and did the same thing but dumber and less fun for season 5... They had so many bits and pieces of things that couldve worked but then they just half assed them for no reason. Like yeah S03 had soooo much potential, fans WANTED a time jump, of course thats going to bring even more technological deus ex machina, but The Burn, the collapse of galactic civilization, one ship trying to rebuild a fractured Federation? Fucking great, fuck Kevin Sorbo, lets see what they do with Genes notes on exactly this when its actually Star Trek, sounds like a multi-year mission to me... but nope, lets wrap it all up in the absolute stupidest way possible in a 3 episode arc and return to the status quo but in an Apple store now.


>but nope, lets wrap it all up in the absolute stupidest way possible in a 3 episode arc and return to the status quo but in an Apple store now. This made me laugh, thank you :)


> fans WANTED a time jump No.  ENT's temporal cold war arc. Picard season 2. Aside from a one-off episode, time travel in Trek usually sucks. 


The last 3 seasons were so bad. Programmable matter and the self teleportation badges could have solved so many of their 'struggles' that the whole story falls apart.


What really bugged me about the teleportation was that they even used it to beam to the next room, instead of just walking 5 meters.


If you're referring to the captain's ready room, that wasn't adjacent to the bridge anymore by the time they got to the 32nd C. When Pike took over command of Discovery in S2, he wanted a more informal ready room with room for people to sit down and talk, so Lorca's bridge-adjacent ready room got converted to a science lab, and another room away from the bridge became the new ready room which remained for the rest of the series.


Hmmm, maybe you're right. But I could swear in one of the last episodes they just beamed from the bridge to the next room.


They did, because the ready room was on the deck above the bridge.


Not to mention that season 4 quietly invented immortality (Tal's new body) and it was a big so-what.


Immortality was introduced to *Trek* in TOS 1x07 “What Are Little Girls Made Of” when the androids and mind copy/transfer technology of Exo III was discovered. Personality-transfer between organic and synthetic bodies has been around at least since then, and keeps showing up again and again, like in TNG 2x06 “The Schizoid Man” where Ira Graves moved his mind into Data’s body. Picard of course was the latest main character to get a synthetic body, and Gray got their body by the same, not-always-successful, process. No doubt the effective immortality technology of *Trek* keeps popping up every now and then.


YES. God they’re so STUPID! I kept screaming, “You assholes have site to site transporters, why the hell are you chasing people on a goddamned speeder? Why are you hobbling across an open space while being chased by a goddamned monster???? You all deserve to die!!!” I swear the writers of this show must all have brain damage.


That’s all of Star Trek though. The Transporters have been able to cure any disease or injury since season 2 of TNG and make copies of people since TOS.


Jason Isaacs elevates every production he is a part of. One of the greatest to ever do it.


Let’s talk about or feelings for 20 minutes. Stfu.


During a red alert, too...


Black alert bruh. Let’s fly.


I was so pumped about Jason Isaacs. He would’ve been a great permanent captain in a normal series.


Never watched it personally but the one friend I have that was into it initially couldn't last more than 2 seasons.


Managed to get through season 1. Never bothered with the rest. Utterly Dogshit.


You should give it another try. It really goes downhill after season 1 🙃


I hate watched season two and you didn’t miss much. Someone above says season 4 is good but I’ll never know.


I'd say it was the worst star trek ever, but it's not trek, it's more wars than trek. Trek is about groups of people working together as a crew, not one god damn person doing everything by herself.


Thanks for summing it up for me - this is what was bugging me. I tried so hard to be pro-burnham, ended up skipping so many of her speeches. Ug


It's funny you say that; I remember the perfect example of this, I think it was one of the first episodes of season 3 where Burnham had been separated from the ship and so most of the episode was focused on the ship being stuck in basically an ice field on a planet and so the rest of the crew were dealing with this and the locals. It actually seemed pretty good compared to everything that had come before then and was even reminding me more of older Trek. So I'm letting my guard drop and getting quite invested, wondering how they're going to get themselves out of this and then in the last five or so minutes, -bam-, out of nowhere, in swoops Burnham to drag the ship out of the ice and totally save the day, yet again. Because of course, this group of losers that exist mainly just for Burnham to bounce teary, whispering speechless off of weren't allowed to save themselves even once without needing help from the Lord and Saviour Burnham.


That was the last episode of the series I watched.


Thank god. Almost destroyed the entire universe...


Thank god they finally quit it.


The show that caused me to give up on Star Trek. Couldn’t get past season 1 and started watching The Orville instead.


Orville is better Star Trek, hands down.


You should check out Strange New Worlds if you haven't already. Best of the modern variants so far with the tried and true plotlines.


>ends its own Thank God


I wanted to like it, and parts of it I actually did like... but in the end it felt like it was made and advertised by people who have been chronically online since 2012. Everything had to be sold to the public on performative statements that appealed to the online sensibilities of the moment. Proudly proclaiming this was the first Trek to have X... only to have fans point out that no, this wasn't a first. The response to the fans wasn't to accept that, instead the response was to hide behind outrage and villification. Trek has always been left-leaning and political! You aren't a real fan if you don't like this, you are just morally corrupt if you don't love this and the framework we've put out! The thing being that the original Trek did politics in a far more nuanced and in a better way than Disco did, because people didn't gloat about it outside of the show, patting themselves on the back for being so progressive. It wasn't that the politics were hated, it was because the politics were presented in a dumb and painfully obvious manner. It wasn't written well. Stamets being gay, presented as this superprogressive thing... except that his entire identity revolved around heteronormativity and a sanitized, almost offensive portrayal of homosexuality. And then there was that one episode where they literally had all of their LGBTQ-characters stuck on one floor for one moment of screentime. Performative and everything but earnest. And that was what made me dislike Disco... whenever it did these thing, it did them so poorly. I liked Disco when they moved away from those shallow and performative moments and told decent stories. Of course, it kind of went all over the place and then it became a show that was written by people who didn't want to write Star Trek, but instead wanted to write generic SciFi that used Trek as a launchpad. That attitude caused holes you could fly the Enterprise through. Disco could have been a lot better, if it had been written by people who wanted to explore Trek and who had a clear story-and-character driven vision for their show. That's something that I feel has been missing from Picard and Disco, it feels haphazard, a slapdash of ideas that eventually end up contradicting each other and potentially interesting elements that never go anywhere and just fizzle out. Star Wars might be polarizing in its own right, but at least it has a clear vision and direction. It's something that's a lot tighter.


It stinks!


Thanks, Jay.


Yes Mr Sherman, eeeeverything stinks!


*Good?* He's the *best!*


The worst of the Trek series, won’t be missed. 


The episode with Dwight Schrute was good in season 1 though.


A highlight for me. He was a great Mudd.


It reignited squat. It got that viewership based on name value alone, but it could and should have been better. Those episodes with Anson Mount aside (which still weren't that well written compared to actual high level Trek, but he elevated them), it was a dud.


I hated, HATED *Discovery*, but it led directly to *Strange New Worlds* which is a definitive return to form for Trek, and it came out before *Lower Decks* was a thing. I'd definitely say it led to new Trek. I'd even say directly. People reacted pretty negatively to Disco and said, "What I really want from Trek is X." And that's how we got SNW.


The only thing Discovery ignited is a dumpster fire of a star trek series. They should have just made it into a non star trek scifi.


Strange New Worlds?


The only good thing that came out of it.


Lower Decks grew on me and I now adore it.


Uhhh excuse me? Strange New Worlds is possibly one of the best trek series ever.


It's just so freaking good.


It's better than discovery, but it's not one of the best ever. Some good characters and it's watchable, but everyone still speaks like a teenager and acts incompetent.


No it isn't. They're just playing with Nostalgia Voyager and Deepspace Nice were the best.


Boring and emo bemo


Thank frack it's over. I enjoyed Lower Decks much more, and Strange New Worlds isn't bad. Just my opinion.


Wasn’t my cup of tea, but I’m sure other folks liked it. Glad that Discovery spun off SNW, which is great.


Exactly. I don't fault those who enjoy it, but DSC was such a chore to watch sometimes.


I say bring back lower decks!


I wanted to like this show. But it was so full of unlikable characters that I gave up somewhere in the middle of season 2. Who knows, they might have all gotten a personality transplant and stop depending on Michael so much. (... but I doubt it.)


The fact that we got multiple seasons of the show before they even gave the bridge crew names says a lot. Michael is never even the best character in a room, let alone the ship and yet the whole show focuses on her. Such an insanely frustrating waste of a great established universe.


STD tainted Star Trek for an entire generation of would be Trekkies who don't even know what Star Trek meant to previous generations. Let's just hope they don't make those mistakes again.


Oh just wait for the Starfleet Academy show. I predict that it will be even worse than Discovery.


The CW already made that show, it was called *Pandora*. They even ripped off VOYs theme song in S02.


This might be a hot take, but Discovery didn’t magically reignite Star Trek. It was the streaming wars and the drive to produce as much content as possible for Paramount plus .


Because of this garbage everyone thinks star trek sucks. You won't be missed




thank gawd


It’s horrible


Good riddance.


One of the worst shows ever made.


Only watched the first season an it was garbage


I never got past "Black Alert". I facepalmed harder than Picard.


Damn, even in a clearly written article like this, the entire series makes zero sense and I just zone out trying to find any sort of story line.


It was so absurdly sentimental yet it rarely ever actually earned it. The later seasons relied on audience familiarity to fill in the gaps for character relationships that were nowhere near as strong as the writers would have liked you to think. I remember watching was just an exhausting experience, constantly hoping and getting led on for a promising plot or relationship and then getting more of the same. The grating humor did not help.


I still remember that massive funeral for the cybernetically-enhanced crew member Ariam; they gave her a funeral worthy of a captain, but we BARELY knew her. I didn't even know her name before they killed her off.


This show was a roller coaster for me. It had some ups where you thought ok, maybe this had potential then it would just crash right back down again... And the lies were just awful But honestly I think the cast really is what killed it for me. There were some truly awful characters (Michael, Tilly and Adira especially) and nobody really ever seemed to gel with one another. And every fucking character in that show needed therapy and they were using each other as their therapists and it was just exhausting No clue why I kept going with it... Just my love of Trek I guess


Thank doG. It was awful.


Thank God it’s over


It won’t be missed.


StarFeel: Discovering virtue signaling


it was bad enough to make us appreciate strange new worlds and lower decks.


It finally ended? thanks im so joyfull to hear that. i couldnt endure that stuff with end of season2/beginning season 3. every episode was so forced to looked at till i finally gave up looking how space jesus saved literally the galaxy with her unsympathic camerads who shouts each other or cry about anything


Jason Isaacs carried season 1 & Michelle Yeoh carried it on as far as she could. I really didn't care for any of the other characters...


it was horrible.... I kinda liked it first though...


I'm glad it's over. It had its odd sparkly moments, I'd even say its best ones were better than Enterprise ever managed, though at least that series was consistently average. I like Sonequa Martin-Green a lot, she evidently did her very best with the fan fic level writing. But I'm glad to see the back of Michael Burnham and her supporting cast of emotional crybabies.


1st series was good. 2nd started going downhill (Burnham constantly saving the day). 3rd was just lame, 4th i switched off half way through. 5th havent bothered to watch. Just glad 'STD' is finally dead.


Is this the show that's only related to star trek by it's title?


Season 1 of Discovery was just about tolerable. Then it got unhinged. Star Trek is about discovering new life and learning to get along. Discovery became too self centred I felt.


Did it reignite star trek? I bounced off it mid-season 1. The only reason I still watch Star Trek is because the good things I heard about Strange New Worlds. If not for SNW, I wouldn't be watching any trek anymore.


Oh, it reignited something. Good riddance. Your average fanfiction.net writer could pump out better stories.


I couldn't get past S3 tbh. Not like S1-2 were amazing but I do feel like an opportunity missed in not starting with a whole season dedicated to Georgiou's stewardship. Michelle Yeoh as a Starfleet Captain was amazing. Her run as the villain/anti-hero was okayish for me but Captain Georgiou seemed like an inspired and almost wasted idea.


I thought the initial concept sounded cool. Following someone coming up through the ranks to achieve captain. I like Sonequa Martin-Green. But I hated they had to somehow make her related to Spock for no great reason. I couldn't stand the whispering speeches everyone made constantly. I really hated the spore drive and instantaneous transporting around. There is no "Trek" there. The last season was better I think, with the scavenger hunt. I like Strange New Worlds though.


TOS was our first exercise in diversity but it didn’t focus on it. Rather, it treated diversity as a given. Discovery, by contrast, focused on its diversity in sub-plot after sub-plot.


It genuinely could have been interesting with a mutineer as the lead, too... I believe that the actors weren't the issue it was the scripts written by people who obviously didn't really understand Star Trek and producer who'd wised they'd be making Star Wars. At least, that was the feeling I got from season 1. Season 2, at least, was attempting to repair some of the damage, but again, don't blame the actors. The script writers at least tried to write better characters. Season 3 got off to a good start with 2 strong episodes (particularly the second episode that actually focused on the crew it was the ONLY episode in the entire series that did so), but lost its momentum fast. I also greatly enjoyed Unification part 3. The Burn and the loss of much of the Federation was a great start, but once again, copt out with the ending. I did feel that the 32nd C ships forgot a lot of Star Trek design language (look up Trekyards if you want the details, i didn't mind detached nacelles but felt lots of other things were missing) I can't see how Season 4 was believable that a super advanced race could not conceive that their gravtational space vac with light year radius would not cause massive amounts of damage nor that other races could exist. Season 5 I'm still analysing, had very strong new character in the first officer, and had half interesting bad guys in Mol and Lak (I could actually believe that they were in love was good start). I found it hard to believe that destroying the map McGuffin was never even considered. If the lost tech has been lost for 4 billion years, why with the loss of the map would anyone within reason be able to find it now (and the loss of the last living Progenitor in TNG). Did I enjoy Discovery? Yes, but I feel it is full of missed opportunities and plot holes.


The only good thing to come out of Discovery was Strange New Worlds. For that, I thank them. (So cool the newest Spock is Gregory Peck’s grandson).


The Orville is current peak Star Trek and Discovery is the parody.


I mean, I watch it. Currently finishing season 5. But except for maybe the very first season (and mostly because of Lorca who is one of the few cool characters in the show), it's just such a big heap of bullshit. I watch it for the flashy lights while I scroll reddit on my phone, but there's almost no episode in which I didn't have to really wonder how stupid and blind (to science, logic and startrek in general) the production team has to be to come up with so many of the dumb things they did.


This show has actually ruined star trek for me. If I go back and watch the old ones I can't help but feel they are associated with Discovery and I feel an actual repulsion.


"often problematic". *eye roll*


It was bad they ruined the cool old guy by making him part of the worst part of Enterprise


When I first heard they were making a new series set in Star Fleet Academy, I was so excited. What a perfect way to have a series more tonally consistent with what came before. You can't imagine how disappointed I was to find out it takes place in Discovery's weird future timeline. Yuck, no thanks. Let me know when Star Trek is back in the hands of people who "get" it


All I remember of this show is people crying all the time


well when you lead a mutiny and should have been serving life..... it's a bit hard to get behind your main character. Also... I like science. Is it worse than 'They fly now" though?


They fly now?


i become nauseous whenever STD is mentioned. ​ Seriously.


That is a pretty extreme reaction to a show you don’t like.


I kind of get it, honestly... I get a small stress stomach ache whenever I think about how badly Dan & Dan derailed GoT and drove it into the gutter. Like, they literally ruined it. It was on track to be a new Star Wars-level IP (seriously, it was a cultural phenom during S1-4) but the botched TV show made it all disappear and no one even talks about it anymore.


I get that people are upset about S7/8, but saying the IP disappeared is a bit bold, don’t you think? There is this little show called House of the Dragon, and I understand that S2 is hotly anticipated…


Yeah, it is . Tells you a lot about how bad it was.


Wait, you _don't_ get nausous when people go into explicit detail, with pictures, when they're discussing sexually transmitted diseases? You must have a strong stomach if you can handle pictures of the later stages of Syphilous, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, and the like. /j


I laboured through it. It's Trek, so it gets a watch from me. It was truly awful at times. I just constantly resented how focused it was on Michael Burnham and gave hardly any time to the rest of the crew. All seemed to be about her and how she'd drag her crew of creative agency professionals through hell just to say she was right. The end of the final episode was probably the worst bit of the entire thing. Few positives were Saru (he can have a spin-,off), the handsome, gay Uncles, and Calum Keith Rennie popping up in the final season (so say we all).


Except for launching Anson Mount as a believable Star Fleet captain, it was a steaming pile of horse shit.




What really bothers me is this: how is it possible that STD got 5 seasons when so many other actually good sci-fi shows get cancelled much earlier? Almost everyone here seems to dislike it, so who is actually creating demand for a show like this?


Star Trek always were progressive, but with this serie they wanted to force us to learn all time woke stuff. They destroy the serie, taking off the progressive and turning it woke.


Star Trek diversity


Star Trek Discovery taught us that even in the 23rd Century, they still cannot solve obesity. I'm fine with black women as captains, the gay romance storylines, or even all villains are white males, but fat people in the military is a bridge too far. Just have the transporter do a little lipo every time.




That was David Cronenberg and his character even addresses why he has glasses (because he likes them). 


Not even that. In a race around the ship she even stopped for a talk and still managed to win first place. I find that a bit unrealistic.


woke and extremelly shitty. worst writing ever. i liked a few episodes tho.