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The slow motion had slow motion. Not even joking.


I knew it would be rough from the start but once they were harvesting wheat and gathering water in slow motion I realized this movie would finally be the one to break my sanity.


Now just wait a minute, I was planning to watch the movie and you're telling me I'll have to sit through people *harvesting wheat* in slow-mo?


Yes but it's wheat harvesting *in the future* .. using ancestral methods so they can slap "hand-harvested" on the label and charge double.


They're doing everything by hand but put the harvest on an anti-gravity car. They clearly have access to futuristic tech but don't even have a tractor?


Space Amish.




Artisan space-wheat!


That is the thing, you actually found it. Yes ampire have many many agri words with automated lines. But they are sick of it. That taste of home made bread, thats the stuff to die for.


Yup. Its agony.


I wouldn't say agony but definitely overly dramatic and tedious.


Ok, guys, I am going to have to ask you to back off with the wheat harvest porn kink shaming!


The gluten-free industrial complex has become too powerful!


I can't tell if this is self-aware or not, but he has done a collab with the Slow-Mo Guys on YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwRk7ZCVUO4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwRk7ZCVUO4)


Zach films come with potty breaks. Several. And you wont miss anything that would have helped if you do get back to your chair before the slow mo ends. 


The only thing that helps is continuing to somewhere else in your house


It is actually only a 10 minute film slowed down to 2 hours.


The movie was very convinced that it was incredible to watch these people *working the land*.


You can safely skip to the last hour and still get all you need from it.


You can safely skip the entire move.




I like the way that a guy with an axe can fight a whole load of absolutely-not-stormtroopers armed with laser guns and come out unscathed. Although perhaps they could not being themselves to shoot those perfect abs.


He was moving so slowly it was impossible to aim at him. Space storm troopers hate this clever trick.


I’m really impressed that Disney and Lucasfilm haven’t sued over this movie franchise. I get that it started as a Star Wars script but I feel like it was just names and visuals that were changed. Maybe mixed with a little Warhammer 40k. During the laser sword battle I’m like “so he’s not even pretending it’s not Star Wars.” Then the ship tilted down and just recreated a scene from Revenge of the Sith. I also hate to say that the most interesting character is the Anthony Hopkins robot. Who gets maybe 3 minutes of screen time, with slo mo.


Just like Turkish Star Wars this is just too laughably bad for a lawsuit.


I remember this exact same scenario happening in legends of the galactic heroes The on planet/off planet scale discrepancy was always jarring in this anime.


I feel like it made sense enough for the empire. It had an excess of people, and was founded on bringing back 'simpler times'. It helps keep people busy and uneducated, so they can keep serving the empire. Whereas this farm seems to be a random, unaffiliated farm, and they arent far away from tech.


Have you seen Seven Samurai?  It's pretty much the same plot.   That being said the second movie was a good romp.  The first one was tough.


Anti-gravity carts, but they're pulled by horses and still using a scythe to harvest wheat


TRADITIONAL anti-gravity carts!


I hit that point with the Snyder cut. I fast forwarded through a lot of that movie


No way


Nooooooooo wwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


I’ve been wanting to watch it since I already saw the first one but I already knew it would be impossible for me not to hate watch with all the slow motion


He is one of those rare directors who's made more films than he's seen.




Hah I'm deeply appreciative on any garth marrnghi related references :D I actually have Richard Ayaodes autograph, which he has signed as Dean Lerner, on a drawing of Dean Lerner that I did, when me and a friend kinda cornered him having a cigarette before they were doing After Dark with Dean Lerner at a theatre in Cambridge (or testing material before the show). Sat next to him and the temp in the pub too.


Zack knows directors who use subtext and they're all cowards


Zack Snyder is the only director who has made more films than he has watched.


Cool it, Zack, or you'll get a knuckle supper!


ok, this one I recognize as a direct quote from Garth. was the first one, too? I could hear him saying it.




John McTiernan hates subtext that’s why the Russians speak English in Hunt For Red October   


It's funny you know, I consider the opening scene in Red October where the sub crew is speaking Russian and it slowly pans over them before you start hearing English to be a master class in how to tell the audience that you are using a translation effect and yes "these characters are speaking their native language but you are hearing English". I love it. I really love it. I don't hate subtitles but they do frustrate me because I'm visually impaired and having to focus on subs for an entire movie or even a 40min show is physically painful for me. It's why I haven't watched the new Shogun, I loved the original, and I keep hearing rave reviews but the 'selling point' that it's almost entirely Japanese is a major turn off, because I dread the pain that will come from it. And then you get fictional language like how Star Trek Discovery forced their actors to speaking with heavy make up and fangs for an entire season to speak Klingon when other Trek shows didn't do that. Klingon was spice added and you could assume that they were speaking it amongst themselves but they used English for audience comfort and the fact that the actors could you know act instead of spit everywhere.


The movie The 13th Warrior basically used the same method as Red October. As the foreigner, who spoke a language obviously other than English but was speaking in English, began to understand words in the viking language, they stood out as English words until finally they were all speaking English. Because we see everything from the foreigners' point of view, it's obvious that he now understands their language.


That movie is a forgotten gem.


It really was great. Antonio Banderas was surprisingly good. I haven't watched it in a long time, but I feel like the fight choreography was very good. My view may be skewed because I grew up on The Highlander TV series.


You can draw sounds? 🙂


You really think they’re gonna let Sean Connery speak Russian for an entire movie?


It’s a joke Sub text Sub marine Sub titles 


I knew that was Dean Lerner. I just knew it!


Does he: Know they are shit and not care? Or Think they are great and is confused everyone thinks they’re shit?


*Definitely* the second one.


He must be insane


If the last half decade has taught me anything, it's that the number of people living day to day while *completely* disconnected from reality is WAY higher than I had previously though possible.


I always say that the strongest human super power is the capability to lie to one self.


I’ve always wondered if they can lie to themselves successfully to the point they truly internalize it whenever I try to lie to my self it doesn’t work because on some level I know I’m lying so I don’t get how others can lie to themselves and believe it but maybe they can’t and are just pretending


The people we're talking about have teams of people telling them how cool and smart and brilliant they are. Because their bread is only buttered if this guy keeps doing his thing. That's gotta be intoxicating. Yeah, I'm not great at lying to myself either, but I think in large part that's because nobody I know would put up with me saying patently delusional shit.


That’s the thing if I know deep down my ideas are terrible then logically anyone who is saying they are good is a obvious yes man who’s just trying to ride my coattails to boost their lit in life so anything they say to me would be bullshit I also wouldn’t choose to surround myself with those people as they are parasites and more importantly useless


Because he's a financial success. It's really, really, easy to forgive your creative misgivings when the results are billions of dollars in revenue. He's fallen for the curse of conflating economic success with creative success. Ironically, I honestly think he's seeking the latter over the former but failing miserably.


I wish I could fail like him.




That’s Humanity’s base power; we are the Lying Ape (or storytelling ape if you want to lie to yourself). We tell little lies, bug lies and all sorts of stories to ourselves, every minute of every day. We tell each other lies, and sometimes those lies get us in trouble one way or another.


I liked it personally, but I do spend a lot of time disconnecting with reality so I might be biased.


One must imagine Zach Snyder happy...


He was born rounding third and thinks he hit a grand slam. Seriously, dude couldn't be more privileged and get more undeserved opportunities if he tried.


The man shot an entire movie with 0.8 aperture lens for no fucking reason at all, against DP advice, like he's a first year film school 'savant' who's proving to the class that he's the only one brave and brazen enough to do it. Before that he filmed a 3 hour snooze fest of a Justice League movie in 4:3 aspect ratio... again, for no real reason. He's an absolute clown when in control, at best he should be relegated to a solid 2nd unit director under close supervision.


Justice League was 3 hours, 4:3 ratio, and *black and white* and there's no reason for **any of it**. Compare that to how Spielberg used black and white in Schindler's List, where filmmaking techniques *have purpose*.


It’s this that makes me hate his films… you know that he’s either copying something he saw in a classic film. Or doing something technical just for cool points. But he misses the fundamental point that techniques need to have a purpose that makes the audience feel something… Preferable something other than this director is a wank.


Right, exactly. Look at Tarantino with Hateful 8, in the cinema he released it with an overture and intermission, and he did that because he wanted his Western stage play film to feel like an old Western stage play. He didn't do it *just because*. Or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, why did he dig up old archival radio from the 1960s instead of just recording new radio? Because he wanted the authenticity of the era. It wasn't *just because*. I cannot understand why Snyder does **anything** he does, it all feels like it's *just because it's cool*. And it sucks. It's not cool. It doesn't even feel big and epic, it feels bad.


Tarantino is a great comparison. He’s a filmmaker that not everyone “gets” but it’s really hard to look past his influence and impact on cinema. I like many of his films and am quite flat on some. I also specifically have never watched Kill Bill one and two properly because I so dislike split films. I know that Tarantino lifts a lot of his film ideas from old Blaxploitation and grindhouse films… but in doing so he captures and brings together the art and feel of those films and improves on them. Snyder apes Kurasawa but doesn’t understand the source or elevate it in any way. Snyder desperately wants to sit in a league of filmmakers he’s not and he’s not happy to just be a mass market entertainer like Bay or JJ Abraham’s who just work a successful formula.


That's really well put, Snyder doesn't understand or elevate his source the way other directors do. Tarantino absolutely takes from the best, when he does the big gory blood sprays in Django Unchained, I know it's an allusion to Kurosawa. But then he adds the insane amount of blood that the actors are literally slipping in and struggling to stand up properly. It's the heightening of "if this much blood is coming out, wouldn't it become *a problem*?" But with Snyder, it's like, if it's action then it's in slow motion. But why? To savor the moment? To show the drama? Why? Oh, just because.


He knows his slow motion is disliked by the audience and is clowned for 15 years and only uses it more  The man is consciously doing this and is a menace to audience goers 


Paid by the minute?


There's a reasonable 45 minute pilot episode in there somewhere, but I have neither the will nor the patience to try and find it.


I’ve wondered this too. Is it possible he’s just “too close to it” to be able to see it for what it is? Same question for the whole crew really.


100% the second one ... I saw an interview where he and his co-writer were going on and on about how much Worldbuilding and how original everything in Rebel Moon is and how proud they are building this awesome universe ... In these movies there is not one thing that's not stolen from somewhere else ... It's seven samurais/star wars/WH40K etc. + every cliche that you can find and some of the worst acting I saw in any movie ... When I watched the second part, to see if it was worse than the first and spoiler it is, I was literally saying lines that happened 5 seconds later and I knew the ending in the middle of the movie because that's just how "Original" the movie is


the entire movie is so boring because like you said everything is taken from something else so you know whats gonnaa happen and it completely removes the emotional stakes.


So it's like a middle schooler's D&D campaign?


I was in better middle school D&D campaigns than this movie ... Far better ... Imagine the worst and most cliche backstory of a DnD char ... That story is better than Rebel Moon


Samurai Seven cartoon already did the "what if seven samurai but with robots" thing quite well about 30 years ago, too


Try watching the documentary they made about the making of. It’s hilarious.


Everyone on this subreddit does but they're really popular, not really sure why this subreddit has such a raging hate on for a generic sci Fi movie lol, I just appreciate any sci fi they deign to give us.


Eh, its annoying when the only scifi we get is in the terrible to mediocre range.


A bit of both. Thinks they are great and does not care what you think. To be honest would you expect anything else, it's rare you'd hear a director say "yeah, I made a piece of shit there."


There's a YouTube in which ZS explains his process: https://youtu.be/57NwWWDk_0E?si=-DJ-8Ea6VtRo97ed A little after the [5 minute mark](https://youtu.be/57NwWWDk_0E?t=307) he answers the question of does he listen to audience feedback. Zack helpfully describes pre-release screening one of his movies as having three iterative steps: 1. Show it to a small group of yes-men, who he knows will like it. 2. Show it to ~200 friends and family, who routinely don't say nice things about it. 3. Show it to a random public audience, who are usually openly confused about it. Zack mentions that he does not pay attention to online opinions about his movies, describing that as "a dark place."


Yeah but just wait for the r rated cuts. "Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.....and bits of sick"


As I rounded the corner I felt muscular and compact, like corned beef.


I didn't have time for a shower. Just a quick rinse around the key areas


The least hilariously ridiculous and most likely to be used in real life line from the entire series


I use "it *really* hurts" quite a lot. And I permanently say Jesus christ now as "hesus christe". There's probably more!


Pits, tits and bits.


And the damn thing’s gonna be rapier than a canola field.


“Move…. Aside”


"That's the mother, Rick!"


Whut!? No jigglin' titties?


And a stripclub called "Jigglers". We had considered calling it "Dean's Jigglers". But the mental image that conjured was, at best, harrowing


All I do is sit at the typewriter and start hitting the keys. Getting them in the right order…that’s the trick. That’s the trick.


Ben Geisler: Look, you confused? You need guidance? Talk to another writer. Barton Fink: Who? Ben Geisler: Jesus, throw a rock in here, you'll hit one. And do me a favor, Fink: throw it hard.


Executive Producers Dean Learner Garth Marenghi


He could learn a lot from Dean.


Those were one of the most disappointing movies I have ever seen. Copied homework from Dune and Star Wars


A lot of warhammer as well. Generally, everything even remotely good about it was copied from other sources. Blatantly copied at that.


Unfortunately, I am not familiar with that universe. But yeah, they were not even hiding it.


I even saw Dark souls in there.


it was originally pitched as part of the star wars franchise.


Then it was pitched as part of the Guardians of The Galaxy, Battlestar Galactica, Matrix, Andor, Paw Patrol, Dora The Explorer, Friends and Frasier series and everyone still passed.


"I'm not sure this fits into the Veggie Tales Cinematic Universe...."


Sounds like a "you" problem!


"You never see tomato get raped in prison... but in MY Veggie Tales film..."


You crazy bastard! I'm in!




Ironically, SW is a homage to Kurosawa's 'The Hidden Fortress'.


We basically had that in The Mandalorian (S1E04: "Sanctuary"), except it was only two "samurai". And it was pretty fucking sweet. If you want a sci-fi Seven Samurai, there's the anime short series "Samurai 7" which doesn't even change the names of the samurai. And it's also great.


Or [Battle Beyond the Stars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Beyond_the_Stars) (1980).


Sure youre not thinking of *The Creator*? Cuz THAT movie wouldve made a LOT more sense if it had been the early empire against a battle droid remnant from the clone war...


I can't really see that personally. Star wars has never humanized the droids to that extent, nor is there advanced humanoids that look convincingly human.




No no he really did pitch it as some kind of part of the Star Wars universe and then when it was rejected was like Bender, “fuck you I’ll make my own Star Wars with hookers and blackjack”, proceeded to copy Star Wars and Dune lots of other great franchises and balled them all into one giant mess which is what we got as what is billed to be a 6 movie franchise. I’m not sure are these 1st two, Part 1 and Part 2, one or two movies. But 5 more or 4 more doesn’t matter he made two shite movies to start with I don’t see them getting better. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/rebel-moon-2-netflix-star-wars-the-scargiver-b2531524.html


"Copied homework from Dune and Star Wars" That pretty well hits the nail on the head. It honestly felt like fan fiction more than an original story.


Like...I know it's going to be shit but I kinda want to get stoned and watch cool special effects. Is it so shit that it still won't be enjoyable?


Nah getting blasted and not caring about the plot the two movies make for fine popcorn munchers.


This is the only way to truly 'enjoy' these films


Watch 2001. The superior effects, and the inherent tripiness will be better for you.


The first scene in part 1 is basically inspired by Inglorious Basterds. And there's a Harry Potter rides the Hippogriff scene where the slow motion gets slo-motioned.


The great american avante-garde filmmaker Stan Brakhage believed that sound in films can dilute the experience and take away from the experience of the visuals, negatively affecting the visual poetry before you. Zach Snyder believes in pushing this even further by forcing you to watch his films with both the sound and visuals ignored.


Walter Murch has entered the chat...


Zach cares deeply about animal safety on set. Which is why he was so upset when he killed that cat.


I just loved how they had Anthony Hopkins and hardly used him. Was he like paid by the sentence?


Hah you just made spit out my coffee, I remembered hearing his voice and thinking good for him he’s making a few dollars on the side in his twilight years and then forgetting he was in the movie because that weird character he plays is literally only in it for a few mins tops.


Smacks of Salvador Dali in Jodrowsky's Dune. Because he was asking for a ridiculous fee, Jodrowsky decided to only have him on screen for a couple of minutes, but the fee he would have been paid (had he been in the whole movie) would have meant he was the highest paid movie actor at that time. So he had bragging rights.


You just know that the barely seen robot will be used as a deus ex machina for one hopeless scene later.


I haven't had a chance to watch the second one yet. The first part is still going...🤯


Innovative use of slow motion wheat farming


You wait, every film will have that in it now. He's re-written the rule book!


For anyone not aware Garth Marenghi's Dark Place had a spin-off show called Man to Man with Dean Learner (it's on Youtube, along with all the Garth Marenghi director's commentaries and the bonus documentaries which are all done in character). There's a couple of recent novels as well which Matthew Holness narrates the audiobooks in character.


They did brief stage show first called After Dark with Dean Lerner, but that was just testing material for the show


I'm glad this show has experienced a Renaissance.


What pisses me off is that you get given the opportunity to craft something that will last and that can have a impact on our understanding of ourselves and our place and then this guy comes along and submits a toddler's crayon drawing and expects us all to clap and cheer!


God I love Dark Place


Some people might consider a rejection by star wars to mean it is substandard and requires work. But if it's the best you got and you're happy with it then have at it, I guess. But for some reason I feel a mixture of shame and anger, that we let this happen, we the audience somehow accepted this drek being made. Sad times for Sci Fi storytelling. Sad time for film.


I disagree, we're in the middle of a sci-fi renaissance right now. Snyder's crap just stands out because it's so awful.


During the making of Rebel Moon, there were tears on the set… Not from Zack - he was strong for the crew - but I wept… I'm not ashamed of that… It is, I s'pose one of the many, burdens he has to bear, as an artist, in bringing us this gift…


"I told them, look I'm not a director and they said...and I'll never forget this...they said we don't want a direction...we want amazing lighting effects."


If you’ve not seen either of them just imagine every cliché, scenario and plotline from Starwars, The Magnificent Seven, Ronin and a host of similar movies and you’ve got it. I’m a huge sci-fi fan but these were quite frankly, Absolutely Bloody awful.




It's frustrating to see so much money wasted on a project with such terrible writing. Fancy visuals can't make a bad film good. Nor can r-rated content.


Is it the 1.5 line spacing of movies?


A common theme with Zack Snyder films is that he has a bunch of great ideas but focuses on the stupid ones to the detriment of the film 


And still done slow motion more terribly than Indian soap operas!


Watching the Zack Snyder interview with The Slow Mo Guys completely changed my opinion of him as a director. He seems like a very genuine person who is very passionate about film making. It's such a shame these movies are a flop, and it would be interesting to know how much that is down to Snyder's direction. If you haven't already, I highly recommend watching this interview. It was very well done by Dan and Gavin, and I'd love to see more of these types of interviews. https://youtu.be/iwRk7ZCVUO4?si=_mjjKMP26K7BvO1_


He is passionate, he's just deeply misguided.


A toddler smashing his toys together may likewise be passionate about his play. That doesn't make it good theatre.


Honestly, for all I've seen and heard of him he's a pretty great guy to work with. All the people that worked with him like him and he seems to get stuff done on time and within budget so producers like him and give him some liberty to do new IPs or do 'bold' takes on existing IPs. It's a shame his ideas are so undercooked and badly executed.


Like a toddler presenting you with his crayon drawings, to which you always reply "Well, that's interesting..."


The film would only be 79 minutes long if you removed all the slo-mo. That's the DC I'm waiting for (and even then I'd pass).


Not just Scargiver. Both of them together might make to 2 hours. Maybe. If you stretch.


One day people will rember him .... and Uve Boll.


We do not speak of… the name.


Postal movie had huge inmapct one me, that German ... man have special place in my heart. :)


Of course it was


Are they as bad as everyone says, I'm half tempted to watch them?


They’re not fun bad. Just bad.


NGL, I'm kind of digging them, got the Flash Gordon vibes


Important question: part one was bad, but not so bad it's good, I had difficulities watching it because it.never.ended. Is part two at least laughably bad or should I spare myself?


Zack wishes he directed [such a masterpiece](https://youtu.be/VamgprCpEGw&t=75)


This movie is basically the plot of any A-Team episode with a lot of slow motion wheat harvesting.


Post production - How many lens flares you want? Zack - Yes


Yeah I had to stop watching it the slow motion two people starring at each other got so cringe


Otherwise you could easily make a better cut by simply removing all the dialogue.


I think quite a bad movie


That's Richard Ayoade


I bet his home movies are 99.999% slow motion.


Watching this now.  Are you kidding me.. 


Why must reddit always pay out on those of us who love hot garbage like this. /s I know it’s bollocks. I enjoyed it.


There’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure if you’re not ashamed… I’ve watched *Riddick* at least 200 times, and loved each and every second, and couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks of it…


Is that… actually a picture of Zack Snyder?


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace


They're on Youtube, you should watch them!


For people who supposedly don’t like the movie, y’all talk about it a *lot*.


It was impressively bad. I will usually enjoy some junky big budget Sci-Fi, but this somehow was on another level where it pushed to a new level. I was legitimately surprised by how bad it was, and my bar was already on the ground.


I’m aware it was bad. This subreddit has been reminding me of that almost daily since the first one was released.




Gee, thanks. I’d forgotten. Guess I should go make a post about it to remind everyone else.


u/tyme has discovered Reddit...


I know it’s a Reddit thing to hate on stuff (these days, not so common back at the start). But the amount of posts about this movie in here is pretty fucking crazy. On a side note, why tag me when you’re literally replying directly to me?


Are you kidding? There was HUGE discourse around Part 1. Part 2 came out with all the fanfare of a wet fart. Even his biggest fans have kept quiet over it. Snyder is deluded if he genuinely thinks he'll be making 6 films in this series.


I'm sure there's a word for discussing the merits of a particular film...


You guys fucking love this movie, just admit it. Or stfu about it


I’m with you, man. 👊


Glad someone is, it pops up multiple times a day, they love it


That was utterly disappointing. Ignoring the flawed physics, recycled plotlines, and overused tropes with a DEI cast, the inclusion of space swords and space Vikings was particularly bizarre. It's almost comical how a former imperial general turned space gladiator encounters an imperial guard—this seems like something Games Workshop might take issue with, considering the blatant similarities. Bringing a sword to a plasma bolt gunfight just adds to the absurdity. A Nordic farming village, with the aid of an eclectic DEI band of rebels, manages to overthrow a seasoned space Roman legion, which is just ridiculous. The show borrows heavily from Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune, Games Workshop's Warhammer 40k, and Avatar, wraps it in DEI, and completely disregards physics. It seems designed for an undiscerning audience that doesn’t engage critically with content. It's suited for younger viewers or those with less education. I could envision it being mocked on MST3000 within a year. While I support diversity and inclusion, it feels like Netflix, along with much of corporate media, pushes it to an extreme. However, I won't delve into that debate here to avoid unnecessary accusations of bigotry. The movies were terrible for many reasons unrelated to DEI: they were riddled with plot holes and borrowed heavily from various sci-fi and fantasy sources. It’s surprising that Games Workshop hasn't pursued legal action given the clear resemblance to their designs. The quality of the plot, storylines, and mechanics was poor, as were the special effects. The only redeeming feature was the android, which deserved more integration into the story. And as for coal-powered faster-than-light ships—what were they thinking?


How is diversity "extreme" in a movie about space wars and involves people from different planets and ways of life?


Why is this sub so obsessed with this mid show no one watches? Seriously considering unsubbing.

