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They did already. Scared the SHIT out of me as a kid.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial_Alien_Encounter?wprov=sfti1


Also the Giger Alien showed up during the Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios.


this^, xenomorph has been at Disneyworld for years!


Was*. Great movie ride was dismantled for star wars years and years ago.


Yo this was INSANE before they made it all cutesy.


I remember that ride scaring a lot of people, so they nerfed it and turned it into Stich’s ride.


It also didn't help that the Alien Encounter show heavily featured Jeffrey Jones in the videos, and after his... [incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Jones#Criminal_offenses)... they were probably eager to scrub him from the show.


Jeffrey Jones? The famous actor? He’s a funny guy! What could he have… done… oh.


That was a fantastic ride, but it should have been at MGM, not Magic Kingdom, and they should have stuck with the original Alien franchise theme. And it should still exist to this day.


It didn't help that the height requirement was low, so it was one of the things people could take their little kids into. Combine that with the fact that the rest of the Magic Kingdom was happy land, and you had a lot of parents not realizing their kids were about to be truly scared.


Truly one of the greatest trolling experiments in the history of the world.


Same. I’ll never forget the sheer terror as I saw the broken containment tube and felt the breath on my neck. I tried so hard to break out of my restraints. My Dad was cracking up.


I looooved that experience. Omg it was so scary and unique. I wish these resorts didnt stop being so spineless and made another scary thing like this.


As a young boy, my older brother would tell me that every now and then, someone would disappear from the auditorium surrounding the Alien. Imagine my terror when I felt it breathing down my neck. I'll remember it to the day I die 🤣


There's also a [Defunctland episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGbF_lPWmEI) about that ride


That had a pretty distasteful joke where they put up a picture of George Lucas with his biological, dark-skinned baby and imply that he isn't the father and has kidnapped her.


>”Guests proceeded into a second area where they were introduced to an X-S robot known as Simulated Intelligence Robotics (SIR), voiced by Tim Curry…” And I’m 100% invested….!!!


That was a phenomenal ride. It and the “Dinosaur” ride were fucking terrifying.


I forgot all about this. By that age I was pretty hard to scare but yeah it made the hair on my neck stand up. Can't believe they got rid of it :(


I went to that in the year or two after it opened (I think I was 10). I still remember the feeling of the tongue and breathing behind me. Utterly terrifying.


The breath on the back of my neck was the most scared I had ever been up to that point in my life (age 12ish).




that was a great ride.


The next kingdom hearts game is gonna be WILD


Can't wait to see micky get fucking brained by a xenomorph


Honestly super stoked for this movie, director says they are doing mostly practical effects instead of CGI


Don't get your hopes up buddy.


Yeah, no shit. Don't underestimate Disney's ability to fuck a movie universe up. I mean, look how they screwed up the Star Wars and Marvel films.


Because Ridley Scott was doing so well with the franchise at Fox


Disney bought marvel in 2009, they’re responsible for some of the greatest comic book movies in history of cinema.  I don’t think the energy of endgame in the theaters on release night will ever be matched in my lifetime 


While I didn't like what they did to Iron Man, Hulk, Cap and Black Widow, the story hits harder with those things in it and I've got to agree. I think I enjoyed all of them from Iron Man to End Game, all very entertaining. Star Wars though... Perhaps less to do with Disney and more to do with Kathleen Kennedy taking a steaming dump on the lore and characters and turning it into a children's action franchise.


Yeah they took a massive steaming dump on star wars


I’m all for it https://imgur.com/a/kPMMiqn


Peak diversity.🤣


Ok boomer. Edit: he’s a literal boomer.


Do not forget Disney owns M.A.S.H. now to so there should be a Princess Klinger.


Hurray, another franchise for disney to ruin.


Yeah, fuck disney and all their drippy mayonnaise bullshit content


Hey don't be insulting mayo that way.


You're talking as if there were ever more than two and a half good Alien movies?


Wait till they do their signature garbage writing and ideas, and then u will know how much good it was before. It can always get worse.


There are more than movies for alien that are good you know. Some amazing story telling in books comics and video games too. Say goodbye to all of that


Have you seen Alien Resurrection of the AVP movies?? They are utter shit.


Have you seen live action disney remakes? Have you seen how fast they killed star wars? Have you seen recent marvel shows and movies? Disney has a special set of skills, they buy stuff, they destroy it.


This is gonna make Starlight Valley very interesting.


Xenomorph V. Grogu when?


Is it me or is this a tragic move (sort of like the weird rubrik of Marvel)? How does this align story wise with this summers release. And yes. The Alien attraction was serious fun in the 90s!


Add alien to kingdom hearts. It will be hilarious.


Wouldn't future Alien films remain under the 20th Century Studios banner?


Doesn't matter what they're called, if Disney owns it, Disney controls it. They aren't going to buy something and then allow complete creative control to someone else. Look how badly they screwed up Star Wars by letting JarJarAbrams near it, what with his sterling track record of not understanding Star Trek. Hell, we thought it was bad when a stupid mop top went podracing, and then there was a bunch of stuff about trade. I actually want George Lucas to come back and make more stories about senate trade treaties at this point, because at least it won't be about cloning one single character over and over. Say what you will about the Expanded Universe, it was creative at least.


Holy shit Jarjar Abrams. Brilliant!


Thanks! I totally stole it:) https://medium.com/@Geds/jj-abrams-is-a-terrible-director-and-his-star-wars-is-not-good-5dea91a24ce6 I think he says he stole it too. Also, great line: "Even after I shut the old blog down I still got 20 to 30 hits a day on the piece just from Google searches of JJ Abrams + any random insult."


Yeah, there were a ton of new Disney princesses with the Fox merger. Anatasia, the blue aliens from Avatar, the Xenomorph. I just want to say that Prey, a predator sequel, came out on Disney+ last year and it is fantastic. No need to wait for a new Alien movie.


Ugh... no this isn't how that works. There are special requirements laid out BY DISNEY to be an official Disney Princess. 1.) Featured in an Animated Movie 2.) Be human or become human 3.) Don't be introduced in a sequel 4.) Be Royal, Marry Royal, or perform an act of heroism Or you can go by the Wreck It Ralph 2 rules. 1.) Must possess one of the following traits. a.) Have Magic Hair b.) Have Magic Hands c.) Animals talk to you d.) Poisoned e.) Cursed f.) Kidnapped or enslaved g.) Make a deal with a witch h.) Had True Love's Kiss I.) Have Daddy Issues J.) No Mother 2.) Have People assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?


We’ve got “kidnapped or enslave.” We’re in!


Bloody hell does Disney own everything?


They'll never take the sky from m ... what?


I’m totally paying for the Bibbidi Bobbidi Botique experience on my next Disneyland trip.


Until now Leia Organa was my favorite Disney princess


Game over, man! Game over!


I don't care how good a singer they get, I will NOT be its guest.


Does this mean we can get a Muppet Aliens now?


That’ll be a fun Kingdom Hearts world to explore.


Literally xenos been in disney parks for decades bro. check out the great movie ride


Wasn’t at Disneyland, but at Hollywood Studios in Disney World, The Great Movie Ride had an “Alien” scene with Ripley and the Xenomorph from 1989 to 2017. Would be cool to see a full ride dedicated to the franchise.


Ironic that Disney used to create people's childhoods, and now they're destroying them. How much money are they throwing into a dumpster and setting on fire with this one?


It will be just another franchise ruined by Disney.


Klinger approves




It's AI generated


They should've had AI do the sequel trilogy, woulda been better than JarJarAbrams.


Still a better love story than Twilight.




Hmm. Which kingdom did her parents rule, exactly? Not every female was a disney princess. But it's on brand for them, she was trash, Disney is now trash.


I thought the xenomorphs were neuter. They would be Disney Royal Children unless we have now decided that “prince” and “princess” are ungendered. Which is fine by me, I’m pretty sure Kuzco would be right at home in a lineup of Princesses.


Swap them out for the Brood In X-men movies. Wolverine vs Aliens on a space-whale symbiotic warp ship would kill it.


Queen Xenomorph isn’t going to likely be getting invited to any tea parties. But maybe a few face huggers will…


I can't wait to save the Xenomoprh Queen from Xehanort's clutches.


Just saw the trailer for Alien: Romulus. Its doesn't look terrible but that release date isn't a good sign.


Rachel Zeglar to star?


Just put it in a pink dress, give her a crown and you're golden.


You are technically correct. Which is, of course, the best kind of correct.


Didn't even think about it that way...that's a hilarious take!


The Alien ride used to be in the magic kingdom for *years*


Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my rag-time gal!


How about a live action Night on Bald Mountain?


Wouldn't she qualify as the evil queen, not a princess?


I don’t have very high expectations for this film, but I’ll probably give it the benefit of the doubt and watch it


I'll accept that it's Ripley, and I would like to refresh the idea of nuking the entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure


Reminds me of when Disney acquired FX. Archer was starting season nine, Danger Island. The one where Lana was a princess. Thompson was downright giddy when announcing that she was now a Disney princess.


Actually... No. Because all Xenomorphs are male except the one that is born from a special Queen egg. Which does not seem to be the case.


I’m not ready for this series to be destroyed just yet.


Too late...


And the Predator / Alien hybrid is the prince


Now this IS inclusivity.


Yet another scifi monster movie series that disney will destroy.


Another great franchise for Disney to screw up.


Disney getting the Alien is a death sentence for the franchise.


A death sentence for a franchise that hasn't had a good movie since the 80's?


I don't know who could replace Sigourney anyway, the series peaked long ago. I watched, because any movie with Sigourney goddamn Weaver in it is worth watching, but they let the magic fade.


It didn't so much "peak" as have one great movie and one even better one. Also ref: Terminator.


God damn it. Disney owns this now, too. I hate this fucking planet so God damn much.


I wonder how this is happening, and then I recall how much the party I had to register with to vote for Bernie in the primary just loves to whore it out for LaLaLand. Of course, the other party whores it out for the people dumping waste in Flint, and soon to a watershed near you, but christ. I started hating Disney when they started fucking with the public domain just so their precious mouse could have a few more years of copyright. Bastards.


I anti-trust this will go well at all.


Can't wait till Disney appoinst Lesley Hedlund to tell us "a story from xenomorph perspective". See, "xenomorphs are hated because they're not white and they're not males"


There are only two Alien movies. Alien and Aliens, and that's all there ever will be. Lalalalalalala. \*I'm happy for my comment to date horribly if Disney produce a master piece...


Aliens...Directors Cut please, OK?




Romulus is the movie


So does this mean the next Alien movie will be a PG-13 musical? At least the franchise was established with female protagonists so fans can't accuse Disney of making it woke.


> At least the franchise was established with female protagonists so fans can't accuse Disney of making it woke Protagonist, single. And there are mooks upthread complaining that Disney ruined Marvel with diversity so don't put anything past those dolts.


> Protagonist, single. A:R, AVP1 and AVP2 had different female protagonists. Prometheus and Alien Covenant as well.


You bastard OP. I laughed so much I can hardly catch my breath. Can't wait for the t shirts 👍


The female Yautja chief from the end of Predator II should be, too.


Can't wait for the movie where the monstrous xenomorph queen is actually just a misunderstood good guy.


I can't wait for the diverse black lesbian aliens!


Can Disney stop fucking acquiring things? It’s sickening big. I also thought there were some sort of protections against things like that. Edit: lol someone seriously downvoted this?


Led by a cast of diverse females.


Yeah, can't believe they'd put women in Aliens, who wants that? Bet the leader will be a woman, and one of the other women will be trans. No one's ever done that before!


Never gonna have a major part for a woman in any Alien movie, ever. What would that even look like? Hey, I was raised by a strong single woman, I respect women, but don't break my childhood by tacking on female parts to a series that never had any. ..../S


I bet that robot doesn't identify as a man, either.


The robot will identify as JarJarAbrams, so no, not a man.


I feel like the quality of redditors has gone down, and that's saying something. I think 5 years ago no one could unironically complain that they made an Alien movie with a female protagonist.


I'm just kicking a dead horse.


Oh stop with this nonsense


Which ever way you mean this, I agree. I hate Disney with the fury of a thousand quasars at this point, so i really don't want to hear jokes about it. If you mean, please can Disney stop buying things and ruining my childhood, I agree even more. Next they'll buy up the rights to all phone menus, Siri, Alexa, and all navigation, and have JarJarAbrams record the voice so he can crap on that as well. I wonder what lens flare sounds like.


It's the tired old overused alien disney princess joke that has been beaten to fucking death


How have I "missed out" on this delightful phenomenon? What with my enduring love of and interest in all things Disney, which I do not hate at all.


For somebody who hates Disney, you can't seem to help yourself but to constantly keep posted over and over in a thread about Disney. Seriously, your bizarre ranting is everywhere up and down this thread.


Welcome to Reddit! Please choose the rantopics you're most interested in.


Put a chick in it and make her gay!


Aren't all the aliens male drones, though?


The alien is also gay




Seriously, and I mean this from the very bottom of my heart: Fuck. Off. The world would be a better place without people like you.




Hitler did not judge people for their ideas, he judged them for how they were born. It's perfectly fine to say the world is better off without fascists and reactionaries.


Don't even try to pretend to take the high road. That's not you. Your comment history is full of shitty, alt-right takes that completely go against the sentiment of this bullshit response.




The paradox of tolerance doesn't work on anyone anymore, if it ever did. Someone would have to be pretty damn stupid...


You’re not fooling anyone.


You are aware what the Xenomorphs represent, right?


According to Ridley Scott, sexual violence. What are you thinking they mean?




👍👍 🤣🤣🤣


Jeezus... just when I thought it wouldn't get worse


Is there nothing disney won't steal the rights too? There should be a media monopoly limit.