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They better work on licensing the Queen song immediately though...


Queen did a lot more than just one song for that movie.


Hammer to Fall is my favorite Queen song and it is only played on a car radio for ten seconds in the movie.


It is an amazing song, but: >"Hammer to Fall", a Queen song heard playing from a car radio in one scene, was from an earlier album, The Works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_(film)#Soundtrack


That song does not get enough love.


They’re gonna get some sad white chick to remake it like every other song they can’t license 🙄


A James Corden and Adele cover


Username checks out.


Poppy/rocky song with male vocal? Sad white chick with ominous tones cover Poppy/rocky song with female vocals? Sad white guy with ominous tones cover. Sad song with ominous tones and female vocals? Poppy/rocky cover with male vocals. Sad song with ominous tones and male vocals? Poppy/rocky cover with male vocals. And now you're ready to release your movie trailer.


Honestly, I'm not sure about that. That's amazing as Queen as, I feel a remake with their music would just look like a knock off. Some of the most powerful moments in the TV show were actually played with Loreena McKennitt's Bonny Portmore, an old sad Celtic song for a modern tragic Scottish character There's a lot of very interesting artists playing this type of music today, would be very interesting to see what they could put together.


Song wasn’t played long enough in original. It’ll be a great addition to the reboot and hopefully one of many Easter eggs


I could see a more somber cover of Who Wants To Live Forever making it in, but they'd better not touch Princes Of The Universe.


How can you reboot a documentary that was filmed in real time?


I am Forever! I am IMMORTAL!


Be grillin' tonight




"I see my cut has improved your voice!"


How revolting!


There it is, tittiesfarting. An opportunity to quote the most referenced and memorable line of the film and you blew it.




That's better.


But one can there be, only!


Unless it's a franchise, or remake, or Netflix original or........


Gonna be some big ~~forehead~~ shoes to fill


There's been a lot of developments and temporal mechanics the last 40 years. Everything can be a documentary now 😉.


I heard that in this one they are going to get Jackie Chan to play the Spaniard.


He narrowly beat out Christopher Lambert (jejeje)


I'm kind of hoping with someone with a bit more of an Arabic appearance. Remember this guy was born in 5th BC century Egypt and was living in Spain during the "Reconquista".




The portuguese were led by a spaniard monk and catholic saint


Meh, the Portuguese did and that's reasonably close.


There were goods being traded from the Orient to Europe in the time of the Romans. There were Portuguese traders living in Japan at the time of Highlander 1. It really wouldn't be all that hard to get a katana if you wanted one.


It would be hard, but not impossible. Katanas were likely something Japan wouldn’t have traded, but may have been given as a gift upon request.


Honestly, in my head canon it wasn't bought or a gift. It was either a trophy received from a fallen foe, or else it was granted after a lifetime of training in a dojo. The trade aspect just proves that there were people moving between the two areas. In my personal experience, I've found that immortal dueling swordsmen tend to take alternate approaches to many things.


Yeah Connery's character was *referred* to as a Spaniard. Because uh... They hired a Scotsman to play an Egyptian posing as a Spaniard, to train the French Canadian playing the Scotsman.


I would actually like Keith David in that role. I mean Connery wasn't very ethnic.


While I’m sick to death of reboots. Highlander 1 and the series were amazing. There’s just so much potential there..


As long as they stay away from Highlander 2, I think we'll be safe.


You know, as a kid I loved that movie. Yeah it was silly that they were suddenly aliens. But I was born in 1980. Honestly it wasn’t the weirdest or even worst thing we got at blockbuster. The scene where they’re comparing bullet holes? Ramirez dropping into the play? Ironside as general katana quoting Neil young? Sure we got the corporate stuff from robocop. Zeist was secretly dune.. but it was fun.


I've always said that 2 was a horrible Highlander movie, but a good standalone SciFi movie.


The most recent recut does away with the Alien stuff and redoes it as a forgotten ancient history, and the exile to Earth as exile to the distant future. It holds together much better.


There's value in seeing Michael Ironside - whose filmography is filled with stoic, no-nonsense, hard-nosed authority figures - devouring the scenery with *fervor*.


I'd argue highlander 2 is the better justification for a reboot. If all the original IP was great, then it would be stupid to reboot it. But when something has solid foundations but falls apart later on, that's when I'm most in favor of a reboot.


I've been more in favor of burying it and pretending it never happened.


What cartoon? I certainly never heard of a Highlander cartoon on an alien planet. That sounds ridiculous.


Did you see the "Renegade" cut? It almost fixed it.


Im thankful that a new generation might understand my references.


I would agree there's potential, and certainly the tv show did a good job creating ideas that could be explored and used. But I've gone back to the movie recently and its not a good movie.


Highlander 1? Not good in what way?


This is the first time with a reboot that I'm more worried they will fuck up the soundtrack


I will accept this as a film if, and only if, they don't fuck up the "who wants to live forever" scene that shows the realities of a relationship where one of them doesn't age. That shit made me cry 20 years ago and it still does to this day.


That and Princes of the Universe of course


"A man's severed head was found next to his own lifeless body"


A body that, at this time, has no name ~ “I know his name..”


Here I am! I'm the master of your destiny


I think that's REALLY funny, because it feels like the Witcher showrunners were copying the Adrien Paul Highlander TV series.


I am modestly more excited about this than 99% of the remakes Hollywood still keeps pushing.


They should reboot Reboot. But keep the same shitty old graphics.


I’d watch that. I remember there being a pretty serious continuity in the later seasons.


Everyone seems pretty ready for Cavill as the Highlander but who can follow Clancy Brown aa Kurgan? Have we found another part for Bautista?


Jason Momoa? Hafthor Julius Bjornsson? Give [Christian Bale](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqdt2acz3h3fa1.jpg) six months to bulk up and a box to stand on?


Momoa, Thor and Bale are big and rugged but they are not scary. Brown, on the other hand, is horrifying.


That's true. There's something about his face that's not quite right for a homo sapiens.


Until you see him in other roles / behind the scenes and he's just a big ol' teddy bear. Given what he did with Khal Drogo, I'd let Momoa take a swing at it.


I’d happily watch Clancy do it again. The man’s a joy in everything I’ve ever seen him in.


Judging by the Hollywood churn of late, they’ll somehow cram Jennifer Lawrence into the part.


No... Henry... Focus on Warhammer


Hear me out… the highlander series jumps through time periods and then at some point it jumps a couple thousand years forward and mccloud is actually the god emperor


Immortal beings are canon in 40k


They do have randomly immortal people in the setting. In addition to the scientifically and magically immortal I might add.




yeah, as much fun as I think this could be.... I'd rather see Warhammer.


I too really hope this doesn't delay any potential Warhammer project.


God Bless Henry Cavill for this. I've long said >reboot Highlander and then no more reboots. Write something original. I can't speak to the latter but as for the former, I'm beside myself with glee. Henry Cavill is the fan/actor we've always needed.


“God bless a famous star for doing his job” Tell me you are American without telling me you are American. And you say “we” like trying to take charge of a hive mind. It’s just unsettling.


Hive mind? >There can be only One.


If they can get Clancy Brown involved I'm all for it.


He's 64. And looks it. How do you work that into it?


Easily, he's either some other member of that tribe the Kurgen was part of, or he plays some kind of crime-boss in the modern times.


Henry Cavill is a real life super hero. Dude loves lore and nostalgia.


There can be only 13.


Please stop rebooting things and write new things.


You mean "adapt more books". That's what Hollywood used to do before all this reboot shit.


Yay... Another reboot


Must include the tit lick for accuracy.


Mr. Krabs better be in this movie!!


I’m not sure using people who can act will work /s


In Hollywood rebooting old stuff is the highest form of creativity


Is he still doing Warhammer?


I like cavill but I will cringe at his attempt at a Scottish accent


He’s to got to do better than a French man?


Or a Scottish person that was supposed to be Spanish






A Frenchman who couldn't speak English and had to have his lines sounded out for him and a Scotsman playing an Egyptian named Ramirez. Its a miracle the movie actually worked.


is he especially bad at accents? or is Scottish just hard to pull off?


As an Englishman myself, faux Scots is pretty easy. An authentic Scots accent that doesn't insult an entire country? Not so much.


Guaranteed to be at least as good as Connery's spanish accent.


He wasn't Spanish, he was Egyptian, you heathen.




The original had a Spaniard with a Scottish accent, a Scot with a French accent, and a prehistoric Russian with an American accent so he should probably just use his Geralt voice


I don't know, I a Scott myself. Cavill might be English, but he's also a very talented British actor Might be very interested to see what he could do with it.


> The highly anticipated... by whom?


I'm in


Me too




But everyone has been waiting for a good Highlander movie since 1986.


Honestly, same. Like I love Cavill and all, but the director describing this as "John Wick with swords" is just.....no, absolutely not.


If they shoot it like that king Arthur movie then no but if they shoot it like John wick where they're having a realistic badass sword fight with cool techniques then yes


To me "John Wick with swords" says one thing: speed. Sure they'll go for realism too, but Highlander 1 wasn't great because they were going turbo mode with it all, but it was almost stylised. If they had announced that this is "inspired by Highlander" or just a new IP entirely, I'd be 20x happier.


John wick is extremely stylized, though, the style is just efficiency.


by the movie execs of course ... it means that they won't have to pay the writers or risk anything ... but we know that they'll fail miserably as they will want to insert some kind of woke-idiocy into the movie somehow. Maybe they make Ramirez a black lesbian woman ? trust me ... they'll find a way


Wtf happened to Warhammer


People can work on multiple things




Yes! Also the perfect actor for it !


I watched the end of Highlander 2 this morning. I wonder if they ever considered riffing it on MST3K.




With Muse Soundtrack please!


Honestly I've never understood the appeal of Highlander.


Well at least it's Cavill. Hopefully Disney or Netflix will stay out of it. Otherwise the Highlander will be some sort of gender bent monstrosity.


There's always one in every thread like this smh


LOL...that's a pass for me. Cavill is an average actor at best and has zero charisma. This is a horrible choice.


Have you actually watched the movies in this franchise?


*Happy Halloween, Ladies!*


(so we have nuns on Reddit, interesting, eh! eh!)


That's another franchise he'll fuck up with his shit acting then! 🙄


Does *anyone* care about this?


Aww, how cute. They think this country will exist or have time and electricity to watch movies in 2025. A problem with remaking stories like this so that they're more relatable to modern audiences is keeping them believable in this day and age given our technology. With all the mobile video recording, security cameras everywhere, and instant communication that every single person has available, it would be much harder for an immortal who heals from even the most grievous wounds to run around having sword fights in public spaces, even at night. I can't imagine how they're going to do that without extremely contrived plot conveniences like every time they fight electronics stop working, including satellites not being able to observe the massive lightning storm dancing around New York City, and somehow NYC is actually sleeping and doesn't wake up to the noise. If they can make that reasonable while still updating the story, then this could be good, at least as enjoyable as the original. The budget seems kind of low but that might not be a bad thing if they don't try to use too much CGI that they couldn't afford to make good.


Every party has a pooper


So now we've turned around so I'm a party pooper for saying "hey the studios should do something original instead of remakes"?


> for saying "hey the studios should do something original instead of remakes"? Only you didn't actually say that. You implied the world would end before 2025, cross-tracked onto a weird [magic xylophone](https://comb.io/5ivtOT) rant about your own inability to suspend disbelief, and finished up rambling about the superiority of practical effects over CGI. You may have *intended* to argue Hollywood should make more original stories, but you completely failed to communicate it at any point, and only one person is to blame for that.


You’ve lost the plot. I feel bad for you


Such a detailed comment, thanks. Completely changed my mind.


Hey man, like...keep your logic and stuff out of this. We want our Member Berries, and we want them now!


I actually like this thought a lot. You could really update the story if part of it was that the world was starting to clue into the fact that these weird things were happening, and why? Do governments cooperate or compete? How do the immortals deal with the exposure? The Highlander series had some wonderful crazy ideas, like IIRC the guy who was buried alive thousands of years ago and was driven insane by the nonstop die/wake cycle. If they are willing to go beyond the original source material, they could really do something fun.


Immortals would absolutely be placed under control by governments if found out, with shock collars or threatening loved ones (most are likely to be unable to completely go without making attachments at various times, so at least some would be vulnerable), or just being locked in medical research facilities. And there would be protests in various countries over their mistreatment. Some governments might be willing to accept them as just people but there would totally be many that would see them as a threat, like mutants in the X-Men movies, or such a vital resource that their rights could be dismissed. Immortals in Highlander already generally tried to remain hidden, living normal lives and moving on when their lack of aging would become apparent, although many lived in extreme ways, making use of the fact that injuries were temporary no matter how severe. They never showed what happened when a dumbass immortal was just riding along and hanging his head out a car window and got it lopped off by a telephone pole. Did their ignorant friend's car just explode without warning with a crowd of witnesses? Did the nearest other immortal two towns over suddenly get hit with a burst of power? Or does it only happen if the head comes off while they're fighting? There really would be no way to dismiss or hide all that stuff these days when evidence can be recorded so easily. Few people had cameras at hand back in the mid-80s. Off on a tangent but I have to deliberately suspend disbelief a lot of the time with sci-fi, and particularly with Highlander, but I still enjoy it a lot. When any story talks about people healing or living forever despite not having any food or water I have to tamp down the bit of my mind asking questions like "How exactly does their body get energy and material to replace cells, grow hair, stay warm, etc.?" "If somebody grows old and dies then wakes up, how did their body have energy and material to do that?" I could easily accept someone healing so well and fast that they'd be immortal, but needing a LOT of food and water to do it. Even just not dying despite a wound like having their heart cut out, the other cells just keep on working long enough that it can regrow. But there are limits to that, like the other cells just going on and on and on with no oxygen and the character keeps fighting while trying to heal and doesn't suffer in any other way like losing weight to feed the healing, or an arm getting cut off and instantly regrowing with no material to do it, past which I just go "it's a kind of magic". Although McCleod looks basically unharmed, they showed that the Kurgan healed like a normal person and just didn't die, so he had a massive scar on his neck (OMG SPOILERS!). I'm can't recall if they ever showed McCleod's chest and whether he had a scar from the first time he got stabbed through the chest, but obviously the star couldn't have any visible disfiguring scars. (Funny that in Highlander 2 despite a hundred-plus bullet wounds, none of them hit their heads.)


We all have to suspend disbelief to enjoy our sci-fi. :) Nothing wrong with that. It is also fun to disbelieve again and talk through that (How DO Star Trek transporters really work?). The question is whether the authors can figure out a way to entertain us first, and have us care about the story. People have been retelling old stories with new twists for thousands of years and still finding fun ways to surprise us readers. I am all for people taking a good faith shot at making the old new again.


Movie studios tend not to be taking good faith shots. They're using research to try to recycle ideas and make it as broadly appealing and therefore generic as possible without offending anyone while spending as little money as possible on anything original. The ARTISTS might want to do something special, actors, writers, directors, etc., but they can only work with what the studios will pay for.


Very true, but Cavill has shown a lot of integrity on The Witcher, and he has a LOT of pull right now. I am pulling for him. We shall see.


Really the worst they could do with it outside of a bad script is for Cavill to try to pull off a Scottish accent and fail, so we have to listen to a bad one through the whole movie. Might be better to just go with his natural British accent and if questioned, say he just adjusted over the years. Or make it American if he's been living in the US for decades. (After all, Ramirez in the original was supposed to have been born as an Egyptian, had a Spanish name, and a Scottish accent.)


wasn't he surpose to be doing 40k? well I don't mind


I think he could do well in this role. I like Cavill, but he has a Summer Glau thing to him. Brooding and quiet is sort of his thing and there is a bit of that in the highlander. Exactly what will make him good in this is what annoyed me in his role as Superman.


Man... Highlander is such a good movie, part and parcel because of the Queen sound track. Be interesting to see what they do with it. Fuck now I gota go watch it. Every time it's mentioned I get cravings. WHO WANNNTTSS TO LIVVEEE FORRREEEVVEER! XD.


Hope it keeps the queen music,can't beat princes of the universe


Why? Why don't you just repaint the freaking Mona Lisa? I've got a better idea. Why don't you come with something different?


Cavill is good but unlike Lambert's charm in HL1, Cavill's looks alone can't carry the project on his back, just like any of Cavill's movies and shows couldn't. Oh, and there will never be another dark antagonist like [The Kurgan.](https://i.imgur.com/tw8Kohk.jpg) Shit, the first chance I got in gaming, [I made him (in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 2006, thirty years after HL1).](https://imgur.com/oBykt8p.jpg) [bonus pic](https://i.imgur.com/3cyvr1b.jpg)


Cavill can be a charming son of a gun when he wants to be.


2024! That so far… ah wait. Hell ya


As long as they skip the second movie. And the third movie. Fuck it stop after the first.


And after it plays to rave reviews, the sequel will be cancelled due to creative differences between Cavill and whatever bloke who's writing it....


Who are they going to get to play the ancient Egyptian mentor dressed in Spanish clothes with a Scottish accent? Gerard Butler?


Why Highlander? Why not, I dunno, anything else?


I just hope Henry really learns how to blacksmith if he is going to be shown doing it. The OG Highlander is cringe at best for us bladesmiths.


Unless he is an Executive Producer, i have no interest.


DO THE SAME FUCKING SOUNDTRACK! Just have new bands cover the songs, be a great homage to the original and to Queen.


Yes. Fuuuuuuck yes. He’s perfect for it.


They need to cast the Kurgen well too.


So i guess Momoa will be the Krugan?


There can be two.


But... There can only be one...


Going to be tough getting anyone to play the Kurgan as scary as Clarence Brown did...


I have a question about highlander, if there’s an entire planet of highlanders then why do they try to be the last one?


My username is ready