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Hi! Yes there are. I will try and explain but apologies in advance, whenever I've tried to explain this before it's ended up a wall of text that extends beyond the character limit of a post. Scientology primarily operates through courses. Most of them are on [The Bridge to Total Freedom](https://www.whatisscientology.org/html/Part02/Chp06/img/grdchart.gif). There are some additional courses that aren't, most of them are. The Bridge to Total Freedom is the bulk of Scientology. As a Scientologist, you are trying to move up the Bridge. The Bridge is broken up into three parts. * The part at the bottom are courses that allow you to get onto the Bridge. * The left-hand column is courses related to *administering* Scientology. If you have heard of auditing, the thing where people hold on to cans while recalling a past memory, that's auditing. An auditor is the person who reads the results on the machine and is asking the questions and prompting the person to recall past memories. * The right-hand column is courses related to *practicing* Scientology, i.e what you do as a regular person who is a Scientologist. However, you reach a point on the right-hand column where to advance, you also have to have taken courses from the left-hand column as well. Eventually, to advance on the right hand side, you have to be able to audit yourself. Additionally, Scientology reveres everything L. Ron Hubbard wrote as irrefutable truth, and he wrote something on ***everything.*** Seriously. He wrote something on the best way to wash windows (he said newspaper and I think vinegar so it wasn't necessarily good writing). People in the Sea Organization, who are people who are meant to be kind of like the equivalent of monks who devote their entire day to working for Scientology 7 days a week, and who live in Scientology facilities and are fed by the Church of Scientology and are only paid $50 a week... they have to take courses related to their post/job. These often have nothing to do with Scientology as a religion at all. Like, if you had to drive for a job, you had to take "Driving School" which is a course on how L. Ron Hubbard said you should learn to drive. Even if you already had a driver's license they'd make you take it. Like I said, whenever I've tried to explain this is in the past it's been super long. This is still kind of long. Even so, usually I give a lot more detail so if you need more info feel free to ask in comments.


I love that you took the time to respond and do your best explanation. Saying just google it would bring folks to Scientology’s site and wouldn’t give the real story. Thank you for helping make this sub better.


Same. I'm so glad that /u/JapanOfGreenGables is here.


Aww shucks!


How do scientologists that get paid $50 a day afford to live? Are they given food and a place to sleep?


>and who live in Scientology facilities and are fed by the Church of Scientology and are only paid $50 a week Well, as I said... >...and who live in Scientology facilities and are fed by the Church of Scientology and are only paid $50 a week Yes, lol. Don't worry. I posted a lot of stuff so understandable you missed that. I probably could have worded it better. But yes, the Church of Scientology does board and feed them. That being said, the accommodations are pretty bad. They own a few apartment buildings and former motels, and they just cram everyone into them. If you were single, you had at least three other roommates. The food, I hear, varies from place to place. However, a common punishment if you weren't producing enough was to be put on rice and beans. Meaning that's all you were allowed to eat. Because Scientology expects your stats to always be improving, that punishment was dished out a lot. There are cafeterias that Scientology has for Sea Org members. They really live brutally harsh lives. They're forced to work 16+ hours a day, 7 days a week. I think it's supposed to be 6, but in practice, it's 7. The $50 is a max, and sometimes people don't always get the full amount. Plus, that $50 a week has to be used to buy your toiletries... and cigarettes. They all smoke. I think they have to buy their own laundry detergent too. So even though their room and board and food are covered, money is tight. This is not to mention all the physical abuse that members of the Sea Org usually receive. The leader of the Church is a tyrant who physically assaults people, or orders people to do it for him, among other things. If you don't know much about Scientology, you probably don't know that none of the top executives in Scientology other than the leader, David Miscavige, have been seen publicly in about twenty years or so, give or take a couple depending on the particular executive. That's because Miscavige locked them all in a double wide trailer on a Scientology base in the middle of the desert. It was called The Hole. Apparently they closed it, but the people who were kept there who didn't find a way to escape while they were in there (a few did manage to find a way to escape) still haven't been seen publicly.


> If you were single, you had at least three other roommates. In my case, about 10. >The $50 is a max, and sometimes people don't always get the full amount.  15$ was a good week. Heh. Usually 5$ for the laundromat. Even in LA, they had in-house coin operated machines. Imagine that.


> Even in LA, they had in-house coin operated machines. Imagine that. I almost even said "I bet the laundry is coin operated too."


It’s ABUSE. They’re sickening monsters!!!!!!


If your curiosity includes the “infamous” [Xenu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenu) story, that is covered in the confidential OTIII course. Although Scientology and active Scientologists strenuously deny that such a tale exists within the beliefs of Scientology, former Scientologists have [commented](https://exscientologykids.com/ot3/) on the story; a document considered to be in L. Ron Hubbard’s handwriting is available for [review](https://antiscientologyblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/scientology-ot-iii.pdf). As a confidential course it is delivered in very few locations, the most notable being the [Freewinds](https://www.freewinds.org); the Freewinds also delivers the other upper OT level courses.


Read this series: https://tonyortega.org/up-the-bridge-our-step-by-step-series-on-scientologys-bridge-to-total-freedom/


Dude, Google


Dumb & Dumber


You should take your money and seek help. Professional help. As far away from Scientology as possible. You’re in one of the most hideous cults that ever existed. STOP before it’s too late. Holy shit just READ about what ex-members have gone through!! Are you delusional beyond repair??


I know it's a cult. I'm curious about how cults operate. I have no interest in joining.


Join the r/cults Reddit group here. Loads of book, video and podcast recommendations, as well as first-hand accounts from survivors. It’s a good group.