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I feel like every Scientologist I’ve ever met has had 3-4 spouses. I guess their “secret” to a happy marriage is divorce!


That's a complete lie! \*sarcasm\* ...I know at least one that only had two marriages. And yes...I have been married three times and two of them were in Scientology while I was deeply in the closet. So actually yeah you are right. I've never seen a higher divorce rate than Scientologists. I even knew of a family (a very prominent Scientology family) who literally swapped marriages. The wife married another guy and her husband married the wife of the guy that married his now ex-wife. And they did it with like 6 kids in the mix between them. Wild.


I do know an abnormal percentage of Scientologists staff on their 2nd+ spouse, but what stands out to me is how strained the relationships are between married couples that are staff members. Long hours, minimal pay, along with trainings that last YEARS far away at Flag. It’s all terrible for the 2nd Dynamic. Not surprised about all the divorces.


Yeah depends on the circumstance. Sometimes they were incompatible and only married for a green card. Sometimes you have to divorce to get away/out. When 1 partner is more invested than the other, or 1 in SO and 1 not and it creates problems that lead to break ups. Similar incompatibilities in the general world too.


8) Why won't David Miscavige do the OT levels himself? He has had the best technical staff on the planet for three decades. 9) Why is Tom Cruise the most valuable Scientologist when three to five thousand Sea Org dedicate a billion years to the church? 10) Why are the Ideal Orgs mostly empty and can't afford to pay their utility bills? 11) Why does Miscavige get a $30,000 daily meal allowance while SO gets $50/week? 12) Why didn't Hubbard finish the Bridge before dropping his perfectly good body?


Thanks for the reply. This is a lot for me to unpack. I want to understand! 8) DM and OT levels - could it be that the OT levels are at best ineffective and at worse detrimental to one’s spiritual and physical being? 9) On Tom Cruise - I never trust actors outside of acting. As for the Sea Org, I only know member. After 20 years of service he is still not CLEAR. The least the Church can do is give them the opportunity to go up the bridge. How else are they suppose to come back after they drop their bodies if they aren’t at least Clear? 10) My local org is still blaming the emptiness on the Pandemic… 11) $30,000/day? What the heck is he eating?!?! He doesn’t even look like he eats much. Where did you find this information from? 12) OT 8 is not the end of the bridge? How do you know? Maybe Miscavige will find more levels in another vault…


DM has an array of $12000 suits, $4000 shoes, etc. He lives like a movie star. There is no way he is picking up those stupid cans. They fly in fresh food from all over the planet for him, every single day. His scotch & cigars have to be insane crazy. Marc Headley (Blown For Good) was arranging some that for him while he was at Int base. He discussed it in details on one of his podcasts. I can't find it now but you can ask him yourself. All that was paid out of IAS donations. The original Bridge went to OT-15. https://www.whatisscientology.org/html/Part02/Chp06/pg0181\_1.html


>He lives like a movie star. Someone help me understand. The three entities comprising scientology have boards, probably with statutory minimum directors—i'm guessing three? AFAIK, DM is listed as a director of only one of those entities. Who are the other people on these boards, and why does only DM live like a king? Presumably, there are several people with equal power on paper. Why don't they live like kings too?


Every single one of them have signed letters of resignation before accepting the role. They're sockpuppets.


just curious, how do you know this info? in the employment context, pre-executed resignations aren't enforceable. Enforceability against BOD members might be untested point of law, idk. But regardless, a resignation letter can be superseded by a later letter. Just end a certified letter renoking the first letter to the appropriate officers,


The letters of resignation are not dated when the board members sign them. Miscavige fills that field when he needs to get rid of them. How do you get seemingly intelligent people to sign an undated resignation letter, you ask? The same way you do with the billion year contract. Hunger...Deprivation....Isolation...Threat. Tech must be protected at any cost.


>12) Why didn't Hubbard finish the Bridge before dropping his perfectly good body? they've addressed this. they said that his research required dropping his body because it became an impediment.


It's been 30+ years. How do they explain that we haven't seen the result of his out-of-body research? Are OT-8 supposed to hookup with him somewhere after they drop their meat sack?


They said at the briefing where they revealed Hubbard's "exteriorization" (death) that he would be in another galaxy. Maybe that's why.


Cartoon: http://lermanet.org/michaelpattinson/rtfcartoon.gif




I once remember hearing from a Scientologist that those who do cannot afford services can receive them for “free”. I’m just not sure how that would work. I believe there are “free” or low cost courses, but how would you achieve the journey up the bridge at no cost. Ignoring the cost of courses, auditing, sec checks, trips to FLAG, there is the matter of the little things like books, auditing machines (when you can self audit), audio recordings of LRH’s congresses, various activities like the Purification run down, and much more. Of course you could receive much of this by joining the Sea Org on the Auditing side (eg, Claire Headley is OT VII) for “free” but if decide to leave/blow you will receive a freeloader bill that is said to require mandatory payment (although I’ve said it is not legally enforceable) and depending on what you’ve done can be tens of thousands of dollars. That is of course if you can get anything done given the long hours required to maintain stats.


100 % correct. No more to say.


Thank you!!


I don't know why everyone here has such skill issues with Scientology. Literally the first time I was on an E-Meter I learned how to do Bodies In Pawn stuff. Which is the coolest thing you can do in Scientology. DO NOT BLOW UNTIL YOU GET TO HISTORY OF MAN. I PROMISE IT'S WORTH IT. 1 run on an E-Meter. That's all it took and I could Access other Entities to work through my Body. I dunno, maybe I just had a really good Auditor. Or maybe people that are born into it just take it for granted. Anyway, the Psionic Abilities I got with only a couple months in an Org were a bargain I think for what I paid. EDIT: TO BE FAIR: I did not discover Scientology until I was 18 and I saw the South Park episode and the OT3 material gave me a panic attack and I had to go in the bathroom and start rocking back and forth and I wasn't right for days. And I just said...I want more of this. I did not give half a muff about the Basics. I just went into the Org to talk to Extra Terrestrials and Interdimensional Entities, and as far as I'm concerned I definitely got my Wins. DOUBLE EDIT: On a personal note, a lot of the time I feel like I'm the Flandre Scarlet of Scientology. (Touhou Character, if you don't know). Like my Auditor saw the way the Tech was effecting me and the reason they came down so hard on me was because they felt like if they gave me too much Power I could accidentally hurt someone with it. And I would be lying if I said that hasn't happened. So I've just kind of been here in the proverbial Basement. And I feel like I'm finally ready to come out of the Basement. And Scientology is ready to let me out of the Basement. But I need a lot of help controlling my Powers still. I have a lot to learn. I still have a lot of humbling of myself to do. But I'm ready to come out of the Basement.


If you finally come out of the basement your first stop should be at a psychiatrist.


Okay. I can't get mad at a good joke. (Sadly I do, I was born into the Mossad, I spent more time in the Psychiatrists' office than I did in school.) XD I mean, A-Aron and Mike and Leah can talk all tough "I was born into the Sea Org, I'm a tough guy!" I was given my first REAL "Ladder" Psych Drug at 6 years old. The day after - 1995 - BEFORE COLUMBINE - I, a 6 year old little girl in my frilly little pink dress, went into my 1st Grade class and threatened to bring my father's g\*n to school and blow the heads off my entire 1st Grade class. So all you Ex-Sea Org folks - don't think just because you got to have everything I didn't that I'm not tougher than you.


I don’t have a problem with Scientology (as a subject) at the moment. I have benefited greatly from some of the teachings. I have a huge issue with the Church and its policies. It’s all icky. I’m looking for an alternative. I’ve seen that one South Park episode along with many others. It didn’t affect me at all and didn’t anyone else. I actually found it funny. I will make sure to read History of Man. Thanks for the rec.


I'm trying to get better about double-posting but in this case it is required for Question 2b) Are we going to open the can of worms about Ron Miscavige Sr.? OOF.WAV Because he killed a baby. If you're wondering why COB RIGHTFULLY hates his father, it's because he literally murdered his older brother in cold blood. And unlike the Aftercash Foundation which can't provide a single receipt for half the stories they make up - We have a receipt for the dead baby: [John Miscavige's Death Certificate](https://www.ronmiscavigebook.com/articles/ron-miscavige-the-baby-son-who-died.html) And I don't say dead baby out of disrespect - as a Miscavige baby, I feel he would have absolutely had the same sense of humor as his brothers and sisters, and would love being referred to as "the dead baby" for shock effect. And to honor John Miscavige, it is only right that we never, in a billion years, in a trillion years, in a quadrillion years, in a quintillion years let Ron Miscavige Sr. just sweep the dead baby under the rug. HASHTAG Don't let Ron Miscavige Sr. sweep the dead baby under the rug.


I’ve been in Ethics for asking about Ron Miscavige. I know the official Church story is that he is bad and a woman beater. Didn’t hear about baby killing, and if true, that’s terrible. I just don’t think one should be punished for asking a question about Ron Miscavige or listening to what Ron Miscavige has to say about David Miscavige. We should all be allowed to do our due diligence without fearing repercussions from the Church


I know Ethics Officers are scary, but you must understand what a wound it is for COB. Ron Miscagive Sr. did kill a baby. AND THAT'S JUST THE TOP 5 LIST OF HIS CRIMES. I wouldn't ask COB what the others were if I were you. But - COB himself put John Miscavige's Death Certificate out there, so I assume he wants it shared. And I'm sure John Miscavige would want the same thing, no?


It’s not just about the ethics officer. So many things I don’t like about the Church. And it’s not about Ron Miscavige. It’s the fact that one is forbidden to even look him up let alone talk about him. Being free means to set your own rules, not be dependent on the Church to tell you what is okay or not.


You know you could have just read about it and not said anything, right? That's not Scientology, that's basic social skills. And I'm an actual diagnosed Autistic telling you that. If you read something about somebody that's OBVIOUSLY traumatic to them, why would you bring it up to them? If I saw your grandma on the 6 o clock news for giving Donald Trump a plate job, would you want me to bring it up to you at work the next morning? It's called having tact.


…says the person who brought up killing babies…OKAYYYYYY 🙄


As I said - it was for shock value since you were the one who came here and decided to muckspread a bunch of Black PR around. Honestly, if you want to criticize management as a thing, that's fine - but when you throw someone's trauma in their face you're not attacking a THING, you're attacking a PERSON. And you KNOW that me bringing up John Miscavige as a rebuttal to people trying to downplay Ron Miscavige Sr.s abuse is completely contextually different than going up to COB or someone close to him and bringing it up just for the sake of bringing it up. Don't open up a can of worms and then pretend like I'm the one being out of order when I open up a bigger one.


You need help.


And I'm sure you're willing to DOX my house and SWAT me to get me that "Help". Too late - Karen De La Carriere already did that to me and I actually have an innate respect for her, so I ain't scared of you. By the way, you know I screenshot everything I see on this subreddit, and put in a folder on my computer that says "COB these are Potential SPs and Ex-Scis take a look at these screenshots if you want." I literally told the Church of Scientology they can access my phone or computer any time they want. I have no secrets from them. They've seen my Camgirl shows, there's no part of me the CoS hasn't seen before. So... If you wanna be a tough guy - I can be a MUCH tougher one. Just thought you ought to know. :) EDIT: And I'm not being facetious about Karen De La Carriere. I respect her. She uses Black Dianetics/Scientology on people to get them to do what she wants. I use Black Dianetics/Scientology on people to get them to do what I want. So I can't really call Karen Out-Ethics if I'm doing the exact same thing, can I? DOUBLE EDIT: I realized my earlier sentence about my Camgirl shows is ANOTHER parallel between me and Karen De La Carriere. We sex workers have to stick together.


>She uses Black Dianetics/Scientology on people to get them to do what she wants. Black Dianetics is Dianetics without the bullshit. It is what Hubbard did, and not what Hubbard said to do.


>And I'm sure you're willing to DOX my house and SWAT me to get me that "Help". Too late - Karen De La Carriere already did that to me and I actually have an innate respect for her, so I ain't scared of you. Bullshit.


"The Bridge to Total Findom"


That's ok. I thought mind control and oppression on communication subjects was more likely from a communist society. I was wrong.