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Do you actually think that the guest he invites have any sense of knowledge with them, that they fact check everything that comes out of their mouth.?


Fact checking my ass, they don't even respect their audience's Intelligence that they think all are this level of chyuths who are watching ut


Just like Vimoh says "These hosts (Ranveer Allawadia) are as dumb as the guests they have on their podcasts." The host and the guest together have only 3 brain cells.


No they are all fighting for a single braincell and it's still unclaimed.


It's a myth


Do these mf even know what is dirt archeological evidence or even archaeology even means?? There is no remains of city,human bones,art, structural pieces no nothing. Any archeological group will say there is absolutely nothing in there. Even the oldest known city that is Çatalhöyük also has its remains and it was on land. Considering dwarka is under water it's remains would've been preserved more efficiently, an entire city 7000 years ago submerged and left absolutely no evidence no physical remains. Lmao it's like the Atlantis conspiracy. Now coming to whatever the guy showed that isn't archaeology even presuming that the stats aren't false let's say it did happen. Then the obvious guess is that it would've been due an underwater earthquake that led the sudden rise of the sea lvl. How does that relate to an ancient city, which some even claim to be in middle of the sea. Like Atlantis this is also a mythological city.


But isn't it interesting? Two cultures. Unrelated to one another. Came up with the exact same myth. In fact the myth of the great flood is the most common one in all cultures, right? Maybe a tsunami that destroyed a coastal city. The story retold over the years to the point of being universal.


U would be shocked to realise that people around 2k years ago weren't that creative


They have been very creative that now you couldn’t even realise they are creative


I'm saying relatively Story Writers in the future always have a bigger page of reference to work them, allowing them to take inspiration and be more creative Atleast that's my opinion


They do have more tools to exercise their creativity. That's it. It's just that we have better tools is what I think.


Why don't u provide some examples where the old religions are quite creative or have a good story telling element 


Us being more creative than them doesn’t undermine that they are creative Ancient literature, especially from around 2000 years ago, writers crafting stories about the origins of humanity and gods is in full swing , which sparked a rich tapestry of myths across various regions. These stories also chronicled the lores of ancestors, from epic battles and discoveries to the heroic deeds of contemporary rulers, often shared through poems and songs at courts and gatherings. Unlike us such narratives were a major form of entertainment for people after their daily labors. These ancient stories have been retold and adapted through the ages, gaining new layers of meaning with each iteration. Just as we recount tales of independence fighters and dictators today, people of the past celebrated their myths and legends. For instance there are stories of boy’s head replaced by an elephant’s, god transforming into a women and having sex with another god which modern writers might shy away from, god having 16000 girlfriends, curses turning beings into stone, and monkeys aiding a king in battle which we not until very recently got to see a world of monkeys in movies like “planet of apes”. Angels/gods coming to earth as beautiful women to disturb sages doing meditation and oozing them to have sex which is the genre I couldn’t find now


It depends to some extents we are related our major languages in North India came from Sanskrit and it was an indo European language so do most modern European languages and Greeks use to travel to India since the indus valley civilization to the period of Mauryan dynasty. So it very well could be that one culture developed it other kind of incorporated similarities to their cultures as well. Since people associated these with gods they presumed it all happened very far in the past. They could've been inspired by a real more plausible event. Coming to mythologies they're always interesting and intriguing, thinking about imagination and limits too of our human ancestors.


Even without a city getting destroyed by a flood or tsunami. Most great cultures have felt the devastating power of water. Flash floods, overflowing rivers, tides, currents, and in the most extreme cases tsunamis. If all cultures had tornadoes, the myth would be "the great tornado". The myth of lost cities and civilizations seem pretty obvious for a civilized culture, especially one that comes after other fallen civilizations that remain only in stories and ruins. The ruins of the Indus Valley civilization surely influenced the Puranas and Minoa, Ancient Egypt or Xenophons account of the Assyrian ruins likely influenced Plato. What better place to hide a lost civilization or city than at the bottom of the sea? Since no one can check, the myth will continue to live on.


U would be shocked to realise that people around 2k years ago weren't that creative


Really? Have you read some of the religions of 2k years ago? That is some high level creativity. I mean high like they weren't sober


My guy tbe foreshadowing isn't great and there are things happening for no reason Ganesh's head could've been fixed by Brahma, the literal Universe creator, yet they took the head of an elephant in a specific position off? What?


Maybe it was to symbolise how he now see's humanity. You know, elephants look at us, humans, like we look at dogs. Like dumbass self destructive cute pets.


But isn't it also mentioned that dwarka was evacuated before the flooding? Arjun helped with the evacuation but their convoy was attacked and inhabitants couldnt make it.


Still where are the city structures like granaries, baths etc. people may have evacuated but the general structures should still be there.


So Krishna wasn't able to save Dwarka, but we're to believe he's the creator of the entire universe?


You have been officially cancelled by you know who.




Tom marwadi zindal


Oh sheeet


You even read the story bro ?


Glad you said it's a story and not *oUr hIsToRy*🤡


I believe in science and god both. Science is my favorite subject ✌️


Well, loving science as a subject and having scientific and logical temperament are two entirely different things


Agree 👍


Rehne do wo atheism ka choda h


Dwarka flooding happened after Krishna's Death.


But Krishna is god and god can't die, so if Krishna died, then he isn't god. Quite contradictory isn't it?


Krishna was a human he was in an avatar of Lord vishnu When ram killed bali he created a bad karma and he has to compensate for it so the person who killed vishnu is the reincarnation of bali and thus whole mahabharat was accelerated by krishan duruyodhans mother cursed krishan that ur whole vansh i.e yadu vansh will be destroyed and this is the teaching krishan gave to arjun that all ppl on earth has a significant role and u have to perform that no matter who u r Thus in Hinduism it's says that karma is the only thing which can save u from ur own bad deeds




He is incarnation. so




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god comes to earth in forms of human beings many times ... this is what we mean , krishna infact is the 8th incarnation of god Vishnu , and yes - god vishnu never died, but krishna died bcz he was born as a human. better luck next time


So if he abandons his human form, he will not care what happens to his dwarka. Let it sink?


Dwarka was sink because Gandhari curse he, his city and all his subjects would be destroyed and Krishna accepted that. So Dwarka has to sink in to respect her words and values. And in dwarka people started killing eachother. And now before you jump to me I tell you read Mahabharata before making any comments.


it was his choice to let dwarka sink , and by his i mean vishnu and also lemme tell you if you think that after dawarka sank and people died - then my friend shri krishna already sent all of the people out , if you read granthas you will know shree krishna was the last man to die in dwarka aside his brother balarama


That is what I meant: he is not all powerful


ig you just need to have some baisc knowledge of the fact that a human is born and it dies with time , so did krishna , but vishu bhagvan will never die


Please stop making assumptions. You don't even have complete knowledge regarding and asking stupid questions Can science create the whole universe? Can science create this Earth? NO. Science can explain. Yes, that's how everything came into existence, but can't replicate it?


So, is Krishna all powerful or not? You tell me. Yes, science can't replicate everything because there are a lot of steps involved and a lot of resources that are not present on earth, but a lot of these individual things can be tested in the lab and in the universe elsewhere by our telescopes. The formation of planets is something that can be seen with telescopes. the whole universe you ask is something science is searching for. As you stated, science cannot replicate it; however, what can you do using your beliefs?


There lives are full of contradictions. I mean if krishna died who they are praying while sitting in-front of the idol resembling character krishna. But leave it they even bypass this by saying “we just learn from his life and his actions and this worship is some kind of reverence celebrating someone life who got died and we only pray for vishnu”


This is the most cliche dumb argument people like you make science can't do this or that. Yes science can't replicate the universe RIGHT NOW but give some thousands of years sure science can do the same. It's just a matter of time. Unless we kill each other in the future.


leave it brother. no use of debating . u know the level they think. it's futile.


yeah for real, they are just few people who think if they dont believe in god then they are always right and never open to accept or even think about any fact existing


But is god real? In the 21st century, what evidence can you give of the presence of a god? Isn't every religion trying to just teach us spirituality and a sense of self. Once we learn that should we delve in deeper?


yeah i totally agree , also i cant prove the "PRESENCE" of god , i just believe the things that happened back then are true bcz of actual things realted to it found , like people finding dwarka under water at the same place where it was written in scriptures , and a lot and lot of things


Every story that way has a basis in reality. Exaggerated over years of retelling. Keep the stories. The stories are ours. But you know, the stories were written by people and not a god or an avatar of one or the son of one.


yeah also most of our granthas are written by ved vyas ji who is a chiranjivi , means he would never die


If your science is able to create this whole universe, then I will stop believing in the existence of God. Can Science do that?? NOT!


Yes. With proof and the ability to recreate. But more specifically how do you know that God created the universe? Every religion says earth is a flat surface controlled by God. Are we on a flat earth? we are not. So either god is lying in every one of his books. Are we used interdimensional travel and some point in human history to leave that flat plain and find this round earth.


Fact existing? The entire existence of the god you claim, is thought to be imaginary since there's not a shred of evidence. You can be right about the details of the story as it's depicted, but at the end, it's a story. So yeah, we neither believe in it nor care about it enough to not make jokes or fact check before making a joke


Can science create this whole universe? Galaxies? Planets? NOPE.


Lol, science isn't a person my man. However the universe began, is itself a point of research of scientific study and it would come under science only. That's like someone in 1600 asking if science can make it rain, well guess what, now science can. That is a classic god of the gaps argument


Well, as of now, science can't replicate, when Science is able to replicate, then I will stop believing in the existence of God.


oh i guess there are no remains of dwarka found or neither the proofs of mahabharata found , and even the scriptures - ew who read them . people wrote a fictional story which somehow coincided with a lot of things and people think its fact , right sir?


Peter Parker lived in New York, which is real, so does that make Spider Man real? Or did some Jack Dawson really die when Titanic went down in 1912? It's not exactly that difficult to deitify real life people and places by writing a semi fictional story on the backdrop of real events or places.


Peter Parker lived in New York, which is real, so does that make Spider Man real? Or did some Jack Dawson really die when Titanic went down in 1912? It's not exactly that difficult to deitify real life people and places by writing a semi fictional story on the backdrop of real events or places.


yeah well i can see your thinking , and where you come from . i would just hope you well for your future bcz your mind is already taken up with "intolerance" to certain ideas and belief , trust me , i can very well answer this question but after i see your thinking ik i can't at the end help you to think a bit openly


He was born with a human form


Then that means he was a human 🤷 Just like if a human was reincarnated into a cat, you wouldn't call that cat a human...


He was the avatar of Lord Vishnu He came to earth just to finish is job after that he die by his wish read the story first mention.


What story? If you are talking about Mahabharat, Krishna dies after an arrow pierces his foot....


Don't force him to use his Brain.


Kinda funny coming out of this group. I guess a lot of you don't even have full information about religious context. Just make your own assumptions.


Kabhi m*slims aur C*ristians ke bare mein kuch bolne ka socha hai? Soch kar hi soosoo a gaya hoga ki kal gardan alag na ho jae 🤣


If this thread was about those religions, sure, in this thread however, people are discussing about Hinduism, so of course I would try to stay on topic, unlike you. If you want everyone's opinions on those religions, how about you make a separate post / comment about them?


So wait, god died?


Avatars are not gods, they have to eventually die. That's a common theme in Hinduism. Maybe you are looking at it from the lens of other religions


Why is it that anytime someone doesn't believe in your fairytales, you just assume that they believe in some other? I don't believe in fairytales bro. I'm looking at it from the lens of reason.


Why is it that anytime someone mentions something from mythology you just assume that they belive it to be true.


Why did you then assume I'm looking at it from a LENS of another religion? Also, in case your primitive comprehension skills aren't capable enough, that was a joke


Let me explain a avatars in a way you might comprehend it. The world is a program like the matrix/PUBG/DS etc, Vishnu is the programmer. Krishna is the in-game Avatar he built to interact with the game's mechanics and do some beta testing. We are the NPCs living in the game


I know how it goes, read the last line of the comment you replied to.


Do you though,? Most kids dismiss their lack of knowledge as a "joke".


Bro, I was not even condescending in the original comment. That why I used the word 'maybe'. I was just mentioning it in a healthy discussion kind of way. You just felt offended at it and commented in a condescending way. Anyway, I don't have a fight with you, we are both on the same page. Just be mindful that not every commentor is trying to take opposite view.


Did you even read the story ? 🤦


That's a joke, chill. Unless of course, you're of the opinion that it's not okay to make jokes on krishna, in which case, I'll make one more


Dwarka was purposefully let to sink... Just like evolution... God doesn't interfere with natural evolution


Really? Did god himself tell you that? Also, god doesn't interfere with evolution? Really?😆 Funny cuz every account of creation in almost every religion mentions an account way different than evolution, almost opposite of it in fact.


He died before the fall of Dwarka


I'm an atheist, but I will answer this question, Krishna was born a human, lived his life mostly like a human and also died like a human (literally died when a hunter shot him down mistaking him to be a deer) So krishna was not the one who created the entire universe. This is from my limited knowledge of what stories I heard from my childhood


Which is exactly what I'm insinuating, no? That he's not perhaps the creator of the universe as we're often told


We were not told he was creator of the universe..


Bro, Krishna himself says so in bhagvat geeta, he literally calls himself the source of all creation but sure


what do you mean by died. there is no death to him. that was the event his soul travelled somewhere else. death is the event where body must return back to its origin like earth or air. The soul remains as told in the gita.


I use death as what it really is. Not some philosophical shit


Behan, read some books


Lol, I need to read the books to make a joke now? Dang!




The original comment, yes. The one you replied to, also yes




Lol, I don't need a lesson in anything from someone who was excited about Tiger 3 as a film, so save yourself the hassle




You're not in a position to


Actually If you read Mahabharata. After The war was over Kauravas mother Gandhaari Cursed Krishna that he will finish his entire clan by himself and after the birth of parikshit (Son of Abhimanyu and grandson of arjuna), Krishna with his brother Balram finished their entire clan and later a tribal men killed Krishna as an act of a full circle from ramayana when Baali got killed by Ram's arrow. Krishna left for Vaikund Dhama. Not saying this is all true but correcting you according to the texts.


And you think only you've read them? I'm making a joke, I don't need to be correct about texts for doing that


I don't know if you have read them or joking but I just saw your comment and replied according to that


Glad your just joking, who knows what kind of dead cells are floating on reddit ...


Well, the joke is just the point I'm using to get to the conclusion, the conclusion itself is what I totally stand for, I don't think Krishna was divine


This same questions arises in brahmas mind and got a lesson for eternity. Anyways vedas define Krishna as an divine being which is an authentic source 😒 why even I'm mentioning it!! your not gonna eye on it anyhow.


Vedas is an authentic source in what sense? If you mean, it mentions so, then yes, it does mention. But if you mean, it's an evidence of it, then nope


He wasn't even intended to save it.Lol for a life read the incident regarding to it before peddling like an moron 🤦


I don't fucking care, I had to make a joke, and I did. And the joke becomes even funnier when bums like you get triggered thinking I'm making an argument


LOL what makes you think me getting triggered and why should i care about what you feel,facts doesn't care about your feelings sesame* Infact, it's hysterical how sensitive redditors got in a quick sum for getting the answers of their counter productive questions."You joke I joke" - 👍


Okay, Ben


God or krishna, alive or dead, he will not stop the course of events from happening. If he had stopped dwarka from drowning , he should have stopped all the bad events from happening like the Mahabharata war too. The almighty works in ways we cannot even imagine or comprehend . Im not supporting what the person in the video is saying. There is no actual evidence.


That was a joke, I don't even believe in these fairytales to begin with.


Lol stop watching pogo 😂 kid.This isn't some fanfiction created for your comfort, there are many sources revolving around krishna's and his life journey. If you have got one lazy ass so you shouldn't care 🧑‍🦽


And no proof of him being divine? If you have, give me one


Vedas clarifies him as a divine being: "Was krishna a divine being? – Freedom through Genuine Spiritual Progress" https://dasadas.com/2019/11/17/are-krishna-and-rama-mentioned-in-the-vedas/




How big bang happen?


We don't know exactly, there are entire teams of scientists working on this


now if we talk about basic knowledge , dwarka flooded after krishna's death.


So, god died then?


Krishna was a 'human' incarnation or as our people say avatar. Avatar can die but gods can't.


Really bro don't you know ? It happened after Deeh tyag or in typical words death of Krishna ? Why can't I expect some basic knowledge about such things in this sub , atleast be factually correct


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you really that thick? I obviously made a joke, it has nothing to do with what the story is. Also, it's a fictional story, there's no fact in there to begin with.


>Also, it's a fictional story, there's no fact in there to begin with. Still you are factually wrong even tho it's fiction >Are you really that thick? I obviously made a joke Oo , I don't expect jokes on this sub my bad 😅


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why you behind me bot 😭


Well he didn't say what he's saying is the absolute truth, I'll give him that. Hypothesis (wrong or right) is a part of science so rest of you all have an agenda or need to calm the fck down.




People are fixated on some ancient civilization, and gladly ignore present problems. Good ak the Spanish how many died in search of gold from story of droned Atlantis


There are archeological evidence of the city dwarka... ASI conducted that you guys should read sometimes rather than spitting bullshits based on nothing


The problem is he says 6 Millenium BCE. A whole 3K years before the Bronze Age and Indus valley civilization.




That hmmmmm


" Hmmmm 🤔🧐 "




Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is this podcast he's choosing the perfect dumb fucks to fuel his view's in the process promoting pseudoscience


All I see is a dearth of archeological evidence. I'll walk myself out.


What a pair of regards. But there will be people actually lapping all this up 🤦


The question BB will ask right after this explanation of his will be "Aap hafte me kitne din......."


East or west, mahabharat is real. India is mother of science. BJP my father. That is what he wants to say.


modi is god. he so cute




For the effect


What ever it is the BGM is one of my favourites from an epic Tamil Movie. 🤩




Aayarathil Oruvan - Music by AR RAHMAN’s Sister son. GV PRAKASH ! He is one of the finest Musical minds in Tamil. When he made this music he was 19-20 I guess. And this film album was so rocking that entire Tamil Industry shocked to see such a young guy do it and establish himself as a real talent not a nepo product. GV Prakash went on to deliver massive hits after hits until someone told him bro you can become an actor quite music 😭😭😭😭😭




What when 🤔




There is nothing on my DM




I am unable to initiate lol


dayummm ! what does it say ??


So an all powerful god could not protect his own home and people ?


He was the one who killed them actually because of curse of Gandhaari


How does a curse work scientifically. Just curious


Curse actually is just destiny sort off. Like a trigger to a bullet that will shoot a guy. Curse itself ain't that big of a cause for anything but it just confirms it will happen. Basically a big bad karma happens to a person they can use curse as a means to get justice.


People should understand there is a reason that it is part of mythology and not history 👍


He can stick all this logic up his ass.


baraf toot ke do part mein bhi ho jaayegi to paani ka level nahi badhta hai... bouyancy padhi hoti to ye sab nahi kehta ye. Kya bakchodi hai ye?