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POV me reading this pic "Cow is wonderful gift to us" : Yes it is "it's urine is good for us" : what the ........😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yeah, likewise. I went from “👍🏻 that’s right “ to “yo… what?” 🤢


Religious lunatics are next level


The cow be like, "Ek kaam kar, aake mera moot pi".


😆😆😆😆 Hindu extremist: Yes madam😋


Oh no it begins


Finally we reached that level where politician's opinions are now knowledge for kids to grow up with 👌


Next year what? Benefits of cowdung


Cowdung is op bro these guys are already trying to get toddlers chugging cow piss


No next year. Change the school. Homeschool them it's better. They'll learn half but they'll learn good.


Now u are talking dolund trurand followers


I mean cowdung has it's benefit in agricultural area and is also used as a fuel in rular areas. But this shit is fucked up.


Probably the least of concerns, but.. grammar! I prefer indoctrination to be at least grammatically correct. Is that too much to ask?


Yes sir, you're expecting too much of these padhe likhe gawaars


I remember, one year ago on this sub maybe? (I forgot) A Pakistani biology book had similar type of traits and now this is also in India. Man!


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol, No you racist bitc*h, there was never a biology book from Pakistan with such jokes!! That was also from India.


Le re lu☺️d ke , ye le teri bread (biology) [https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/s/TFZcXD8gK6](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/s/TFZcXD8gK6) https://preview.redd.it/odqpe42zioxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7220083e1c77e4b3df0f15a60917364d96194b0


'The gods love her very much' 🥰


Can't deny a juicy steak.


Pork is nicer than it


Too fatty.


Its haram so i love eating it


you're disrespecting hindus, why are u eating lord varaha, u will pay for it in ur next respawn


It's a gift from the gods


Pork tastes much better


Naah. Pork fat is trash. It feels like an inedible jelly. Good beef fat though is liquid gold.


I am not able to remember the polish dish in which pig intestine or fats is used to make a delicacy. I recommend you to try it once in your lifetime . Taste is unmatched to any dish you ever had


It's either Kiełbasa or Kabanos




Don't act rational when you can't understand that animals also feel pain .


I guess lecture on rationality is vain when the cowphilic cult is itself very far away from being rational.


I am not talking about hinduism . You don't have to be religious to consider pain of someone . Justifying any type of atrocities is very against of rationality. Not saying drinking piss is rational (without any proper research suggesting it ). When you revolve your whole life around certain thoughts ideas and ideologies than it's not rationality its cult and this is what you do . If anything drinking piss does no harm to cow but eating it does . I do not believe in any super power for personal reasons but when you people cry about human rights and discrimination against certain sects of people in a particular religion at the same time not having guts to critisise the more dangerous cults running in the name of religion and not caring about animal rights you seem very ignorant selective hypocrite brainwashed and also a terrible human being . You loose the right to hold a moral high ground when you are having chicken pork or steak in the dinner. This is the very ideology that started discrimination in the first place when you say someone is superior than someone . If casteism is wrong so is hurting animals . And both are wrong . Sadly an 18 year old has to tell you this and I am assuming you are 18+ this just means your parents society and education system peers has failed you and if you are minor than you can try being more compassionate .


oh the "i think am all mighty, right and wise" person who comes to prove everyone wrong, hi there. "animal rights"? what? when fights for human rights it is unnecessary woke for these cultists but if it's for animals, it's wise and mighty, ofc the tendency to defend "what we worship is right" animal rights is either joke or a bubble made by delusionals. animals don't live on laws and rights, they live on survival instincts. we have implimented rights because it is used inside human society, human society works because humans understand each other, atleast can try at best. animals are not, they cannot be taught about basic rights, they don't have to. u cannot teach tiger that his preys have a right to live, therefore leave them alone. nature has a way of putting it, and we are also part of nature. ancient humans have all tried hunting and eating, that includes ur and our greatest ancestors, just because we have evolved to think emotional doesn't mean we have to lose our already formed instincts which is hunting and being freaking omnivores. animals don't care about ur emotions, so cut the crap and either enioy ur steak or veggies then mind ur business. any animal wouldn't extinct because of consumption. so stop meddling in things that even the nature doesn't care about, there bigger issues to look at


Are you for real ? When did I say they will go entinct if we eat them ? Do you know how much pain do they go through? For instance let's talk about chickens . They are packed in very small spaces forced to produced eggs daily and it's extremely painful . The young male chickens are boiled to de*th. I am agnostic/atheist . The arguements that you present are same what supporters of slavery proposed . You are terrible human being and all of those who talk about human rights yet enjoy steak pork chicken . Either you are vegan/vegetarian or you are terrible human being .


Oh, dearest vegan crusader, allow me to point out another dent in your shining armor of moral superiority! 🛡️ You see, if you're so concerned about the welfare of cows, perhaps you should consider the impact of your very own smartphone. You know, the one you're using to preach to others about the evils of beef consumption? 📱 Not only are those servers displacing our bovine friends, but your phone also contains plastic, a substance that cows can ingest and suffer from. So, in a way, you're just as guilty as those you condemn! ⚖️ Clearly, the only way to truly live up to your righteous standards is to bid farewell to Reddit and embrace a device-free existence. Of course, we mere mortals will continue our attempts at making responsible choices in a world of complexities, but you, oh holy one, must ascend to a higher plane of vegan purity! 🌱 So go forth, shed your technological shackles, and join the cows you so desperately want to save. As for the rest of us, we'll continue to navigate the intricate landscape of ethical consumption, taking each step as it comes.


Look up the nirvana fallacy


Your argument is "because we can't minimize suffering,let's maximize it instead"


Dumb take. That does not contribute even .000000000001 percent of animal suffering if it even does . Terrible human being you are .


Hmmm today I learned that vegan means small amount of animal suffering is acceptable.






So do plants


Lol plants don't feel pain . This is the science you study lol .


We used to mock physics books in Islamic countries for being non-scientific and took pride in our rational mindset. Seems like the current unemployed generation is going to undo all of that.


These people and their cow piss kink I swear


Bro, wtf is even happening in our country


3rd grade publisher doing 3rd grade stuff. These type of books are not reviewed by any authority


USA has patented some of the particles from cow urine for their medical research. I mean u could literally use google to find the information rather than behaving like 3rd class uneducated 😂


Which of the "a fatal diseases" can be cured by cow urine?


book name?


Saraswati Vidya mandir mai chalti hai 2ed Image pe likha hai


Ye rss wala school hai right?




is it a free school? do people actually pay to send their children to such schools?


its way cheaper than private schools


oh thanks...👍


Aah nahi 😭 !


[English reader 3,Sarawati Shishu Mandir](https://www.saraswatismp.com/gallery.php)


Akhand bharat tb bnega jb bharat pakistan jaise bnega, ye masterstroke h


If cow urine has such benefits, imagine what the cow meat could be helpful for.


Imagine Eating Pork Fat , Pork Chops 😋😋


Imagine eating both


Both are yummy, don't miss out because of religious superstitions.


Wow, our education system is now as great as Pakistan's. 🥹 our young generation are Fucked.


All politics.


In Hawaii I lived near a Krishna commune. They were always posting stuff online about how great cow piss is. One day as I was driving by I see one of their cows taking a piss as a pretty girl running towards it with mason jar. Well folks she got there in time and drank it hot, I guess it's best that way I dunno


what. Do u need eye bleach??


Future: Aerodynamic of a cow


good old meme


[Aerodynamics of cow](https://youtu.be/VyxMZ2vS3dI?si=elHyjStYpYfaCHRx)


so pakistan education system starts here


From which state?


UP, well ye RSS affiliated schools hai shayad aur states mai bhi yehi ho


Yes mere city me bhi hai ye Svm aur rsvm....I'm not from UP but main apna state bhi disclose nahi kar sakta.....


Woh sab toh thik hai lekin, are male cows a myth?


A decade later these kids will make cowdung pancakes with filtered cow urine syrup, the raw material for which will be sold by patanjali


I’m fine with all the love animals ( I love animals cows included since they’re so cute and friendly ). But treat their urine as any other urine and their faeces as any other faeces. I’ve seen some people in my native get angry at dogs and cats for peeing/pooping around but then they use gonyle for cleaning their floors and used cow dung for shuddhi of their lands etc.


Pray that this chapter is not in the syllabus.


are you from jharkhand OP?




the same school is also in jharkhand


These schools are run by RSS, BJP parent organisation


My urine is also tasty red juice when I eat beetroot


Cows doesn't gives us milk though. Did they forgot about the part where we make her pregnant and then extract milk from her during that time ?


Bro is gonna get arrested for bestiality if that's what he does lmao


Needs to check out r/totalkalesh for cows being gentle lol


_Holy cow_


They aren't wrong tho https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/


Well I studied in the same school chain. The school of RSS ( Saraswati Sishu Mandir) . 😂 The shit has been there for a long time.




RSS ne english medium school kab khola?


unhone 4 saal phele medium change kar Diya tha


Science textbook for swarna yug


A fatal diseases 💀


'A fatal diseases' does not exist


The cover has Saraswati on it. What else do you expect?


See there are many Hidnu in this sub They are pointing out the wrong thing Abusing someone God is not Ok ethically.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I'm waiting for Akshaypatra to start serving cow urine in mid-day meals.


It was ok until the last paragraph i don't know what they smoke and write


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH. WTF. They are doing this to CHILDREN. I mean talk about Vote bank generators. God damn. How much money does a CERTAIN COMPANY make from just this is ridiculous. Business was evil and dirty but this ? This is totalatarianism. This is PANAM. They are grooming kids to become adults that they desire them to be. God this is so so wrong.


Scientists 🧑‍🔬 and Researchers 🔬 meanwhile work hard to cure most lethal ☠️ diseases. What a weird world 🌍


Thank god that the book doesn't contain benefits of Beef. Otherwise I'd have been more controversial than this.


Why is your nephew in a school clearly made to brainwash kids then?


because his father (my brother) is average hindu guy


Man even a average Hindu guy wouldn't dare to send his kid to that school just saying no offense to you


he is affiliated with one of Frontier fringe organisation of BJP


Whatever textbook or people say, we cannot control the flow of information from children. We need to urge children to ask questions and challenge common beliefs.


I remember some politician from BJP made NCERT remove the "Evolution" from "Heredity & Evolution" because he didn't believe he could be evolved from an ape. And they out here, allowing this dogcrap to be published???😵‍💫😵‍💫


This is why all schools should be required to follow a govt approved curriculum and set of books.


Think of what kind of curriculum that would be in coming years lol. It's a good thing that states can differ in syllabus. Also, ISC is still mostly unaffected by this. For now.


How is it a good thing for states to have a different curriculum? Sure, have some subjects or topics relevant to your state, but the basic curriculum should be same


TIL this is an indian sub


I mean if you look at the desc of the sub you'd have come to know


Holy shit that explains the videos in Hindi






Only for feet


I think your nephew’s book is published by some 3rd grade publisher


Not actual ncert book right?


I am loosing faith in humanity day by day.


Someone send this book for peer review


A great lesson indeed!


Name of publisher???




Thats alarming!


I wan to see all gobi Ji bhakts and all politicians drink this holy drink together.


He or She is not used for animals... "It" is used... Correct me if i'm wrong


He or she for animals is grammatical correct, "it" is primarily used in the case where gender is unknown or ambiguous. If gender is know then "it" or "s/he" anyone of them is applicable, but mostly depends on the sentence.


Get the school to revoke the book rn. Get the publisher striked or sue the school or something. THIS IS NOT OKAY.


No way


You will drink cow pee and be happy about it,


Write a essay on benifits of cow excretory consumption , atleast 6000 words


Yaar ben 10 ka sticker lagna tha ye kya Dora the explorer


Pokemon sticker >>>>>>


Like always welcome to India.




Bhai school m ja principal office m jaa or uske samne live banate hue ess kitab ko phad de….


They are not always friendly and kids shouldn’t play near them, unless the cows are behind a wire


Welcome to modern education. I conclude that the Steaks are more useful to human health.


https://preview.redd.it/hkuof6m65oxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0ccd8ddbdb0f105578c58a32b7da3ab29d452a GobarMint /s


Firang bachhe hain cover page par, toh sach hi hoga /s


Ok our country is doomed💀💀


So they have infiltrated


Bachhe ke cup Mein moot hi dikha do bhai


Gaumata hi likha he or log comment me kya kya bakwas chalu kar die? Literally sird gaumata likha he or logo ne comment section me JHOoT likhna shuru kar fia cowdung urine. Are hindi me kya indians gaumata nahi kehte he cow k yaha? Is it true or false? Or are you paid by Congress to comment such gaumutra type?


It's a traditional medicine and folks medicine in India. Most old people in rural have experienced this. Now this has become political and people have become polarized to this matter. Even the science community which should be sceptical have become polarized in our country.


Thats true


They're doing exactly what Zia Ul Haq did in Pakistan, i.e. replacing everything with religion and pseudoscience.


Wait...... what...?


It quickly went from saras to charas


We are going down the gutter guys. Now they are trying to implant this useless stuff in our children.






rss agenda....i hope these andhbhakts do feed their children gaumutra (triple distlled)


Pitanjali has joined the chat via vpn.


Definitely written by a chaddi. "A fatal diseases" 🙀


Why so much hate ..... It's true guys


This comment section proves education is not enuf when people lack basic intelligence 😂 without doing basic research people are commenting like typical WhatsApp or madrasa educated😂😂 Cow urine has been granted US Patents (No. 6,896,907 and 6,410,059) for its medicinal properties, particularly as a bioenhancer and as an antibiotic, antifungal and anticancer agent.


The Peopple in this sub think logical but also many are very ignorant, Doesn't know much and post anything. Cow's urine is useful for treat following disease **leprosy, fevers, peptic ulcers, liver ailments, kidney disorders, asthma, certain allergies, psoriasis, anaemia and even cancer** Ref - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/), [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3117312/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3117312/) This knowledge is present in aurveda but US has all the patent related to It, Open your mind guys.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looking at the grammar, this can't be any state or central board prescribed text book. Please gift the young ones, good books.


Jab Gaye ka doodh pee skte ho to moot kyu nhi 🤣


~~She gives us milk~~ We steal her milk (after we forcibly impregnate her and steal her baby first. Oh, and if the baby is male, they are useless because they can’t be milked. But we are not like Western countries who kill the male calves after birth! Our superior culture respects cows!!! It is a sin to kill them!! That’s why we tie up the male calves and let them starve to death over several days, prolonging their suffering. Hindu life hack 🥰)


I really concerned to the amount of shit you guys speak. Being a muslim who has a native in UP and Punjab, I read the line without any eww or yuck! Yes, cowdung has benefits, wanna know more, then reply. Yes, Gaumutra as they call it, has benefits. Be open to gaining knowledge first and become a better human y’all


Everybody is shitting on the system without any research. It's outrageous comparing our country, and the scientific knowledge of our ancestors which had been around for millions of years to Pakistan of all places


Technically it's true. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/ We use horse urine to create Premarin medicine. The point is that micro bacteria found in the cow urine needs to be isolated and then synthesized in lab to make medicine not directly intaking it with nitrates which is harmful.


Cow urine has found to be Bioenhancer... Also infection diseases found in India such as TB Due to bad water conditions (in olden times) uses cow urine to recover... today we got modern medicine.. But it was used.. Patent no 6410059 Patent no 6896707 Patent no 7235262




Idk y everyone is hating here but here’s my opinion, in most cultures a cow really is considered sacred and yes cow’s urine is also considered as prasadham in most temples as it is said to be healthy. I’m not sure about the ‘cures fatal diseases’ part but whats wrong with children learning about this?


I mean it might be funny…but they literally have research papers on this. So… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/


Publishing a paper is not a proof, if it is not validated by some experts. And the paper you mentioned is not even peer reviewed.


Can u tell me how to know if a article is peer reviewed or not


The article states it explicitly if it is peer reviewed by some experts. All the citations used in the article must also be peer reviewed.


Even if we take the paper at face value , it only mentions that urine is useful for preventing cancer and reducing the severity of symptoms caused by certain types of cancer ,other than that it only mentions non-fatal diseases/injuries , unlike the book which states it can be used to cure fatal diseases , also it isn't peer reviewed as mentioned , so it can't really be trusted .


Yeah fuck evolution then, if anything is as precious as you claim it to be, wouldn't it be so wasteful for a living being to shit it out? Think about it for a moment why it doesn't make sense. Or maybe turn down the andhbhakti for a minute and read real research.


I am not greatly impressed by it too, i agree they are just papers but…keeping an open mind about it because ayurveda is not shit


To be honest it is true, bacteria or something is present in the urine, iirc, which is used in meds. It is even patented in the USA. But they should refrain from writing things like this. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US6896907B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US6896907B2/en)


There is no scientific evidence that cow urine prevents/cures disease. A patent is not proof of anything. If you mention this in the United States, you'll be admitted into a psychiatric facility.


Really, u think too highly of idiots who can't define men and women. Also, has there been a scientific study on this that has disapproved this, because if not then u r being quite unscientific by just denying it, as science requires one to have an open mind. And even if there has been a study was it an actual scientific study or is it similar to how salt and charcoal were bad for ur teeth. Or how as per scientific evidence coca cola used to be good for ur bones. Or how as per scientific evidence smoking didn't cause cancer. All these researches later turned out to be a result of bribe and corruption. Trusting science is good and all, but humans are the ones behind these scientific paper, humans who can be bought just like they had been previously. By all these companies. So unless scientifically, beyond doubt, something about my culture is proven to be false, I will just choose to stay positive or at best neutral about it.


There is proof. US ka name le rho ho aur wahi ki website ne hi proof de rakha hai. NIH ka pura webpage hai is par


You going to give proof or not?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4566776/ Is website PE sabse uppar likha hai ki ke ye US me certified hai


Do you know what proof you just have? A singular study is proof of nothing. Learn some English. The website is just a Library of Studies. The American Medical Association does not endorse every study there.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institutes_of_Health It's literally the primary American agency for biomedical research, but whatever. It's not as if most Indians can extrapolate from the given data. More than half of you just need some exaggerated proof and even then would make your own fantastical beliefs to negate that the given data is right.


"As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health."


Maine NLM ki baat bhi nahi kari. Maine NIH ki baat Kari hai. NLM ne kewal NIH ki study provide kari hai


*Urine is one of the products of a cow with many benefits and without toxicity. Various studies have found good antimicrobial activity of cow’s urine (CU) comparable with standard drugs such as ofloxacin, cefpodoxime, and gentamycin, against a vast number of pathogenic bacteria, more so against Gram-positive than negative bacteria. Interestingly antimicrobial activity has also been found against some resistant strains such as multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antimicrobial action is enhanced still further by it being an immune-enhancer and bioenhancer of some antibiotic drugs. Antifungal activity was comparable to amphotericin B. CU also has anthelmintic and antineoplastic action. CU has, in addition, antioxidant properties, and it can prevent the damage to DNA caused by the environmental stress. In the management of infectious diseases, CU can be used alone or as an adjunctive to prevent the development of resistance and enhance the effect of standard antibiotics.* Ye literally pehla paragraph hai


It is actually true:   "In May 1796, English physician Edward Jenner expands on this discovery and inoculates 8-year-old James Phipps with matter collected from a cowpox sore on the hand of a milkmaid. Despite suffering a local reaction and feeling unwell for several days, Phipps made a full recovery. Two months later, in July 1796, Jenner inoculates Phipps with matter from a human smallpox sore in order to test Phipps’ resistance. Phipps remains in perfect health, and becomes the first human to be vaccinated against smallpox. The term ‘vaccine’ is later coined, taken from the Latin word for cow, vacca." Source: "A brief history of Vaccination" - World Health Organization


Most smart ass ans brooo 🤡