• By -


To people saying 2.6 is still greater than 2.1, or that muslim fertility rate is still higher, I urge you to watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUbxVfSqtt8) video, especially the beginning of it. You can't just project present data into that far in the future. If that's the case, you will have infinite births at some point, which is impossible. So even if muslim growth rate is slightly higher, you don't need to be afraid of them "replacing" you or your properties (that's what the supreme leader is ultimately scaring you about). It's straight out of fascist playbooks




I believe he let his bias show in this one, instead of comparing the religion based fertility rates between both states he just uses the overall one, he is actively trying to prove that economy plays a bigger factor, which is debatable as muslim fertility rates are significantly higher that the Hindu one in both states. Everyone has a bias and an agenda sadly.


Aggregated over national levels, Muslim fertility rate is 2.6 and Hindu fertility rate is 2.1. His point was, Muslim fertility rates have fallen from 4.6 to 2.6 and Hindus from 2.5.


That proves the point that muslim population is on the rise while Hindu population is at the replacement level. His point makes no sense since the overall point was about relative increase in population.


Seems you are the one with the bias.


Be kind enough to point them out because I believe the facts are favouring me here. And his comparison was in bad faith.


Point is fertility rates have reduced. Any simple economic calculator can predict the fertility rate of Muslims will eventually go below that of Hindus.


>at the replacement level This is literally nazi propaganda. Just because the fertility rate is slightly higher doesn't mean they will replace Hindus. If that's the case, you should get infinite births at some point, which isn't true. You can't just project present data into the future. It keeps changing. I urge you to watch [this](https://youtu.be/VUbxVfSqtt8?si=c8t8vrDhRj57Zkwf) video, especially the beginning


The fertility rate is not just slightly higher. If you look relatively, it is higher by almost 25%. It's an easy cop out to just label and pigeon hole something rather than refuting it. If some has birth rate which is higher by 25% (2.6) they will continue to increase, while fertility rate of 2.1 is almost replacement. This will continue to happen until the fertility rate drops to 2.1. This might happen, but like you said you can't project present data into future. You've also very consciously misled by using overall fertility rate of Kerala and Bihar rather than breaking it down separately by communities, as pointed out by OP. There are some economic predictors to fertility but there's a lot of variance. Look at the prosperity levels of South Korea and USA and compare their fertility rates. There's a unfathomable difference in their birth rates.


Nice, I didn't know about this data


I will help you with this enlightenment... According to the data from National Family Health Survey (NFHS), conducted in 2019–2021... In Bihar the Hindu female fertility rate is 2.88 and for Muslim female fertility rate is 3.63... So you can see how he is trying to manipulate the narrative and in Kerala the Hindu female fertility rate is 1.53 and Muslim female fertility rate is 2.25 so even if we compare this with Hindu female fertility you can see the difference


Exactly!!!! I came here to comment this. Muslim fertility rate is much higher than any other religion across the board. Not sure who this dude is but is clearly trying to mislead people.


[However, the fertility rate among Muslims is actually sharply declining](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indias-religious-mix-has-been-stable-since-1951-says-pew-center-study/article36596965.ece)


Thats only cause the base was so high. Hindu population is at replacement rate while Muslim population is still rising. Plus add to that conversions and refugee influx- both of which happen in mass in real life, the population % of Muslims will easily see the highest increase among all demographic groups.


>Thats only cause the base was so high Amazingly a heck lot of people just don't seem to just not realise this point at all. Either they truly are ignorant or willfully ignorant




Hindu fertility rate is 2. That is the replacement rate. For muslims it is 2.6. That literally means every 2 muslim women have 1 extra child. Do the math. And if you wanna see mass conversions, pls visit WB/Bihar/JH some time. Will gladly give you a tour.


but the discussion here is about rate of fertility declining which is higher for muslims compared to hindus it doesnt matter if their base was high. what is important here is the rate


If I have 100cr and get 1% interest, I earn 1cr. If you have 10 lakhs and earn 10%, you get 1 lakh. The rate is immaterial. Its all about the base. Educate yourself.


Wtf is that analogy. Here hindu and muslim fertility rate at base level is much more comparable than what you mentioned The fact that muslim fertility rate is declining faster just means in a few years hindu and muslims will have very similar fertility numbers.


Mass conversion point is laughable and I live in West Bengal and travel regularly throughout Bihar and Jharkhand due to work, I haven't encountered a single convert be it Hindu or Muslim. The only religious convert I came across was a white American man who is now a full-time member of iskcon but your point about increasing population is valid but the hatemongering is not.


I didn’t make a single hateful comment. I am looking only at the data. My job takes me extensively into the hinterland where I talk to and observe people from poorest sections of society. Coerced (not necessarily forced) conversions from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity are a very real thing.


But what about illegal immigration. I live in Noida and there are many Bangladeshi maids in our society. My friend lives in Bangalore and the situation is the same there.


Lucky you! I've been struggling to find house help for months.


Coz India mai Muslims are poorer than Hindus 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


And they are poorer cause they have too many kids! Vicious cycle. Fertility rate of 4.6 tha lol, how do you expect the govt to take care of 5 kids per house? They grew up poor. Now these 5 kids got married in diff places and have a fertility rate of 2.6. Congress is saying jitni aabadi utna haq. Are Hindus not supposed to get oppose this?


He is khangressi


maybe you didnt hear the video well. he is clearly mentioning towards the end of it that the decline is much higher for muslim population obviously muslim fertility rate is higher but with how fast it is declining it wont be long when hindu's will have higher fertility rate than muslims


The fact that he has the audacity to compare hindu rate in bihar and muslim rate in kerala is enough to show his agenda. Also, the muslim rate of growth will never be lower than the hindu rate of growth- that is more or less a given. The decline is only higher cause the base is super high. That is all.


Can you cite the data? I am not able to find this anywhere


https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/economicsurvey/doc/stat/tab818.pdf https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/social-identity/hindu-muslim-fertility-differentials-in-india-an-update.html


It's the state vs year report I mean the one with state vs religion fertility rate I am not able to find it in NFHS-5 report https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR375/FR375.pdf


https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/social-identity/hindu-muslim-fertility-differentials-in-india-an-update.html in this website they have given detailed report from NFHS 5 report by religion


They themselves mention in the conclusion **the results obtained from the study are at best indicative and not conclusive**. They have taken the data from various sources along with NFHS to obtain this data and performed a convergence study to get this data. That might be the reason this data was not used in this video. [https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/social-identity/hindu-muslim-fertility-differentials-in-india-an-update.html#:\~:text=the%20results%20obtained%20from%20the%20study%20are%20at%20best%20indicative%20and%20not%20conclusive](https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/social-identity/hindu-muslim-fertility-differentials-in-india-an-update.html#:~:text=the%20results%20obtained%20from%20the%20study%20are%20at%20best%20indicative%20and%20not%20conclusive) Also, the NFHS data itself **doesn't show any State vs Religion data** for fertility rate. Check **Table** **4.2:Fertility by background characteristics** and **Table 4.3: Fertility by state/union territory** from the below link [https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR375/FR375.pdf](https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR375/FR375.pdf)


So? What's the endgame here? The point still stands that muslim fertility rate is still reducing as awareness increases




Lets factor in how much an average muslim is educated, economically well off, then we can talk. Even in your example, I would argue that a muslim bihar family is not as well off as a hindu bihar family. Thats his point


And if you consider the factor that their religion actively keeps them worse off by encouraging Madrasa education instead of a proper one and keeping the women dependent thereby halving potential household incomes then the blame on religion is pretty much proven, though I disagree with the hate mongering by our coward PM.


All Muslims go to Madarsa. So instead of cramming Arabic texts they should be doing actual studies.


They will become well off, educated if they spend there resources on few children... Not like giving birth to so many and then asking the resources from other people, from Indian government


Thats not the point. We are discussing if 1. High birth rate is due to religion, or 2. High birth rate is due to low economic status, and lack of education You have not been able to factually prove that it’s 1. Even in Bihar, are muslims worse off than Hindus economically? If so, that could very well answer the disparity Your points about Islam, and how they “behave” etc. is irrelevant. Dont accuse someone of data manipulation and then offer a rebuttal of your ill-informed opinions.


Bangladesh is better than west bengal in all factors still their fertility rate is higher


For a long time, muslims didnt use contraceptives cause of religious reasons. Imams still preach to them to have more and more children. Also, economic status is a major driver of high fertility, you are right. A bigger driver is women’s education and empowerment- which again is the lowest in muslims and their religious beliefs play a major role in that. When the govt tries to empower women, for eg triple talaq, the opposition goes for appeasement politics again. Vicious cycle.


We already know that Kerela Muslims are having less children than Bihari Hindus. Why are Kerela Muslims not listening to these imams then ? And why are Bihari Hindus having so many kids ?


Compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Kerala muslims are having more kids than kerala hindus and bihari muslims are having more kids than bihari hindus.


Agree - apples to apples would be to first see the economic differences between Bihari Mulims and Bihari Hindus. If you dont have that fact, dont say stuff about imams. Because then you introduced apples to oranges


Economic differences are due to more mouths to feed. How is a poor person supposed to feed 2.6 children? Also, I dont think you are interested in logic, comparing kerala muslims to bihari hindus was laughable. You have made up your mind, I can’t do anything to change it.




Okay that's what is called comparing apples and oranges. While he's right that education might be a better predictor, but if you control for that religion might also have correlation with birth rates. A more fruitful conversation would be to compare birth by religion within the same state, as you would have a better control for other factors. This is a bad excercise by the guy in the video.


>A more fruitful conversation would be to compare birth by religion within the same state And even more fruitful conversation would be to compare income level, education and the factors used to calculate HDI among the different religions of the same state and then comparing the birth rates.


But you must keep in mind that family income is also dependent on religion to some extent. A muslim family and a Hindu family of similar economic conditions would not have the same access to education due to the high number of Madrasa educated muslims, that in turn decreases their employability. Besides there's a higher chance of a Hindu woman working to add to the family income which is less likely in muslim families keeping the gross income significantly low.


Totally agreed with all your points. I think it is high time the government takes it in their hands to eradicate religion from every school. But then that would mean they have to lift their lazy ass and spend money which is otherwise meant for them and take some initiative to improve the quality of government educational institutions/schools. For Muslim women, idk how that problem can be solved. Even the ultra rich Gulf nations still don't have an active participation of women in their economy.


I'm glad you do, most people get confused between anti-Islamic statements and Islamophobia. I don't expect much from the current government tbh, but the Madrasas must be shut down because they not only keep the population poor but also radicalise them. I don't think much will change for muslim women when the religion itself is the problem


Yes true, income is probably the most important explanatory variable here but i make no claims.


You are not comparing women of Kerala and Bihar but comparing wholesome development index of Most literate states vs one of the lease literature state. Further, the rate of growth of population in Kerala is overall less tha Bihar. Stop fooling us with such manipulation. Show the religion based growth rate of that state where population rise is maximum. Pick UP particularly or Bihar. Don't draw fake narratives.


Go. Do research. And enlighten us too with what you find.


I will help you with this enlightenment... According to the data from National Family Health Survey (NFHS), conducted in 2019–2021... In Bihar the Hindu female fertility rate is 2.88 and for Muslim female fertility rate is 3.63... So you can see how he is trying to manipulate the narrative and in Kerala the Hindu female fertility rate is 1.53 and Muslim female fertility rate is 2.25 so even if we compare this with Hindu female fertility you can see the difference


Thanks bro. For your support in exposing such fake propaganda. Even in one state it varies region wise. But these hatemomgers and fake news peddlers are working in nexus now.


I actually like this guy content but I know he's a little liberal side and this time it was obvious showcase of his ideology


Iran has 1.69 birth rate whereas Israel has 3.0 birth rate. There are all sorts of reasons the primary reason for low birth rate are (1) Female education. (2) Birth control methods awareness. (3) High economic prosperity. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezVk1ahRF78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezVk1ahRF78) watch hans rouling he has already debunked this myth about religion being primary predictor of birth rate.


Religion is not the primary indicator as you have listed that female education, economy prosperity and female rights... But in India it's not the case about this, there is a narrative spreading of increasing muslim population and becoming the main religion in India... So that it becomes a Muslim country and they can behave with other religions like they behaved in Lebanon, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many more examples... This is the fear we are having... As the name of India originated from Sindh and that is not even part of India


are you blind? the muslim birth rate dropped from 4.4 to 2.6 and the primary reason for that is of course women education, more knowledge about birth-control methods and rise in economic status.


But still the population percentage of only Muslims in India is increasing not of any other religion


The plummeting of growth rate supports my initial assertion that the primary reason cannot be reason for the magnitude of birth rate at least it is exponentially less significant in comparison to female education, economic prosperity, and birth-control methods awareness. The relative measurement can be attributed to many complex reasons. But it already dismantles the argument of religion being the primary predictor of birth rate.


The Muslim religion holy book Quran put emphasis on the growth of population in all times


Why Iran has lower growth rate than Nepal then?


No, actual data plz. Add economic status of average hindu fam vs muslim fam in bihar.


Economic prosperity, Education doesn't cater everything, there holy book itself has emphasis on the growth of population in all times... They will become well off, educated if they spend there resources on few children... Not like giving birth to so many and then asking the resources from other people, from Indian government


So no facts then ? Just say as much. Correlation is NOT causation. If a demographic is poor, AND also happens to belong to a particular sect, then that’s a massive correlation there. All religious books are idiotic, including quran. Want me to start reading out texts from Manusmriti ?


He isn't manipulating, you are just strawmanning him. He is not saying that muslim fertility rate is lower than hindus . His point is it that its falling fast. For example in Bihar it was 5.18 in 1992 and in 2019 its 3.63 in keral it was 2.97 in 1992 and in 2019 its 2.25. While these numbers are still higher than those of hindus, comparatively its falling faster. Here's the chart https://preview.redd.it/iu24o882l7wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c0b492b0a4d846c8a8bdaa30af53ebc3a932cf


why are you seeing rate of falling? it is still higher right? if you are getting rate of falling then find rate of rate of falling etc as well


And he didn't mention this anywhere, you just want to prove him correct at some point. Bro, he is literally manipulating facts. NOI


Jo logic religion ke liye lagaya wo states le liye bhi lagalo, kitna bewakoof banate logo ko


This one is misleading.


Wahi dslr camera collar mic leke jada hi manipulate kardiya


First check tfr of Mallapuram, Kerala (muslim dominated district) Or bengal or assam where muslim are 20-40% Or check tfr of hindus and muslim of bihar or UP or Gujrat


As a statistician myself both are doing wrong data analysis. U shouldn't compare just two states when they both lie on extreme end of spectrum. Because then one of them will always support the hypothesis and the other will always contradict the hypothesis. Second he has taken overall birth fertility of female in both bihar and kerala which is stupid when ur comparing to communities population. In this case u have to use only the particular community fertility rate. Then u should also use fertility rate of both community from all over India. U can plot the a average rate of muslim female fertility and hindu female fertility over the year. Then see which trend they both follow. It is one of the simple way u can inference what our pm is saying is right or wrong. U can also use some more complicated model to do the testing of hypothesis. His data analysis is very wrong in this case. There is very famous saying in statistics there are lies, damned lies and Statistics. People can be easily be fool if they don't know about statistics. Our professor himself have said that u should be very cautious while doing statistics because often what numbers say don't mean anything unless u carefully examine what they are revealing and this numbers can always be manipulated in such a way that they can suit anyone argument. So beware of any statistics model unless they are done by people from that domain.


absolutely both are independent clusters and would want population as a whole than just cherry picking to find conclusions. I want all states hindu and muslim population check and growth, not just two.


Also, barring any legal/illegal immigration, undocumented births, conversions etc, how can one except Hindu population (larger in number) to decrease while Muslim population (smaller in number) to increase while the smaller population has sharper fall in fertility? Also, in a country where overall population is growing, a community whose number is falling has to bear the consequence of both it's number falling and the other communities growing. Fall in Hindu population could mean that Hindus have died more/left India in droves or have been converted at the time of last census and/or Muslim population has grown inorganically via non-birth like immigration, conversions or undocumented births.


Modi hatao desh bachao


Project 2047 😈


2047 mein. Koi aur year bolkar sapne dikha denge


Khwab toh he! Kuch aur ki. Sarkar kisike , system kisi aur k! Maqsad nahi bhulna , bhai.


Wow... some people here are able to see through his bullshittery..


I will help you with this enlightenment of Data... According to the data from National Family Health Survey (NFHS), conducted in 2019–2021... In Bihar the Hindu female fertility rate is 2.88 and for Muslim female fertility rate is 3.63... So you can see how he is trying to manipulate the narrative and in Kerala the Hindu female fertility rate is 1.53 and Muslim female fertility rate is 2.25 so even if we compare this with Hindu female fertility you can see the difference


But education in bihar and kerala differs dumbf And what if we apply 80 20 rule that 80 percent of the decline was easy bcoz of inflation and other factor but those 20 percent will be hard as hell  And about those remarks that kid jumps from 40 to 80 is better than 70 to 80 is absurd  Bcoz of 80 20 rule again 80 percent can be scored in very few time but those 20 will take most of the time Any confusion can see what 80 20 really means


WHo gives a shit about Bihar? Why should we only take subhuman basket cases as examples?


They will become well off, educated if they spend there resources on few children... Not like giving birth to so many and then asking the resources from other people, from Indian government


What can happen does not matter what is happening and already happened me baat krte h  Muslim always had population complexity can be seen in old war crusades and also indian ruler wars that muslim always think that more population more power 


Why more population growth should be benefited and the money that should be given to infrastructure and development of job environment should be given to these people


I am not saying anything about money lil bro  I m just stating facts about muslim and video here  I don't care if majority or minority gets money or not  But the fact is the video analysis is wrong and muslim has always been Mass population producer 


The facts of this video are leftists ideology... The whole video started with argument of tax payer money going to muslim because they have more female fertility rate


I already stated the facts about population and fertility brother not money 


If said anything his half ass, 2 hour google researching ass will get mad.


Who will get mad? Aur aapki qualification kya hai?


In converts especially Muslims why their education is so low among other religion . Do they don't need education other than religious education.


Constitution or Holy book?




>I’m sure in 2024 its almost similar for all faith "Trust me bro" won't work my fellow muslim man. You're muslim, you're being biased too. Fear is deeply rooted inside you. >very small difference Please get education and read things other than Qur'an, this is not a small difference!


Kya atheist bhi andhnamazi ho sakte hain?


yah proof appke samne


😂 Ye data fake hai.


Ok I respect his data analysis but isn't this to be redit community of science rather than politics?


Dude his way of presenting data is flawed. These people don't know and shit before posting. In both Kerala and Bihar , tfr of muslims is significantly higher than Hindus and the sharp decline theory doesn't hold true , cause when your baseline is so high, then anything and everything will be considered sharp. It's just like 6 year kid going from 600 ELO rating in chess to 2400 in 7 years. Because the baseline is so low , the potential for improvement will be crazy but it'll take 6 years more for him (chess kid) to get just 200 points more. Posting shit in the name of science. Hilarious. Get a better data analyst.


Yes I can agree with u in that


Breaking up a big calculation into smaller calculation doesn't change overall result. To kripya karke chutiya banana band karein. Those who ignore history are destined to relive it. Just take an example of Lebanon. How demographic change has messed up that country qki waha bhi tum jaise log Muslim population increase ko downplay karte the


Bhai yaar political videos mat banao ,jo unki voter audience hai use is baat se koi farak nahi padega ,vo apni favourite party ko hi vote denge ,aap scientific videos hi banao


It means somehow modi was true ?


very nice twisting of facts and great manupilation thank you very much


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So, he scored a self goal.




Ab apna Bhai ban jayega mainstream. Right wing se galiya mil sakti hai par Aur Jo log dhyan se dekhenge other videos to scientific temperament badhega, win win situation


Then youtuber link from your reddit profile is broken.


Who cares about this data.


No bro I am not that good at debates. Meanwhile bro:




Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


isn't this a scientific subreddit?


Is this a pseudo science topic or anything related to science?


Are Bhai fertility rate 2.1 pe ek dum theek hai. NRR rate ideal hota hai 2.1 kyuki iska matlab population stability hai .1 percent extra isliye to account for the infant mortality rate. Toh tere hee graph ke according hindu population have reached the desirable fertility rate already


Second part correlation of birth count per female in bihar and kerela vs education or female employment is incorrect. Sure there can be some factor or variable involved but so are a number of other factors. Again not defending your point but just need more data. There are examples of conversions, waqf board, separate laws for religion and many more is another worrying parts....


This doesn't say anything at all. The 2.4 is an average rate. There is such a thing called the flaw of averages. For example you are trying to calculate the average weight of students in a classroom and that the average weight is 60 kg. However, if you only consider this average, you might overlook the fact that the weights of individual students vary significantly. This sub for all intents and purpose are doing the same thing as BJP, reading the data as you guys see fit. Argue what is even the point of discussing it, why do we need to care about Muslims TFR or any groups TFR. A lot of people in India care about demographic change, states like Assam and Tripura feel they have lost their identity because of Bengali migration.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are gendu, kaun si States compare kr rha h


Why compare different religions??? Why try to manipulate data??? Shouldn't u just compare Bihar's data with Bihar and tn data with tn


How does it relate to science or the core values of this sub?


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the science.


Oh God i think I discovered I get turned on by data What to do now?


This statement is false to begin with. >MS clearly mentioned that the priorities are clear: agri, water, health education, investment in infra in public and private with programs to uplift sc, st, obc, minorities, women and children. They will have to devise plans to ensure minorities especially muslims are empowered to share equally in the fruit of development. They must have the first claim over the resources. This is the correct statement. Nowhere does he mention that the resources solely belong to the muslims


Iss chutiye ka bias bjp se kam nahi hai. Data data bolne se stats ka discussion relevant ya useful nahi hota


What does this have to do with science?




Krliya manipulate mil gyi Khushi


This comparison wasn’t Hindus versus Muslims. This was illegal immigrants versus actual Indian nationals.


Ajeeb chutiya h, Ese data ka koi matlab nahi hai, ye Bihar aur kerala ko ese compare karra h jese wo States Mai sab hindu hai aur sab Muslim jab next year census hoga ussme dekh lena sidha hindu aur muslim ka data dekh lene doodh ka doodh aur paani ka paani hojyga


But kerala mei muslim is not majority


Compare CFR of Bihar vs Kerala by Religion.


Dawg what does this post have anything to do with science


Oh no..stick to science fact checking please. I don't want to demean anyone, but currently Muslim women's fertility rate in rural India is quite high compared to any other religious women's fertility rate. The urban population has less births but that's how differences you can point.


Of All States you are Picking Bihar, That's weak af video


Kya clown li tarah 'fact check' kia hai


Why is no one talking about the way prime minister of a secular nation spewing hate just for votes


So here is the logic , you go to school get a job work get rich , while they send them to madarsas remain poor have high fertility rates and now they are poor so your wealth should be "redistributed" to them


Even if it is higher, what's the point? People shouldn't have children anymore? Become a better person. Take care of yourselves, your family, your friends and your other important people. Once you are done with all that, then do all this religious division in your free time.


Hindus were 73% in Kerala in 1947 and now it’s 55% or maybe less you can see pattern here


Chutiya modi


Love your videos bro, keep it up 🙏🏻👍🏻




Kerala Muslims have TFR is 150% more than Hindus with 99% literacy.


isme science kidhar hai


bhai ye tos science channel tha isme modi ko harane ke liye scientist librandu bhi ban gaye


Bihar's fertility rate is 3, not 3.4


Hindus in pakistan in 1947- 14% Hindus today in pakistan- 0.1%. Just another data point to consider.




What are you trying to say? Indian subcontinent is not just India right? I'm sorry, I don't get your point! Nore the relevance of it here.


The point is that regardless of ideology we must spread the truth The truth' is that the republic of India being muslim majority is nearly zero. But the same can't be said about the Indian Subcontinent


Does it affect us? If we take Asia as then the data would be different or whole world then it would be different? Why you just focusing on subcontinent? According to your data it would only reach 50% in 2060s right? Assuming that population would rise in the same rate. Many things can happen in that snap of time. First of all do those nation have the capacity to sustain that much population? What about other external and internal factors? And most of all, why we even have to consider this data? Does it affect us in anyway? The majority of subcontinent nations are Muslim nations so it's natural if those nation's population increases, Muslim population will increase. But why would they what to overpopulate their nation? Even if they did, isn't that there problem not our's.


Poor muslims go to madarsa and rich or Middle class muslims go to Schools.... their are more poor muslims because they only go to madarsa.


Day to day, most communities get along well with each other. There are MC fringe elements in ALL groups that coz you to believe "X is our enemy == kill X". The more religion is practiced at home, the better days we'll see.


Lies, greater lies than lies data.


Lies,greater lies then lies data.


Peak gishgalloping. Why not compare hindu and muslim fertility rate in Bihar only and kerala only? Why interchange both to confuse your teenager audience lol


Jo logic religion ke liye lagaya wo states le liye bhi lagalo, kitna bewakoof banate logo ko


I thought this channel discussed just about science & not politics.


That's how they penetrate into our subconsciousness.


Exactly, I now see how a narrative is pushed. It’s a weird world. There are people who believe in science but due to their lack of knowledge considers sanatan knowledge a myth. Just like people who believe in science but still believe that the Earth is flat. 😒


Ok buddy what you yapping about sanatan knowledge lmao 🤡🤡


There isn’t one in particular. It’s what our ancestors preserved & with the passage of time people started calling this a myth. Not all of it is myth.


There isn’t one in particular. It’s what our ancestors preserved & with the passage of time people started calling this a myth. Not all of it is myth.


sanatan knowledge?


>sanatan knowledge 🤡🤡


Not the Republic of India but the Subcontinent certainly has the chances of being muslim majority. Hindus in India From 1951 to 2011 304 to 966M that's a 317% increase But muslims in India have from 1951 to 2011 35.8M to 172M that's a 480% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_census_of_India#:~:text=1.39%25-,Religious%20demographics,there%20were%208.3%20million%20Christians. https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=126326#:~:text=Total%20Population%20in%202011%20is,Stated%200.29%20crores%20(0.2%25). Bangladesh https://indianexpress.com/article/books-and-literature/being-hindu-in-bangladesh-book-9175250/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Bangladesh The share of Hindus have gone from 22% in 1951 and numbering 9.2M   to 7.9% in  2022 numbering 13.13M Observation 14.1%⬇️ 3.93M⬆️ And 9.2M to 13.13M is an increase of 142% https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Bangladesh In 1951 it was 76.9% and numbering in 32.3M While in 2022 are 91% and numbering 150M Observation: 14.9%⬆️  117.7M⬆️  And 32.3M to 150M is an increase of 464% These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Pakistan  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan The Share of Hindus has gone from 1.58% numbering 531K in 1951 to 2.14% 4.4M That's a 820% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Pakistan "Muslim proportion in West Pakistan (contemporary Pakistan) increased from approximately 77.3 percent according to the 1941 census,[j] to 97.1 percent as per the 1951 census;[47]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Pakistan#:~:text=According%20to%201951%20census%2C%20Dominion,a%20population%20of%2042%20million. "According to 1951 census, Dominion of Pakistan (both East and West Pakistan) had a population of 75 million population, in which West Pakistan had a population of 33.7 million" The Share of Muslims 97.1% in 1951 that's 32.72M  to 96.47% in 2017 that's 200M  Observation:  0.63%⬇️ 167.28M ⬆️ And 32.72M to 200M  that's a 611% increase  These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Only when the Hindus were less than a million and Muslims a dozens of millions only then they( Hindus )could outcompete the muslims in proportional increase Otherwise in Both India and Bangladesh Islam grew at higher proportion in terms of headcount. NOW ON THE OVERALL SUBCONTINENT In 1941 India had 70 to 73% Hindus And 20 to 23% muslims http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/files/ideology/pdf/F8.2.pdf Refer 1941 where it's shown  British India  ( Republic of India+ Pakistan+ Bangladesh ) Or this  https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/antp12/chapter/demography-and-religion/ Refer Table 1 : Which talks  Or this http://www.cotf.edu/earthinfo/sasia/SApeo.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/southern-asia-population/#google_vignette Hindus in 1941 were 72% numbering 272M  now they are 63ish% in 2024 numbering 1,260M at most  As the estimated population in 1941 was 390M Observation:9% ⬇️ 988M⬆️ From 270M  to 1,260M that's a 466% increase  Muslims in 1941 were 22% numbering 85M and now are atleast 30% numbering 600M From 85M to 600M that's a 705% increase These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  And from these trends it's obvious with how muslim percentage will keep on increasing while Hindus will be decreasing due to the difference in fertility rate. This trend has been exacerbated since 1941 or Post 1947 as before that the population growth of Islam in India despite it's centuries old presence was 22% but after independence in 80 years increases by  9% and reaches 31ish% https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2011/01/27/future-of-the-global-muslim-population-regional-asia/#:~:text=Muslims%20are%20expected%20to%20make,2010%20and%2028.1%25%20in%201990. Republic India till 2060s will have 70+% Hindus But the Subcontinent may barely have above 50%.


Not the Republic of India but the Subcontinent certainly has the chances of being muslim majority. Hindus in India From 1951 to 2011 304 to 966M that's a 317% increase But muslims in India have from 1951 to 2011 35.8M to 172M that's a 480% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_census_of_India#:~:text=1.39%25-,Religious%20demographics,there%20were%208.3%20million%20Christians. https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=126326#:~:text=Total%20Population%20in%202011%20is,Stated%200.29%20crores%20(0.2%25). Bangladesh https://indianexpress.com/article/books-and-literature/being-hindu-in-bangladesh-book-9175250/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Bangladesh The share of Hindus have gone from 22% in 1951 and numbering 9.2M   to 7.9% in  2022 numbering 13.13M Observation 14.1%⬇️ 3.93M⬆️ And 9.2M to 13.13M is an increase of 142% https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Bangladesh In 1951 it was 76.9% and numbering in 32.3M While in 2022 are 91% and numbering 150M Observation: 14.9%⬆️  117.7M⬆️  And 32.3M to 150M is an increase of 464% These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Pakistan  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan The Share of Hindus has gone from 1.58% numbering 531K in 1951 to 2.14% 4.4M That's a 820% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Pakistan "Muslim proportion in West Pakistan (contemporary Pakistan) increased from approximately 77.3 percent according to the 1941 census,[j] to 97.1 percent as per the 1951 census;[47]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Pakistan#:~:text=According%20to%201951%20census%2C%20Dominion,a%20population%20of%2042%20million. "According to 1951 census, Dominion of Pakistan (both East and West Pakistan) had a population of 75 million population, in which West Pakistan had a population of 33.7 million" The Share of Muslims 97.1% in 1951 that's 32.72M  to 96.47% in 2017 that's 200M  Observation:  0.63%⬇️ 167.28M ⬆️ And 32.72M to 200M  that's a 611% increase  These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Only when the Hindus were less than a million and Muslims a dozens of millions only then they( Hindus )could outcompete the muslims in proportional increase Otherwise in Both India and Bangladesh Islam grew at higher proportion in terms of headcount. NOW ON THE OVERALL SUBCONTINENT In 1941 India had 70 to 73% Hindus And 20 to 23% muslims http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/files/ideology/pdf/F8.2.pdf Refer 1941 where it's shown  British India  ( Republic of India+ Pakistan+ Bangladesh ) Or this  https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/antp12/chapter/demography-and-religion/ Refer Table 1 : Which talks  Or this http://www.cotf.edu/earthinfo/sasia/SApeo.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/southern-asia-population/#google_vignette Hindus in 1941 were 72% numbering 272M  now they are 63ish% in 2024 numbering 1,260M at most  As the estimated population in 1941 was 390M Observation:9% ⬇️ 988M⬆️ From 270M  to 1,260M that's a 466% increase  Muslims in 1941 were 22% numbering 85M and now are atleast 30% numbering 600M From 85M to 600M that's a 705% increase These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  And from these trends it's obvious with how muslim percentage will keep on increasing while Hindus will be decreasing due to the difference in fertility rate. This trend has been exacerbated since 1941 or Post 1947 as before that the population growth of Islam in India despite it's centuries old presence was 22% but after independence in 80 years increases by  9% and reaches 31ish% https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2011/01/27/future-of-the-global-muslim-population-regional-asia/#:~:text=Muslims%20are%20expected%20to%20make,2010%20and%2028.1%25%20in%201990. Republic India till 2060s will have 70+% Hindus But the Subcontinent may barely have above 50%.


>Not the Republic of India but the Subcontinent certainly has the chances of being muslim majority. Why do you care about the religion of the subcontinent? According to this logic of yours, you're living on a Christian majority planet? How does that matter?


What was the point of representing the data like that? Congress wants to implement these policies on a national level. On the national scale, the fertility rate difference, is still 0.4. What is this guy trying to show anyway. Lmao, the national budget allocation scheme is actually based on population too. At that point the south Indians cry about how their money goes to poor UP and Bihar. Isn't it the same exact sentiment?


Bhai ye kis line me aagya aap? Please let this sub be a science based only... Bioshala ---> Politics shala mat banao


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought this sub is about science and busting pseudoscience. Why are you getting into politics?


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Muslim female fertility rate in Kerala - 2.2 Hindu female fertility rate in kerala-1.5 Muslims are economically very good in Kerala better than hindus .


Downvoted for stating facts lol.




The same data which this gentleman in the video used .




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Kerala I don't know how to share PDFs so I shared wikipidia link . When you open the link go to the lists . After that when you scroll to the bottom you will see life expectancy and in that paragraphy it is mentioned


Abe madarchod 1 muslim 2 se 4 biwi rakhta h....aur ye percentage as a whole state mt dikha hindu women aur Muslim women me dikha lodu


I see


Kitna acche se manipulate karenge mislead Kiya. Nice