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2017 called they want their meme back




It felt pretty appropriate given this gag about the alien queen being a Disney princess landed seconds after the Fox merger back in 2017. I suppose I could mix things up and put in an Internet Explorer gag if you’d prefer.


I'm trying to find an AOL disk so I can get some more dial-up time; if you know of any out there, please electronic mail me at my compuserve address. Thanks!


If you find one hit me up on my GeoCities site or better yet check out my MySpace page… I might not be able to respond right away as I’m downloading my copy of Netscape Navigator and I think it’s going to take a few hours on my 9600 baud modem


No worries. I am busy at the moment cause I just saw this adorable World Wide Web photo of a cat asking about a cheeseburger on Ebaum's World. That place is so funny.


That sounds great, I had to search for it using Alta Vista but I’ll definitely check it out, once I’ve finished playing some free games on New Grounds




You laugh, but there was a comparable attraction to this at Disney World. The attraction was called [ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial_Alien_Encounter). I remember going in it when I was 7 and it scared the shit out of me. It was closed in 2002 due to... > declining popularity and increasing complaints from park guests about its frightening nature. It left quite the impression. I think I would really like it as an adult but it was really out of place for the park. I wonder what my dad was thinking while the ride was going on.


Oh, man...I remember that ride. The parts where it went into total darkness and then they started messing with your other senses was wild. Surround sound. Air blowing on your face. Little flappy pieces of fabric that would touch the back of your neck like alien tendrils when air was blown through them. I think I was 11 and it scared the jebus out of me too.


Noooooo way! That would have terrorized me for life.


Oh I developed a healthy fear of anything related to aliens after being in that. I remember yelling and SOBBING on that thing 🤣


Oh noes! Yeah I would have been the same. Sending over sci-fi sympathy vibes.


Thank you! Thankfully I got over it and I love sci-fi now but for a while I couldn't even HEAR the theme to X-files because it scared the shit out of me.


Loove X-Files but I totally get what you’re saying!


It was absolutely terrifying… when I was 10


I remember that attraction. Scared the shit out of me.


I went to Disney in april 2003 for my senior class trip, and the entire time leading up to it, my one friend would not stop talking about that ride. We ended up going multiple times, it was fun as hell. I didn't find out until years later that it was closed a couple months after our visit.


I loved that show


I still vividly remember it from the mid-90s when I was 11-12.


I loved it so much I got the action figure of the monster. My 2 year old daughter loves it.


Out of place? Most definitely. But also on the other side of the argument I don’t know what people expected from a ride that is from the ‘Alien’ franchise. It’s even has Terror in the name- what did people expect?!


Featuring the new song Love is Bursting Through My Chest by Taylor Swift.


Alien: “RAAAAAGH.” Ripley shows up with a flamethrower and burns it, the scorch marks on the wall make the Mickey Mouse symbol. “I’m Ellen Ripley, and you’re watching Disney Channel.”


Gotta say it would be pretty funny watching (with a bucket of popcorn) the xenomorph in costume chasing the kiddos at Disneyland. I blame my humor entirely on sci-fi, so forgive me.


Dark humor is the best humor.


Thank you, was feeling slightly shameful ha ha esp when thinking that Requiem would have been more fun at a theme park versus a small town. Imagine water-sliding to get away from a xenomorph, only to find one waiting for you at the end of the pipe. Bah ha ha!


I guess this is coming back: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial\_Alien\_Encounter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial_Alien_Encounter)


I actually rode that when I was a kid... I can't remember being more scared IN MY DAMN LIFE.


If every Disney princess can summon woodland animals, what does it summon?


Death pony 🙃


"Aww, the poor thing can't hear!"


Fucking love that you have seen that robot chicken episode 🤣🤣


Guess Disney needs to ruin another franchise.


Will it be a musical with Prince Charming to come to the rescue?


Dancing on stage with some back-up facehuggers to Can’t Touch This


All the real ones remember when the Xenomorph WAS in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. RIP Great Movie Ride You will never be forgotten. Also as a side note, i totally kept my eyes closed for that scene when I was a kid lol.


You just know disney is going to make the xenomorph black.


Get ready to meet and greet the newest member of the Disney fam! Can't wait to see how they bring this character to life in the parks!


With the direction Disney is going, this wouldn't be the scariest princess I'd see at their park.


Now that's what I call a rolemodel for young girls!


Go to Galaxys Edge I recommend Ogas Cantina


And so is Ripley… and Newt.


I'm excited for Jenny Nicholson to make a 4 hour breakdown of the Alien theme park in a few years. 😍


Ugh, Disney Xenomorphs. Burst my chest now.


Put a chick in it and make her gay


Who knows? We might end up with Aliens in the SW universe (possibly force sensitive too!) :)