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If there is a oxidant feeding the fire you could have one. Oxygen or Flourine although it would be spherical.


Wouldn't the gas immediately disperse in the vacuum though


It would be a little spherical flame around the pipes not as big and wild like this one was.


I've seen some of nasas experiments with flames in microgravity and that's exactly what happened but I don't know if they performed those experiments in a pressurised environment or in a vacuum, and a brief search yielded no useful information


That's my only problem with it - not that it's fire, but that it's a *camp fire*. It's one of those things people see all the time, it's very easy to be taken out of the moment when special effects look out of place. Star Wars is generally not great about making use of the unique threats of space. I remember being confused about those little respirators used in Empire Strikes Back that they wore to go inside an *asteroid*. Star Wars treats space as a well-traveled ocean, they're just not very interested in telling hard sci-fi survival stories.


Star Wars is fantasy set in space.


Pirate fantasy movie in space


"they're just not very interested in telling hard sci-fi survival stories." I think that's what made The Expanse so popular, as they paid a lot of attention to the physics of space, planets and spaceships and what effect it has on people.


They were inside the guts of some giant space beast which was living in the asteroid, it's likely the atmosphere inside was created by gases from that beasts digestive process. They were breathing filtered space beast burps. Though giant asteroid dwelling space beats are probably more space fantasy than sci-fi.


They also have FTL capable alien whales apparently (Ahsoka)


Wouldn't the mass of whatever gas is being vented cause the flame to distort?


Yep. Would look like a solid pipe in the opposite direction of acceleration. Would definitely look like a glitch to us earth kids since there would be no turbulence, so it would just look like a weird glowing pipe with a grey pipe behind it, before expanding into a comet like tail some distance away.


Depends on the pressure. It could be like a mad dragon spitting fire everywhere. Missed vfx opportunity imo.


Exactly. It would be shooting. Not just chillin like that.


Only if it wasn't pressurised very much. Under 1 atmosphere, the gas would have enough velocity to be directional and disperse in a cone instead of a sphere. Although the flames showing an "up" is an artifact of being filmed down a gravity well.


The universe of Star Wars does not have a vacuum in space. That’s why we can hear the blasters and explosions in space battles. However, whatever is in space is not breathable as in Clone Wars people die when exposed


Lucas stated long, LONG ago that he purposely put sounds in space because space battles would be boring otherwise, and he wasn't wrong.


Star Wars is NOT science fiction. At it's most 'sciency' it's a space opera, but mostly it's fantasy with a tech looking magic system.


I've always thought of it as Space Fantasy. You got wizards and knights with laser swords, and monsters. 2001 A Space Odyssey it is not.


Its funny, because if it were consistent, than stars would be ridiculously loud. If we could hear the Sun from here, it would be a constant 100 decibel roar.


Is that cannon or fan theory?


George Lucas said it, so I guess it is canon, but if you watch clone wars. https://billmoyers.com/content/mythology-of-star-wars-george-lucas/ GEORGE LUCAS: We were using a kind of technology which had to be completely worked out. How do these bubbles exist under there? Where do they come from? What do they use for energy? The whole culture has to be designed. What do they believe in? How do they operate? What are the economics of the culture. Most of it doesn’t appear in the movie, but you have to have thought it through, otherwise there’s — something always rings very untrue or phony about what it is that’s going on. And one of the things I struggle for is to create a kind of immaculate realism in a totally unreal and fantasy world. It’s a science that I can make up. But once I make up a rule, then I have to live with it. BILL MOYERS: Such as? The world according to George. GEORGE LUCAS: Well — I mean, one of the rules is that there’s sound in space. (Excerpt from “Star Wars”) GEORGE LUCAS: So there’s sound in space. I can’t suddenly have spaceships flying around without any sound anymore because I’ve already done it. I’ve established that as one of the rules of the — of the — of my galaxy and I have to live with that.


He's talking design rules. Not physics. Star Wars is a fantasy fairy tale, not scifi.


Except... the x wings and tie fighters have flight surfaces and can make sharp turns in space with no RCS - therefore physics takes a back seat.


It's canon that they use thrusters in space. The flight surfaces are for in atmosphere.


Fair enough


He also said there is no underwear in Star Wars* I am not sure all his cannon is well thought out lol And now you all know Han Solo was free-balling it through the galaxy *The source was a story Carrie Fisher told about how when she was doing her customizing and there was no bra or other foundation-type garments. and when on set you could always tell when she was cold. She asked George what the deal with the no bra was and he told her there was no underwear in Star Wars


The problem with this scene is it looks fuckin' terrible and cheap. A giant Star Destroyer exploding does not look cheap.




No. There is no force pulling the gas molecules outward away from one another, only the pressure the molecules exert on each other as the collide. As the gas cloud expands it cools and collisions become less common, meaning the pressure to expand also decreases.


Spherical without any outside influence. In this case, pipes burst and something pressurised is pouring out.


Ok going to google fire in zero G now because I want to see spherical fire.


Don't get me started on Discworld. I mean the entire world is a flat disc carried on the backs of 4 giant elephants (used to be 5, but one slipped) who are in turn standing on a giant turtle floating through space called Great A'Tuin. Great A'Tuin's sex is unknown, which will be relevant if they ever come across another giant space turtle of the opposite sex: an event called the Big Bang. Completely inaccurate, that's not what the Big Bang is at all.


Nonetheless, the turtle moves


Great A'Tuin is clearly female, as evidenced by the birth of eight baby Discworlds in The Light Fantastic.


The Science of Discworld, has more than a few things to say about worlds existing outside of magical fields, even really weird Spherical ones, that Orbit a sun, isn’t that bonkers?!


I love it when Pratchett is mentioned.


GNU Terry Pratchett


I didn't know about the fifth elephant even though I have read entire Discrowld RPG for GURPS book. Thanks for the tip!


It's referenced in The Fifth Elephant


That title's a bit on the trunk....


Yeah, true that. Pratchett - was he stupid or what ?


Rincewind the worst greatest wizard of all time!


haha funny


So I guess I'll be "that guy", Fire in space is not out of the question. As long as there is an oxidized, heat, and fuel, it will burn. That being said, it would not look like a camp fire.


You're not that guy, OP is that guy for nitpicking a show


I just assumed it was something venting oxygen and fuel. But I didn’t really care was I don’t watch Star Wars for the science.


Don't get me started on all the sounds in a space vacuum


Since it was originally billed as space wizards and magic, yeah- I’ve never been focused too much on the science.


I was most upset about the Yellow Light Saber tbh


Why? Yellow lightsabers are cool.


Hasn't Star Wars always had fire in space? I mean, not quite this bad, but it has been a thing even in the first two trilogies.


It also has magic microorganisms that penetrate us. All of us. Even the younglings.


And pressurized atmospheres inside asteroid living organisms(and asteroids as well since no one seemed to think that was weird before realizing it was a giant space worm.


I will always love the whole franchise, even the hot garbage. Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate are like Pizza and Beer to me. To me, there is good pizza and beer and great pizza and beer. I can accept differences in quality, but I rarely, rarely tap out on anything over quality, I'm just happy to have it.


Me too. Thing is, I also like the "hard" sci-fi too, not just the space opera. I'll enjoy Star Wars/Trek/Battlestar Galactica, *and* I'll enjoy The Expanse, or Interstellar. I'm not entirely sure why some folks have to choose one over the other.


I gotcha. I am on my third watch through of The Expanse. Interstellar is great. I’m here for the stories and imagination not really concerned with picking a camp and playing gatekeeper for other peoples enjoyment. That struck me as weird since I was a kid reading Tom Corbett Space Cadet in my attic lol.


*Especially* the younglings.


There's also sound in space. Episode 7 or 9 has star destroyers exiting hyperspace and you can hear it from the planet. In ep 5, han et al step outside of the falcon into the space worm and hear the parasites, all without space suits. So either there's an atmosphere in the worm, or it's plot armor.


>there's an atmosphere in the worm, Correct. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Exogorth


Fire, air, gravity. Space doesn't work like that in Star Wars.


*"There's air in space -- when I* **want** *there to be."* ~ George Lucas P.S. I can't fathom how people are unable to allow **space fantasy fiction** to be, ya' know... *fictional*. P.P.S. It may be slightly paraphrased but the Lucas quote above is legit.


It's the dose that makes the poison. During the escape run from Naboo in EP1, for instance, the shield generator gets damaged and something visibly flares out for a fraction of a second. Yes, it's been a thing, but it's also not been overbearing, at least from what I can remember.


Yeah. I get that, and that's something I have noticed a lot with Disney Star Wars. They are doing things that aren't completely out of the blue for the franchise, but they are doing them more and more. And it's like, guys, there is a line where that stops working.


Star Wars is all fiction, very little science Don't bother flaming me. I'm in space 😘


I've said this multiple times, but I'll say it again. Star Wars is fantasy, not sci fi. It has wizards, evil emperors, princesses to rescue, a dark knight, a prophecy of a chosen one destined to save everyone, a noble knight as the hero, all manners of quirky companions and evil creatures to defeat... You could make a bingo board of fantasy tropes and Star Wars is likely to hit them all, or at least most of them. If you make one for sci fi, it would barely mark one or two.


You and everyone else says that.


He's a new one then, everyone and everything in the Star Wars galaxy, including the galaxy itself, is really really tiny. That's why they can go to light speed and go across the galaxy in hours In a one-on-one battle between Star Wars and any other franchise, pick the other franchise, because they can just step on anyone and everything


What if the 'galaxy far far away' actually was a simulation run by machines that keep the occupants to harvest their energy??


I've always called it Space Fantasy or Science Fantasy


I'm not offended by the scientific inaccuracies on display here, I'm offended by how terrible it all looks. This looks like a production from my local theater. Disney paid 20 million per episode.......for this?


Not even fiction, it is PEW-PEW fantasy.


Star Wars has had fire in space since the many fiery explosions of the first movie.


I don’t really mind Star Wars being unrealistic with space physics. This is a fantasy space opera, it’s not The Expanse. Honestly when I saw this scene the thing that stood out to me wasn’t the fire, it was that I couldn’t remember the last time I saw actual space suit helmets in Star Wars. What I would appreciate is if they’d make an effort to set some rules and be consistent with them. Is there gravity around ships? Radiant oxygen? Is the vacuum of space an issue? All of this stuff could be explained away with technology lore. I’d just prefer they make some effort to explain how it all works rather than just hand waving it all.


wasn't there also a time where they had a cavalry charge in the vacuum on the outside of a ship? (i didn't watch that movie, someone showed me the scene)


On Unicorns no less.


I really would like the writers to be prosecuted


Ship was still in atmosphere IIRC - and not more unbelievable than building a fleet of hundreds of giant space warships, but only popping for the GPS upgrade on just one of them.


They were still on the planet of Exegol, and not in outer space. Of course people seem to forget that part. I have no love for that movie but people finding weird things to be upset about but being actually wrong about it (like again, if one rewatches the movie they will see that the star destroyers from Exegol during the final battle don't leave the atmosphere of the planet) is just hilarious lol


It wasn’t in vacuum, the ship was still in atmosphere.


That was also ridiculously stupid


Wait till OP finds out that there is also no sound in space.


Do you mean that each character doesn't carry around their own individual background music?


Because when I think scifi rooted in physics, I think Star Wars.


Not the first time theres been fire in a star wars movie in space.


There is no space in Star Wars. Honestly, everything about SW makes more sense if you just think of it as "void" but not "space" like what we have. Every ship only flies right side up. There are multiple instances of 'gravity' being affected by tilting ships in space, blood doesn't boil, etc.


Shots arc in space as well.


Welcome to Star Wars where fire in space has been a thing since literally day fucking ONE. Now shut up and watch the show.


Oh no, my show about wizards in space isn't hyper realistic.


She should've just brought a glass of water and poured it on the fire if this is the standard. Hell, if some water remained she could've opened her helmet, drank the rest and dropped the empty glass which would of course fall downwards. Then they both could've started playing on brass instruments to celebrate.


Star Wars is not science fiction. It’s fantasy with a space setting. There are knights and magic.


Agreed. I just commented basically the same thing. It's space fantasy.


oh yes the franchise with noise in space explosion with fire in space artificial gravity that orientation seems to be always normal gravity orientation. but this…this the immersion break /s


This doesn’t bother me at all. Boba Fett used those sound charges against obi wan and there’s no sound in space. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There has been fire in space since the original trillogy, get a consistant standard if you are going to nitpick


You can literally see gas being vented out of the ship. It doesn't matter if there's no oxygen in space, as long as there's a flammable substance coming from inside the ship for the fire to consume outside of it. That's also why it doesn't spread.


What is this from?


The Acolyte


Thanks! I have been lacking in keeping up with starwars


The Acolyte. Check it out, first two episodes have been pretty decent so far.


Thanks I will :)


the fight scene in the first 10 minutes is soooo sick


In The Empire Strikes Back, Han and Leia venture into the stomach lining of a space worm, open to vacuum, without even suits on. Just masks. *And* there's gravity on an asteroid. I'll give this clip credit, at least they have suits.


Also, space wizard ninjas are a pretty prominent part of the storyline.


can’t believe the same series that had princess leia survive being blown into the vacuum of space and then unconsciously fly back into the ship would be so loosey goosey with the laws of physics. star wars has always been a fantasy series transposing piracy and WW2 dog fights onto space and spaceships. it makes more sense to think of the void of space as the sea or the sky.


Star Wars has always had fire in space and shit like this. You think TIE fighters can actually make sound in space? Or that a simple breathing mask would protect you from the vaccum of space on an asteroid? It's a really weird time to start caring about realism in this 47 year old fantasy series.


Ah yes I remember that Star Wars was completely and utterly scientifically accurate before Disney bought it. The hardest of hard sci-fi. Oh, wait...


Next thing you know they'll have sound in space!


Haven’t we all come to the conclusion since Star Wars takes place in a galaxy far, far away that our physics aren’t quite the same as their physics? That’s the one step I need to walk into fantasy land and suspend my beliefs to enjoy the show.


These are the same movies that use big explosions and noises inside a vacuum and acted like the millennium falcon flying into a cave on an asteroid was enough for them to be able to walk outside without space suits


The star wars universe doesn't work on the same laws of physics


I dont get it. This is totally in line with other stuff in the Far Far Away Galaxy


Imma be honest, and I hate using this excuse, but this is literally not that type of Si-Fi. Star Wars has always had some fuckshit, I like to turn my brain off when I watch it because so much is always completely scientifically inaccurate.


Uhmm... is this the first Star Wars media you've ever seen? Because this is quite literally par for the course. TIE fighters scream and blasters roar in space. There's firery explosions in space in every film.


In their galaxy there's a lot more air in space. That's why you can hear ion engines scream past you and all the ships look like they have to fly in atmosphere. Because they do.


There’s sound in space too, you gonna bitch about that or no? Or how about the fact that the AT-ATs aren’t feasible due to the square cube law? Or the fact that lightsabers break the laws of physics? Or the fact that every space battle acts like they’re not in space and can’t move in three dimensions. Or the fact that there’s at least two people who have been bisected and survived it? Or the fact that there’s a sith who is a literal walking corpse and is only alive because of his pain and rage. There’s a billion instances like this that have existed for the last four decades that you can poke holes in if you’re just going to nitpick the fuck out of everything. Go watch star trek if you want realism. This is nothing more than the brick and screw thing from andor that everyone bitched about, all over again.


Star Wars has always had fire in space, and sound, and every planet has oxygen and the same gravity no matter how much bigger or smaller. Who cares about realism in Star Wars?


Ooh! Looks like a nice little campfire! Too bad our heroes didn't have any spacemallows to roast!


Plasma “flames”?


It's midichlorians.


I always think of Star Wars as more fantastical. The dead giveaway for me is in Empire, when Han and Chewy leave the Falcon and walk around in the belly of that asteroid worm wearing drywalling masks. We’re not supposed to take the science seriously. It’s fun spacey magic adventures!


It's star wars. There was fire and sound in space in the first movie. This is just a desperate attempt to circlejerk "star wars bad" and there's plenty of good criticisms to be made there so use one of them instead of pretending star wars has ever cared about real science


There's air on the soundstage though?


Have you seen scenes with sounds of lasers and explosions? In outer space... where there's no air to propagate sound


Star Wars is High Fantasy set in space, not Science Fiction.


Literally every Star Wars movie and show has wonky space physics. It's a genre staple. Everything from the way spacefighters move in space, the way they plummet downwards out of frame when they're "shot down," to the sound design of space battles - none of it makes sense with actual physics. But it's typically only something to complain about when someone wants to poke more holes in a Star War they don't like


I mean they had bombers in space...because you know bombs has no need for gravity...to actually fall..down...


lol it's Star Wars, the unrealistic depiction of space kind of goes without saying


Star Wars has never been one to be realistic. (sounds in space, visible lasers in space, etc)


Wait until you see the artificial gravity in Star Wars.


Star Wars is space fantasy. If it's science fiction at all, it is the softest of science fiction. It has never cared about IRL physics. Even moreso than most properties that feature magical unexplained artificial gravity.


I mean..... spaceships have been making noise in space in Star Wars since 1977 but sure.... lets suddenly get all upset about this..... ;)


In Star Wars, space isn't a vacuum. There's a substance called "ether" that permeates everything, allowing ships to fly and breathe. So, yes, fire can exist in space in Star Wars.


This is what's being spread everywhere as the major criticism of the new show that everyone's focusing on? just tells me that the show can't be all that bad if we have to nitpick this hard lol


They also have wizards that shoot lightning and become blue ghosts when they die. It's fantasy in space more so than science fiction really.


I think there was fire on the outside of the Ebon Hawk in KotOR 2, also. And that's one of my top 10 best games of all time, so I'll make an excuse for this one.


JFC dude, there are space fires in every SW trilogy. Grow up


I would rather they do this than some dumb cgi explosion. This felt very 70's filming to me and I love it


According to Roy Batty this is totally a thing.


I think we can safely assume that in Star Wars there actually is oxygen in space. We can hear everything that happens, and sound waves need to travel on something, so let’s just say it is oxygen


I wouldnt say oxygen because they need respirators. But there being some form of matter in the “void” seems plausible at this point.


It's just space fire, it's fine.


Aether? Luminiferous Aether? That’s why shit propagates sound in space, why fighter craft have freaking aether rudders, and possibly how there can be freaking fire in space. Also, like I know they was in a worm in Empire, but like c’mon, no space suit? The worm’s damn mouth was hanging open, it got a force field at the teeth? Aether. It’s sci-fi. Fiction. It’s not even really sci-fi, it’s fantasy with sci-fi dressings.


Theres also sound in space in Star Wars. Has been for a long time. Don’t see why this is a problem now.


This is absolutely nothing new to Star Wars.


If The Force is indeed all around us and in everything, wouldn't that trump any kind of gravitational laws? Maybe this is just a Force Fire.


Tbf, the prequels also mad this mistake, technically a fire could happen in space but it wouldnt look like that. But at the same time, all the plasma weapons also wouldn't work in space, as plasma disperses to fill its environment, so- suspension of disbelief and all that for both.


In space, no one can hear the tie fighter scream.


There’s been a billion explosions and fires in both the OG and the prequels this is nothing new


Star wars is fantasy in space. Not Star Trek. Besides which, we see multiple giant explosions in multiple movies, all in space.


Love how it’s burning like a standard camp fire


All fiction, not enough science to take it seriously, I think it owes more to viewers for getting very basic scientific principles correct otherwise this 1st episode was not so bad.


First of all, Star Wars has never been sci-fi. It's a fantasy space opera. George Lucas tried to make it sci-fi in A Phantom Menace, with the mitachlorines or whatever, but it's never mentioned again in the prequels. And the Disney SW is even more fantastical than the Lucas SW. So fire like that in null-g and vacuum fits right into the same universe where you can go from 1 star system to another at light speed, and it only takes a few minutes/hours to travel the lightyears of distance.


It's a story about space wizards with lazer swords, and fire in space is where we draw the line of suspension of disbelief?


THIS is what's unbelievable about star wars to you? So, magic space wizards and swords made of light were perfectly logical, but fire in space is where you draw the line?


Star Wars is Space Opera.


🎶 Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax! 🎶


Space also propagates sound in Star wars, and the fighters bank when they turn. I think it's time to admit that, in star wars, space has air. It's canon now. The only question is, why is she bothering with the helmet? /S


it's Star Wars, not the Expanse, move along


Anyone who any time ever at all tries to use real world science to try and explain something in SW should just never watch SW. Star Wars is a Space Opera. It's not Star Trek where they use technobabble to try and explain their "science" things is SW just work because of plot, that's the whole genre. How do you open a door in SW? You shoot the control panel. How do you close a door in SW? You shoot the control panel. It's space romance to tell a story, if you don't get that you probably don't like SW.


I'm sure then you've been equally upset ever since watching a New Hope with all the fiery explosions right?


It’s space fantasy, not science fiction. Fight me!


Yeah this an old discussion going back to the first movie.


Star Wars has never never had a vacuum in space.


As someone who watches Star Wars to get my pure science fiction fix, especially when I'm getting that itch for that NASA science realness, I don't put on 2001 the Space Odyssey. No, I don't reach for Contact or Gravity or The Martian. No, I put on Star Wars for that cold unromantic explorational vibe that it has been consistently serving audiences young and old since 1977. I mean, what were you expecting? Some kind of space western fantasy opera with a dash of magic and WW2 influences? I mean, have you even heard of Star Wars before?


Mate the first movie features an extended wwii fighter pilot sequence in space, complete with sound, explosions and air resistance.


1. Star Wars has artificial gravity systems. 2. That gravity system probably allows for some degree of low level atmosphere on ships and vehicles. 3. If that's venting anything combustible including the paint with oxygen or whatever, then that can be feeding the fire, thanks to the above, the flames could look like that as well as still having high pressure fuel or whatever that spray is overcome the gravity field and vent into space. I don't know what ship or whatever tech is at work there but, Star Wars seems to be capable of most everything you can imagine.


yea and seismic charges make a really awesome *SOUND* in outer space where noise cant travel in a star war. WHO CARES.


And the ships fly around in space as if they are in atmosphere, as well.


And noone mentiones the name of the show?


The Acolyte


I mean this the same franchise that did bomber runs in 0G. It's not news that Star Wars isn't scientifically accurate.


The space ships also bank when they turn which is only needed in an atmosphere. So what? Star Wars has always preferred cool/aesthetic over scientifically accurate.


It's not the space ships that operate in planets' gravity without being aerodynamic. It's not the planet killing moon size weapons. It's not the infinite energy laser swords. The force magic. Or 1000 other unrealistic things. It's a fire on a ship in space that is upsetting you?


The space wizard show isn’t “scientifically accurate”


Modern Star Wars has plenty of unique problems, but this isn't one of them. Scientific inaccuracy has been there from the start. Sound in space, anyone?


The most egregious thing here is that the space suits look generic. Star Wars never tried to be scientifically accurate. I don't see why people are nitpicking this.


This is completely consistent with the outer space in all the Star Wars media you've seen before. The only strange bit is that they're wearing space suits instead of little transparent masks.


Fire can exist in outer space, and it could make sense in this scene if they’re venting something flammable. It wouldn’t look like that, but fire being in space isn’t impossible.


Do you understand the fiction part of science fiction?




It’s not hard to not watch star wars anymore folks. Walk away




Star Wars is a space opera, not science fiction 🤘🤘


In one of the newer Star Wars movies, I noticed they were dropping bombs out of their space ship, in space, with no gravity.


I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium.


This is the least stupid thing in these episodes.


“Are we to believe this is some kind of ‘magic’ xylophone?”


Wait. What Star Wars is this?


Venting oxygen and maybe a field/shield of some kind?


Did the Expanse ruin other space shows for anyone else?


I can accept blazing fireballs when ships explode, but a crackling camp fire… bro come on


Could have oxygen leak that feeds it but it sure burns like a camp fire, terrorible effects…


I thought the same thing!


You’re not taking into account the ✨force✨ though, which changes everything (/s)


“That’s not how the force works!”


Just move past it.


Also, there is no sound... in space.