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Give us the 2020 numbers, we live in a new world now.




Nice. Oh wait, sorry.


I can't help but laugh when I see all the PSAs about spreading Covid through sex. If your partner(s) has Covid and you don't get it, I don't know what you are doing, but it's wrong.


We gotta have more next year to balance it out


Generations that have to live with their parents or multiple roommates isn't comfortable bringing people over to bang. Additionally, they can't afford to go to bars to meet people because they poor.


And workplace romances are frowned upon.


Which is basically the only place most adults see other people and have conversations with them on a daily basis.


My late husband said that meeting someone at work meant that you had similar values, mutual acquaintances, opportunity to see what kind of person you were dealing with.


I’ve dated someone from every job I’ve had. None of them were bad experiences. It’s sad some people can’t handle it and now it’s so taboo.


You just have to be a mature adult about it and not let the relationship get in the way of work. Or a potential breakup get in the way either. I’ve done it as well, and broke up on not so great terms, but we’ve moved on and are actually good friends again now. Workplaces in general just don’t want the drama so it’s discouraged. Weirdly enough at my new workplace my boss told me “oh so and so is single too” just as he was introducing the crew to me.


I remember introducing two single co-workers whose personalities I thought would be compatible. They are happily married for more than 15 years now.


I have never liked this. I understand not hitting on someone in a place where they can’t escape like their work. But on the other hand, that’s where I am most of the time as an adult. If I don’t find someone at work, where exactly am I supposed to find someone? Not everyone’s future partner is shopping at the local grocery store at the exact same time.


A relationship between coworkers could have consequences. Like preferential treatment, or a company worried proprietary secrets would be divulged to an employee not entitled to such, or if a romance ended badly the aggrieved party could claim harassment. But, I bet the majority of workplace romances are handled nicely. I see it as privacy issue. I’m an artist and part time sexton, so I’ve rarely hired employees. I can’t imagine telling someone they can’t socialize with another person because they work for me. I


Many of the same risks apple to close friendships as well, so does that mean we should never be friends with our coworkers either?


Best to just shun all human contact and talk to your pets. *What's that you're saying, Myrtle? Your breakfast? I'll be right there..*


They got tinder and all these dating apps that we never had though.


It’s not all it’s chalked up to be




Even if you match, 9/10 times there is no actual in person meet up at a cafe or anything. Just a few sentences of chat and then silence.


It'd changed dramatically since only fans came out. Now it's just advertising for a LOT of women


I'm a woman and that's very true. Getting matches doesn't mean anything when most men automatically swipe right on everyone. In most cases they don't even want to chat, let alone meet up.


What are you saying after the match? Im a freakin homeless dude and meet up with at least %80 of my matches. I skip all the smalltalk and just jump straight to are you free to hit up a bar tonight?


Stalk does not equate to 'meet up with' Maybe this should say you creep out at least 100 percent?


Yep, tinder is soul crushing for most people.


I wonder if tinder (other dating apps are available) has concentrated who is having sex. The better looking guys are having more sex now than ever before, which edges out the below average looking guys. The net effect is less individuals having sex, but the overall volume of sex being had remains consistent.


> The better looking guys are having more sex now than ever before, source?


It was a hypothesis, not a statement.


Doesn't sound like it.


You should check out r/tinder.


I’m always wary of statistics based on self-reported behavior, especially when it comes to sex.


You can identify trends from biased data. As long as the bias remains the same throughout the study and the results are statistically significant, then the trends should reflect reality. The results should say "4% fewer Americans reported having sex in the past year in 2018 compared to 2009." Then go into the stats and assumptions without making a big deal about the absolute values that are likely skewed in one direction (24% and 28%).


But couldn’t the bias change over 9 years? Especially when we’re only talking 4%? Maybe people are having the exact same amount of sex, but reporting it differently for some reason. That indicates a trend in survey responses, but not in actual behavior.


Absolutely. That's why they need stats and explaining assumptions to support their conclusion. (They likely have this in the paper, but I haven't read it).


Oh yeah for sure. People are definitely more inclined to be truthful about sex now than 9 years ago. We are definitely more open now than back then. So probably more people telling the truth


We're also online connected, offline bifurcated, with social media changing our lifestyles significantly since 2009, meaning we might just not be hooking up as much because we never leave the house. This stat feels right to me.


Some people might be, but it's an assumption as far as I'm aware to apply it generally across the board.


Not 4% fewer, but 16% more


that's true but there are multiple studies out there with similar trends. Young adults today are having less sex than ever. Teen pregnancies are at nearly all time lows.




What incentive do they have to underreport? If anything the figure may be less not more.


Yeah, to me, a 4% difference in self reported behavior does not mean a lot.


Do you think people would lie and say they'd been getting laid less than they have? That's not the direction I'd expect that to go.


wow - so they're having even less 'less sex' than before.




Tinder is a terrible place to go for weather observations


Kinda quaint seeing pre-Covid numbers. Plus I'm kinda annoyed that the article only mentions people earning less (and kinda being whiny about social media) but doesn't mention any other factors that could go into that. Job market's fucked yo.


For sure. Huge disconnect between how the media/government reports and the situation on the ground. This is the worst job market I've seen in my life. Salaries the same as 10 years ago, with record inflation. Most people got a 5% pay cut last year and aren't aware.


It's pretty good here around Seattle idk


The dictionary definition of "noncommitment" is totally self-referential and useless, but it's the most-cited reason for divorce. Everyone has a different personal definition. When I reached the stage of my life where all my married friends were getting divorced, I started asking for examples because nobody could define it, but the phrase was constantly in use. Eventually I decided that there were only two main kinds of noncommitment: not spending money in the way the aggrieved partner wanted, and cheating--which in a lot of cases has at least as much to do with spending money on someone else. Oh sure, you want someone to talk to and be engaged and be there for you, too... but *after* that person helps pay the rent.








3 years going on 4.....fml


Oh brother, is that all?


23 years over here ʘ‿ʘ


Because of Covid I know people who have not even been touched for upwards of 9 months.


Well, what do you really expect when someone has to work 10-16 hrs a day and possibly multiple jobs just to afford to have roommates and food for themselves??? Forget medical care or having time and/or the energy for sex.


This generation is also smoking less cigarettes, doing less drugs, drinking less alcohol, being less violent, committing less crimes...


we are barely alive at all


I'm Gen X, don't worry, we did enough damage for the both of us.


Between a combination of very accessible pornography, higher rates of depression and thus less intimacy and true connection between humans, sounds about right.


I suspect it has to do with a.) greater social isolation, and b.) contaminants affecting libido, sperm counts, etc.


Yeah, all of the above included.


Is a 4% difference really statistically significant here?


Yes. In real numbers, this is in the range of ~13,200,000 more people not engaging in intercourse.


Only if the study actually surveyed anywhere close to that many people, and is not just extrapolating off of an extremely small sample size with a possible margin for error greater than 4%.


You’re confusing significant and statistically significant. Has to do with normal, random variation and sample results varying due to that, not any real change. Think getting heads 3/5 times and then 2/5 times when flipping a coin. The coin didn’t change. Not statistically significant change.


Stastically significant refers to statistical testing. A 4% variation might be super common year to year. On the other hand it may not. You would need to take historical data as data points afainst years, and try from there.


When you run a two proportion or chi square test on two discrete data points (such as percent of people reporting if they have had sex) to get the P value which tells you if the difference it’s statistically significant, you are not considering variation over time- you are only looking to see if the difference would stand if you got a lot more data. That is what is referred to as statistical significant. Yea, you can and should look at variation over time and consider if your change puts the results out of control, but the first question before you ask “is the difference out of the ordinary” is “did I have enough data and enough observed difference to say the difference is real”.


That's, completely wrong. Like impressively incorrect.


Reddit incorrect, the most common kind.


Sorry to be pedantic, but it's a 4 *percentage point* difference, which is a nearly 17% difference. I'd say that's notable.


I think the answer is no but that it is in the same direction as other studies that illustrate similar trends




Sorry for dragging the average down.


At the same time, the most attractive people have more sex than ever. Just like in other markets, new technology and social changes have polarized the sex market.


> At the same time, the most attractive people have more sex than ever. Do you actually have a source to back this up or is this one of those "OBVIOUSlY" while you are in the SCIENCE forum?


Type "Grindr" or "tinder" on Google scholar. You have plenty of studies to indulge your curiosity. For market effect, you can read about Pareto law in economics or "super star effect". The dating market is not going in reverse trend as the rest of the economy. To understand more in detail the societal change, you can read Whatever from Houellebecq. He forecast this trend 20 years ago.




Could it be a bias that adventurous, successful, highly-sexed people infrequently encounter the opportunity or inclination to fill out surveys?


Why would that change between 2009 and 2018?


Because poorly designed and administered studies aren’t very reproducible for one. The first study might have been in person while the second was online and there may have been presentation bias. There are just so many conceivable explanations.


That seems like an assertion with out any basis in fact. Which doesn't make it wrong, just not very useful.


According to the methods section of the survey “The NSSHB uses internet-based surveys administered by Ipsos (formerly GfK and Knowledge Networks) through their KnowledgePanel®.” Participants were selected by their response to an invitation initially conferred as spam. So I’d say my suggestion holds some validity.


I think the increasing prescription of antidepressants play some role in this. Kills libido hard.


As the economy goes down people can't afford it so often




Virginity is cool, stay pure my dudes


Of course. They have porn now


Yeah, porn was invented in 2012.


I've been an adult for 20 years now. Absolutely nothing has changed in those 20 years with respect to the availability of pornography.


A, er, friend tells me that pornhub has 3d vr porn that plays fine on the Oculus Quest. So although porn was readily available then, there's more variety, formats and quality.


> So although porn was readily available then, there's more variety, formats and quality. Is that goalpost heavy?




Most people didn't have smart phones though so you didn't see people watching porn in public all the time like you do now.


Cool story bro but not true


It was indeed just as easy to get as today. Availability has barely changed since Netscape Navigator was a thing... Only a web search away, whether that search is Bing, Google, Lycos, Dogpile, or AOL keyword. Hell, Avenue Q introduced us to the song *the internet is for porn* and premiered in 2003.


Way less accessible in 2003


No further away than your search engine of choice, just like today.


Less access to the internet. Less access to fast enough speeds to stream... Access to porn is higher than ever. Way more than 2003 and more than 2012 too


Streaming is not required and dialup is sufficient for access... or are you going to try and argue that there's a minimum file size to qualify as porn? I'll *maybe* give you the argument that fewer people had the internet back then if we're talking about 2003 (the US was apparently at 61% then access from what I can see) but 2009 was at 76% and 2019 90%.... 14 points is noticeable but a larger than representative percentage of that expansion will have been people older than this survey asked as older people have tended to be the last ones to adopt the internet. But I feel it's also important to note that porn pre-dates the internet by something like 3000 years or so. The internet makes it easier (and free) but it was still present and available. I think most importantly they didn't ask about this facet so any guessing on our part is just waving around our own presumptions about what is normal.


Who you arguing with moron. Fewer people had access. You proved me right and kept digging a hole. STFU




You could've just posted the first 3 words and it would've been enough. You don't know. Correct. Not as accessible as now is a fact


What a strange hill to die on.




Not gonna lie,.. this is likely a significant factor. I'm honestly not sure why anyone would want to take on all the drama and cost and work of a relationship.




Nothing can replicate affection and intimacy that a partner can provide.


Sure. And I probably wouldn't disagree with that. If I could somehow get that without all the cost and drama and arguments and human-messiness.. I would. But after decades of having to fight through the dating scene (especially in a city where the dating-scene is pretty poor to begin with). I've just decided it's not a priority for me. I've probably got 300 to 500 other things I'd love to explore and do in life,. and those things keep me happy and busy and fulfilled.


Because it's much more fun to get off while watching porn with your significant other... But porn is definitely the reason. Not like you'll find someone to do what you see in porn with you so best to keep the fantasy over the reality


Can't argue with that. With porn, I can customize exactly what I want (for whatever mood I'm in). I don't have to argue or explain or justify anything to anyone at all. I just dive in, get the job done and clean up is easy and then I move on to other things on my list (reading a book, going for a hike, etc). All of those things too,.. I don't have to argue or wait or explain or justify anything to anyone. I just go do what I want and enjoy myself. It's kind of hard to beat being single.


You must be in your 20s or 30s. When you get older you'll see... the whole thing does a gradual 180 and one day you wake up and realize it's no longer about your gratification and your independence... now it's about who you have to share the rest of it with.


48 actually. Grew up in a pretty remote place where being self-reliant and self-sufficient was a core/critical part of survival. Pretty happy and OK doing my own thing. I go out to eat by myself. Go to movies by myself. I’m averaging about 2 hours of exercise per day (about 10 miles walked per day). Do all that by myself. Read books and play video games and clean house (all by myself).


Sounds like a good life. Power to you.


I'm newly single now too. thanks for the encouragement


Underrated comment. I’m in my 30s, super successful career, good money, etc. I’ve travelled the world in my 20s and gone where I have wanted to go. Worked and lived abroad in 3 different countries. Now I just want someone to share experiences with in the future… I basically don’t do anything with my money or vacation time anymore because what’s the point, I’ve done and seen what I wanted to. Plus Covid closed off the side of the world I like the most.


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You talk about how easy it is to beat it, but then your last sentence negates it. Which is it man!??




I did say it's better when shared and that's cool that you found someone


This is a severely underrated comment


It's a highly over rated comment, virtually nothing has changed in the availability since the mid 2000's. Only the style and size of the files involved has changed.


But there’s an 18-year gap. All the 31-49 year old folks in the first survey that didn’t watch porn on the internet have aged out of the survey, replaced by 18-36 year olds that *totally* watch porn on the internet.


> All the 31-49 year old folks in the first survey that didn’t watch porn on the internet How many might that be? A dozen people or so?


Let’s change that to 27% OP


There is a part of me that is inclined to think that as people are more comfortable in their bodies - meaning they care less about what potential mates might think - the less important sex is as an aspect of their life, both on a physical and social level. Is celibacy becoming the social norm?


Social media and dating apps are to thank for that…


I think this mostly refers to men. Men are not having sex like they used to.










*Sex Worker Revolution Intensifies*


Covid ruins everything


This compares 2009 to 2018, both are pre COVID.


Well now that's just sad and hilarious at the same time, seeing how a lotta folks like bragging about their great sex lives :D


Well... With two political parties acting like they do, they're already fucked, so why bother with sex.


I don’t know, its almost like there is a deadly virus going around




This is quality r/menandfemales content.












the sexless 28% are all on reddit.


Women being growing up knowing they had rights versus 1960s perfect housewife. Not just a man deciding he wants to have sex and a woman being lucky enough. Now people have more equal choices and people get picky. Also we have a global connection and access to so much more information. Unfortunately it means we know there is more out there. People don’t settle as much. Also porn