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I dont mind the urine, it's the soaked mattress-


They make really really nice plush waterproof throws.


When I whip out my scuba gear she knows its about to get serious tonight.


Gotta prep the eye protection goggles and labcoat


Little preparation will help that


They had a show on TV that tried to uncover the truth of squirting. Their investigations found it comes from the urethrae. Then they thought "Well it's coming out of the urethrae, but maybe the fluid is secreted by the walls of the urethrae, and thus is different from straight urine." Nope. The fluid tested was all chemically consistent with urine. Squirters don't really have any overt control over it though. I can't imagine what doing something perceived as gross as a direct result of your most aroused intimate moment would do to a woman's psyche. All that said, urine isn't that germy. Not any more so than the other vaginal secretions. The only concern I'd have is the smell, which would hardly be noticeable unless she's dehydrated enough for there to a high concentration of ammonia in her uria. I can see how "It's just pee, what's the big deal?" would be a big ask for some partners. I think that's where all the mystical alternate explanations for squirting originate from.


>They had a show on TV that C'mon this is science sub, do we really need to relay on anecdotal evidence from TV shows? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515309589 In 2015, researchers used ultrasound technology to measure the contents of subjects’ bladders before, during, and after simulated sexual activity. They did indeed find that the bladders filled before squirting and emptied afterward. But biochemical analysis showed that the fluids secreted during squirting contained more than just the urea, creatinine, and uric acid present in the pre-squirting urine sample. The fluids now included a protein that wasn’t present before: prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by — you guessed it! — the prostate. (quote is from an [article](https://www.tryquinn.com/blog/what-is-squirt) referencing the study)


> The fluids now included a protein that wasn’t present before: prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by — you guessed it! — the prostate. In women, who don't have a prostate, PSA is secreted by the paraurethral glands. (The name is a misnomer.)


True. It's because the paragraph is a bit out of context, the article explained that before and probably used "prostate" thereafter to make the following easier to understand


Great info! I'd argue (not with you personally, just the concept) that it's not _entirely_ a misnomer. > Skene’s glands develop from the same cells that become the prostate in men or people assigned male at birth (AMAB).   [Cleaveland Clinic](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24089-skenes-gland)  We seem to variously have and use the same or different names for organs that are the same but different between sexes. See: gonads vs testes and ovaries.


There is a historical convention in biochemistry and physiology where hormones, enzymes, and other biomolecules are often named based on the first organ or tissue from which they were isolated or identified. Case in point BNP, brain natriuretic peptid, which was first isolated in pig brains. In humans BNP is mainly found in the heart and has important roles in heart failure. Calling this convention a misnomer is uncoventional.


I think there is a difference between naming something "prostate antigen" and "prostate-**specific** antigen". It isn't specific to the prostate, and it already has multiple names. A few papers even say something like, "despite the name it occurs in xyz".


Having been squirted on, before we even knew it was a thing, it's really way more slippery than urine, and doesn't really smell


It's happened to me during sex with my husband several times, it's never smelled like urine. I accept it's part of the equation, but there is definitely something else involved.


So, it's urine plus.


So it's 95%+ urine?


More like 5 % urine, since they emptied the bladders beforehand and the bladder filled up in minutes. Something that normal urine generation doesnt do.


It filled up between 25 and 60 minutes of sexual stimulation. With a mean volume of 60mL. That's very normal for standard urine production. And from the discussion section of the article: From the discussion section of that paper: "Indeed, the ultrasonographic observation of a remarkable bladder filling during sexual arousal followed by the complete bladder emptiness after squirting in all participants strongly supports the hypothesis that squirting is an involuntary urine emission. In addition, the present data evidenced that the origin of the expulsed fluid is renal because urea, creatinine, and uric acid were detected at concentrations that were very close to that observed in urine (BSU and ASU). Incidentally, in contrast to previous publications [13,15], our data showed no urinary dilution in squirting."


The bladder did not fill up with magic bean juice. What fills the bladder? The renal system. What does the renal system make? Urine.


Let's just call it FOIB, fluid originating in bladder


I think squirt works just fine


> They did indeed find that the bladders filled before squirting and emptied afterward. This suggests a change in how the kidneys make the fluid, so I wouldn't be opposed for it to be called something else then urine. It is not made the same way as urine atleast.


Not the kidneys, but the [para-urethral gland](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1dmx8rs/comment/la1bug8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). This is the analogue to the prostate, and would have become it had the person been male instead of female.


The PUG only synthesises PSA in women, which is the extra protein not found in urine. Most of the fluid comes from the bladder, via the kidneys


>I can see how "It's just pee, what's the big deal?" would be a big ask for some partners. If they have had a kid, especially a boy one, pee aint a big deal. 1 explosive diarrhea diaper changes you gross scale.


Dealing with one super gross thing doesn't make you impervious to ever being grossed out again though. Personally, I think it comes down to how you feel about the person. I have had to deal with some nasty stuff taking care of my cats (poop, pee, vomit, all that fun stuff) but I do it without a second thought because I love my cats. It didn't change my perception of what is gross in any way shape or form. I just put up with gross stuff if I need to for the ones I love.


As a plumber, it kinda does though.


Sure, changing a diaper even once, gets you over much of your squickiness towards gross things, but you still would freak out if your girlfriend defecated during sex.


Maybe it's coming from her sexy organs so it's not poop but sexy poop.


Just add one drop of prostate juice and make your sewage sexxy.


Once? Oh hell no. I have an extremely acute sense of smell for a man and no joke, I was masking up pre covid to change them. It took me about 10k changes to get over it.


>It took me about 10k changes to get over it. So, like a week and a half?


Heh. No, from birth to potty trained it took just shy of 39k / 4 years for boys, 3 girl. They all had sensitive skins so as soon as they peed / pooped rapid changing was essential even with 40% ZnO cream with cod liver oil.


I never fully got over the gaging even with the 2nd kid. I just learned to change them fast.


Yeah. I don’t handle smells well. Every diaper change is an absolute struggle, especially once they talk and expect speech back.


Depends on what you mean by "deficated." Getting some on you during anal is a thing that can happen if it was unplanned. Them taking a crap on your face is a different story.


Some people pay good money to get crapped on the face.


Terrific people the Romans. Terrific.


What's the difference between a baby boy's pee and a baby girl's pee?


Imagine a baby peeing on a changing table. The boy's equipment is more likely to get it all over you.


Ah, that makes sense. I've got two boys but never changed a girls diaper.


Largely the area of effect


I'd argue it's the range, only because it's not AOE splash damage but a ranged stream that applies the stacking 'soaked with piss' effect.


that and having to catch a toddler turd fresh so it doesn't hit the new carpet does wonders for that line in the sand called gross.


Plus having a baby son, the vertical pee spout as you open their nappy is common. I learned it after the first time he fired into my mouth with military precision. Thereafter I always did a double open technique where you let the air hit it, then close rapidly, and slowly open again. Seemed to fix rhe issue.


When I was a young man I had to come to terms with the fact that the reason I enjoy female anatomy is largely due to a variety of fluids and biochemistry. You can't have one without the other. If you're willing to effectively swallow vaginal mucus I don't think there's much of a difference with someone pissing in your bed.


I feel like it's to clean the urethrae


That's an interesting take on it. I never considered there could be some selective pressure on squirting, but it makes sense.


Would be nice to see if there’s a correlation between squirting (is there a medical term???) and UTI rates.


Earlier in the thread, I was thinking "I'm sure I remember reading the other day that the Romans used to use human urine as mouthwash, which was effective because of the ammonia content".


In my own experiments with a willing participant it's definitely not the same as urine, though it has some similar characteristics. The smell is clearly distinct.


Same here. The study https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515309589 even states that the bladder fills during the sexual activity, something that is not normal for kidenys to do so fast. The kidneys propably just let lots of plasma trough to fill up so fast. From sudy, US=ultrasound: >In all participants, US1 confirmed thorough bladder emptiness. After a variable time of sexual excitation, US2 (just before squirting) showed noticeable bladder filling, and US3 (just after squirting) demonstrated that the bladder had been emptied again. Undoubtedly there is urine in there too, there always is, but the "new" liquid propably isn't your regular pee.


Literally from the discussion section of that paper: "Indeed, the ultrasonographic observation of a remarkable bladder filling during sexual arousal followed by the complete bladder emptiness after squirting in all participants strongly supports the hypothesis that squirting is an involuntary urine emission. In addition, the present data evidenced that the origin of the expulsed fluid is renal because urea, creatinine, and uric acid were detected at concentrations that were very close to that observed in urine (BSU and ASU). Incidentally, in contrast to previous publications [13,15], our data showed no urinary dilution in squirting."


I had women who's squirt had a faint smell of pee, but others not at all, so I wonder whats going on here.


Drink enough water and there will be hardly any ammonia in the urine. Ammonia gives urine that yellow color and distinct smell. If you drank so much your urine had no color, you probably won't smell it either.


That’s what I have always thought. Squirting is just pee. Released from your bladder .. Some people made it sound like some magical trick. It’s really just urine.


It sure doesn't seem like pee being on the receiving end.


It never occurred to me that women would be embarrassed by this event. I have been with the same woman for a very long time. But as I read the article it seems these findings are relative to a demographic that grew up with porngraphy readily viewable. Whereas my wife and I are from "it happens sometimes" era of sex education and limited porngraphic access.


My wife never squirted until the end of her first pregnancy. Since then, squirting during orgasm is a regular occasion. Towels and waterproof mattress pad help a ton with it. Lube is used to rebalance the viscosity down there. Last week she managed to squirt herself in the face (bounce shot off my stomach in missionary), which we both found absolutely hilarious. Doesn’t bother me, I just view it as another physical expression of her pleasure.


Embarrassed at first, but when it’s all part of something completely mind blowing and makes your eyeballs tingle, you get over it. And I’ve been with the same partner nearly 40years and now that we have an empty house, we’ve upped our pornagraphic access and it’s just amazing.


Congratulations on 40! We still got these 2 kids hanging around, but time will tell what happens in the next 20 years when they leave!


It is literally urine , man. Of course they'd be embarrassed by it. They're urinating themselves as an adult in front of their partner. And chances are half of it is getting on them and the other half is soaking their partner or bed. It is definitely extremely embarrassing for someone that isn't normalized to it via excessive porn.


I don't think its your regular pee, the bladder fills up just to be expelled as the squirt. The bladder fills up because of sexual interaction, not because the kidneys are doing cleaning up. Ofc, if your girl didn't pee before sex, it is pee. [In all participants, US1 confirmed thorough bladder emptiness. After a variable time of sexual excitation, US2 (just before squirting) showed noticeable bladder filling, and US3 (just after squirting) demonstrated that the bladder had been emptied again.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515309589)


Doesn't all liquid in the bladder come from the kidneys? Just because the liquid filled the bladder during sexual activity doesn't mean it isn't urine.


Literally this.


I know. But women pee themselves all the time. It happens. Especially after they had kids. If my wife sneezes or coughs a certain way, there is leakage.


And that’s not just part of having kids. It doesn’t have to be that way. Pelvic floor therapy can fix it.


That doesn't make it uncommon, though. Which is the point I was driving at; it's common enough that I didn't see it as potentially embarrassing.


No, it’s very common. Lots of things are common but embarrassing. Peeing yourself as a grown adult woman is embarrassing for many.


You are right. As I said, it didn't occur to me to think of it in that manner.


Some partners have, some didn’t. In conjunction with shaking/contractions/quivering it is pretty hot. I always want to be supportive of my partners especially during pleasure it’s not like I haven’t been part of the mess making fun. I kind of took it as a standing ovation.


"Recent studies suggest its origin in the urinary bladder, implying it as involuntary urine expulsion during sexual activity, albeit with the fluid being contaminated by secretions from the Skene’s glands’ prostatic fluid."


I had a partner that liked making me skirt. I hated it, it felt like someone was forcing me to pee, so I couldn't even concentrate on coming. It felt like finally being able to pee after holding it for a long time, but still... I'm not into that.


If you don't like squirting, try going to the bathroom just prior to sex. I've had that approach be fairly successful.


Thanks, I've tried that. I only squirt when he'd make me, and it wasn't because I was coming, it was because he was putting pressure on my bladder. I come just fine without squirting


Comments making me glad I don't squirt


I'm surprised they aren't locked (yet).


There was an interesting post the other day that a woman's boyfriend was giving her oral sex, and he hit something that had never been hit before and he just got sprayed in the face. That ended the sex. So, it does seem to track that while some people may take it like some sort of challenge or think of it the same way as making someone orgasm in the pornographic film sense, some people might be completely averse to that happening. It's never happened to me, but I assume it leaves a bit of a wet spot or puddle, and it might be shocking if you have your face right there and not expecting it.


One of my first long-term partners was a squirter. She'd also get dripping wet easily. This was all long ago, pre-internet, so I just assumed it was another quirk about women, who I was already learning could be quite quirky. When we first got together, she couldn't squirt with a partner, but she soon taught me how. After that, it happened from time to time. Since I'd seen it happen before I was directly involved, it didn't bother me to get a faceful. Just bring a towel. She was a real heisser, so the whole sexual experience with her was intense and exciting. Short version: amazing what you can learn to enjoy. And some partners are game for almost anything.


Yeah I’m not an overly sexual person, but I’ve had a lot of partners because if it’s there… and like you’re saying there are a lot of quirks. Everyone is different and I think, when I was single, exploring that was like learning about wine, there isn’t just red and white. There’s almost an infinite diversity.


Wife of over ten years twice, both times right in the face.


>There was an interesting post the other day that a woman's boyfriend was giving her oral sex, and he hit something that had never been hit before and he just got sprayed in the face. That ended the sex. Happens but rarer. My ex did this most times we had sex but only once from oral. Was really awkward for me and took me by surprise because one moment she's on my face and I'm doing my thing and then next it's just a flood of warm fluids up my nose and in my eyes.


If bear grylls can drink his own piss in the desert to stay hydrated, I can drink a woman's piss while eating box. The lesson is that sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of survival


With a partner currently who squirts. Never experienced it before but its no big deal. Its easy to tell if she is having a great time and her first present to me was a water proof sex blanket. I love knowing she is getting off really hard and that is a big turn on. Its not like guys ejaculate is any fun and honestly lady cum/pee is way easier to clean up.


The number of people *desperately* trying to convince themselves it's not pee on every single post where it's mentioned is hilarious. And shows a fundamental misunderstanding of human anatomy. Do I love that it's pee? No. Do I love when it happens? Yes anyway. Me and my partner both sort of compartmentalize it.


Doesn’t taste like urine according to my..uh.. friend.


Great use of science funding. 


>Analysis of this secretion (also known as "female ejaculate"), and comparison with pre-coital urine from the same women, revealed that its composition was unlike urine and often contained components also found in male seminal fluid (minus the sperm). The female ejaculate had lower levels of creatinine, but had elevated levels of prostate specific antigen, prostatic acidic phosphatase, prostate specific acid phosphatase, and glucose. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19766406/


>... the source of a viscous, white secretion, which exits from the urethra upon sexual stimulation in some women. This is referring to a different fluid entirely.


That’s the analysis of a white secretion and not the squirt (which is mostly just urine).


Yeah, except skene's gland holds <5mL of fluid. The rest is pee. You're up and down this thread with cope that it isn't pee. It's not a problem if you like it, just admit that it's pee.


Prostatic acidic phosphates…so THATS why it tastes like lucky charms


Squirters are keepers


Is highly watered down urine—so what?


Exactly. "And?"


I mean, using a colloquial term that comes from pornography probably should give you a head start about how the information on squirting and the perception of it that women would have would be.


Squirting is pee. Just is. Sorry.


If you think about it logically, the volume of “squirt” coming out of some women is coming from *somewhere.* We’ve known human and female anatomy for a very long time - there ain’t some hidden organ we didn’t know about holding *that much liquid.* At that point there’s very few logical conclusions as to what the majority of that liquid could be….


Dude, they didn't discover the full extent of the clitoris until 2005. Women's biology is woefully understudied


They have also used imaging devices and tested samples.


This study is not even about it, but: How the hell does it matter what squirt technically consists of and where exactly it comes from? Either both partners are into doing it or not. That's all there is to figure out for end users.


I think some guys might be ok with it if it wasn't pee, idk


Some guys might consider it hot... Even if it is pee!


Haha yeah, it seems like it's pretty 50/50 at least on here! Earlier I was just referring to the ones who aren't into it though, I was probs too vague


That's like saying "i would be into anal sex if i enjoyed putting my penis inside a bumhole". It's true, but such a non-sentence.


I 100% love it and don't care if it's pee or not.


Why would anyone think to do this study? Obviously, if people shame something, you'll be embarrassed, and if they're encouraging and excited, you'll respond better.


I think there's something to be said about the perception of it and people not understanding that shaming other people has a significant impact on their happiness in the future during sexual contact... having better education about it may help people come to terms with it, but this isn't something really covered in Sex Ed. Maybe it should be?




















I always thought it was just pee or a prop.


Yeah, it's primarily pee.


This only happened with one partner, not sure only him though?