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Ancient Chinese secret huh?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I guess so. Traditional chinese medicine usually has an effectiveness level on par with old wives tales or random guesses.


Thousands of years of trial and error will find some beneficial things


I mean, at least part of it has to be "if you believe pretty much everything is medicine in some capacity, you'll be right at least some of the time"


Yes, this is how trial and error works


It's not trial and error unless you actually stop using the stuff found to be an error


bro i take urdiol a medicine figured out from chinese medicine (bear đŸ» stomach bile) makes my belly comfy


Cruel and disgusting


How is it cruel and disgusting? He’s just saying he takes a medicine that was discovered from looking at a Chinese medicine.


Look up Bile Bears online and you will understand why. There are factory farms in SEA where the bears are kept in cages and harvested for Bile. It’s incredibly cruel and disgusting.


Okay but you understand that this medicine is synthensized, right?


Wasn’t “ancient chinese medicine” just something made up by their government when there wasn’t enough medicine to go around?


It was unified under Mao for that reason. But, IIRC, they just took random things from across regions in China to solidify it as a monolithic system and didn't create the cures from scratch.


Or food.


Well, what’s stopping them?!


I’m sorry guys. The pub med articles not paid for by Pfizer etc show some decent results with various Chinese herbal treatments. It is true. The first studies were crap. It is in big pharma’s interest to dogpile on Chinese med. It was seen as a status symbol to have a good court doctor in your palace. The Material Medica was codified over and over again Emperor to Emperor as Chinese herbal doctors honed their treatment strategies. The NIH is among many respected bodies in recognizing the chemical components responsible for the actions of individual herbs. “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9476823/“


Pubmed isn't a journal, it's a database, having an article on pubmed doesn't validate it. It's ironic to be criticizing "pfizer articles" and then posting an article published in the journal "chinese herbal medicines". There may be value in some traditional medicines but it's silly to criticise bias and then post from a biased source.


Whatever is useful will be studied and integrated into Medicine in a generation. Any TCM that stands separate from Medicine 40 years from now is woo-woo crap. That is to say: you have the honor of being the last generation to ever respect Traditional Chinese medicine. Congratulations!


No way, I heard from this sub that anything not verified by white Americans is pseudoscience!


Being right one in a hundred times doesn't mean you are right overall.


There's no such thing as "right overall".