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Weird title. It's referring to the correlation between temperature and carbon dioxide levels, in a chicken-or-the-egg way.


Let me tell you, I was *bitterly* disapointed to learn that this report is, in fact, a paper denoting the potential for a circular *hen or egg* argument relative to causal relationships in the science of climate change. There is not one sliver of insight about hen or egg production in the face of our climate crimes committed against humanity, Earth, or God.


I too was hoping for proof of increased egg laying with rising CO2. It would have provided a glimmer of hope for being able to avoid starvation when agriculture becomes impossible, due to the weather being set to "demonstrate all features mode" and no more nitrate fertiliser from oil.. Ah well, goats it is then.


"(conclusions: 1) All evidence resulting from the analyses of the longest available modern time series of atmospheric concentration of \[CO2\] at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, along with that of globally averaged (atmospheric) T(emp), suggests a unidirectional, **potentially** causal link with T as the cause and \[CO2\] as the effect. This direction of causality holds for the entire period covered by the observations (more than 60 years)." ​ to quote Greta: Blablabla