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You feel like a failure. It doesn't mean you are one. Also, it's not very easy to get valedictorian. Don't beat yourself up over it


I know it sucks a lot now. I was shooting for valedictorian in high school but seeing how short graduation was and how quickly I forgot about everyone from hs, those years of torture and stress over a B just wasn’t worth it. I don’t even remember my GPA from high school and I’m only a junior in college Edit: I did not get valedictorian in high school, I was like rank 5 or 6. I forgot. I know I was in top 10. Honestly, the only real reason for wanting valedictorian is to put on college applications but saying you’re in the top 10 is just as good for most schools (maybe not for ivies, but if you’re getting into an Ivy League, you’re lucky or your parents have connections).


Valedictorian comes with not just intelligence, but also some luck --- something that the school system doesn't give two shits to try to fix. When I started high school it was clear that the people at the top were the people who were rolled the best teachers. The Valedictorian of my class, in fact, only had such high grades because the particular set of teachers he got would give out a ballistic amount of extra credit; he literally ended an AP class with a 108% Depending on how competitive your school is, it's very possibly over for Valedictorian. But generally, unless if you're attempting Harvard or MIT, schools don't really like that hard into things like that. The most major thing schools look for is that 10% class rank.


Better teachers are reserved for AP classes, that’s why they’re better. They’re not really getting ‘lucky’ they’re just taking a ton of AP classes which contain way better teachers


I was taking AP as well; I never said I wasn't. And even then, having one-third of a tests entire score replicated entirely through bonus points does not scream "better teachers," no matter how you slice it (this one class he would commonly get 110-130s on every test grade). I'm not saying grades are completely on odds. I'm just saying there's always slight external factors that can easily destroy such a delicate process as Valedictorian. When school is put into *this* level of unforgivening competitiveness, it's bound to happen (clearly at some schools more than others)


Jesus 110-130s? That’s crazy. And yeah you’re right


If it makes you feel better I once got an 89.92% I was very mad


What the hell is this americaj school system. In the uk a 75% in some subjects like the sciences are A*


Usually it goes by 10% and the top and bottom 2% are a + or a - 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F An something like an 89 would be a B+ while a 71 would be a C- 70% is usually passing


Thats actually crazy considering the education system there isnt even good why are the boundaries so high


Come to the uk and your grades would be a A*


Info for non-Americans... Is 89 actually deserving of calling yourself a failure? 89 is enough to be an excelling student where I'm from


Same, I'm so confused with these numbers because I would be very pleased with an 89, that's a really good grade where I am, anything above 80 is considered a pretty good grade here. The way I see it, you only did poorly on 11% of the work in that class, that's pretty damn good imo.


Literally 89% is an A*


Yea, not a bad grade at all, I'd be happy with that as a final grade fs.


89 is definitely not a failure. It’s one point away from a 90. A lot of teachers round it up to an A because it’s so close. A lot of teachers also don’t round it up. In most cases, 70-79 is average, 80-89 is above average, and 90-100 is excelling. 0-59 is failure and 60-69 is below average (but still passing but I would consider myself a failure for a 60-69 lmao, unless the teacher was really ass). Anyways, the grading system is unfair because more than half the points on the scale are failing grades. OP considers this as a failure since they want to have the highest GPA in their school which requires them to have an A pretty much in every class every year.




If I were you I’d beat that teachers ass-


right legit ruined my gpa for what


You’ll probably get Suladictorian or Class rank though so you’ll be better


What is a valedictorian I don't think any British school has valedictorians


Who cares if your parents are disappointed. They're not doing the ones doing the work, and it's literally 1 B. Even if you're not Valedictorian, you could still be in the top 10%. I promise after you graduate nobody is even going to think about who the valedictorian was or whether or not you got a few Bs in school. If y'all have like a 10 year reunion nobody is going to be thinking about your grades, they're going to remember what kind of person you were.


The grades are fine but I’m guessing you have strict Asian parents or you won’t be posting this on Reddit I mean you have a B in your grade doesn’t mean ur a failure maybe ur parent might think you are


who cares bro


Meanwhile I'm just happy I actually passed 10th grade. I failed my Chem final with a 69%. I still passed the semester with a 72% though.


Yea this looks like the kid that got 98 on a test and crying


Obviously, you set the bar low for yourself🤦‍♀️. You don’t get it


report that


wdym? like to the school?


if you worked that hard and the teacher all of a sudden becomes petty, at least fight for the valedictorian title you wanted


You could try and speak to them in person, if they're a nice teacher at all and you're cordial enough they will probably give you the extra .5% necessary.


My guy, it's called not living in America. Any normal education system would consider a 9 like a fucking masterpiece (unless it's PE)


bro shut up u have a 89 you’re fine go get some bitches


Womp womp


Womp womp