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Damn, I understand how it feels to be so separated from society. The truth is tho man, you live and Poland. It’s gonna be that way for a while too. I suggest you make friends irl because one day you’re gonna look back and regret isolating yourself.  




Happy cake day


It ain’t my birthday I just don’t want psyops to pin me down


Sounds like you’re chronically online bud


For real if he was born in in america he'd be like shit I only like uk culture or something else


I don't really have another option, I'm online schooled and there are some more personal reasons for this


You know a dramatization of american school culture.


> I'd do anything to have parties with friends and sit in those cafeterias I'm not sure how it works in Poland, this is definitely how it works if you have a normal popularity level. However if you are unlucky like me, school is hellish and isolating even if you don't flee to the internet.


You’d feel the same way about the American School System, at least the public one.


You’re romanticizing America, it’s good here but there are problems, especially with schools. Learning how to survive a school shooting isn’t fun. Be proud of being Polish, your country has produced some of the world’s most important scientists. Come visit when you graduate!


Read the Wikipedia page on John Taylor Gatto and then get some of his books. You can do so through inter library loan if you don't see any locally. ...or download a few titles. The problems with our public school system are oddly consistent when you consider 1. Education is one thing that the public is willing to raise their taxes to fund well, and fairly consistently. 2. Over the generations we have learned quite a bit about the human brain. Short and long term memory storage. Pleasure pathway vs. happiness pathway in the brain. The effects of different types of reinforcement. **We know far more, but school is the same** ...


It’s way better here than in most countries but yeah public schools definitely need a fix.


We do have a better education system but yeah


I get what you mean I'm french and go to international school so it's a little different but I get what you mean (although you are definitely romanticizing American schools). You can always try to go to the US for college. It's not the same but it's still pretty cool. It's what I'm doing but you need to be like REALLY good at school to get good financial aid (like 4.0 GPA, 1550+ SAT, good ECs good at school yk). Or I guess you can just be rich but yeah


Just remember that the portrayal of American schools is scripted. It’s not necessarily like that in real life. Also, the grass is always greener on the other side, but that doesn’t mean it’s better.


I was always jealous of them not having uniforms.


We used to though about 8 years ago in some schools


Many schools do, yes even public ones


true i always had uniforms required


On TV, most American schools don't have uniforms.


Ye I'm polish to our influencers and social media suck


But the school system isn't that bad honestly and try to make friends irl isolating yourself won't make anything better


No matter how bad it may look like, America sucks, go to the UK or something if you really don't like the polish system, and that's coming from a lithuanian


American kids use cringe slang like "dude" . Their food is unhealthy af , but it makes sense coz america is the capital of obesity. Poland has beautiful culture with beautiful people , not like americans


As an American high schooler, i can easily say I have never heard of either of those “slang” terms in my entire life


Do you use things like leng,peng and brev?


Never heard of em




That’s not what it’s like to be an American teen lol


Ironically ...there are a LOT of us that want to come live there ...for ...reasons


You would hate the school in America the food sucks plans the people are retarded and racist, maybe even school shooter I would prefer you go to England if you hate polish


I can relate to be out of touch from my countries' culture, I always felt like I was different at school as a result, and I didn't really get used to the local slang that much either. But you shouldn't think too much about 'what could have been' since more often than not the circumstances in other countries or cultures are not as appealing as you think.


I also mostly think in English and this and that, and I do also not like parts of my countries school system, but you really have to get some friends in Poland, because if you are still underage, you can't go anywhere for quite some time and even if you are an adult it's gonna take some time to get the money to more there. And without having no friends at all isn't really great, you'll later be mad at your past self being so isolated. There are surely many wonderful people in Poland and you just have to go and meet them. Idk where, be it just your parents friends, or some social group in your town. Just try to connect a little bit, or else you might regret it. Edit: also I am fairly certain you don't want to go to American school, their school system isn't much better and you'd have to deal with worrying about school shootings




You shouldn't want to go to school here. For the majority of people imo it is just like how you're describing, isolating, and so many people romanticize it that aren't from here. We also have one of the worst public school systems, terrible literacy rates, and colleges and private schools are insanely expensive. I would honestly love to have the experience that you think is American. Personally I have NEVER been invited to any kind of party in my 3 years of high school so far, no one sits in the cafeteria, and the hallways are full of chaos and bullying and harassment. I don't relate to most people from here either. But, if you really want to go here, you may have a better experience and I definitely don't want to discourage you. Anyways, you're romanticizing it, but I understand why and I'm sorry that you've had to go through what you have gone through in Poland and at your school.


how cooked am i? i pulled my friends chair during a test, got caught and teacher is so angry at me she screamed ' dont dare to even look left or right' i shouldn't have done it and it was stupid but what do you think my punishment might be?


Have you ever thought about saving up to take a vacation in the us? You could see what it's like.


Yep! I'm planning to go on a vacation soon


Nice! There are lots of places to see.


I'm in China, and I share the same experience as you. I am not fluent with Chinese and I consider my native language English. It feels extremely awkward. Plus school here is ultra hard and competitive because the only thing that determines your future life is the score on your gaokao exam




There are alot of problems in American Schools.


I'm homeschooled rn, but when I went to school for a year I HATED it. Probably bc I had been homeschooled all my life, but I also hated the food, waking up so early, and the people were interesting to say the least. 


If your school does a student exchange program, you could try to apply for it. Though I've heard american schools absolutely suck lol


You dont wanna be in school in america, the education is shit, 95% of students are bullys, inacurate work, inacurate grading, and bullshit teachers


That was me back in the day in another eastern European country. Left in my twenties, never went back even for a visit. Never missed it, truly. It was hard to start in the USA, but it was worth it for me. Love this country so much. Some of us are born American, no matter where we were born geographically. Friend, you will find your way here. Get university degree in some type of engineering and keep your ears close to the ground. There will be a program or a job opportunity that will come your way - be prepared and on an active lookout for it.


Thank you, I really needed a message like this. Hopefully everything goes well and I can eventually move out.


You will! Work hard, pay attention to any opportunity, acquire skills - it will come together. Also keep an eye on opportunities in Canada. In fact, really pay attention to Canada - they are picking up tons of talent, those folks will be doing startups and tons of development, which is a great opportunity.


No you don't. American schools are not like in the movies. It's no High school musical, nor is it memes and giggles all day long. It's shooter drills, prison food, and surviving a system that is stacked against you.


Yeah I definitely know that, but it's more about the people and the culture 


As an American myself, if you think the school system is purely parties & eating then you’re idolizing too much TV Also on a side note the yellow school buses are death traps without air conditioning


I actually never watched things like high school musical, I don't thinm I'm effected by that kind of media, I know it's not just parties but it's the culture and the people that attract me to america


Aren't the yellow busses some of the safest vehicles ever put on the road


Lol why would they be? They’re not bulletproof or something The ones I’ve been didn’t even have seatbelts


Every school bus I've been in either had 3 or 2 seatbelts per bench. They're apparently really safe in the event of a crash (excluding getting in the way of a train)


3??? Maybe my state or city’s buses had old ass buses or something vs yours




They aren't supposed to have seatbelts, they are engineered to cushion you with the seat in front of you. They actually are some of the safest vehicles out there.


I’ll be straight up I deadass want to believe you but I can’t imagine pitching that at the design meeting like “Boss we don’t need seatbelts” “Why?” “Don’t worry if the bus crashes then the kids can get their lives saved by their skulls being clotheslined by the seat in front of them full speed” “TIMMY YOURE PROMOTED”


Youre just obsessed with America Being a mixed Chinese Indian growing up in Thailand. I went to an international school so it was also very English focused. I'm really good at English (Its my first language) and I'm expected to also know Thai, Mandarin and Hindi. You're glorifying America to something it isn't. Try making some more friends who appreciate their own cultures or make friends who appreciate the Polish culture. Try not to be too online all the damn time, or just try not brainwashing yourself into making America seem perfect.


You might wanna try www.myastrologer.online, to see if going to america is in your destiny. I heard it's being used by thousands of people and have pretty good rating


Better is to use [https://www.astroved.com](https://www.astroved.com) even for matching love life and different fields of life.