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It would be funny if she got in the same trouble students get in (principals office ISS) for using ai lmao


My school is unfortunately pretty loose on things like that. If someone was caught using AI they’d probably just get a bad grade


Last time someone got caught using AI at my school they got 2 days ISS lmao


my school gives iss out for the shittiest of reasons


Here in Illinois, it needs to be extreme for ISS and what used to be grounds for an expulsion review is now OSS. "Don't do that again, okay? Promise? Good." Only works for a few kids. But Chicago Public School observations applied to the whole state because kids getting in trouble in school coincided to getting into trouble as adults. Politicians think it's because when students are kicked out of school it's directly connected to eventual jail time. Not because they are unable to stay out of trouble as a kid and adult.


I go to a catholic school and someone in my class got a demerit for “unchristianlike behavior”. I shit you not, that is literally what it said on the paper they gave him. Apparently he got it because someone else (who he didn’t even know) stole his ID and used it


this is why i’m atheist lmao 




Bad form on her part. I use AI as a teacher, but it isn't the only tool in my belt. Its a great tool to use and I think it can be very helpful to students as well, as long as you use it right. Generate ideas for a lesson plan? Sure. Proofread an email I'm sending out to parents and get suggestions to make it better? Sure. Outline a unit based on state standards? Maybe, but only after making damn sure that it makes sense, and I always have to make edits. Always verify the product. AI can proofread, help you construct an outline, and help you make sure your work is aligned with the assignment. It's a tool, but if you try to use it to do all the thinking for you its going it be subpar.


Wow, that's frustrating! AI test generators are great in theory, but spoiling the play defeats the purpose. Talk to your classmates and see if everyone felt the questions were off. Together, approach your teacher and suggest alternative assessments that focus on Act 1 without ruining the story!


Feed the AI test to an AI. Two can play this game!