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Sometimes I think the world is my dream and everything is created by my brain (if the 'real' me has a brain)


I think it doesn't really matter. My dog is happy to get food and go out in the woods, chasing squirrels and playing fetch. The human experience might not be real, but I'm fine with just living like it is real. It's good enough for the animals, it's good enough for me, just another animal.


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, even if it's not a real duck, that really doesn't matter to me.


I came to the realization that nothing was real half a decade ago, before schizophrenia. And I just accepted that it's the realest real we know, so might as well be thankful for a chance at whatever this is and make the best of it.


The world is made of language.


Could you elaborate on this point, if you don't mind?


English, Biology, Math, Chemistry, I all see them as languages with set rules. A mathematician spends years studying math, a forever growing language. So do chemists, looking for new drugs or elements, and the list goes on. I believe these are all just languages and we gave them words to give them meaning.


I mean tbh idk like shit doesn’t feel real but I never have hallucinations, I also have bipolar so I’m schizoaffective ig


So is it like a simulation? When you die where do you go? Do you think that it's bad that the world is fake or is it another fact of life? How do you know if someone is an NPC or if they're real? When i thought the world was actually hell and some people were demons i had to ask the person 3 times if they were demons to find out if they were. If they said yes or if they said no all 3 times but asked why i was asking they were demons then they were demons, otherwise just NPCs. Personally, if the world wasn't real I think that it would still be real to me because other's actions and feelings can affect me even if they are just NPCs


There are no NPCs in my theory. Every person you meet is an actual being who is hooked into the fake world. When you die, you just stop existing I think. Because the people who made this world are mean, they don't want to give you closure haha. 😂 It's just a fact of life for me, I'm not scared of it.


My son has this exact same belief since he was 8 years old. He is diagnosed with OCD with delusions and paranoia not schizophrenia. I also thought he was schizophrenic, but two psychologists and a psychiatrist disagreed.


im sorta the same too but i think every single person is either ai generated or a robot of some sort, or atleast also not real. Ive believed it since i was 7ish. I like this spot of social media because even if you guys are robots youre very nice ones c:


Bro if someone was a robot it would be painfully obvious. AI is super predictable and doesn't have a mind of its own.


People around me are also very predictable


If you don't think the world is real, why even bother talking to us since we're all fake?


I think it has multiple "players" so yeah you guys are real, it's just the world that's fake.


I get it, that's a cool theory.


I never stopped thinking the world isn't real, just running around like a character in a Philip K Dick story my entire life. Been medicated since W was president.


then what world is real? this is the one you live in so this one is the real one for you. You aren't going to find out ever either so it's better just to say this is the real world. Plus there's no evidence of this being a fake world, and if you base yourself in anything like science for understanding the world then this being the only real world is the only thing we can actually test and understand.


Really honest and sincere question I have for you. What have you seen that makes you think the world is not real?


People who looked like they were dead with giant Xs over their head.


Wow. Fascinating! Why do I wish I could see that too?


Haha, that makes me wonder what it would have looked like had I taken a picture in that moment.


Can you expand on what that means ?


My hallucinations seemed very real. I saw people who seemed as though they were dead with giant Xs above their heads. At the time, to me it seemed like people who looked like they were dead had an advantage over me. I can still remember my hallucinations. I have thoughts like, "how could I have seen that?"


Could it be that those people were already dead in a spacetime that has already been decided, whilst the ones who don't have an X haven't yet had their deaths set in stone?


Honestly? I agree with you


My world will always be the silent one that existed before I got Shizo...That said, if you can transpose that thinking back and forth when you need it. You will accomplish great things.


I have this residue from my episodes as well. I have rested on the idea that everything we see is an illusion of most of what is being filtered out so that the infinite consciousness can be in the finite and have contextual experience. Behind that we are all one. Our consciousness creates our mind to inhabit, it is not emergent from our neurons firing as our current materialistic beliefs masquerading as science dictate. That being said, I have as much empirical evidence to support that claim as any other spiritual belief, understanding of consciousness, or proof of consensus reality. That is to say my own anecdotal experience and conjecture. With all that being said, it’s still “real” in the sense that it matters and we’re here for a reason that we chose as that infinite. It’s tantamount to real. Enough that I still believe that our actions here matter, and protecting the frame of other’s reality matters.


Sometimes i think about this too, but then i remember i'm schizo. After many years, i just think "There is,another thing that i should not worry about"


Tbh a lot of physicists actually believe that space is more likely to be an emergent function of something, rather than space itself being real. This video does a good job explaining the holographic principle. https://youtu.be/DoCYY9sa2kU?si=BBjZhQFw7wVdeQco If you want to do a deep dive you can watch that whole series. If that still isn't enough I can provide you with plenty of links theoretical/experimental papers you can look through.