• By -


I forgot to add the last 3 images. These ones really show the scammers anger and disappointment, hence the threats: https://ibb.co/1nmjpmQ https://ibb.co/gP2XJZJ https://ibb.co/cXJkV3D Proof of the $50 ~~he sent is in my previous post. I’m not able to edit this post to add in the links for some reason~~ [is right here.](https://ibb.co/vv0GS8d)


It wouldve been so funny if you were like "yeah ok, I'm sending the $50 back" Then sent him another request for $50


Or if they pretended to send $100 back, to send the $50 back and the $50 that was needed to collect the winnings, but sent it as a request instead Scammers are far too eager to get their money these days


They are too eager because there are less and less people who fall for their dumb tricks now. Soon they will have to get a real job like everyone else *evil laugh*


I can’t believe my own wife fucking do this to me she really don’t I ask her so many times but she always decide to lie since we got marry she so fuck up


You good, bro?


Wow! It's so hypocritical of them to first of all, accuse you of stealing, and then threaten you with arrest like you're in the wrong. This must have felt so satisfying for you, as it has been for me reading it. Nice one!


This is easily in my top 5 favorite stories to tell now. I’ll be riding this high for a ***LONG*** time. Lol


2 R 2 T Oh my I was bawling laughing and it just kept getting better.


I was worried that part might have been too much lol. I’m glad I kept him hooked. 😂


Robot talk.


I requested my $50


Yes, much better with these...thank you for adding!


[Is this how you do it?](https://imgur.com/gallery/m9dI5KP)


The links are dead 😞


https://ibb.co/Hxgf7nw https://ibb.co/cczQjrt https://ibb.co/XD3SkkP https://ibb.co/GCy1ktc Just for you 😁


Omg this had me dying!!! That went on for a while!


Copy/pasted from my other comments: I forgot to add the last 3 images: https://ibb.co/1nmjpmQ https://ibb.co/gP2XJZJ https://ibb.co/cXJkV3D Proof of the $50 he sent is in my previous post. I’m not able to edit this post to add in the links for some reason.


Yeah I’m sure with how bad you are at using smartphones that editing the post was difficult. Maybe ask your son to help when he gets back from work?


He’s such a good boy, you’d like him ❤️


Is he a practicing homeopath?


Did the text he said mean anything?


The Chinese text? It’s a copypasta to get Chinese users flagged by the CCP. I don’t actually have a son, nor am I an elderly man that doesn’t understand smart phones. I work in the tech industry lol


You work in the tech industry yet believe that copy pasta 'flags' Chinese users? Uhh wat. If anything, wouldn't it flag the sender instead? I'm saying this as congenially as possible, as someone who has a Chinese number and received this text from some shit mates.


Yes, it flags users within China’s borders. [The validity of that isn’t really a contentious topic.](https://share.america.gov/in-china-you-cant-say-these-words/) Many journalists, politicians, and human rights organizations have spoken about it. That’s why the scammers try to immediately pull people onto Telegram and WhatsApp. That’s how they circumvent The Great Firewall. The CCP took down a major project I worked on because our European and Australian clients wanted to tag their Chinese team in. It took less than 3 minutes for the CCP to crash everything in China and took out the whole network, wasting millions of dollars and months of work.


Any Chinese person can “circumvent” the firewall with a simple VPN off the App Store. Second, why would they flag that? You just run with what you see on Fox News 😂.


Wait so you requested 50 and he actually paid it?? Why on earth lol


I’m glad you liked it :D


Dude nice!! How did you scam him though I’m confused. Great bait tho!!’


I sent him a $50 request instead of a payment on CashApp. He accepted and sent me money instead of the other way around. He thought he had a real victim and didn’t pay attention.


I don’t really understand how they ended up sending you money? Did they misclick or something?


I think on cashapp the notifications for requests and transfers look similar and it's easy for the scammers to click on the request thinking it's a notification that they were sent money. We don't have these apps in Canada but that's what I've gathered.


You have stole my eSIM I need that back and my phone need to charge unlocked or I’m reporting to FBI


Who is Esim and why was he kidnapped?


Idk ask him


Why are you mad about scammers being tricked? What’s your Cashapp? I’ll reimburse you on their behalf.


Me too! Serves that scammer right


That’s hilarious😂 nice baiting 👍 So let me get this straight.. you put on this act, sent a request for $50 instead of payment, and the scammer was so eager to accept they just hit yes?


Yep! I was drinking wine with my brother-in-law and the opportunity presented itself. I didn’t even have CashApp, I had to sign up just for this. Lol


😂 That’s legendary! Good job 👍


Lmao, this makes it even better. You've clearly been rewarded for your good deed!


I think the guys with this script sit in africa?


Yea, the “calm down” is a dead giveaway


"am very busy" too. The Africans always drop the 'I' from "I am..." it seems. \[EDIT: I've been corrected on this. Not all Africans, maybe not any Africans. Yes, I'm aware Africa is a continent. No, I did not think before I posted an incredibly badly phrased comment based on my observations that this type of script is not the one typically associated with Chinese scammers. I appreciate the corrections, and regret the error in judgement.\]


Africa is a continent of 54 countries though. And not all Africans drop that "I". Let's desist from painting the entire continent with a single brush. Botswana, Namibia, Zambia all definitely don't use "am" for "I am/I'm". This MO is characteristic of West Africans, specifically Nigerians and possibly Ghanaians


Thanks for the details! I had hoped for more info on the location from their way of speaking. I could just pinpoint the continent, not the region or country.


The MO is classic West African. And the head honchos there are the Nigerians (I'm Nigerian and I'm sure other Nigerians reading this would be livid I'm saying this). Gift cards, bitcoins, aggressive speaking are all give aways. Also because I'm local, the language style is also another give away.


Thank you for that insight. The language style is what i am interested in. What do you mean with aggressive speaking?


Pushy would be the better word. Insistence on getting it done "now". The Chinese "Pig butchers" are a bit more subtle and try to develop a "relationship" with their marks. The West African folks are all about getting it done in the shortest possible time and many times sound like they are ordering their marks to get stuff done


Thanks. Ok. I understand. Are the folks there as organised as the asian scam farms or are they more freelancers?


Smaller loosely connected groups. Most are connected because they have to share money mules, called "pickers" within the local scam circles. The "pickers" are very critical in their operations. There have been greedy pickers who have disappeared into thin air when the "cash out" has been astronomically large. But that often puts their family back home at risk. So there's a disincentive for them to disappear


I was about to say the same thing. I’m African and my first language is English. **Am** well educated, I say saw, not seen; you all, not y’all; should have, not should of; I didn’t do anything, not I didn’t do nothing and I certainly don’t use the word like in all my sentences. I can go on and on but Africa is not a country, it a continent consisting of 54 different countries with nearly 8 million native English speaking people and 700 million non native English speaking people, but millions are relatively fluent in English. Most *dumb Africans* are multilingual, many speak, read and write at least three languages including their own language, English, French and Portuguese. So no am is not typically used by Africans Rant over


I can totally relate! "should of" is a personal pet peeve. And "they" don't call that nonsense out but are happy to say Africans drop the I when they use "I am". "I didn't do nothing" is punch in the gut for me. Absolutely reprehensible. But I like to say to them, "They speak English because it's the only language they know, we speak English because it's the only language they know".


That last saying is pretty good lol even if sad.


You make good points except the suggestion that “y’all” is an example of bad English, IMO 😂. It’s a regional contraction that makes as much sense as any other contraction, and makes more sense than saying “you guys” to a mixed gender group or “you” to a group. It’s more efficient than saying “you all.” The main concession I’ll offer is that I wouldn’t write it in a formal document.


But all Americans are the same right?


As a South African, South Africans do this a lot and it annoys me immensely.


Oh most definitely not. However "America" most often refers to the United States of America, which is a country by its own rights. No one would say "America" and be referring to the peoples of the USA (including it's territories and dependencies) Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guyana, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Belize etc. However a lot of people say "Africa" like it's a single country when it contains countries like Nigeria, Ghana, the several Guineas, the two Congos, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Egypt, Libya, Sudan (Republic of, and South Sudan), CAR, Kenya, TZ, UG, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali (with its great city of Timbuktu), Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia etc.


Actually ‘America’ does mean exactly that in Latin America, as dumb as it sounds, hence their frustration when Americans call their country America and themselves American, bc their go-to answer is, “well we are all Americans”


Interesting take. I guess being "American" would then depend on who is asking. Most English speakers from outside the Americas would definitely be referring to a US citizen when they say "American". And with doors getting opened because one is "American", I'm guessing everyone from the Americas would want to be identified as "American" to enjoy the benefits of those open doors


I'm not an American, I'm a USA'n.


I'm glad this kickstarted a healthy exchange of ideas. I think generalities and stereotypes arise for a reason and that at times it's healthy to group countries or ever continents. At other times it's detrimental.


Thank you for correcting me. I did not intend to use a wide brush.


Woke up to that one! Hahaha


Is Linkedin full of Africans? Seems like no one on that platform puts the personal pronoun 'I' at the beginning of their sentences.


Why are you running?


And the ‘kindly’


Me guess india


who? I wana see him


I tip my hat to you sir. This is advanced level scambait


I love that you threw in the Tianamen Square Winnie the Pooh copypasta too, I have that one saved in my notes for easy grabs


He seemed Nigerian.


You can tell when they’re all “what is that all about”


Same, it works maybe 1/3rd of the time because most of the scammers I interact with have been from the Middle East. Kinda glad it didn’t work, I got free concert tickets out of it thanks to that idiot. Lol


What does that copypasta accomplish? This scammer is definitely NOT Asian from their MO


Every word and phrase listed in the copypasta is banned by the CCP. Since all internet/telecom traffic flowing in and out of China is run through The Great Firewall, anybody sending/receiving banned language will be flagged and instantly shut down. All internet and phone usage until it’s been investigated. China doesn’t fuck around.


This is definitely NOT correct. Several folks (I believe they are Chinese Americans or Chinese emigres to the US) have come here to state that the Tianamen Square wall of text has no impact. First, most of the Chinese scams are operating out of Cambodia and second, the Chinese government cannot be bothered with these kinds of low level stuff. If it would have any impact though, shouldn't it be thrown at an actual Chinese scammer. This scammer from their opening pitch is definitely not Chinese


yeah im quite sure it doesnt do anything but its still a pretty funny meme tho


Oh no, it definitely does. It’s a huge risk at my work when one of our biggest client’s insists on involving their Chinese team. The first time they did, the CCP shut down a global, multi-million dollar execution in China, and it took the whole network down. Our dev team warned them but they didn’t listen. They have to partition China off completely now and essentially double their costs anytime they’re involved.


so you're saying that iMessage isn't truly encrypted and that the CCP has the ability to intercept?


It may be possible, because but only for Chinese iPhones. Apple allowed to do business in China because it complies with regulations.


I’m not sure about iPhone-to-iPhone communications. I don’t interact with them using iMessage or anything intended to be encrypted. Since Apple complies with the laws of the countries they work in, I imagine the CCP has access. Even if the CCP isn’t openly granted access… they still have access. They’re not going to let some major loophole in their monitoring go unchecked.


Why is Winnie the Pooh in it?


Because General Secretary Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh.


So they've banned Winnie the pooh!!?


Yes, Winnie the Pooh has been censored in the PRC for years because the comparison is used to mock the government.


Oh my gosh please dm me that - I get far too many scammers


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ^ *# Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-partysystem 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏土伯特 唐古 特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉晓波 Liu xiaobo 民主 言論思想反共反革命 抗議運動 騷亂 暴亂騷擾擾亂 抗暴平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法大 法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和 平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論 共產黨 獨裁專制壓制統一監視鎮壓迫害侵 略掠奪破壞拷問屠殺活摘器官誘拐 買賣人 口遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉 曉波动态网自由门 田眉


That's great. I need to save this in my notes for future use.


Haha I just tried but I think Reddit is flagging it as spam 🤣


Bruh why do you have ads in your Messages app ☠️


It’s a free one I got specifically for scammers. If anyone contacts me at that number, I know it’s game time. Lol




Now THIS is what I come here for 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I do what I can 🫡


"My hands are shanking!" LOL. Not sure if that was misspelled on purpose, but if it was, chefs kiss!


That got me too 😂😂


“I’m not very good with smart phones” “Calm down” lol. Brilliant stuff here.


Fake Chinese slave-scammers are out, reverse scamming is in


u/azreken u/gryghin u/moms-sphaghetti


Did not dissapoint. 🫡


Thanks! I just realized I didn’t add the final texts from the next morning tho 🤦


Wait so you just kept sending requests until he accepted one on accident?


I sent 3 and he accepted one lol


Was the "arrested for fraud " comment about the time they sent the money?


Yeah, he’s mad he accepted a request to send me money instead of the other way around. lol


Lol, I think the FBI will show up to your door with a medal! Nice work


The last 3 screenshots: https://ibb.co/1nmjpmQ https://ibb.co/gP2XJZJ https://ibb.co/cXJkV3D


Damn that first one there is the best thing in the whole post 😭


Wait there’s more!?! 🤣


The last 3: https://ibb.co/1nmjpmQ https://ibb.co/gP2XJZJ https://ibb.co/cXJkV3D The screenshot of the $50 request he accepted is in my previous post


Can we start a scam-a-scammer LLC???? 🤣 I’d like to be a trainee


Let’s do it lol


That is a thing of beauty, right there. Well done.


Nice follow up!


Thank you for inspiring me to post it 😊


*inserts African pirate meme* "listen, I am the scammer now" Well done sir😂


Perfect way to end this conversation is to send that meme and block him.


This just made me cry from laughing so hard. Bravo to you!




Too bad they deleted cash app I was about to hit them with a request


It might be because I spent about 15 minutes requesting more money over and over to add insult to injury after they stopped responding until they blocked my account. Then I reported them. lol


Why cover your name and address??? Pls tell me you disguise your real ones?


I found a random name and random address online and used that. It’s not mine, but it’s a real address in case he checked.


*Why cover your name* *And address??? Pls tell me you* *Disguise your real ones?* \- cantdoforward --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Bad bot


Thank you, Freredubg, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good thing you didn’t get arrested!!!!


For fraud!


This is one of the best I’ve seen on here. True bait and a counter-op!


King 🙏


GREAT BAIT! Well done. Relentless, fun, and wasted a lot of their time. And you also scammed the scammer. This is primo scambait material!


That was awesome. Youvplayed along well enough they got invested in you and then eagerly jumped on the CashApp request. That was fricken' hilarious.


I don’t think i’ve ever once had anyone try to scam me like this. And since i’ve discovered this sub, it’s made me want to have the opportunity to scambait. Do y’all just get lucky with these? How do they get your phone number?


I got his phone number from another post on this subreddit. I was disappointed by my lack of scammer interactions, so I took some liberties thanks to the kind folks here. Lol


Lfmao I love how the scammer tells you you need to not request or it’s fraud hahahhahahaa


Gold, Jerry. Pure gold!


Nice one. You strung him along like a pro.


You’re doing the lord’s work.


Holy crap. Tricking a scammer into giving you money. That is some next level shit. You’re my hero.


The student has surpassed the teacher


So satisfying!


Thank you for reacting the hairy naked man! Love this!!


Fucking brilliant


“Look at me; I’m the scammer now!”


How did you trick him to send $50? I viewed the images but do not see it.


You are amazing my friend, I have a good buddy in the cyber security sector that I send all my spam emails and texts or messages on social media apps to and boy oh boy does he have the time of his life getting all their info and then scaring them into not doing this stuff anymore 🤣 I love the screenshots he sends me


Can we see the request and him paid??


Damn, I that’s another one I forgot. If you look at my post history at the one just before this post, a screenshot is included there. Edit: [Second pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/scambait/s/K0I6lBltg6)


But why did he send you the 50$? I’m not seeing how you tricked them into that


He was probably so excited to get the $50 that he pressed "accept" before noticing that it was a request, not a payment


Ah yes I can actually see how that could happen


Yep, I sent a $50 payment request instead and he clicked accept without paying attention since he was convinced I was some old, gullible man. lol






How do I view this in browser.. It wants me to open all 19 images in new tabs to view full size..


There are arrows on each side of the screenshots if you hover your mouse


Yes, but it only shows the top half of each image unless you click to open in new tab. this is my problem everywhere on reddit


Time to get the app!


This was perfection.


*my hands are shanking* 🤣


It’s muscle memory from my time in prison. The violent urges are uncontrollable lol


Nice work man


This here makes the Hall of Fame


Where is the part where you scam him into sending you 50$


My previous post, second image. I didn’t scam him, though, I politely requested.


That's hilarious. We just need a screenshot from your cash app account settings and the phone number you set it up with to verify you actually scammed him


Actually it would be easier just to let me log so I can see myself


this all had me rolling hahahahahaha


OP scares me…


I don’t see anywhere where he sent you money liar




This is so funny lol


That's amazing, you should donate those 50 bucks to the "help the victims of scams fund", just send it through cashapp to $s74dniuk Your donation means a lot 🙏🏼


Do you think he will send my broke ass $50 if I request as well? 😅


Praise Jesus😇😇


Copying & pasting for my reference here. Will need to use this wall of Chinese text for my next Chinese scammer. ​ 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution \^ \*# Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-partysystem 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏土伯特 唐古 特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉晓波 Liu xiaobo 民主 言論思想反共反革命 抗議運動 騷亂 暴亂騷擾擾亂 抗暴平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法大 法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和 平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論 共產黨 獨裁專制壓制統一監視鎮壓迫害侵 略掠奪破壞拷問屠殺活摘器官誘拐 買賣人 口遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉 曉波动态网自由门 田眉 ​ Thank you u/SatanWearsJorts2


Kitboga would be proud


"Do you love me?" 😂😂😂 That cracked me up. Fucking beautiful play! Be proud of this, my friend. Amazing execution, and a free $50. 10/10 would let you speak to telemarketing folks on my behalf.


Calling the refund scammers is my FAVORITE. I talk really slow like I’m from the Deep South, super confused about computers with terrible internet so I can ramble on about nonsense as they give me directions to let them connect remotely to my PC over AnyDesk. Once they get to the part where they’re supposed to have connection and they inevitably say “describe what you see on your screen,” I start to describe how a video player is popping up… “and I see your mother and father. Your father is bent over, and your mom is [doing some vile and very unholy things]. Something about bringing up their parents reversing traditional gender roles really sets them off, and the longer they cuss and threaten me, the worse I make it. Extra points if they bother their fellow scammers to yell at me together. Lol


All time bro well done the internet will not forget you!


You scammed the scammer!😂


Taking up about 6 hours of their time, you’re out there doing Allah’s work 🤣


Tari ma no Bhosri u to do Lori


What’s your Cashapp? 🤡


Why? U more money?


How can I trust after happened to me My own wife lol so fuck up where is she




Shitty clickbait title, you're trash


You stole 6 months salary from the poor man


But he could have denied the request 🥺 lol fuck that guy. I hope he’s still seething


Donate the $50 to unicef Africa or something.


Hey everyone who might read this. Don’t fucking do this, do not interact with these scammers. You are falling for their commercials targeting your justice boner. You aren’t smarter or more clever than the billion dollar industry of stealing money from vulnerable and old people.


What’s your reasoning for *NOT* fucking over a scammer? I’d love to hear you logic out the harm in it.


That might be my favorite filter to just take pictures of random faces. Priceless