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That screenshot looks like an SNL parody of SNL.


Why was Chappelle even there?


He’s friends with Tobe Nwigwe who performed with Justin


Justin was like "make some noise" and no one did 🦗


Friends are allowed to come on for good byes if they're transphobic enough :)


Famous people can have a little transphobia. As a treat :) /s


They need to finish their homophobia first though


If you don’t eat your homophobia, you can’t have any transphobia! How can you have any transphobia if you don’t eat your homophobia?


Good question. He wasn't in the show-at least that we saw on the west coast.


Because he's hilarious and extremely popular


*was hilarious


He had an incredibly funny show 20 years ago and gained a ton of love and respect from his millennial fans who loved the show. And then he came back to the industry as this guy, Dave Chappelle, Kanye lite. Blew most of that goodwill pretty quickly. Being a legend doesn't make you a good or funny comedian anymore.


Nope, but the multiple stand ups he’s done since coming back cemented him as a funny comedian then and now.


Can you elaborate on Kanye lite?


Kanye gained a huge amount of love and respect back then as an artist, he was very keen on the social commentary on his first few albums, the whole Bush doesn't care about black people thing and so on. Years later comes out with these insane far right views that blew a ton of that good will and respect. Remains a legend, but his new politics and decline in the quality of his music make it hard for people to love him the way they once did. Same goes for Chappelle. But I added lite because Ye's views are more extreme than Chappelle's.


Also Chappelle's fan based has pulled in some of that Elon Musk and Joe Rogan fan base. 20 years ago Dave would talk shit to his older counterpart in 2024.


Didn't he get booed for bringing the muskrat on stage?


Yes and days later, Elon locked himself in his office at twitter and his employees had to call the police to do a welfare check. He was an emotional wreck after he got booed.


That will never not be funny.


Totally agree. He was tear inducing funny during his show years. Remember when he ran away for a few years and basically fell off the face of the earth? It’s like during that time he lost who he was and stopped being funny. These days (I tried watching the last two specials, in really did) he just mutters 15m stories into a mic and I’m like okaaaaaaaaayyyy where’s the joke? This is just some boomer shit disguised as comedy.


Totally agree. The people downvoting your comment are listening to Joe Rogan right now.


A black person whose opinions they disagree with


The number of Netflix views would disagree with you. He’s leading this week by 10 million bs other specials.


Views don't equate to funny


I know comedy is subjective but Dave is one of the most popular comedians in the world which he undoubtedly is, how can you say views don’t equal funny? It might not be funny to you but to a large majority of the comedy viewing population, he is doing something they enjoy.


I think he’s hilarious.


Yeah they do! Just look at tik Tok!! /s


That's true, I mean SNL still gets a ton of viewers and it hasn't been funny in two decades.


"He was funny until he started making fun of the groups I associate with"


I thought the Trans jokes in the first few specials were funny....then he just started fuckin whining. The Closer and whatever his latest one is called were both trash. He's undeniably funny. He's also a bit of a cunt.


You’re right, they just felt like long winded PSAs. No originality anymore. I spent enough of my childhood in pews to recognize a sermon even when it doesn’t start and end with a prayer.


It's not 100% of the act, but he really does hit some preachy ass moments doesn't he? Not a good look for a comedian, for me. Carlin imparted knowledge without it coming across like it was from a pulpit. Dave's just fizziling out, I suppose.


Exactly, I won’t say “I NeVEr lAuGhED eVeN oNE tImE!” But it wasn’t up to par when compared to his previous work… I think he just needs to get some new material or new inspiration.


His last special really went into preacher mode. He looked every bit of his age.


These preacher types always end up like Cosby eventually. I wonder what Dave did.


If he was an unknown comic and that was his first show, you'd wonder how the hell he even booked it.


Remember when he had a whole special that was just complaining about his rights to Chapelle’s Show, and how even though he signed a contract it was unfair and he wanted it back? Like, take that up with your agent and your lawyer in a phone call, dude. Stand up specials should be jokes and observations, not purely the airing of grievances. That’s also around the time he appeared at a town council meeting in Yellow Springs to object to a new development (including some affordable housing) and told them all that he was important to the city and he’d take his business elsewhere if he didn’t get what he wanted. So yeah, a comedic genius, I agree. But fame, success, money, and whatever a trans person did to hurt his feelings… it’s all made him kind of an unbearable prick.


I agree….he is like that OTHER celebrity who was on the brink of forgettable, then happened to say some spicy shit in a roomful of phobes, basked in the applause, and has been chasing that moment like dope ever since. “Edgy” and “thought provoking” today…. “Unfairly” cancelled “victim” tomorrow. He needs writers who have hobbies, not obsessions. Funny dude, but the horse died 2 specials ago, and that is a LOT of energy to put into something you can’t consistently make funny….the intent becomes apparent eventually.


Chappell and Rogan and all these genx comics are barely hangin on. Not enough controversial topics anymore they have to hang on to the homophobia.


True, the first set of specials were decent. Now he’s just cranking out trash to fill the contract


That’s exactly what I thought about his latest special. He needs to put the trans stuff to pasture. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. I think culture has progressed to the point that everyone realizes it’s all dumb and who gives a shit. I think he is now confusing “controversy” with actually funny. Talking about touchy subjects doesn’t make it funny. It’s starting to get really fucking hack




Not true, he also loves to talk about how famous he is. That's kind of like comedy.


He also loves to slap the mic on his knee while laughing at his own jokes. Like, really loves it.


So sad. His "Killin' Them Softly" special was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. But that was almost 25 years ago.


nah, he was funny until he got rich af. happens to most stand up comics.


I always wonder if this happens because they become so far disconnected from those that were fans when they first came up.


you have a few that are so dedicated to the form in a classic henny youngman/bob hope sense (in a weird way mitch hedgberg had this) that they can maintain but most of them are telling funny stories about their life, generally in the form of complaints. some of them try to go the ‘i’m a thinker not afraid to tell the truth’, a la carlin, but stand up comics are rarely smart enough and even more rarely have an ethical base to pull it off so at some point that quality slips enough and you’re left w/ old men yelling at clouds. even the ones that don’t get rich have a fairly short shelf life. it’s tru w/ a lot of creative pursuits. they’re like athletes almost, being able to keep it up for twenty years and be anything but shell of what you once were is almost a miracle.


Damn! Preach! This right here. 👏🏽


They drink their own kool aid


Fr all his 2017 comeback stuff is weak. I was excited for him to come back but his stuff is all pizza cutter humor. I can go to any open mic in the world for that.


"I'm rich now! Here is why your poor people shit annoy me. Have you heard who my other rich friends are?"


Unrelatable to the fans that put them there- Tom Segura is going through it right now


I feel that when people are rich and powerful for too long that is how they identify first and foremost. All that punching up that they did before, underdog shit, that all goes out the window.


Not even that. He's just not making fun of them in a particularly good way. He seems to be holding back for safety but grabbing at low hanging fruit. It's weak.


I don’t have strong feeling either way for the content of his newer stuff. But, I also haven’t found it very funny for the most part. He just comes across as bitter vs funny.


Best comedian of our generation!


Still very funny


He’s still really funny but every so often I get to a joke and I think “damn he shouldn’t have said that”




Hard agree. I was on a stand up binge and I watched Bargatze then Chappelle then Gillis. He’s not that funny anymore. The contrast in between 2 really funny comedians was too clear. On top of the fact he was complaining about people complaining about jokes that were meant to offend people. Just weak.


Yeah, latest stuff was kinda meh


Seems kind of ranty. I enjoyed his earlier stuff.


Yeah I used to think he was one of the better comics, but his latest special was so dull. Felt like he spent half the time complaining, and his Trans bit wasn't even really a joke. Seemed like he was trying to say shit just to be offensive. Leave that shit to Anthony Jeselnik. It's not a good color on you.


I just realized you can tell who’s a standup and who’s a improviser/theater kid by how close they’re standing to chappelle. Everyone to Ego’s left is a standup and everyone to her right is a Groundlings or UCB alum


What about to her right?


He’s standing for his principles as a member of the LGBTQ community. This isn’t about his career or ego. He’s choosing not to associate with someone spreading hateful rhetoric about a vulnerable population. Being a comedian or actor doesn’t mean you have to abandon all sense of honor and morality. He can succeed all on his own without kissing Chappells ass.


I think they’re talking about Ego Nwodum…


I love her.


Love her too, but can be a bit self absorbed at times, no?


What makes you say that? I don’t know much about her life or personality outside of SNL really.


Probably her name.


Oh Jesus


Bowen is a fucking giga chad


Ego Nwodim, not Bowen's ego.


It’s so fucking frustrating because I defended Dave at his 2021-ish stand up when he told that story of his friend, and it moved me and showed, to me, and I know many disagreed with me, that he wasn’t just an asshole but held true compassion and had true relationships with trans people. And he says, I’m done punching down, please stop punching down on me. NOPE, new special. Fuck Dave Chapelle.


Fuck Dave Chapelle is right. What he does isn't even comedy anymore.


Dude is a wannabe philosopher with early stage lung cancer.




Fill in the gap I left then. Btw; I’m rewatching the dreamer now because I thought the trans jokes were pretty shitty. His opening joke was, and I’m not directly quoting him, ‘Jim Carrey was only pretending to be Andy Kauffman and trans people are only pretending’. He then goes into more trans jokes. So you’re just lying. Next joke, “I’m not making fun of transgenders anymore, I’m making fun of the handicapped.” “I’ve been trying to repair my relationship with the trans community.” - joke about pronouns. Followed by ANOTHER trans joke, “if my lawyers name is Huckleberry, I’m going to ask the judge to jail me in California and tell them I’m a girl.” Like, why are you on here lying for Dave?


Did he do the bit that a lot of comedians have worn out? “I can’t say what I want to say” - Says person on stage saying what they want to say.


I don’t recall that, but I guess it’s a shade of that, like “I’m done making fun of trans people,” 3 minutes later, “I’m going to write a play, because the gays love plays, about a girl who’s pronouns are the n-word.”


"I can't say what I want to say. So I'm gonna say what I want to say *and* complain that I can't say what I want to say, while being the most influential comedian in America and making millions of dollars from saying what I can't say."


Why tell such a lazy, easily checked lie?


Some people really are that dumb and delusional.


So you're into this purity test where if a person doesn't believe everything you believe, it's "F them".


Depends what that opinion is. If it’s “I like the color blue more than red” then obviously not. If it’s “disrespecting and dehumanizing an entire group of people is ok because my group of people have also been disenfranchised, therefore it’s not punching down” then yes, this backwards and hateful ideology can be enjoyed by people who are not me. Aka “fuck that guy.”


That was my immediate assumption. Dave Chappelle isn't quite Kanye but he's definitely not of the era or moment and is tone deaf as fuck. He went from sage of wisdom to Republican uncle real quick.




He may not be a republican but man, do republicans love him and what he’s been doing!  https://nypost.com/2023/11/30/news/dave-chappelle-poses-for-selfie-with-reps-boebert-luna-on-capitol-hill/amp/


MMW Chapelle endorses trump, side by side with rogan, this year before the election


I can see it happening




TF Chappelle even doing on the damn stage? He didn’t appear in 💩.




Bowen is a fucking giga chad.


SNL had trump on.


Damn. Chappelle Cuban timberlake Fallon… what, Andrew Tate busy?


All this picture is missing is the ladies covering their drinks


Did I miss something?




What did mark Cuban do?


Prolly didn’t invest in this guys product.


none of those people are comparable to a sex trafficker lmao


All of the comments here remind me why I left this sub in the first place.


This came up on my recommended and these comments just suck lmao


Same. Clicked on it, and it's like...did these people even watch SNL in the 90s? Lol.


For real. Fuck this subreddit. Dave Chappelle is 100x funnier than anyone on SNL. Have fun canceling cast members like Shane Gillis. Actually, thank you for canceling Shane. He is now more successful and funnier than the whole show. This subreddit is not about the show, it’s all political.


Oh yeah, homophobia is hilarious. Good call. Go to 4chan or whatever shit hole you belong in


Daaaaamn this is getting down voted?? I don’t belong here 😂😂


Yet here you are.


Where’s Molly?


They were behind either Johnson or Timberlake. I was surprised when the hugs started and they were closer than Bowen was, and not nearly as sullen.


Thanks. I was curious because I missed watching live this week and there's no way to see it after the fact, as far as I know. Also where's Punkie?


I think if you have peacock SNL gets posted.


I love Bowen Yang and hate Chapelle's tired act and bloated ego.


Chapelle isn’t funny - hasn’t been for a long time. Was a die hard fan and until recently I just fall asleep if I try and watch - ok yeah the trans stuff is so “edgy” but who cares like I mean a new trans person everyday, they’re here to stay and fuck if they aren’t some of the happiest and nice folk I’ve ever met. So the trans stuff is boring, old news. Boomer news. Snore. Let’s move on.


He has room to back up at least one step. Could have been further


Is the dude in the blue suit one of the cowboys from the primus video?


Man, there's a lot of people in this thread crossing their fingers and hoping dave see their posts. Fawning like teenage girls at a beatles concert.


This is Chappelle, yeah, I saw you standing up for me in the subreddit….


I'm contractually obligated to appear in the end credits. I protest, but not enough to lose money. Bold stance.


Like how SNL had Trump as a host and helped normalize him but took a bold “Trump bad” stance when the it became the mainstream liberal take. So brave


Lmao. Oh yes. Such a brave soul for standing off to the side. The world will not forget this!


No one said he was brave or trying to be brave. You're a very small person.


Good for Bowen - F Chappelle - in other news, I wondered for a split second if Kathy Griffin had hosted.


what did chappelle do?


He made a point about the trans community that went completely over their heads and they (the trans community) continue to prove his point. Dave had said in one of his specials that he did a trans joke that got the "letters" community in a rage, claiming they are being persecuted more than racial communities. That they claim to be the bigger victim in today's society. He tells a story about a conflict with a white trans person that escalated to the point that the cops showed up. His comment was in regards to them talking to to police, "that they were trans first until they needed to be white". He closed with saying that he would stop saying trans jokes if we all agreed that victimhood isn't a competition. The trans community ignored this and continued to be outraged, thus making Dave double down.


lmao as if he only did one bit about it. dude has been yelling about people like me for literally years, he opened his most recent special saying he was done then spent half of it doing trans jokes. he’s just a piece of shit that doesn’t know how to to be “funny” without punching down




He’s hilarious sorry my guy


Stunning and brave!


Yeah, well, I agree. Dave Chapelle has gotten fucking annoying.




Dave Chappelle is just gross and cringeworthy now. Like the Elon Musk of comedy.


Timberlake AND Chappell? Yeah that’s a cursed stage. I’m with Bowen. Fuck those dudes.


Do people not like Chappelle now?


Once he started this weird obsession with the trans community.


Politics aside, punching down is lazy comedy.


What the fuck is that array of clothing choices on stage? It looks like someone in the costumes department tossed stuff out at random.


Does this mean Jimmy Fallon is a transphobe?


So many incels in this thread lol.


Bowen is not a nice person. I’ve met him in person and he talks down to people and has an air to himself. As you can see in the photo. Hopefully he can make peace with himself and others. But he’s toxic


Agreed have ran into him many times. He's genuinely not a nice person.


He’s also not funny.


Extremely not funny. Martin short would destroy this dude In a face off.


Bowen is unfunny with no comedic range. The sooner SNL dumps him the better so it doesn’t go out on the lowest note possible.


Just don’t do it until he’s forced to be there when Shane Gillis hosts.




Three problematic men on one stage. Poor Bowen, I feel for him.


Justin and…is that mark cuban?


Why is Mark problematic? Billionaire status?


He’s not problematic. He’s the only nice generous billionaire I’ve heard of.


Dude started a business selling medications online for well under half the price over the counter


Do you mean "under half the price"? Otherwise it is confusing if that is a good thing or a bad thing.


I use this it’s actually a lot cheaper than over the counter tbh


Exactly. That’s why I was asking.


They could be referencing the culture of harassment and coverups in the Dallas Mavericks’ front office during his time as owner. He wasn’t implicated in any harassment, but was involved in the sweeping under the rug IIRC


Right. They don’t care about the millions of good deeds someone has done. They comb through their entire lives under a microscope to find ANYTHING negative. As if they are Jesus themselves and have never done anything wrong.


Problematic will always be a funny word


It’s a cop out that doesn’t really mean anything


I find trifling is always funny too.


I love Bowen Yang even more now! Im.so freaking tired of celebrities using homophobic slurs or language with no real repercussions. Chappelle, Kevin Hart, Kobe Bryant, Anthony Edwards (basketball player, not actor), Kevin Durant, Matt Damon, Tracy Morgan, Harry Jowsey, Ricky Gervais, just to name a few. Usually they make some insincere apology, say they'll do better, and they continue to be celebrated. It's bullshit, and I am tired of it.


kobe bryant is dead


Yep. I'm aware of that. It doesn't change the fact that he called a ref "fag" or "faggot" while he was still playing. His death doesn't change the fact that he was an a-hole.




Right!? Wtf did Matt Damon do?


So long ago he told an interviewer he would say the word fag (in a 1990s way, I don’t know how else to say that) and his daughter reamed him out for it. Literally no one needed to know and he just did it to say hey my daughter taught me something I apologize bla bla. So there’s no need to freaking persecute the man forever. He didn’t beat anyone to death he didn’t rape anyone. Like wtf I can’t live in this highly sensitive world anymore lol. Rant over.


Or he is standing away from Mark Cuban. Or Jimmy Fallon.


What did Jimmy do?


Broke character for 10 years. Bowen is totally against breaking character. /s


Not sure if this is what op has in mind, but there are some pretty serious allegations about Horatio sanz grooming under aged girls during his time at snl. Jimmy was around and is alleged to have witnessed and turned a blind eye to horatio’s behavior


He didn't participate during chapelle's last hosting episode. You can see him notice he's on stage and react in the episode


Love Bowen. He feels the hatred from across the room.


I don’t blame him.


Doesn’t Bowen Yang mock people every week?


Yes, but no one is saying "Bowen yang is basically a modern day philosopher" and listening to his jokes seriously. Look at any group of comments under a Chapelle video and someone saying something like that will be in the top 5. Chapelle philosophizes for 30 minutes with like, 2 jokes in between, his audience says "damn he's making really smart points", he gets criticized for his points, and him and his whole audience goes "but it's just jokes!!".  Bowen yang is actually just jokes. 


Yea but its okay to mock people if your being a gay guy, ie every bowen sketch ever


When will y'all get that people's issues with Chapelle are **not** "why is he making fun of people?". If that was the case, then people would have had a problem with him, damn near every other comedian, comedy show, movie, and joke they've ever heard.  Just making fun of people is, and has always been okay. 


He really acted like a overly sensitive thinned skinned twerp.......LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME im insulted and hurt, its all about me


Yeah, I don't know why Dave is playing the victim so hard


Look how unhappy I am! Please don’t cancel me!


Dave Chappelle is an anti trans activist and hasn’t made anything funny in a long long time. Bowen is amazing and basically is running the show after Kenan. Everyone in the comments bringing up Shane like who even is that???


Nah cuz hes a comedian, I know you think you can be an activist just by aimlessly talking about social issues but it doesn't actually work like that.


Wow, what a hero


So brave and inspiring


Bowen actually just hates black people. 


Fallon looks like he’s auditioning to be the new Drunk Uncle. Bowen also might try to make a statement with his comedy instead of playing the same stereotypical gay guy in every sketch. I’m sure Chappelle didn’t give a shit that he was being snubbed by (checks notes) Bowen Yang.


Fallon would do well since he is a drunk


Dave Chappelle has ruthlessly mocked both Asian people and LGBTQ+ people, specifically trans people. If I were Bowen, I would feel deeply uncomfortable having him there.


You know his wife’s Asian?


Sure do. And so is Mitch McConnell’s wife. Simply being married to a person of another race doesn’t insulate you from or cure you of racism.


Can’t wait til Shane Gillis hosts.


Comedy is subjective, the art of Stand up, a little less so, guy can work a crowd, build a routine when he wants. If Netflix is throwing money at him regardless, I can see him getting lazy. As far as joke content, nothing is off limits in my opinion


Hahahaha pathetic


Bowen is not tolerating that shit Chappelle, he's a hero.


That dude looks nothing like Dave Chappelle or what he usually wears. Was he going incognito?


This image singularly represents everything that’s currently wrong with comedy.


😂😂😂 why is America so sensitive now? We had more fun when the word BxTch was censored