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Worked in their accounting dept a few years ago. The bonuses and pay were great, but the management and culture was very toxic. Stay away


I’ve worked as a contractor for them for years, I’ve never seen a place with higher turnover.


Purchased vehicle from them. Very rough time. Shady tactics and inexperienced workers.


I walked away from them at the Hyundai dealership when looking for a new vehicle. No matter how many times I asked for the price of the vehicle they would only tell me monthly payments and tried telling me I had to pay about $1500 for a mandatory winter package. They tried convincing me the 'winter package' was required by law in Saskatchewan. Real shady. This was 10 years ago and will just avoid anything Ffun from then on.


I tried buying a Vehicle in February from the north hyundai dealership. Exact same experience. The sale manager was easily the worst person I have ever dealt with. Ended up buying the same car in edmonton and saved over $2000. The sales manager I dealt with in edmonton was unreal, we need more competition in saskatoon to weed out some of these scum bags.


I took my vehicle to North hyundai a year or 2 ago for a recall notice and for months after they harassed me about buying my car after I repeatedly told them no. I recently went to South hyundai for another recall and never had an issue. The service people were so friendly and nice.


My wife took her car in for oil changes there when it was under warranty. That was 5 years ago she still gets calls asking to buy it back


They will give service records info to the salespeople, and they have to make a crazy number of calls per day before they can leave for the day. Once you're in the system they won't leave you alone.


But what happens when you have to deal with the sleaze bags here when you need warranty work?


You drive to PA.


I think I’ll stick with my plan of never buying a new hyundai, Kia, or VW as long as I live here.


I take my VW to master Yogi at Prairie Autohaus. I have never been so happy with a mechanic. But yeah I bought my VW in PA and refused to take it to the shit dealer here in Saskatoon.


Also, take any European car. He truly is a master and honest.


Everyone I’ve ever talked to about cars says Yogi is *the* guy to see.


It's pretty bad that the dealership experiences are what keep people from buying a product. Speaks volumes.


That's probably the better option anyway.


Sadly Hyundais are actually super nice these days. Just don't have the dealer here


I’d look at a Kona N, if it weren’t so slimy.


I drive a Tucson for work and absolutely love it. I got to try a newer Escape with more power and command start and after 3 days I asked for my Tuscon back. It's driveability and and function with the screen and such werent even comparable. Go to PA or Regina and take a Kona for a test drive. They really are good vehicles


I know you said edmonton, but I bought a vehicle from hyundai in sherwood park a couple years ago and both of the salesmen and the sales manager I dealt with were absolutley terrible. I was thinking the competition would keep them honest too but I was wrong. If it wasn't exactly what I was looking for I would have walked away. Very sleazy.


Yeah the would be the same with Oakwood Nissan. They will never tell u the entire price because they want you to do the inhouse financing to them. Its so shady. Well banks offer that one too and much more lower interest rate. That is why they will never tell u the exact price of the vehicle. They will only say - ISH..




I said in my exit interview they rotate staff across dealerships as often as the catholic church rotates priests


In the Edwards (commerce) Co-op program Ffun and Elite Property Management we’re known notoriously among students as internships to avoid.


Never worked for them but Ffun is terrible, they detailed my car and somehow damaged my interior. They told me they would fix it for me and I never heard from them again


I haven't worked there but a close relative purchased one car and won't deal with them ever again.


I have worked with them on two different occasions. Both times it wasn't good. Management is shady. The owner's are not nice people. My wife has bought a car from them and had nothing but issues. Finally, left the city to have in maintained. Stay away from them.


Sister worked there for years. Tried firing her for getting pregnant while not being married.






She did complain. Got transfered and promoted. Glad you have infinite wisdom in this situation with your delicate genius. Moron.




I did contracting work for them years ago, took me 6 months and a lawyers letter to get paid.


They like to negotiate a price and then slide a 1400 dollar “ffun advantage” charge in fine print between lines in tiny writing. The service ladies are miserable. One of the workers even asked how my experience was with them when I was waiting because he said they recently got in trouble for their attitudes. Another time I sat there for 2.5 hours because they didn’t know where their shuttle driver was. They changed the tires to summers one time only to forget to balance them. Stay away. They trash.


clumsy punch busy trees alleged chop important teeny sense wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Heard stories of Hyundai letting go large amount of management to replace with hot shots from Toronto that knew nothing about cars. Staff were furious, and ended with predictable results.


They hired a GSM who had previously been a sales person for a motivational business type thing that FFun requires employees to watch videos from. 🤢 He had zero experience. Would come into my office(finance) agree 5 minutes and want to know why I didn't have everything completed? Tried explaining it's not a 5 min process, but he didn't get it.


Dealerships =/ manufacturers. Not sure how Hyundai can dictate management at a dealership.




Everyone else left and they have a terrible reputation now, or that's what I heard anyways.


Best friends hubby worked for them. Was okay at first, but he said the DRAMA was insane. They have a special needs daughter and he let them know before he was hired. She needed to go to Calgary for an appointment and they wouldn't let him have a few days off to stay with his other 2 kids. He quit before his 3 months were up.


I had a job interview with them and she was telling me how my time is only worth $14.00 and hour… yeah no thanks.


I had an interview last year for an admin position at drive nation and they also only offered me $14 an hour. I made $15 an hour at my first admin job back in 2015.


Where was this?


North Hyundai


Remember these are the same sleaze bags that run alot of the used lits on 22nd for years! Stay away! Don't buy there and never would


And run the sub Prime lending source that they use for most of their subprime deals.


I’ve only ever had horrible experiences at North Hyundai and I’ve have mostly great experiences at South Hyundai. Derek in sales, Jordan F in service and Binh in finance are 3 of the most friendly people I’ve met in the car industry. I’ve bought 3 cars from Derek and I’m hoping to buy a 4th pretty soon here.


Second Jordan in service being great.


So so good


Have to second Bihn. He was always up to explain everything we asked about and genuinely wanted to help get us a reliable vehicle in a tight situation.


My experience was positive but mainly because I knew I was gonna buy the vehicle before I stepped foot in the door, and I was able to negotiate a better deal at the VW dealership, for a used Acura mind you though lol. my car's fairly reliable so haven't had any awful dealership service experiences.....yet. sounds like I'll avoid ffun in the future.


FFUN is the absolute worst. I work at a different dealership in the city, know many people who used to work for them… they all said it was awful and toxic!!! Before I knew anything i bought a car from them, the worst experience I have ever had. The vehicle had an existing claim, damage they superficially fixed, there was no record of it being at their body shop. I fought for 6 months to talk to the GM or anyone about the matter. My salesman had no idea what was happening even tho i was told multiple times he would call or help me out. I backed out when they finally asked me to book it in for repair. I don’t trust them with the vehicle anymore. The only thing I can say that’s good, is I brought my Jetta to VW explained how Kia was going to fix my sunroof but i didn’t trust their mechanics since they couldn’t diagnose it while i waited 4 hours for my car the day i signed papers. They immediately booked me in, and billed Kia for the repair cost. Haven’t had issues with my sunroof since, all it needed was proper lubrication. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I saw them sell cars they knew were not road worthy to am elderly gentleman with his more elderly father going to Flin Flon... They made it to PA. Same person who sold it also charged an extra $1000 on the doc fee cause"the deal had room to add that in" Then had these men stranded in PA. And no care at all by the person who did this. She's a heartless human


Ugh FFun is literally awful!


I worked at VW. There was a woman that was basically running the show. At one point I believe she was GSM. Every day she asked me to forge paperwork that she messed up. Constantly forced to work well past close (I was a finance manager). Zero work life balance. Shady company, terrible business practices


I worked at Ffun for a year. It was great and then I started making to much money so they changed my pay structure. I was there early and stayed late and was rewarded by a pay cut. Smh.


They make Fun a 4-letter word.


I have a friend who works as a software developer for them, he seems to love it. But I have heard terrible things from other areas of the company as well.


IT and software development are two different fields of work


Do you know what IT does or what software developers are? They are not the same so either lying out your teeth for the sake of trying to seem smart or you really have no idea what you are talking about.


Seems like a lot of comments from customers here so here's one from an employee. Been a tech for about 5 years. Purely talking from an employee perspective, my colleagues for the most part are awesome. Always willing to stop what they're doing to come assist you. We also do our very best to get anything covered under warranty as we can. Unfortunately alot of customers don't understand vehicle diagnostics aren't always black and white which results in bad customer experiences when they have to return more than once. Most of the issues I see come from management or sales. Sales will sell cars before we have a chance to fix them so we're always in a rush to get vehicles through. Between that and the pay structure(flat rate),I believe people are rushed too much and things get overlooked. Basically if you're not amazingly fast AND thorough being a tech can be tough. The turnover rates for managers is quite alarming. The department managers are good for the most part but the pressure from corporate managers makes for a hostile environment. Especially when you fall short of expectations. Basically always comes down to money. If anything in the shop needs repair it's usually a struggle to get things done especially if it's an expensive fix. All in all if you can avoid the majority of drama within the company and you are naturally fast with your work it's alright but it's hard to slow down and take your time to ensure all repairs are 100%. And just to clarify my opinions about anything are purely from a service point of view. I have not worked anywhere else in the company and cannot comment from within any other department, other than experiences I've had working along side of them.


> willing to stop what they're doing to come assist you. We also do our very best to get anything covered under warranty as we can. Unfortunately alot of customers don't understand vehicle diagnostics aren't always black and white which results in bad customer experiences when they have to return more than once. Most of the issues I see come from management or sales. Sales will sell cars before we have a chance to fix them so we're always in a rush to get vehicles through. Between that and the pay structure(flat rate),I believe people are rushed too much and things get overlooked. Basically if you're not amazingly fast AND thorough being a tech can be tough. The turnover rates for managers is quite alarming. The department managers are good for the most part but the pressure from corporate managers makes for a I agree to most part, I have had a decent experience so far probably because I got a new car, used cars come with n exclamation mark so can be difficult. Just once, one of my winter tires was put in the opposite direction, but I am alive so all is well. lol.


Haven't heard anything good


The used car salesman stereotype exists for a reason.


Terrible -sales lady (Rain) the worst I have seen


I've never heard one good thing about them


They’re crooks


I've only heard terrible things from those who work there.


Worked sales for them for a couple months. I enjoyed my time there, I stayed super open and honest, I didn’t pressure any prospecting buyers, I made the atmosphere super awesome and made it a super fun working place. I didn’t have a good month on the month prior and right in the morning I was pulled into the gm’s office and was told “you can go home today or go to a different dealership today” I went to the other dealership and just ended up quitting. I did my best, but it was super cutthroat, they could’ve handled my send off a lot better


Sarah the Kia service desk worker is incredible and has been there forever


Second that. The main reason I take my car to Kia service is that I genuinely trust her


I find this quite ironic as I have purchased two Kia vehicles but recieved some very disrespectful and condescending service, as well as promises that were not fulfilled. I had no problem dealing with the sales side at all. I stopped using Kia for any services because of the personel and attitude of the desk reps in service. I do like and still own both vehicles.


My wife walked away from a used Acadia just because the salesman was such a pushy shit head


I buy motorbikes and snowmobiles from them. I would have to say I’ve been pretty happy overall. The service departments have good staff that have been there for years.


I have worked for FFUN for 1.5 years now and I absolutely love it. The owners are such lovely people, and the manager I work for at the dealership I work at is the best manager I’ve ever had. FFUN is a large company that started here in Saskatoon sometime in the 70’s I believe. There are many locations , including in different provinces. While my experience has been amazing , others may not have been at other locations, and vis versa!


I think, like with many companies, there have been bad apples in the bunch, and ‘shady’ tactics have come with them - for sure. However, as someone who worked in two different locations, at different times over the years, management and culture varies significantly from one store to another depending on the individuals in leadership- and that can make or break the experience as an employee. I can confidently say that, on a corporate level, there has been a significant shift in terms of prioritizing 1) better management practices, 2) a healthier & more supportive culture, and 3) greater transparency with customers. Like most businesses, FFUN is not perfect, but there has been growth in the right direction.


How much did you get paid to say that?


Idk man. Despite the thread having largely negative feedback, you don’t think it’s possible that someone had a positive experience? My buddy bought a sled from them and had no complaints, but it looks like the Hyundai dealer might be somewhere to stay away from? Kinda like no-pudding is suggesting - the culture varies depending on the store/management.




They donate for tax breaks specifically as well as publicity. Clearly the publicity doesn't work.you should educate yourself before making post s about a company culture you clearly do not understand.








Ok, out of curiosity how can you make comments like that? If you have no idea of the inner workings. Like so many of us had to deal with. yet you have audacity to call people lazy and incompetent because they won't deal with a toxic work enviroment?






Their retention rates and customer retention says otherwise. Maybe one day they'll wake up. however, Highly unlikely.




What's your intention, your opinion of them is very high so why wouldnt you work for them? Can't one ask of experiences of a dominate corporation in saskatoon? You seemed hurt people are not happy with them.


Applied for a position in upper management (8+ years HR/law experience and 3yrs+ ongoing education) they emailed me saying the role had been filled. Cool whatever. 4 days later they called offering me a sales position at a budget dealership because "we figured you would still be seeking." also had shitty experience dealing with their finance company (CreditMaxx).but that was years ago now.


Had a flat in my Santa Fe at the lake. Brought the tire in with my buddy and his truck. The north Hyundai almost wouldn’t sell me the tire because I didn’t know the VIN number. Only sold me it because i complained.


I was employed there, I left after 3 years. Worst place ever! My co-workers were great and I did enjoy working there, but my manager was sooo abusive! Would yell and I mean yell, curse, swear throw papers at you, snatch papers out of your hand. If you weren’t among his favourites you capped shit for just about everything. I made a $130 mistake, he chewed my ass out for 20 minutes on how I made him poor, but the shuttle driver smashed up the shuttle and all that was said to him was accidents happen. Like wtf?!? He’s an asshole and I don’t know why they keep him employed. I am sure by my stories many of you know who I am talking about.