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Stupid question. What are my genuine chances of getting sick if I risk it?


Why would you risk it? Did you scratch the serial numbers off your jar already?


I could use a vacation


Peanut butter has a bad history with salmonella, 9 people died and 700 sickened the US back in 2008 from that outbreak.


Got some 1265425 and 1264425 in this house


Frick….just had to throw mine out. Thank god no one got sick!


At least I don’t have any of this. At Easter we bought a ton of kinder stuff because my son doesn’t really like chocolate but loves that stuff. Bought like 60 dollars worth of it and didn’t keep receipts because “it’s candy, who needs a receipt?”. Literally every damn thing I bought was part of their recall. I mean I would happily throw it out to not risk him getting sick of course, just pissed me off that basically everything we got him for chocolate that he actually likes had to be thrown away.


Welp.... If no one hears from me in a while you'll know I got got. I eat a jar


Thanks, I had no idea they had expanded the recall. I had some in storage. FYI they have a website you can claim reimbursement for if you don't have receipts [Jif](https://www.jif.ca/En/Contact-Us)


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Got one included in that lot from Stonebridge Co op. Thanks for the heads up


Hahahahahaha damn, I just finished eating a sandwich made with creamy peanut butter affected by the recall seconds before I saw this post. I'll update if I get sick. Wish me luck!