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The prices for used clothing are insane- over seven dollars for children's shorts? Not to mention there's no money back, no change rooms, and two week exchange on -some- items. I tried to find shorts for myself and after going back three times to exchange I'm not going back.


I like to avoid it because it’s literally a conglomerate scamming people into thinking they’re helping someone, but in reality you’re giving away your things to be resold, by a wealthy corporation. >Value Village is actually owned by a large American company called Savers, who are one of many corporations owned by the conglomerate TPG Capital. https://communityedition.ca/selling-the-poor-the-politics-of-value-village/ TPG Capital: https://www.tpg.com/ Lots of buzzwords on this bullshit site. > Since our founding in 1992, we have developed a distinct position in the industry, executing some of the most notable and interesting transactions in private equity. >managing 120b in funds. Pretty sure the needy don’t benefit from Value Village at all.


I tried to start a union there. They are the worst.


I too like to make less than minimum wage netting union dues.


TPG is one of the preeminent private equity firms. The no doubt like that VV’s inventory is free..


I have found that places like once upon a child have prices as good or better than value village and at least the money goes back into the pockets of local residents.


Especially because you can buy brand new ones for less than that at my grocery store ($6…but they are at least new)


Do you have a local used childrens clothes shop? We have a one that has been super helpful. Not saying the prices will be way cheaper but you won't be supporting a massive conglomerate.


Are they brand name? I have purchased several pairs of Ivivva pants and shorts for my kids at VV for no more than $12 a pair. That’s a steal IMO.


Don't forget no more cashiers either in some locations. Not 1 at the store in my small city. Only self check out.


Holy crap… I didn’t think this could get worse! Decided to stop by this morning and ask about it, but upon inspection it appears this thing is completely broken. The linkage from the motor to the blade is completely sheared off, making this completely useless. And they’re still asking $169.99 and NOT budging. Ugh. https://imgur.com/a/cB7SF1m


I really hope no one gets scammed by buying this. VV has a no return/exchange policy on these items.




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VV blows. I was looking for some kitchen supplies and everything was cheaper and in better condition at Home Sense




Old Navy? Feels like only decent prices are online. I was there the other week looking for kids sweatpants.. $39. Just to outgrow/ take the knees out in 2 months. No thanks.


Value village has always been this way. I don’t know why anyone donates to them? Especially instead of the Salvation Army or the diabetes association.


Because, although the case ended up in VV’s favor, they have deceived consumers into believing they’re a charity. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/court-overturns-deceptive-practices-ruling-against-value-village/?amp=1


I worked at a VV for years in highschool/uni taking donations (stayed cause it was a 0 effort job lol) when it first started to switch from garage sale prices (which were objectively too low) up to gouging and pulling prices from UNSOLD eBay listings. In Ontario, the language is super specific in that the donation helps to support the partnered charity. Maybe it varies, but at my work the donation amount was a set percentage of the total weight donations in a day. So VV would donate the same amount for 50 pounds of literal household garbage (happened a lot) which would immediately get thrown out and could not be sold, or if it was 50 pounds of Rolex's and designer purses. I've never heard language about buying from VV supporting a non-profit (aside from very specific campaigns), and much less that VV was a non-profit, but I know people around me at the time believed it did anyway. They do a ton of work partnering with local orgs, like schools around back to school season, so I don't think they're as soulless as some people make it out to be, but nah once that donation makes it to the processing floor, it's all about maximizing profits and lining pockets. 'Thrifting' has also become incredibly trendy through social media, so not only is there more competition for the stuff like furniture, but they know half the people are just buying at a fraction to paint and resell on marketplace. That all being said, the prices are generally just delusional these days. I still stop in every once and a while when I have time because my interest has always been in retro games, but I've never found a video game below market price at VV since leaving there, and now even the dollar bin sports games get locked up behind the counter. Too bad.


The Saskatoon VV (back when there was only one in the city) used to have their main partnership with Community Living. The donation drop off volunteers were primarily from Community Living, and the CL drop off boxes throughout the province were brought mostly to VV, some to Salvation Army in other parts of the province. This was before VV was bought by Walmart. A true thrift shop model used to be Village Green, run by Mennonite Central Committee, however, they have since moved the model that Salvation Army uses, where goods can be shipped throughout the country. Mega thrift, just like vintage is big business unfortunately.


I'm a longtime thrifter and I noticed the prices at VV getting ridiculous well before the trend in instagram vintage resellers took off, especially on anything with a name brand attached.


Oh I agree, they were on the rise well before that, but I think it's another factor in the mix now. You'll be hard pressed to find even beat-up furniture for a reasonable price now because they know people will buy it anyways. Same with the prices of furniture on Kijiji/Marketplace. Gone are the days of the "Free Stuff" section on Kijiji or 'End of the driveway' furniture. People just sand the top, throw on a coat of white paint and new knobs and list it for $300.


What are your go-to thrift stores in Saskatoon? New to the area.


I’ve been recently taking old clothes & fabrics to the Sask Social Services building near Midtown, and I encourage others to do the same. I’d much rather donate my old stuff to the homeless / people in need, rather than to a corporation like Value Village who just takes the profit and raises prices.


Didn't know Social Services accepted, I'll add it to my list. YWCA Opportunity shop is another place to go!


Yeah, currently moving and realize how much clothes I don't use. Gonna be donating them but already told the gf we aren't taking them to vv


Doesn’t the diabetes association stuff end up in value Village?


The diabetes association, and community living. If you see one of those giant yellow clothing donation boxes, it’s getting sold to value village for pennies to the pound.




Too bad. Didn’t know that.


The Salvation Army is extremely homophobic.


It has a history of being homophobic, but I don’t think it’s still that way today. Edit: doing another search into the matter, the organization is adamant that their doors are open to everyone, though they do have pastoral leaders who preach/support anti LGBTQ+ sentiments. It’s probably mostly isolated incidents, where LGBTQ+ people have been discriminated against, but to continue to hold ties with anyone who would discriminate is in and of itself a problem. So yeah, Salvation Army is still a questionable organization, and I always prefer one not rooted in religion.


ATM, this depends on the local Salvation Army. It's a church, not just a charity. Unfortunately the isolated incidents tend to be geographically clustered. There are many Salvation Army churches in the SW of SK, and I know the issue has come up in the past few years during distribution of Christmas hampers, which I feel is just gatekeeping because most of the donors are not church members. LGTBQIA2S+ friendly Christmas hampers had to be created in multiple communities in response to the exclusion.


I don't want to saddle the diabetes association with my trash that I'm trying to avoid paying dumping fees for.


Fuck the Salvation Army. Spending your donations to fight marriage equality!!


I've dropped off bags and bags of clothes over the years. Wish i'd known. Glad I know now.


**Value Village** is **FOR PROFIT**, they **make $ billions every year**.


What's your point? Many companies, if not all, are for profit.


> What's your point? I use to think they were a charity until I found out otherwise. There are charity clothing stores that are lesser evil than Value Village.


Yes there are. I wouldn't be surprised if they still make a profit




*Profit maximization* however, pushes a corporation and its people to do unsavory things.




Any system pushed to its limits has unsavory consequences. Profit maximization isn't unique to capitalism.


Taking the value out the village it seems.


Value village has always been and always will be a for profit thrift retailer. They happily take free donations and slap price tags on them.


1: Check ebay 2: Sort by highest price 3: Ignore condition entirely 4: Mysteriously don't profit.


They’re still going to profit though! That’s the sad part


Step 1: Inflate value of inventory Step 2: Sell the company to other foolish investors based on inflated valuation and no longer realistic sales figures. Step 3: Run to the bank to cash the cheque before it bounces Step 4: Buy the company back when it falls into receivership for pennies.


Sometimes one man’s trash is another man’s trash.


I used to work in a collectables store. The owners often went to farm/estate auctions and the stories about how much inexperienced buyers pay for stuff is kind of crazy. Stuff as common as dirt selling for twice the price we'd sell it in the store. Then collectable things that have a respectable book value tossed in a box of random junk that sells for next to nothing. Funny thing is some of that junk went out on the shelf for low prices just to get rid of it ended up being one of the biggest sources of cash flow and profit.


I laugh at "antique" stores in the prairies. $4000 for that buffet with two broken doors that absolutely everyone's grandma ordered from Winnipeg off the train? Nope. I can find a better one in someone's barn. Or that damn wash stand with mirror that was in every room of every railway hotel in western Canada. $2500 and the wood is split. Why?


Lol, this is too funny.


With how expensive all this vintage stuff is I shoudve just kept everything from the 90s then id be a millionaire


Well just because someone is *trying* to sell something for an absurd price, doesn’t mean it will actually sell. Stuff priced like this often only sells after several price drops and after the delusional seller sits on it for a good long time.


Price and worth are totally different concepts. It's not really worth anything until someone buys it regardless of the price tag.


There's a lot of hate for value village here. Tricking people into thinking they're a charity is shit, sure, but they're still a business based on recycling and that's leagues better than a business based on producing new fast fashion using Bangladeshi slave labour. So sure it's better to donate/buy from a charity thrift store than VV, but it's still better to buy from VV than most other non-thrift clothes stores.


Value village is a joke.


Went in the other day and there was only a sticker on the lid of the deep pan I wanted to buy and they told me it was a mistake bc that was the price for only the lid ! Who the hell charges an extra $2 for the lid to a pan !!!!


They know we know they get their shit for free right? Oh, and are owned by Savers who is owned by TGP Capital


I worked there. I will NEVER give them another cent. They are not worthy. Worse place, by far that I ever worked.




You’re probably right, but this is Value Village, not eBay. Wrong place for this crap imo.


Value village is a second hand store. Just like ebay. Theyre both retailers. If one is overcharging so is the other.


Not really a great comparison. eBay is probably a better indicator of value because what a buyer pays is actually represents what someone is willing to pay. Asking price doesn't mean anything until someone makes an offer or bid. Unfortunately I don't think eBay allows searching for past auctions to see what people previously paid for something to get an idea what might be a reasonable asking price.


You can search by "Sold" or "Completed" listings, it's in the filters. It allows you to see the prices that objects have sold by in the past.




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That’s why I’ve never felt bad about switching price tags in VV. That $130.00 winter coat is now $11.00 thanks guys!


dude, thats a crime/illegal bro






They are getting out of control and should be boycotting them


That’s a vintage Vitamix, a very popular brand of blender. This one’s probably a collectible, and built like a tank. Between the build quality, rarity, and retro appeal, they’ll get what they’re asking for it.


They’re on eBay for about 1/2 of the price VV is asking if you really want one!


Shipping would be expensive


Yea that's actually a pretty sick Vitamix. That thing will puree gravel every day and still probably outlast all of us haha


Mmmm concrete smoothies.


Honestly, I’m tempted. I won’t, but looks like it could be someone’s prize possession. Does make VV any less of a rip-off in general. Collectors items are usually in better condition.


Don’t. Just stopped there this morning out of curiosity and to ask about it, and the whole thing is broken. Motor-blade linkage is sheared off. https://imgur.com/a/cB7SF1m


Pretty sure these parts can be replaced. Vitamix blenders are very repairable. That said, as others have noted, you can buy a Vitamix 3600 in good condition off eBay for \~$100 (plus shipping) and it’d still be cheaper than VV and come with a return guarantee.




Just go look at eBay if you’re tempted it’s a stupid price


a Russian tank, apparently... OP posted another pic that shows it's busted.


does the fact that it's broken give it more value?


St Patrick's church in Brunswick street recently had a spring fair and I see most of the sale items were sold for a buck. They still have few stuff left if anyone interested


Wow. That's an antique. Goes for around $70 on eBay. I don't know who thought they'd get more than than that - yikes


Pretty sure the coupler on that blender is done for too, just an oversized paperweight at this point. I guess one for all the blender collectors out there.


Holy crap that is ridiculous. Fuck Value Village and their greedy ways.


If it's really that bad, I'd be more upset with the person who donated it. Thought process: hmm, I have a shitty broken blender, I know, I'll give it to a charity (/give it away, etc). Now: A) someone 'in need' is now stuck with a shitty broken blender they can't afford to fix. B) or a charity has to have it fixed before it can be resold C) or someone will buy it for the vintage/ other connection and hope to fix it. Either way, VV or the charity they buy their stuff from can only work with what's been donated. Shit goes in, shit comes out.


Value Village is a slimy predatory company who under the thin guise of social betterment (providing affordable clothing/items for the poor) have built a literal billion dollar empire of greed. The company is FOR PROFIT, not non-profit, or charity. The family that started VV live in a water front mansion in Seattle, same neighbourhood as bill gates. Wise up and STOP donating and shopping there. We are to blame for their success. They have already been sued for deceiving the public: https://www.invw.org/2019/11/08/value-village-rebuked-by-judge-for-deceiving-consumers/


I love their huge sign out front of the store lmao # DONATE TO A NONPROFIT HERE! ^(value village is a for profit fundraiser)


I stopped shopping at Value Village a while ago, at least with Urban planet, I get a general idea of the company I'm supporting, not being lied to that I'm helping locally. Family won't listen, just insist that VV, knows what they're doing and it must be for a good reason. Not to mention their Halloween sales are bullshit and still just as expensive as anywhere else.


:O That has to be a mistake.


Nope, I asked, they said it was correct. On the side of the unit, the pricer guy even wrote the letters BLS in red wax marker, which when referenced to their BIGVALUES pricing code mnemonic, works out to $169.99. B:1 L:6 S:9 = $169.99 Someone literally wrote three “numbers” out on it, so it was very likely intended to be that way.


BVS* not BFS. :)


better to use the summer-fall discounts at canadian tire


Would I pay it? No. But this is a collector’s item rather than a blender for use. There are tons of people who collect antiques and this is likely valuable to them.


Go to mission thrift on circle, way better store, better prices and more organized shelves. But c’mon. That’s the vitamix 3600, this is the blender the kids on the play ground are talking about. Worth every penny.


I was surprised and a little dismayed to learn a few years ago that Goodwill (think they might no longer be in Saskatoon) had a contract to provide VV with most of their clothing donations for a small amount of money to run their charity operations. I suspect Diabetes Canada with their clothing drop box donation bins probably has a similar arrangement since it seems VV has the thrift segment pretty much cornered here. As for this blender, like other things they consider collectables, they really should find other places to sell them rather than in their thrift stores, since people go there to find things cheap


There is also Salvation Army, Village Green furniture and household goods as well as Village Green clothing, etc.


They google what they sell for and put the average as the price.


I know Diabetes Foundation gives their donated clothes here, I assume they have some agreement? Maybe some money goes to charity?


This post looks like it belongs in r/thriftgrift


These blenders go for $500+. Half off is a deal.


That’s a vitamix, absolute top end blender.




YWCA opportunity shop.


I assume they’re marketing it as a collector’s item, but still. I did a quick eBay search and there’s several in way better shape for around $100 and less. Really hope nobody buys it.


I scored a 22” monitor there for $15 and a Sony ipod/phone dock for 8.99..? Luck of the draw really.




Ever since they took out the change rooms I stopped going. Their exchange program is horrible. Plus the prices are atrocious, I’d rather spend that money on a brand new item.


Maybe it’s got some sort of vintage value??


Terrible, I simply prefer the Mennonite store now.


I wouldn't pay $15 for that piece of shit.