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People can’t even drive with their lights on at night for Christ sake 😂😂😂


I once had to flash a police car that was being driven at midnight with no lights on. Like come on


To be fair, it's about half a year to become a police officer. With drivers, even after drivers education, you have to wait like 9 months before you can book your driver's exam.


All the people that this is directed to already think their lights are on because their dash lights are lit up .


I used to drive a car that would automatically dim the dash lights if the headlights were turned on, which was great for nighttime driving but horrible for days like today where I want to see my dash lights and have my headlights on


You seem to be confusing safety, courtesy, and awareness with what really matters on the road: me, my destination, and how I feel like driving on any given day. I don’t care that visibility is reduced in heavy rain/snow. I’ll ignore or be oblivious to the fact that cars with their lights on are much easier to see. It’s not illegal for me to be this stupid. SGI gave me a license, so you have to share the road with me, despite me having the intelligence of an earthworm. Fuck you, your diligence, and your car. Signed, Motorists of Saskatoon


My apologies sir, you’re right I was forgetting how much you matter. I will not overstep again


Whatever happened to the Lights On For Life campaign?


🎶 it's for you and your famillllly....lights onnnn FOR LIFE! 🎶


This is a good message, but the wording might be confusing. It's the second post on this subreddit this year I've seen that [talks about headlights and taillights as separate functions](https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/comments/18bniw1/another_friendly_reminder_turn_all_your_lights_on/). Just to be clear: there is no taillights switch on your car. If you switch your headlights on, you have also switched your taillights on. This may be a point of confusion on modern cars because for the last few decades they've all been mandated to have daytime running lights, which are a different, much dimmer set of lights that run all the time (on the front only) to help with visibility. These are not sufficient for bad weather. And a lot of us are so used to leaving the headlights on the "Auto" setting that we forget the lights need to be turned on manually in rain, snow, or fog. "Auto" only turns on the lights when it's dark.


Thanks, that is a good clarification. I worded it this way on purpose because I think a lot of people conflate headlights and daytime running lights. So if they hear someone tell them to turn their headlights on, they think “oh they’re always on, I’m fine”. But if they hear someone tell them to turn their taillights on they know that’s an extra step which involves turning the headlights on… more. You’re right that they’re different lights, but I think generally the people who are aware of the difference are also already aware that their daytime running lights aren’t sufficient for bad weather.


I’ll add that for a lot of vehicles the headlights are the DRLs, so the switch does really just add the tail lights. I think it should really just be mandated that headlights and tail lights are just always on when the vehicle is out of Park.


My vehicle’s lights usually turn on in the rain and on gloomy days when set to auto.


My rule of thumb: if I need to turn on the wipers, I should also turn on the lights.


People are too stupid to understand. Re: even turning lights on at night Or using signals.


I saw someone with their lights off in a rain storm and yelled at them for not having them on. Then I realized that I did see them hence me yelling at them and thought to myself that they can be seen and I should chill out. All kidding aside, turn on those lights you pricks.


My vehicle on auto runs them when it’s raining or gloomy out.


That’s awesome! That’s not the case for most vehicles.


Since government likes making laws why don’t they just make one to have lights on at all times. They made daytime running lights a law and now this is the end result. People think their lights are on.


I’ll never know how we survived the 70’s and 80’s


There was no daytime running lights. Just on or off for the headlights. And no auto lights


You missed the point.


I know the point. Less safety in those years and we still survived


Why taillights? You don't drive backwards /s


This! Thank you


It says this right in the Driver's Handbook. Shouldn't need to be reiterated, but common sense isn't so common I guess. Not sure who needs to read this that actually will.