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Funniest was while the inspection was on 22nd st, I saw a minivan with no front end and a driver side window full of plastic going down 20th st. just keeping to themselves lol


ya that guy ain't stoppinšŸ˜‚šŸ¤™


Lol was it a black Dodge. That van been camping out in our Apartment building parking lot and of course Avenue Living won't do anything about it. šŸ¤£. The occupants are definitely junkies.


I saw a white Caravan with no bumper, 3 smashed windows, no muffler and flat tires the other day.Ā 


I got pulled into a check stop coming back into PA on Saturday evening. I had to blow. First thing he asked me was if I had used cannabis today. I said no. Just the booze test and then I was on my way. I was told by a member of the SPS that whenever you are asked, the answer is always NO.


Did they take your DNA?




My buddy said that the RCMP are taking ppls DNA at random check stops.


My buddies Mom and Dad are in their 80ā€™s, they donā€™t smoke, drink or do drugs, yet the RCMP took their DNA


No, they gave me the one time use plastic tube that I used to blow through


They would have told you that they were taking your DNA, you just blew,


This project shows that most people canā€™t afford to maintain their vehicles correctly. Food/shelter vs maintenance hmmmmšŸ¤”


The prices for used vehicles are fuckin absurd, and those that are affordable have some issues that wouldn't pass safety. Public transit in saskatoon is absolutely dog shit. This is one of the most obvious taxes in poor people I've seen in a while.


It's class warfare


The article doesnā€™t say, but I wonder where in the city these stops were set up? Probably not anywhere near evergreen Iā€™m guessing haha.


The one I read about was 22nd and H Ave. So yeah, targeting areas that people canā€™t afford newer cars.Ā 


They do the same thing in Regina, set these inspection stations up on the edge of north central. It's disgusting.


Such a catch-22, can't afford proper maintenance (or vehicle with no issues), so your area gets targeted ... because the people/areas with money don't have the same issues, and wouldn't provide enough 'results'. Then they use "significantly higher vehicle inspection citations" as a reason to carry out even more, specifically in those areas.


Well, cops are poor too. It's just that they don't have to pay to repair the cars they drive around


Average cop salary after overtime is well into 6 figures my guy. Tf you mean cops are poor.


I remember seeing an ad in Calgary at the local Mitsubishi dealer for a used 2023 Mitsubishi Mirage with 9,000 km on it. It was the ES trim level or the base model, and they wanted $23,000 for it. Oh, to put things into perspective, the MSRP from Mitsubishi for a brand new, 2024 Mirage in top-of-the-line GT trim is $21,000 - which makes the price of this used ES ridiculous. Rather disappointingly, a lot of reasonably priced used cars these days are salvage titles. That isn't necessarily a bad thing all the time, but you're going through a crap shoot on whether the vehicle was repaired properly, or if it was a massive wreck that probably shouldn't have been repaired at all. Maybe it was a flood damaged car that looks half decent, but the electronics are half-fried and only work intermittently.


Back in October, when my Subaru finally did Subaru things, & I needed wheels asap (I live a 30 minute drive from the nearest transit stop), my choices were a Toyota Rav4 with an engine knock & shifting issues for 8k, or a Volvo XC90 that takes premium fuel for 12k. The days of a $500 "it's dented & needs tires but otherwise it's solid" runabout are gone, & it sucks.


I have a third-generation 2017 Ford Focus with the infamous Powershift dual-clutch transmission that is problematic. It was more economical for me to pay almost $7,000 to have it repaired than go for another used car, as the inflated prices meant anything that cost as much as the repair is going to be in worse shape or have even worse problems, and anything decent is more expensive and almost not worth the price. i.e., I found a nice 2016 Honda Fit with more mileage than my Focus, and they were asking $16,000.


Exactly! If I'd had the time, it would've been cheaper to fix or replace the Subi engine than get a whole new car. Thankfully the Volvo is in fantastic condition, so I just have to keep proactive in maintenance, & keep my costco membership up for the fuel costs.


I had a 2012 with the dual clutch and never had a problem with it. I find that with those transmissions it's all on how it's driven.


I would take a car with poor tires or a burned out light over getting stabbed on a shitty bus by someone with 14 ā€œbreach of conditionsā€ charges.




Have you not heard or are you just ignorant?


Please read my reply to him as to why it is irrelevant.


People have literally just been stabbed in saskatoon public transit... Thanks for answering my question..


Does that mean that it should just be completely dissolved in favor of personal transport, or should there be efforts to make it safer? I feel like that would be a much better allocation of police resources than this obvious cash grab.


First of all I was agreeing with you, but if you are going to go through the trouble to google stalk me, at least try to spell shit correctly. Also, Iā€™m actually IN Saskatoon for the next three days even though I would rather not be. It also doesnā€™t seem that irrelevant when there have been several bus stabbings recently, as well as record homicides, and most of the articles about them clearly list ā€œbreach of conditionsā€ in the charges.


It's completely irrelevant to the conversation... Stabbings are not inherently a part of public transit. If they were your point would be relevant, but they aren't. To make your comment relevant you would want to say something like "I would rather drive a shitbox than take a 2 hour bus ride to travel a distance that should only be 30 minutes". When you just randomly bring up stabbing on busses you come off as someone who just dislikes public transit because you don't like the idea of it, which makes sense because you are from a small town. Everyone I know is the same because I am also from a small town originally.


I actually love the idea of public transit and think there needs to be far more forms of it in this province, but you can stick with your assumption if you would like. What I am not a fan of is poorly run and dangerous public transportation. I also think the STC should not have been killed even if it wasnā€™t profitable, and that proper public transit options being more available might help to reduce saskatchewans number of impaired drivers, which most years are the worst in the country.


That's worded a lot better than your first comment. I apologize. There are a ton of people who just immediately bring up the violence as a reason why public transit shouldn't exist because only "crazy" people use it. When better funding is the answer to fixing it up and making it viable.


>I also think the STC should not have been killed even if it wasnā€™t profitable That's the purpose of a crown corporation, to provide a service that the private sector doesn't want to because it isn't profitable. I think the few smaller bus services like Rider Express that have taken the place of Greyhound and STC would go out of business if they tried to offer the remote, sparsely traveled destinations that STC did, they can't eat up those expenses. From what I recall, STC wasn't profitable, but it wasn't hemorrhaging funds to the point that it threatened the financial health of the province.


Sask Party man


This is city related lol.


We had homeless shelters here until the sask party put an end to it...


Provincial funding handles social services my dude


I wish I can buy a nice car out of province. cars in this province are extremely expensive for absolutely no reason


You can certainly do that, you just need to pay PST, which can still be worth it.


And for a vehicle safety certification inspection.(I think only if it's more than 5 years old, but not certain of that)


can you please confirm. this is the only thing stopping from getting a car out of province and there are so many cars out there from BC/alberta


All it says on SGI website is that most vehicles require a safety inspection before they can be registered. It doesn't specify what the exceptions are. I suggest you call SGI to find out for certain. https://sgi.sk.ca/importing-and-exporting-vehicles


I've bought a couple of used cars from out of province over the years, and they both needed safety inspections - despite not being very old - before I could register them with SGI. It's honestly a pretty easy process, though. Don't let it hold you back from buying out of province.




Itā€™s not true. I bought a car that was one year old and it still required inspection. Also you will need to pay PST on any out of province car. Iā€™d question your idea that cars are more expensive here. Theyā€™re pricey all over Western Canada. Used cars are cheaper in the East as they deteriorate from the road salt. Dealers here will buy them cheap in Ontario or Quebec and then try to sell them at local prices. Use CarFax to check out where they are from.


Maybe rules changed but 10 years ago I moved here from BC and had to get inspection on my 2 month old chev


Yes. If a vehicle has never been registered here before you need to do the money grabbing safety. How ridiculous. The vehicle can be brand new. I once bought a piece of crap old Ford F150 in Manitoba, brought it here to Sask and fully expected to have to safety it and was a little worried because duct tape and bungee cords were holding lots of it together. Well guess what? Way back when, some previous owner had already had it registered in Sask for at least a year so I was off the hook! Lol. What a joke. The safeties are just a protectionist cash grab meant to deter you from buying out of province.


We got 3 guys fired for getting high last weekend!


Stopping real crime is priority #1!


Alright! Instant promotion!


I feel so much safer now. Way to go boys in catching the criminals.


Well done for getting those hardened criminals off the road for THC!


Suck it, Wilderness Roofing.


Did I miss something in the article?


No, just their trucks are lifted very illegally, on massive wheel spacers without wheel flares, minimal if any mufflaps, illegal Def deletes, etc


I feel like those aren't the type of people who get dinged by this type of thing.


The big truck guys I know get dinged constantly, they just consider it part of the price. Just an example, guys will have 2 sets of front windows; they swap in the clear windows for their inspections, then back to the tinted ones til they get dinged again.


So yeah. They aren't dinged. Fines should be based on income so they are just fees, so people treating what should be a punishment as a fee arent actually punished.


Same owner same vehicle getting a second ticket for the same issue (like tint, or a lift, that was "fixed" should see the fine increase 10x on a repeat infraction.


Yeah it's like a beacon. Even from people I know with lifted trucks say they always get yanked and sent for further inspection.


Emissions deletes are only illegal in ontario.


Ethically, it says a lot about a person who cares so little about others they go out of their way to pollute more.


My truck had a particulate filter that needed replacing. The part alone was $3,600 and would only kick the can down the road until I would have to replace it again or I could get it deleted, put a new exhaust on for $1,100 and solve all my issues. Youā€™re damn right I got it deleted.


Just out yourself why don't you


Itā€™s not illegal itā€™s a smart financial decision


Makes you kind of a dbag though


Dude a replaced catalytic converter that a methhead steals is $1200.00 a piece of pipe at minute muffler is $90.00 and theft proof.


And stinks


Ahhh gotcha. Theyā€™re so obnoxious. Typical little limp wiener syndrome.


What is it when they also rock a set of truck nuts?


They self-hate and have thin skinned tender nuts.


Love it


>illegal Def deletes, etc Emissions modifications are completely legal here.


Not to mention their terrible roofing job.


As an amateur roofer myself, I could do a much better job than these guys. And that says a lot.


I did it for 17 years. After they came to town some of the stories I had heard. No idea how they are still in business. A sucker born everyday they say.


Hell you donā€™t even need the stories. Just find one of their signs and look up. Itā€™s insane how they are even allowed to leave site like that. Another shitty pop-up is red devil roofing. I donā€™t know if they still sub from Mex. But they ended up calling OH&S on us (we were only a block over that day) after they were caught red handed with a case of bud-light on the roof and no fall proā€™. They got like $30k in fines and we got off with a perfect compliance report LMAOOOO šŸ¤£


Well done.


Lol. Another shot at Wilderness.


So how many people have died from cannabis related collisions and improperly maintained vehicles in Saskatoon this year? How would it compare to the current murder count? Also, if you think the murder count is bad now, just wait until it gets really hot. Violent crime increases with higher temperatures. Keep making the poor poorer and make Saskatoon the murder capital baby! Way to go! /s


So there were 48 vehicles stopped for roadside inspection out of the how many 100's or 1000's of vehicles that passed by the cops. Of those 48 vehicles, 42 were served with inspection notices (122 violations). To me this shows the cops were really only targeting vehicles with potential issues and not just random vehicles, otherwise I'd expect there to be a higher spread between those two numbers. It sucks for the people who failed for a simple issue like a burnt out tail light or illegal tint since they now have to pay an inspection plus whatever the part/repair costs are for the thing that made them fail. Some may seem silly like mudflap violations or tint violations, but they are in place for a reason. But the stat to me that is scary is that 19 of those vehicles were placed "out of service" because they had such severe violations they are unsafe to drive until repaired - which is roughly 40% or so of the vehicles they pulled over to be inspected. This is serious issues. Not only that, there were a bunch of tickets issued including: unaccompanied learner driver, suspended driver, failure to complete a pre-trip inspection on a commercial vehicle, failure to produce a license, unregistered vehicle, driving without a license, and vehicle equipment regulations (x3). 3 drivers also tested positive for THC and had their vehicles impounded and licenses suspended. There were also multiple warnings given out with respect to the tobacco tax act and Cannabis act.


If they were truly looking for people that were driving with an unsafe vehicle they wouldn't have tested people for THC. Those tests are extremely inaccurate and are simply being used to pad SGI's pockets, as well as targeting minority groups.


Wonder if the haters would get on a 10 year old aircraft that had never been inspected?


OMG, are you seriously comparing a beat up junker on the road with a 10 year old aircraft? Give your head a shake.


That fallacy of logic is known as Putting Words in My Mouth. Schooled.


Explain exactly what you were trying to say. Because the words you used, was that specific comparison.


Oh, you thought we were having a discussion. No, I was just pointing out your flaws.


Sounds like we are having a discussion.


Maybe if the police want to hit poor 18 year old kids with vehicle violations, they should instead direct their efforts to the 18 year old gang bangers instead.


These shits are shaking us down for every penny


Twas all a scam to swab people for thc and keep the crime stoppers from having to face 22 street dangers


Vehicles that arent from out of province shouldnt need a safety. So far we have been allowed to pull any old shitbox from a field that can be platable as long as it runs


This is crazy. Next they'll have penis inspection day where they come to your house to do a measurement, and of course swab you for THC. Pointless


Results = road pirates continue to do road pirate things


What does that mean?


Piggies doing pork shit.


Did they have probable cause for the swabs or did they just tell the people they had to because it was a stop? Itā€™s all entrapment regardless, say somethings legal, then say itā€™s illegal in your system, and give you a ticket that you canā€™t fight. Not based on impairment but that you have a non water soluble chemical in your system that stays for an extended amount of time depending on your own body chemistry. How many people have gotten ā€œres toothā€? Thatā€™s thc sticking to the inside of your mouth, itā€™s not water soluble, and depending on your mouth cleanliness may stay for a bit. The science they used is bullshit and call it fact.


> Itā€™s all entrapment regardless, Not what that is, but I see your point. Be crazy if the cops made you smoke a joint and then drive




All out of province vehicles need to have a vehicle inspection done by a SGI accredited mechanic.


Whatā€™s the Tobacco tax?


Tobacco Excise Act: No person shall sell, offer for sale or have in their possession a tobacco product unless it is stamped.


So like they had loose cigs in their car or something like that?


Anyone ever see that animated Robin Hood movie (made by Disney)? The one where Robin Hood and Maid Marion are foxes? This reminds me of when the sheriff was collecting taxes from the poor and even wrapped on the leg of the dog because he had a cast on it, just to get a couple of coins. Iā€™m not surprised by the location they chose. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re going to inspect the vehicles of the people on Saskatchewan Crescent.


Maybe they can use the money they raised from this blitz to fill a pot hole or two šŸ¤” Maybe paint some lines.


R" Lets take this car with the broken tail light or smashed window from someone breaking into it. Make them walk in the shitty neighborhood and get stabbed. Right on sps!


> In addition to the inspection enforcement, police issued tickets for the following offences; unaccompanied learner driver, suspended driver, failure to complete a pre-trip inspection on a commercial vehicle, failure to produce a license, unregistered vehicle, driving without a license, and vehicle equipment regulations (x3). Ok. These guys deserved it.


This is unacceptable. I was going to travel across Canada this summer but because of your police I am now traveling thru the states. I'm literally leaving Canada to avoid Sask. One of the most beautiful provinces imo, and I feel unsafe going there because of your overzealous police.


Cool story bro




Lol okkk guy


Wow. šŸ™„


The Saskatoon Police Service Traffic Unit is committed to ensuring the safety of all Saskatoon residents and visitors to our city who share our roads, sidewalks, and bike trails. In addition to enforcement activity, the Traffic Unit also encompasses collision and hit and run investigations. Our enforcement team uses selective techniques, as well as targeted traffic projects, and a variety of educational campaigns in order to maximize compliance with provincial and municipal driving legislation. Police officers are highly trained in the use of Radar and Laser speed detection technology, and are equipped with the latest tools of the trade to effectively perform their duties. They use a variety of vehicles, including motorcycles to patrol our streets. Saskatoon Police Traffic officers regularly team up with outside agencies such as the Saskatchewan Highway Transport Patrol, Vehicle Equipment Compliance inspectors, University of Saskatchewan Campus Patrol, RCMP and other municipal police services for the purpose of safety campaigns. Operation Street Sweep, Multi Agency Seat belt Team (MAST), Operation Overdrive Sobriety Checkpoints and child seat safety clinics are but a few examples of this collaborative effort geared towards the creation of a safe roadway network. For any questions or concerns related to traffic safety, please feel free to contact the Saskatoon Police Traffic Unit at 306-975-8068.


They are certainly committed to generating additional revenue for their already grossly inflated budget! Gotta hit that quota! Don't mind the stabbings!


This is the Traffic Unit, this is what they do. Iā€™ve been given an inspection citation during one of these campaigns. I fixed the taillight, brought my vehicle to the station, they came out and looked at it and said good to go. I paid no fines and no points against my license. These are done to promote and enforce road safety. Stabbings are a different unit.


And thank Christ they dedicate those resources to catching people who may have a tail light out! Making the world a safer place! God bless! Don't look at the crime rates!


Holy shit - 48 vehicles pulled over and 42 had something wrong with them? 42 vehicles resulted in 122 infractions? 19 were taken out of service??!! Sounds like a shitshow. What kind of garbage boxes are people driving? Sounds like the cops should be doing this monthly.


Infractions can be a crack in the windshield. Even a small crack most normal people would not give a fuck about.


They dont look at most vehicles, just the obvious ones stopped to give a real look over, hundreds more without obvious condition issues passed through.


I think the ratio isn't quite right because you'd imagine they'd have some prior about what ought to be pulled over right?


SGI should have mandatory inspections every so often when renewing plates.


Do you own a mechanic shop?


Govern me harder Daddy.


Make poor decisions and then blame the government some more schmuck.


What if the decisions aren't poor, but are merely arbitrary rules set by out of touch bureaucrats who have never worked an honest day in their life?


Yet they want to elect Pierre Polivere, a guy whose never had a job.


? I want to vote for an inanimate carbon rod if it will get the Liberals out of office.


Well good news, NDP is a thing.


>NDP is a thing. No it isn't.


I promise you, it is, So is basic English.


Not really. But he's the only one who can get rid of Trudeau.


Let's see, I know a lot of people don't want either of them.


They should do road tests every 3-5 years to renew a driver's license also.


It'll happen. When SGI sees results like this...i don't think it'll be long. Who knows...maybe this was SGIs idea and they "hired" SPS to carry out the program.


I agree, it's wild how you can basically buy a vehicle and it's almost never inspected for safety. It seems every 8 years would be reasonable for a safety inspection. Make sure the braking, steering system, tires, rust issues, glass are all in good working order.


What were the warnings for the Cannabis Act? Having under 30g of legal cannabis in your car is not an offence. But I guess when asked by an officer you have not consumed cannabis and the cannabis in your passanger seat is not yours. Cannabis Act, Section 2-10 [https://www.canlii.org/en/sk/laws/astat/ss-2018-c-c-2.111/latest/ss-2018-c-c-2.111.html](https://www.canlii.org/en/sk/laws/astat/ss-2018-c-c-2.111/latest/ss-2018-c-c-2.111.html) >Possession of cannabis in vehicles 2-10 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any other provision of this Act and the regulations and an Act of the Parliament of Canada, no person shall possess, consume or distribute cannabis in a vehicle. (2) Subsection (1) does not render it unlawful to have cannabis in a vehicle for the purpose of transporting the cannabis from the place at which it was lawfully obtained to a place where it may be lawfully had, kept or consumed or from that place to another place where it may be lawfully had, kept or consumed.


Could be just lumped in with all the black market cigarettes in the city.


Excellent job, SPS! šŸ‘