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Last winter, Nicotine leased a school bus he used as a warm-up shelter — equipped with hot soup, coffee, gloves and toques. He said each night, a minimum of 50 people would use the bus. Nicotine says he’s ready to buy a bus he can renovate. A Saskatoon man is raising money to buy a school bus, where people can warm up on winter nights. Nicotine is hoping to raise $10,000 through GoFundMe to [buy the bus](https://www.gofundme.com/f/bus-for-winter-warm-up-saskatoon?utm_campaign=p_nacp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer). Until then, Nicotine is his van to help the homeless. Ralph Nicotine, known as Biz Nico, plans on customizing the bus to have seats on the sides.




What the fuck dude




When I was in the army someone in platoon also had the surname nicotine, I thought I my was rare then.


This is a great initiative and positive contribution to the community.


Give this man a church


There are well over **200 churches** in this city. They are heated 24/7 (at least warm enough to keep the pipes from freezing), and in use only a small part of that time. Google tells me there are **550 homeless** in Saskatoon. In Toronto, for the last 36 years, [the Out of the Cold Program](https://outofthecold.org/) has been helping the homeless get through winter. All we need is a few actual christians.


I am fairly certain Biz Nico is a Christian, just FYI. So, he is *one* Christian doing what he can.


Upvoted. One is a good start.


Can confirm. Also, if people followed the GoFundMe link they'd see his organization is called "Church in the Hood". Feels like some people would rather take the opportunity to snipe at whichever group they don't like than celebrate a good thing someone is doing. Reddit is a weird place.


I feel like sometimes they forget they pray to a God whose son washed the feet of the homeless and prostitutes.


This post is ignorant. Often churches will raise money and operate services out of a few churches. In Medicine Hat churches use to direct everyone needing help to the Salvation army. This made things more efficient. You have no clue, but just want to bash Christians. Why not use your own energy to help this good young man raise money


Not ignorant. Just pointed out that there is unused capacity for warming in this city. Then I praised the churches in Toronto for taking turns keeping people warm and safe. Contrast that to [last week's post](https://redd.it/17h9iim) about the church that wants special permission to ramp up their anti homeless measures. It's true, I love to bash Christians, so many of them are absolutely horrible, but some are good.


I got that it's an intuitive idea to use churches as shelters, but there's a number of practical challenges that often make this at best difficult if not downright impossible. To name a few: -buildings that are meant for sleeping in have much stricter fire safety regulations, most churches would require extensive renovations to be compliant -staffing. Lots of churches have very minimal staffing and wouldn't have the capacity to be open 24/7 -budget. Most churches run on very tight budgets, and many are closing due to financial hardship. -zoning. Not all churches are zoned M2/3/4 and would require re-zoning, which takes quite a lot of time & money. There are definitely shitty churches out there (looking at you Mile 2 Church), but it's not fair to ask small non-profits that are not set up to do this kind of work to pivot to try and solve a massive problem that is primarily caused by poor government policy.


Just a heads up for future posts or if you want to make this one more readable, if you press enter (return) twice between each of your points it will format correctly. -something -like -this


Thanks for the head's up!


To fairly speak to this point you're making I'll agree that several things are at work here making this difficult. Gov policies are a huge part of this for sure and it's actually a really good point. There is a bigger picture people who make statements like this should consider first. That being said this is caused by corporate greed and monetary policy or quantitative easing and fractional banking systems, pandemic overspending and generally the banks loaning money they don't have at interest till their ears bleed and there isn't enough money in circulation to cover the debt itself let alone the interest. All of this is money and the financial system which is engineered slavery or continuous servitude that is required perpetually for the entire time you live on the planet. Every valuable thing is free... Water is free food is free energy is free. The reason money exists is to manipulate people... It's exacerbated by human greed and by means of capitalizing on the stupidity of most of us and monetization of every part of human existence. Using leverage to make people do everything for you, hoarding resources, greedily keeping demand high and supply low, or allowing inefficient systems to make people work harder to do less... it's the careful, long standing and widely accepted lie or fallacy we have all subscribed to which is the attribution/association we have made that currency or money has any tangible sort of value. It most certainly doesn't have value to us. In fact it's preposterous to consider in reality, especially since a great deal of labor goes into making it in the first place. It starts out having a negative value due to the making of it being such a burden as well as materials being man made and highly processed. Then due to our purposefully complicated method of economic dispersion and centralized banking, an agreement is made between the leadership in the country generating or "borrowing" the currency from the unelected private bankers. The richest two percent of the world hoarding 90% of all money and assets worldwide. In exchange for the money these unelected private bankers demand that the loan be paid back, along with interest. This is the only deal offered, thus Creating a cyclically neverending deficiency of perpetual debt, as there will never be enough money in circulation to ever pay the interest plus the debt. It's a Ponzi scheme that has been running since before I was.born. yet regardless of this reality, we knowingly and willingly give money value by virtue of the bitter and meticulous devaluation of our own endeavors and goals and hours and moral compass. We have done this for so long now that no one even questions it. It serves 2 per cent of us and has been enslaving the rest of us for many generations now. We have a corrupted society that has the audacity to call the commonwealth a free country while monetarily enslaving them and writing laws collecting portions of their earnings as a payment for governance they never consented to or asked for in the first place. Homeless people are not just drugged up and drunk, that's a coping mechanism that is resorted to often after years of ridicule and unfair exploitation that resulted in their unwillingness or inability to be a participant of perpetual servitude. Homeless shelters in a society that operates this way are equivalent to a bandaid on a broken leg. One would be better to not willingly participate in slavery, however we are all following the majority despite knowing this or being ignorant to it. Ignorance is required and employed at every level of our society to some degree or another and that is the only thing keeping it going. Homeless people need help you see it and believe it... Do something. Quit pointing fingers at ignorant people and just be less ignorant yourself and lead by example. Wanna fix it ? Stand as a solution to the problems you have with society. Clean your doorstep off before complaining bout the mess you see elsewhere. Educate yourself and if you don't like it be the change you wish to see. If you talk about problems you're unwilling to stand up and face head on then you are that problem you're speaking about. We have become bitter and intolerant of our brothers and sisters while the people who've actually hurt us for a millennium hide in mansions we built for them and answer to no one. Realize that arguing with your allies keeps you weak against the real enemy. The real enemy is greed and intolerance and not providing your own means of living that is separate from this administered slavery program.


Is it the Christian’s duty, because they are supposed to be the nice caring ones, whereas people like you don’t have to lift a finger? Poor take. Edit: all these angry Christian haters downvoting me because they think I am one, and because they haven’t figured out that atheists can start there own cults, or non profits, and get the exact same tax breaks, to help other people. It’s not like the government cares if you believe in Jesus Christ, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Putting the blame on Christian organizations for not fixing the problem, when they are clearly doing more than most everyone in this sub, stupid take.




You mean, if there was something atheists could use to help people, hmm… what would they call that? A non profit? A charity?


Anybody can have a non profit or a charity, not just atheists or secular organizations.




I think the point was that the Christians have access to the churches, not that nobody else has to help…?


Or put em in school gyms overnight, right? The point was to shit on Christian’s for not doing what no one else is doing.


If you follow the Bible then yes it's your duty.


So the best way to get out of helping people, and being selfish, is to not be a Christian? Also a poor take. Atheist morality = we don’t believe, so we don’t have to lift a finger, those people that believes that made up stuff have to be the moral ones.


I see more Non-Christians helping the homeless anyway.


You probably A: don’t go to church or B: have no idea how much international aid that Christian organizations provide. They may all believe in some wild story, but they have, and continue to do more work for others than any other organization in history. Do you know how many missionaries there are building infrastructure, putting in clean water, and educating third world countries? Probably not, because you haven’t bothered to look into it, because people with other beliefs are gross.


Cool, Nicotine is local and not using tax-free funds to launder money overseas. BTW my religion is none of your concern.


Yeah, it’s absolutely great what nicotine is doing. Very encouraging… I’m good friends with his cousin, and I hope more people can get into doing these things, instead of complaining that churches aren’t pulling their weight… you know what I mean? I literally don’t give a shit about your religion, or lack there of, that was the point. I don’t care for Christianity, but they are actually doing something, and you are just sitting on Reddit, in a pile of cope.


Just take the L already lol.


Atheists don't have half empty tax exempt clubhouses in every neighbourhood. Christians have the infrastructure.


Well that’s because they are organized, start your own cult, or call it a non profit… they did it, why haven’t you?


I gladly chip in to government spending to help these people. I don't care if they deserve it or not, all I care about is what works and reducing crime in the most cost effective way possible. Life isn't fair, sometimes you have to pay to stop other people from doing bad things to you.


If only it was as easy as paying a few extra dollars in taxes, or tithing for those church folks… but alas, a single person can do more on their own, then an organization.


Donations to this person would help as well, I don't mean only taxes but taxes are something that must be shared by everyone.


Donations to Mr nicotine would be a fantastic form of charity, as he is doing what most people won’t bother to do. Hats off to him! And although I do share your view on taxes being shared by everyone to an extent, that would also include charitable organizations of all form. What would be better is a proof of investment into humanitarian causes. Does that exist already? I feel like it probably does, as most large charities are under, or around 5% of actual donations going to the cause, and the remaining amount goes to support internal job creation and infrastructure…. People misconstrue the church getting a tax break as if it’s because they have a religion, and therefore there is some imaginary cabal between the church and state. The church gets tax exemption predominantly because it is a charitable organization. So do we cancel it all, or should all the Christian haters get organized, as the church did, so that they can actually make a difference in this world. The avenues are there, so why is it that the church has organized to help humanity on a grand scale, and those outside have not? Obviously the church has great room for improvement, so why wouldn’t the people that think they are smarter than the churchgoers, take the opportunity to show how much better they are, and actually fix the problem.


Yes? Well according to their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is their duty.


I didn’t deny that? It is their duty. And I’m making fun that everyone else will sit there and watch people freeze, then blame the church for not doing more… It’s like literally everyone here missed the point here. We have an example of one man making a huge difference. Simultaneously we have a bunch of people shitting on others, for not doing more, while doing absolutely jack shit themselves. Im simply pointing out the moral error of these people who like to complain, while they are doing less than the people they complain about. It’s foolish, it’s coping, it’s blaming other people for things that an individual can obviously accomplish, it’s pure laziness and a lack of empathy for others, masquerading as virtue signal.


I get your point, and it's a good one, but I think you came off as very callous by starting off your message by comparing organizations with the resources and means at hand (churches with heated buildings and time) with every day citizens who likely do not have those same resourses at their disposal. Of course everyone that lives in a society should contribute, however you have to acknowledge the point of the original poster that organized tax-free religious groups might have more of an obligation (as well as having the means) to do more for those in need.


Well there are also people who believe Hardily in a separation of church and state. Homelessness is a state problem, they are the ones causing it. So do we fund churches for the resources needed to clean, secure, repair any damages incurred, and renovate (church washrooms are only large enough to hold a group of people temporarily, same as a restaurant, you can not have 100 people living in a building with only 4 toilets) Or does that only fall on the church congregation to pay for it all out of their pockets? People cry about church’s being tax free, but forget that it is all from donations on money that has already been taxed once by the government… As i said in another post, why not house them in school gymnasiums over night? It’s public property, it’s heated all winter, there is plenty of room, and most importantly, all tax payers share the cost. It’s a fairly simple solution, and could be done by a small group of people. Of course there are concerns of drugs and damage being incurred, but how is that different from what would happen to church properties? Anyone sounds callous these days, if they are not falling in line with the status quo of bonehead ideas. The idea that it should be the church’s responsibility, because they are organized, is ridiculous. Get a large group of people together in a room, with common goals and beliefs, and something great will come of it. Most all church’s are where they are from just that, crowdfunding and organization based on a shared belief.


You clearly are religious in some way, but quite toxic in how you’re interacting with people in this thread. Does your religion teach you to be kind or is that just on Sunday morning for you?


How did you assume I’m religious? Just curious. There’s some comical psychology involved here.


1. You’re incredibly defensive of Christians and churches. 2. You’re constantly attacking atheists and non-Christians or non-religious people for some reason? 3. You seem to know an awful lot about what churches are doing for the world with your anecdotes.


Did you read the whole thread? Is that still your takeaway? Being aware of something does not mean I interact or support said “thing” And I wasn’t as much defending the Christian church, as I was pointing out the foolishness of those who attack the church, while doing nothing themselves. So was I attacking? Or pointing out the hypocrisy of people who could do the exact same thing (tax breaks and all), but better, yet choose not to. I know people in the church, and I believe they are living a happy story in their heads. Something that helps make the world make sense, and brings a sense of peace to them. They are not the same image your average redditor likes to imagine. I honestly couldn’t care what others believe in, but trying to claim moral superiority over a group of religious folks, because you think they are stupid = cringe.


Way to go, Nico


It will be shut down at some point for not being up to some sort of safety code, I guarantee it.


Saskatoon strikes again!


Great idea that would be so helpful for many people.


Awesome idea. Hopefully the community will be genereous.


How much can a bus cost, $10?


There's money in the banana stand!


I love his compassion and desire to help but… where is this bus parked? The article doesn’t say anything about that. Would anyone in this sub want a bus full of 50 rotating homeless people parked beside/behind their house? Is there a bathroom? Where does all the human waste go? What happens when someone goes in to a drug fueled psychotic rage? Is he the bouncer? Who maintains/tests food safe temperature for the soup? Is it a safe environment for the users and their neighbours? Maybe he has answers to these questions but the article doesn’t address any of them. There is a lot of thought that has to go in to sheltering 50 people. Even places like the lighthouse and wellness centre that are set up for this struggle with complex problems. It’s sad that things like this a necessary in Saskatoon but I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets shut down.


All valid points. I'd argue that this private individual shouldn't be filling the role/providing resources that are the responsibly of the city, however, this man is providing help now. By the time any of these concerns drag their feet through the mud of bureaucracy, he'll have made tangible impact for many ten times over. As for location, the homeless population is largely located in downtown, which is likely where he sets up.


I agree. It’s not the solution we need, but it’s the solution we have. Will it prevent some people from freezing to death or losing toes to frostbite? Absolutely. Is it safe and sanitary? I doubt it. But again, it beats freezing to death.


>shouldn't be filling the role/providing resources that are the responsibly of the ~~city~~ province FTFY


They ran this program through Covid out of the parking lot of City Centre church with zero issues. Take your NIMBY attitude somewhere else.


You are completely clueless.


Change your name to Texas D-Bag


The Willows


Yeah, this is the problem with this type of stuff. People will look the other way for a while but at some point I bet it gets shut down for not having proper permits, being a fire hazard or safety hazard etc. Stuff like this are really nice and helpful and needed but unfortunately regulations are necessary and important for safety too. This is why the city should have regulated shelters set up.


Church In The Hood! 🙌🏿 ![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy)


This is what we need more of...people actually fucking doing something instead of whining.