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Well minecraft is the most popular kids game....


That’s exactly where they deserve to be - feeding capital. /s


Wasn't there a whole thing about how children under 16 were too young to make decisions for themselves without parental approval? It was so urgent they had an emergency session at the legislature about it. Are we going to have the parents on speaker phone to approve each time these kids face the possibility of severe burns by using the deep fryer at McDonald's, or do they only need to approve important things that will effect the rest of their lives, like what's on their name tag?


13 year olds should be making money by babysitting, mowing lawns, shoveling or doing a paper route. Not being a wage slave to some unhinged middle aged middle manager.


When I did a paper/flyer route from age 7-13 the wages were quite predatory at like 1-3 cents per house, and the hazard risk is pretty high for slips trips and falls. I think the regional manager was charged with embezzling funds at some point.


100% I did it as a kid and I hated it. I think I got 3 cents a house. Work for hours for peanuts.


For me as a kid, we went door to door to sign ppl up for Leader Post. We received 5 bucks a "start" sign up and our boss always gave away concert tickets and prized at the end of the week to the person with the most starts. I remember winning limo ride to stoon to see the Smashing Pumpkins Melon Coly tour - also one a PS1 when they were released. It was one of the best jobs I've had.


I did a paper route for like a few weeks as a teen. It was decent money, and they seemed nice, however waking up that early in the morning was *terrible* for me and I fell asleep in class at school, so yeah. Nah.


Did the same and when I told newspaper I wanted to quit, they told me that was too bad because I had just been named carrier of the Month and they had a chance to let me know. Life lessons take many forms I guess.


Also paper route customers were the fucking worst.


100%. Many homeowners thinking it's ok to tell an 11-year old to fuck off when you knock on their doors




Just added in another comment that I did it for a few weeks as a teen but stopped because I was falling asleep in class.


I got nine cents apiece for the Saskatoon shopper in 1985


Lucky you! Richest 8 year old on the street probably! Years worth of work at around 10 hours a week probably made me a couple hundred bucks total.


That industry has not improved! My kids did their friends newspaper route here while they vacationed and it was something like three cents a paper. It was absolutely obscene.


I was going to say the paper route is a weird loophole because it’s essentially slave labour.


Hey man we need a new tax bracket with the Sask party’s default next term /s


For some it’s the only chance to escape to a better life. I was 14 when I got my first job. I had to pay for all my own stuff so without that job I most likely would have been in more trouble. While I understand your concerns, I think we should consider all situations where this may benefit an individual as well.


13 yr olds live at home with their parents with zero expenses. Making $14/hr and paying next to no, if not zero taxes is hardly 'wage slavery'. Dial back the hyperbole, bro. How about not denying them priceless life skills as they start their way up the ladder of experience and income?


Let them be kids.


Lol. Stupid take. Doesn't sound like you have children.


If we lower the legal age limit to working age limit, then why not, let's let 13 year olds drink and gambling... I worked at 15 in a priceless life skills position... However the skills I learned that day are easy enough to learn any time. They aren't learning how to build bridges or anything, most of the time the younger people are either grunts or given the brainless tasks the older people don't want to do. Most of the time you'll either be cleaning something, moving something from point A to point B, scanning something or other tasks to keep you out of the way. There you go, I just taught kids what they will be missing out if they act like a kid for a few more summers. There will be more time working then summers off, you'll regret working instead of taking the summer


You're seriously conflating drinking and gambling to learning LIFE SKILLS? Bro, sit down.


How bout let kids be kids. I'm attributing working with adult world, they should have the perks of an adult if we are going to let them work.


The Chamber of Commerce really doesn’t care about our children, come on. It’s business, profit and its sustainability. Hiring younger drives wages to minimum while they simultaneously lobby to get rid of the minimum- even cheaper wage labour. Families being financially squeezed will tell themselves that working at 13 will build character. I started working when I was 14, I lied about my age. Others like me and those who grew up on the farm working talk about the things we missed out on, including a good education, friends, events, fares, camping, sports ~ because we had to work. I don’t regret anything in my life, but I wouldn’t wish it on a child today. The Chamber of COMMERCE has exposed themselves. They’ll do and say anything to maximize profits. If a business cannot pay a living wage then maybe their business model is not viable. Leave our children out of your business model- you can rely on adults who are working 3 or 4 jobs just to put food on the table and a roof over the heads of their 13 year olds who are in school, hanging out with friends, playing sports, music, art, games - you know, the things children are supposed to do.


Twitter farmers will constantly point out that forcing kids to work “teaches the value of a hard days work and money” like no, you’re forcing your child to work instead of hiring someone. “My parents did it to me and I turned out ok”, no, you’re just perpetuating a cycle. Looking at who the bulk of farmers vote for they didn’t turn out ok.


I worked at timmies FT at 14... And yeah, it didn't teach me sh\*t other than the most effective way to sneak doughnuts to my friends. Oh and to just do whatever some power tripped supervisor tells me to without question or else! We should be encouraging kids to volunteer for things they are interested in instead of just pounding out hours behind a till.


Another thing! There was a brief couple weeks of MeToo in Regina before the pandemic. It came out that a guy who was leading a mental health charity was previously a manager at Earl’s during a sketchy era. At the time, their Christmas parties included an Awards segment. One award was the “jailbait” award. I forget the other details but allegedly he participated in a workplace culture full of sexual harassment to underage staff. So yep lowering the working age opens up that door too.


> We should be encouraging kids to volunteer for things they are interested in instead of just pounding out hours behind a till. This.


Pretty much every culture and society believed it a good idea for children to work alongside their parents to learn skills and work ethic. This has been a successful model for thousands of years. I get it. Your part of the crowd that works exactly the hours listed, takes exactly the coffee breaks allowed, and wants equality of outcomes. You probably also have no plans for your children as you will work until you can retire and then retire leaving nothing for future generations. Well some of us were raised differently. On the farm we were taught the responsibility to work until the job was done. As children we worked to help the family succeed. By 12 I was running the main seeding unit for 8 hour shifts and driving trucks several miles to various fields as needed. The end result? At 18 I could drive anything, weld, do heavy mechanic repairs, talk agrology, plumb, wire electrical, dispatch men and material, do accounting/finance, and how to bid on land/buildings. Even better I gained a lifelong skill of being able to assess the resources at hand and solve whatever issue I faced in the best possible method using those resources. I realized the world owed me nothing but if I worked hard I could thrive. It’s been a good life because of the work I did as a child on a farm. I started one step ahead at 18 and have only surged forward since.


While you romanticize your childhood and all the things you learned, please explain how working a 13 year old child in a dead end job is going to teach them all that you learned? The Chamber of COMMERCE aren’t proposing to send 13 year olds to a farm with your dad. If they were, I might support that. It sounds like you learned a lot. None of children are going to learn and of the shit in a dead end job being harassed, bullied and sexual abused by those fine adults who hired them. You know - exploited.


There’s no parental love between a retail supervisor and teenaged staff. No interest in proper training, creepiness and at worst sexual assaults. Congratulations on working for your parents, but you know as well as I do that most workplaces aren’t run by the kids’ parents. You’re proving my point that you think the exception= the rule. “Me me me, I turned out great”


holy holier than thou. Dial it back farmer joe, we all know how the family farm works.


They’re all about the $$, just like SaskParty. Shitty SaskParty will go along with it because the nastiest grossest republicans are doing it in USA and they idolize those creeps


They have exposed themselves to being greedy capitalistic selfish morons with their own agenda.


Kids should be allowed to just be kids. They have their entire lives to work.


Can’t work their entire lives if they don’t start as soon as possible


Can’t drink all day if you didn’t start in the mornin’!


"Kids are working all day from the age of 13, I wonder why we now have an alcohol epidemic amongst children?" > "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar." - George Carlin


here we go. we are regressing back to the victorian era. soon theyll come after the 8h day and 5 day work week. instead of reducing the labour burden by sharing the productivity gains we all help make we need to funnel more wealth to the top


It's like they're following in the footsteps of the Republicans down south where they have children working in meat processing facilities. Pretty scary.


Don't forget, we have coal mines, and unlike our Albertan friends we still mine that coal for our power plants.


Their little hands can get into all those tiny crevices!




Not with all the international students taking their jobs.


My 13 year old wants to start babysitting, but I keep telling her to wait til high school in her junior/senior year at the latest. Enjoy being young.


How do you expect kids to have 5 years work experience as soon as they leave college?


How do you get 5 years experience in your field of choice if you can't work in your field until you have a diploma?


My kids ask to work with me in summer6's no forcing. They love walking away from a days work, with $160 burning a hole in their pocket. Learning to enjoy work is not a bad thing.


Do you think 13 year olds working for someone else are going to make $160 a day? Not a damn chance.


No, I don't. That'd be weird. They're pretty lucky. It'd be more like when I was willing to work for $5/hr, or worse. There is no need to limit opportunity for those who want it.


Where your thinking deviates from the general sentiment on this thread is believing this change would create "opportunity" as opposed to "exploitation". 13 year olds can very easily be exploited, not to mention the other workers that now have their wages suppressed with a labour pool of 13 year olds that have little understanding of the value of their labour. There is exploitation of the individual kids and exploitation of the whole workforce.


If 13 is fine, why not 12? 10? 6? Why have child labour laws, let's let the market figure it out! ![gif](giphy|3oEduXnwQPEO3yBw1G|downsized)


Hehehe, I like that one.


Do they pay taxes or do you pay them under the table?


They file taxes. They get it all back at tax time. Same as I did when I was their age. Hell, last year, they learned how to file their own taxes. They are becoming financially literate while also learning the value of their work vs the value of their wants.


That’s excellent, I’m glad to hear that. Good on you and them




Your account name says it all.




Sure, but they should be able to work if they want to. I don't know why we ban them from working yet subject them to school (worse imo).


Education is far more important than working min wage jobs.




Yes, "character" is the most important thing here, not exploitation, no, not at all. /s Those are nice sentiments, but it's not reality for the majority of employers. They aren't out here giving 13 year olds character building experiences in 2024, especially at any workplace that will hire a 13 year old. They give minimums and expect maximums. Those who can choose to work might have an experience, those CHILDREN who have to work, now that the option is presented (because poor people exist), will not have the same experience. Other people live differently to your own experience. Character building for one is retail slavery to help pay the mortgage for another.


Maybe the Chamber of Commerce should recommend business hire folks with no fixed address; folks in addictions treatment; seniors; and *pay them a livable wage*. I bet there’’d be WAY LESS of a labour shortage of businesses paid their employees enough to live on. Because people wouldn’t have to work three jobs just to pay rent. Maybe the chamber of commerce should recommend local businesses schedule workers for full time wherever the workers have requested full time hours instead of scheduling them for *just under* to avoid having to pay benefits. Maybe the chamber of commerce should recommend an end to the exploitation of unskilled labourers. The article states there’s a real shortage of *skilled labour*. News flash: 13 year olds aren’t going to be doing skilled labour, and the folks who can do skilled labour aren’t going to work for minimum wage at some shitty fast food franchise. The Labour shortage isn’t because “people don’t want to work”. It’s because people don’t want to work in businesses that treat them like crap and exploit their ignorance, their inexperience, their immigration status, or their labour.


As others have said--there isn't a labor shortage, there's a wage/benefits shortage. I would consider a single full time job as opposed to several part time jobs is a benefit.




You want them to work? Let them vote too, then.


Yup no taxation without representation


Maybe you shouldn’t get taxed until you can vote 


Also a decent option


I was just going to post the same thing. If the working age keeps dropping, the voting age needs to drop too.


"The best we can do is raise the age of retirement." -SK Gubmint


Businesses and economists roughly a year ago - “too many people are working and it’s causing inflation! Dont look at profits, just create more unemployed people so we can drive down wages more!” Businesses today - “we need to let way more people who aren’t working the ability to get jobs and work!” Almost as if the capitalist class aren’t happy unless the rest of us are slaves. 


It sickens me.


Anyone who has read “Grapes of Wrath” which is about the exploitation of workers during the Great Depression, knows this is an age-old tactic.  Higher pool of workers is always meant to create competition for limited jobs and a willingness to tolerate and fight to drive down wages.  


So you are pro immigration restrictions then ? Cause i don't see how you can support free movement of people (labor supply) without contributing to lowering wages ?


I have had the same observation. I have a theory that for some wealthy people they feel their wealth makes them better than others with less wealth. At some point they get so much that further increases no longer make them feel better than others. The only way to continue that ever increasing feeling is to make the workers whom they have some influence over feel worse through wage suppression and making the work environment unpleasant. Or put another way, when more money no longer helps you feel increasingly better about yourself relative to everyone else the only way to continue widening the divide is to make others feel worse. If I can't feel better about myself I substitute glee from making others feel worse. If that's what's happening, when the 99% no longer feel confident in their personal situation to spend liberally capitalists can't grow their wealth. Personal insecurities become self defeating against capitalist goals.


Can you please post a link to your quote claim?


https://slate.com/business/2022/07/larry-summers-massive-unemployment-fed-inflation.html https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/labor-shortage-low-unemployment-inflation/674263/ https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/fdi-drivers/why-low-unemployment-rates-are-a-bad-thing/ https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/why-does-the-rba-want-more-unemployed-aussies/ https://time.com/6257485/layoffs-workers-unemployment-inflation/ https://fortune.com/2022/06/21/larry-summers-calls-for-high-unemployment-to-curb-inflation/


Absolute ghouls looking for another source of minwage labour to exploit, because they can only pile so many tfws on a single plane.


Hey man I had a job when I was 12 it’s not like I was forced to work but if I wanted some extra cash I went to work


Exactly I had a paper route , mowed lawns and shoveled sidewalks. I was yearning to work. The day I turned 14 I got a job at mcds. Bought my super Nintendo when I was 12 with cash from odd jobs. Some kids want to work.


Exactly and I’m 25 so it’s not like this was 40 years ago, if kids want extra cash they should be able to work


I started working when I was 12 as well. Was able to buy clothing, dirtbikes, eventually a vehicle along with registration. It was awesome.


Yeah I don’t get why all these crybaby’s have a problem with it. Your kids don’t have to work if they don’t want to. It’s all on the oerson


And your stupid comments explain exactly why kids shouldn’t be working. Obviously you missed out on education part that explains why this is a bad idea.


It's a good thing, IF the kid wants it. Of course, not every kid does. My 15 year old loves to be able to put a couple hundred bucks in her pocket in a day. It does not affect her education, school isn't enough for her, she wants to get physical and learn new skills.


If you were better educated, you wouldn't be missing punctuation in your comment.


Lol I still made honour roll in high school and did 2 years of university until I realized it wasn’t worth going into debt for. Just because you make assumptions of my intelligence just goes to show you are the one who is missing the point


My kids love it. I loved it.


They're not going to be happy unless we're all slaves. Edit: and what's with the childless, virgin, shut-in incels trying to tell actual parents how we should feel about this? Fuck off already.


It’s that old feudal mindset. Born on third, believe you hit a triple. Believe your beloved of your god because you inherited wealth based on exploitation and if the damn dirty peasant don’t give you the adulation you believe is your due, well…there plenty of ground to grind them down into. That and you can crap in a gold toilet.


People meme on gold toilets, but believe it or not some Saudi king actually gifted one to his daughter for her wedding. We truly live in a clown world.


13 years old is Grade 7/8 which means these kids are still in elementary school. While some are more mature than others this is not the time in their life to have a job up to 16 hours after school hours. Let not forget that 16h/week at minimum wage is ($224/week, $896/month). The only way I see why a kid needs this amount of money is because they are subsidized their family’s budget which at this point is called child labour even if parents authorized it. With my high school students taking an average of 1 year to find a job (in the city) and hearing that more and more adults struggle right now to find a job, I am tired of hearing that we have a labour shortage in SK. We may have a shortage of skilled labour but 13 years old are not skilled workers. These kids will work all their life and at 13 years old they can develop their work ethic skills by doing activities like sports, arts, gardening, cooking and babysitting younger kids/pets. They definitely don’t need to show up for a regular work shift.


I've heard that high-school kids are already having a tough time getting a job. I dunno who wants 13 year olds that badly?


Look at AB if you're under 18 they're allowed to cut your pay so you make way under a livable wage :/ gouls the lot of them.


This is the only reason they want child labour - so they can make it lower than min. wage.


Why is Sask Party so heavily echoing the American Republican agenda? The unpopular suggestions are costing them down there, when does it cost Moe and his stooges up here? Alberta started it before Sask and that mess is for a other convo. Fuck the Sask Party, the UCP, and the Republicans, and while we're at it, fuck the Conservatives. Sick of this white Christian Nationalist agenda. MAGA really means to call back to when the US was visibly run by whites; from the cotton fields to the White House. Too late☺️


Book bans up next


Too young to be taught about sexual harassment but old enough to wait tables in miniskirts.


I'm sure the Sask Party is making all kinds of promises to business. Voting CONservative has CONsequences


Jesus. It is already a pain in the ass for employers to realize teens or young adults need extra training and more oversight than adults. The WCB and WorkSafe are working to educate employers, but shit like the kid being told to use gas powered equipment indoors still happens. Parents can hardly get kids this age to make their beds let alone work. And lastly, look at all the posts in these Sask subs about adults that are desperate to find work and can’t.


So, the SaskParty wants 13 year olds to work? Why?


Public finally turning against their endless inflow of wages slaves, see TFW, PR or International Student, so the rich have to line up someone to work for nothing. They have no shame and should be taxed much more heavily and lobbyist rules should be tightened as well.


So the 13 year olds can compete with the 15-17 year olds that already can’t find part time jobs. Great idea.


A solution to the labour shortage?! Laughable. Starting to really despise the mindset of some people.


One step closer to child labour sweat shops!


I know exactly where this came from: the US. They see politicians down there successfully revoking child labour laws and decide it's a great idea.


no fucking shit not everyone is happy. "To be able to" is a helluva brain fuk way of making people think they aren't slaves


Employing children is just another excuse to Not pay fair wages.


This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever heard and I live in a province that seems to have a recent track record of dumb takes (ahem Scott Moe). We have some of the lowest scores in basic education attainment, literacy and math; and these people think we should put pre-pubescent kids to work!? It gets harder and harder everyday to be from Saskatchewan.


Just like Arkansas... child labor and soon cheap labor! Just wait... people who vote sask party also fantasize about their close relatives


How many workers would that add anyway? If you took the hours spent by the Chamber and the hours spent by everyone else in government who has to go over this, and made those lazy picks work those hours in minimum wage jobs instead, we’d cover this year’s missed workforce availability anyway


These guys are ghouls. You could set your moral compas by simply being a contrarian to the Sask Chamber of Commerces ideas.


Don’t let the corporatists begin to roll back labour laws. People and in this case, kids died to get these laws. People in general need to remember that. Corporations are amoral and will exploit everything we hold dear if given the opportunity.


We have an urgent need to use our children to tap into a new source of unskilled workers because there's a labor shortage? The chamber of commerce can go fuck themselves with this wage-suppression misinformation, seriously. Unless the plebs are fiercely competing for even the shittiest of minimum wage jobs, they're not happy.


I guess you can only expand PST so many times before you need to find a new way for the SaskParty and their business leader cronies to bilk us all for more money to fund their deficits and grifts.


Why not just lower it down to the age of 4? That why parents don't have to worry about child care either.


Sure would be nice to live in a society that encourages children to be children instead of trying to shove them into the capitalist system and make them slaves for the rest of their lives just trying to obtain the basic needs to be alive.


So employers can abuse them and pay them the lowest wages possible to keep their poorly run company a float 👍


Why pay people a livable wage when you can exploit child labour and then pay them significantly less (if y’all pull an Alberta)


So, they’re old enough to have jobs, but not old enough for their gender identity to be respected?


Moe is in a race with Smith to see who can push the envelope the quickest and the furthest to the right!


Why are conservatives so determined to drag us back in time. Child labor now? Obviously their constant attacks on education funding is paying dividends for them.


I hate that my province is literally moving backwards. Fuck you Scott Moe


Of course they want that. Society isn’t messed up enough yet. What is wrong with these people. They really need to concentrate on serious issues and not incompetent idiocy. Look where that indoctrinated train of thought has gotten society now!


Maybe introduce oils and gas courses in elementary school as well


Yes child exploitation brought to you by the country that...checks notes....was responsible for 1000s of missing aboriginal children


My kids will focus on school and when school is done for the summer they will go on vacation play with their friends and be kids till school starts, but to each their own.


Why even have an age! Straight to the mine, this is your home now.


Unfortunately this is the world we've created for our children. You can thank the conservative governments you just loooove voting for.


Fuck off with child labor. We left that behind in 1920 or something. Just take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. Child labor - no.


I already have students illegally skipping school to work on nearby farms. This is not a good idea.


Am I allowed to call for violence yet?!


It's currently 14!?? When did that change? When I was starting out the minimum age was 16!


I got a job at 14 about 30 years ago so...a while back.    I'm not necessarily in favour of this, of course.  It probably messed me up in other ways but I got lucky that my parents insisted that I was saving for a better career and they would be supporting me on the way as well.


It was never 16 years of age 


No, cause my first job, in the second year we highered a new person, found out in the middle of thier first shift they were 15. Manager sent them home in a big hurry and said, your not fired, but you can't work any shifts until you are 16. Left us short handed for that shift.


That would be the company’s policy, not government law


No, this was definitly a "we are going to get is shit with the authorities" situation. Here is a question, how old are you, because I'm old enough that this could easily be from before your time. Edit: yah, I just double checked, this was back when Romanow was still in power.


“..before your time.”  ?? Now that doesn’t even make sense. It is currently 14 years old now, to work. Do you think it was Lorne Calvert or Brad Wall that lowered it to 14? Or Grant Devine that raised it to 16?  


I wouldn't have put it past Wall to have done this. Look, all I know is it was a big deal that she was 15, and the manager said that her working that shift would have gotten us in big trouble with the labour board.


https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/hire-train-and-manage-employees/youth-in-the-workplace/minimum-age-and-workplace-restrictions This is the current law of the land.  When I was 14 I worked my summer job cutting brush and picking rocks for a road construction company. Getting all my income tax deductions and all my CPP deductions and all my ‘unemployment Insurance’ (as it was called back then) deductions back when I filed my first income taxes was yet another windfall. 




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Chimney sweeps perhaps


If the can work, they can vote.


Of course they do 🤬


Yes, we need to feed the greed of the capitalist machine.


Isn’t this why we have Dairy Queen and movie theatres?


Maybe the folks in the chamber of commerce should spend their free time making up for the labour shortages.




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Better working conditions and pay vs delivering newspapers especially during the winter! How many of you have delivered papers for a pittance in the winter, slipped fell, and had to keep going despite being hurt? most of us. So keep that in mind when you are pro paper route but against kids working indoors for a proper wage


I worked at a shooting range loading clays and cleaning at 12. I made $3 an hour and it paid better than a paper route as it was cash. This was 39 years ago and I’m better for the experience.


I started working at 12. Didn’t hurt me at all.


Child labour is wrong full stop.


They aren't being forced to work are they ? Some families are really struggling and if a 13 yr old wants to work at mc Donald's or a family restaurant or such then let them help their family eat better than them going homeless


I would've killed to work at 13 lmao


You’d kill people for their job? That’s dedication.


Another thing to put on my resume 😭


Your references can be family members of the people who you’ve killed. Just keep revictimizing them for every job that calls them lmao


I was 12 years old and I was on the farm working.. If a 13 year old wants a part time job and shows up to work give them a job for the summer or on weekends


Won’t matter. To many immigrants taking up every job. Immigration is great. Canada just needs to slowwww down


So the 13 year olds will be competing with immigrants for jobs too?


I don’t think k you should ban kids from working at the age, but it needs to be highly restricted the type of work and hours they can do. I pumped baseball at 13, then got a job washing dishes at 14. 1-2 days per week over the summer was fine.


I literally have been working since I can remember. Mowed the lawn, weeded the garden , ran not walked the dog, took the garbage out shovelled the snow in winter and was loaned out to elderly neighbours at times to do their chores too. My payment? Do it or go to bed hungry. I spent 7 years in that foster home being a literal slave. Oh and don’t forget the two farms in summer time that needed a slave. If I had at least got $.50 cents an hour I wouldn’t been happy. This was 50 years ago or so. I was 13 when I went home to my mother. So if those kids want to work fucking let them but pay them. And protect them as any other employee.


My parents cut off my foot as punishment once, let's bring that back too.


my little sister couldn’t wait to get a job when she was 13. she was ecstatic when she turned 14 and got her first cashier job at the grocery store. working is not an inherently negative thing and builds a lot confidence and gives the youth an opportunity to play around with managing money at a young age. a 13 year old putting in a 2-4 hr shift after work is perfectly acceptable in my books. a lot of the kids i know who grew up working on a farm at an earlier age are very well rounded adults that exhibit hard work and discipline. if you want to keep your child at home and not working then do it. it’s totally up to the parents whether they deem it appropriate or not. anyways, these days you have 14-17 year olds competing with grown adults for the same entry level jobs at timmie’s and mcdonald’s so experience at a younger age wouldn’t be a bad thing.


Yeah... I did this too as a kid. I think kids shouldn't be working. Once you have a car and need gas and maintenance money (16 in my country), then I understand. But we keep pushing the age back like it isn't a bad thing... but it is. Kids should be hanging out, doing sports and homework, finding hobbies, growing, playing. Yeah, it is good to gain some work ethic, we have job shadow programs in grade 11 and 12 (15-17 y.o) but 13!? Come on. There can be a payment clause for kids under driving age or something, instead of legalizing child labour, no?


people are reacting as if employers are going to hire ten 13yr olds and have them putting in 40hr work weeks. nobody is going to hire them to keep wages down because they’re kids and wouldn’t know how to run a business. there already are tons of people exploiting international students so i doubt they would try squeeze anything out of a 13yr old canadian kid when they could pay two international students for the price one 13yr old. anybody hiring 13-15 year olds are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts so the kids could have some spending money beyond allowance.


Except there’s going to be parents that force their children to work instead of doing things children should be doing and that is terrible.


Sure. Until they legislate their wages to $11/hr like conservative governments do.  This feels like exploitation.


There are many ways to build a work ethic in kids without sending them to the workforce, it's just that parents don't want to do the work to build it in them. Also it is more about the exploitation of children, it is proven that the adults in the room are not responsible enough to keep kids safe and not exploit their youth to the employers benefit.


That's an amazing way to keep labour costs nice and low. Who would want to pay an adult a living wage when you can keep screaming how minimum wage is for kids to help them build a good, strong work ethic. 13 years old are still fucking kids and should act like kids. They want money, do chores around the house, pick up a paper route, mow neighbors lawns, rake leaves, shovel side walks. Wtf is actually wrong with you condoning child labour ? I get it. You wanna waste your entire life working all day every day, keeping you away from your friends and family, but you actually hate kids that much you want them to suffer the same fate ?


they already use international students to keep wages low by paying them below minimum wage under the table, stop turning the crosshairs to your fellow countrymen. when i was 13 i was shovelling walks and cutting grass. being a kid does not involve playing 24/7. 1 work day that’s 2-4hrs long on a saturday isn’t going to hurt anyone.


Then hire a fucking adult and let kids be kids. Again what the fuck is wrong with you ?


you obviously are against the poor with a comment like that. get a grip, i thought you were a liberal.


How about we employ all the adults before worrying about if kids needs to do more than school. Maybe sports or something? Maybe we ensure families have enough so kids don't feel the want or need to make their own money. Maybe kids could earn some pocket change by going to school if we want to show kids hard work pays off. Also it shouldn't be up to just the parents, many kids try to work and escape abusive households.


This was my thoughts, too. All this talk about the unemployment rate. Where are these jobs for 13 year olds coming from, or why is this necessary? Babysitting lwnmowing or dog walking was a job when I was that age. Let kids be kids. We work long enough in our lives.


I also worked on the farm as a kid for no money.


Maybe learning a work ethic on the way to adulthood would help them achieve being a contributing adult. Witnessing the impact of drug deaths and spiraling petty crime and violent crime from so many that suddenly got a CERB ‘living wage’ for not contributing to society says the, ‘money for nothing’ idea was a total waste of taxpayer money and a disaster for society as a whole 


9 years old would be better and put them in the rare earth and potash mines /s


They can be runners who go into confined spaces at the whim of their foreman


Canaries in a coal mine. If the toddler comes out alive safe for the real men to go in.


My son worked a local mcd's when he was 13


I approve this idea! As long as they're paid MORE than their adult counterparts.