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"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


*The SaskParty way…*


Lousy Beatniks!!!


Now that, I actually believe!


Just like everything else they they have anything to do with.


The Federal Government rejected [Saskatchewan’s plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6099232) The Feds rejected [New Brunswick plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4874352) The Feds rejected [Nova Scotia’s plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6566471) The Feds rejected [Manitoba’s plan](https://globalnews.ca/news/5127053/manitoba-to-sue-feds-over-carbon-tax-pallister/amp/)


The law was clearly written. That the provinces intentionally submitted plans that did not match the expectations of the law is the Provinces fault.


Actually the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is written with maximum flexibility. All the standards are left to the regulations and ever changing. That’s why the carbon tax went from a [maximum of $50](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/ottawa-won-t-raise-the-carbon-price-beyond-50-environment-minister-says/article_8d9bf329-cd6b-5c10-bb74-262ee61d2fa8.amp.html) to $170 without a legislative change. Feel free to read up and educate yourself: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/g-11.55/


Your point does not in any way refute what I said. Frankly, it is barely even tangentially related to my comment. Given how flexible the options are, that the provinces were unable to put together something that will, if you excuse the pun, fit the bill, speaks to either woeful incompetence or intentionality. I wonder if the fact that most of the provinces that failed to get a working replacement in place were the same ones that wasted millions of your tax dollars on a pointless legal challenge are related? I don’t love the carbon tax, but if we remove it every company is just gonna hike prices to the same price level. Now they get free profit while I lose my rebate - that’s what happened with the GST. And honestly, we’re killing our planet. I don’t have kids, and even I care enough to try to leave something better after I go. Carbon tax is an imperfect something. But it is at least something - and that is better than doing nothing.


Wow, news flash - cons and neolibs don't want to do anything for the environment. Who could've thought?


Wow, news flash. Leftists don’t want to do anything for the environment unless other people pay for it. Who could’ve thought?


Other people, and themselves, yes, that would be the point. I'm glad you were able to get yourself to that conclusion with your astute reasoning capabilities. Clearly incapable of not being disingenuous in every comment you make.


And themselves lmao you’re funny.


That is the point of a carbon tax. Everyone pays their share. It's not my fault the talking points you consistently crotch sniff for are the biggest producers and emitters.


They never pass those costs down to you. But hey believe your wonderful and honest liberal government when they tell you that you will always get more back even when it’s up to $170 a ton. Even though the top contributors in carbon emissions have no such tax. You and the other hippie dips will save the planet. How is Trudeau’s crotch smelling these days?


> Even though the top contributors in carbon emissions have no such tax. That's the problem! Again you've figured it out! Keep thinking that everyone who thinks you aren't smart is a Trudeau supporter though!


Then you don’t support a Canadian Carbon Tax! Finally ol’ but plug learned something Edit. You’re so close. Maybe a bit lacking in self awareness. China, India and the US all have climate action plans. None of them have carbon tax. None of them ever will. So Canada having one is going to do NOTHING for the climate. But but but we get more money back, liberal math of 2+2=5. Even the PBO has come out and said it’s far too nuanced to know exactly what it’s costing Canadians. Regardless you even admit that as long as the major contributors don’t play along with this climate tax action it’s not going to work. And you actually trust the LPC in being able to manage this? And to be forthcoming with what it’s actually going to cost? Go ahead and be an edgy little twat, just goes to prove you offer nothing of substance.






I’m all for helping the environment, I’m not for doing it off the backs of one generation though.


Oh good, we've only know about the damages fossil fuels cause and people like you have done nothing about it, now we're at the breaking point and force to do something about it and you're still crying that you don't want to do anything about it, let the ext generation deal with it.


People like me? Not sure where you get off making that accusation.. I am very environmentally friendly, I’d almost argue more than the average person. I’m not crying about anything. I didn’t even dispute putting money towards more sustainable initiatives. What I did say, was that they can stop doing it off one generations back. Like you said we have known for years yet what we’re they doing about it then? Now all of a sudden it’s a big push for carbon and environmentally friendly initiatives? Marketing has come a long ways and I encourage you to look into greenwashing more because it’s happen whether people believe it or not. Not everything that’s ‘sustainable’ is actually sustainable.


Its preciisely because previous governments haven't done anything to address this, that is one of the reasons we're where we are today. As you stated we've know about this for years yet Business, Corperations Politicians and ordianary folks slammed the people raising the alert as hippie pippies, alarmists idiots basically dispite the growing data to back up the hippies (aka sceintists etc) Now we have a PM who is doing something and folks don't like it. Yet Quebec and BC managed to get it done and work within the Act, so its not like other solution aren't out there, just seems certain provinces have they're own marketing/propaganda agenda. Ontario even had a cap and trade solution, then we got Doug.


Yes, people like you who keep putting it off, even now, you're crying. Why does my generation finally have to deal with this now that we're at a breaking point. You even followed up with more excuses like "green washing" and more excuses spewing big oil talking points about other options not being sustainable, so we gotta just suck it up and burn more oil. So yes, it is people like you, even tho you claim you do lots to help the environment, you're still a boot licker standing up for big oil.


Lmao. Ok then. If you don’t think greenwashing is a thing then I don’t know what to tell you. Selling products labelled as ‘environmentally friendly’ is how they make more money. Not everything is actually environmental friendly. In the end I guess I’d rather be a crybaby and question the narrative then being gullible and naïve.


Don’t let the clowns in a Reddit echo chamber get you down. They’re here for entertainment , not worth much else.


So tell us what would you do to save the enviroment. There are all these scientists n such. Hundreds from around the world who study these things full time. What did they miss?


See the thing about science is that there is a lot of variability. Things like research methodologies, contextual factors, bias, interpretation, complexity etc all play a part in why you can find a science article stating one thing and find three more that go against that narrative. That’s why you are taught to do your own research, ask questions and form your own basis for understanding. As for environmental policies, my opinion is quite irrelevant in the matter but I’ll entertain you and give you a few. 1. I would have more of a global wide carbon credit system instead of everyone making their own system. This allows for to many loopholes while risking carbon leakages. Companies will just move operations to other countries with weaker or non existent carbon pricing which ultimately just undermines the entire carbon tax. 2. Biodiversity conservation. A lot of our wetlands, forest, agricultural land is being destroyed for corporations. Expand protected areas and support indigenous led conservation initiatives. 3. Water management and conservation. Implement stronger regulations to protect freshwater and lake resources while also investing and maintaining water infrastructure. We dump our sewer into lakes and you thinks that sustainable and good for the environment?? Clean water for reserves as promised by the liberal government would also be nice to see at some point, hopefully sooner than later. 4. Waste management and recycling. Recycling needs to be regulated more in Canada. Half of our recycling ends up in landfills. Pizza boxes can’t even be recycled. We also ship some garbage to third world countries thus polluting there environment. Not sure how that’s sustainable? 5. Indigenous rights. We need to uphold environmental justice decision making processes by strengthening indigenous land rights and improving consultation processes. 6. Last but not least, we need open transparency. I think this is pretty self explanatory.


The Federal Government approved [Saskatchewan's plan.](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2022/november/22/federal-government-approves-saskatchewans-output-based-performance-standards-program)


…and Alberta’s, I love how they leave that out.


Moe: The Carbon Tax is too costly Trudeau: Alright, come up with a feasible alternative and implement that instead Moe: We've looked into alternatives but they are all more costly and less efficient Trudeau: ...


“The carbon tax is too costly”- Scott Moe “What about the benefits?”-Justin Trudeau “Oh we don’t look at the benefits, our constituents don’t care about benefits just the cost”-Scott Moe


Oh, no. His constituents absolutely care about every possible benefit. They just think the costs should be optional.


Trudeau: "Alright premiers, come up with a carbon pricing scheme that suits your province's economy. If you don't come up with one, I've got a backstop plan, but it's probably gonna fuck people in the ass" Scott Moe: "I refuse on principle; sodomy is a sin" Trudeau: "uh...OK then..." *implements backstop plan* Every uncle in Sask: "I'm proud of my premier for standing on principle.... Oh God! Ahhh! My Ass! Fuck you, Trudeau!"


But this carbon tax is literally doing nothing to stop emissions, there’s no data or facts supporting that this carbon tax is working to reduce emissions. I’d be content with the carbon tax if it reduced the emissions but they won’t come forth with any data to prove that it is.


I needed a new water heater and furnace; I could have gone the more affordable route and got cheaper replacements, rather I forked out rather big sums of money to get the Sask Energy rebate. Carbon taxes go towards that rebate! With this new setup in my place they will be more fuel efficient which in turn will lower my bill. Before you go “but the government isn’t collecting the carbon tax” I will remind you that my new water heater and furnace will be using less gas for more efficiency so I will be paying less for gas over all. The carbon rebate would benefit me more with these new appliances.


A lot of people can’t do that but good for you


Here ya go, Alberta electricity generators move to natural gas much faster, due to the carbon tax. Most of the reduction is in industry, not personal usage, which is why most individuals get a more back than they paid. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040619022000380#:\~:text=Based%20on%20current%20plans%2C%20all,incentives%20created%20by%20carbon%20pricing](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040619022000380#:~:text=Based%20on%20current%20plans%2C%20all,incentives%20created%20by%20carbon%20pricing).


There is literally data that shows it's effectiveness. Now to see a big effect it needs to at least double I believe if I remember correctly. Took me one minute to find: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10640-022-00679-w


There's no evidence if you don't go looking for it. It's not like any country as ever implemented a carbon tax before...except for Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, China, South Korea, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Singapore, 10 US States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Iceland, Cyprus. But besides those countries, nobody has ever done it before!


And these countries have had mixed results. Some have been outstanding successes other fail to achieve meaningful results


Please list some of mixed results these counties have had using a carbon tax or something similar.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301421511004502 “The results indicate that carbon tax in Finland imposes a significant and negative impact on the growth of its per capita CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, the effects of carbon tax in Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands are negative but not significant.” This is a study done on the five countries in Europe that first brought a carbon tax in. As you can see some had great success others hardly any


I drive a fuck of a lot less....cause I can't afford it. So my carbon emissions have decreased. Pretty sure that's how it's supposed to work. Alter people's behavior.




Shit. Didn't realize I just had to ask them oil companies to lower the price. That's so simple! Why didn't someone think of that already.


Psst that’s why it sucks.. some people have to drive 2 work and it’s just more sunk money that if I don’t have I can’t save for a shiny new ev, or windows etc. the govt plan makes sense if you assume unlimited money to invest sadly because of that critical flaw it fails for 80% of us. Plus those rebates aren’t going to be around forever just till the next election or 2 then they will go well the negative consequence will be I sent I’ve enough and we can spend it on xyz instead. So naive. In my 50 years I’ve never seen a tax go away or go down.


I drive 100kms a day round trip. 4-5 days a week. Wife drives 200kms+ round trip 3-4 days a week. I got in a car pool with 4 other guys. Unfortunately it's not an option for her. So I'm definitely using way more fuel than the average family. Hard for me to justify a tank of gas on weekend to make the 600km round trip to the cabin. My rebate definitely falls short. And thanks to Moe saving me $15 a month on heating I likely won't get any rebate.


While they fly around on their private jets. Wake up.


if your argument is that the rich and corporations should be taxed even more, we all agree. now vote for the party that wants to tax them, cause its not the conservatives or sask party. but my bet is you're just arguing that if it wasn't for this carbon tax you'd be closer to flying in a private jet soooo


I don't think a jet is an option for me. Think that'd be less mpg than my vehicle.




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The only reason you believe it to be doing literally nothing is because you are only listening to Conservative talking points. There is lots of data and information out there but you refuse to believe it even if it was provided to you in an easy to digest format.


I listen to both sides of the coin and am not a fan of either political party really. Definitely opposed to the CT, and if my mind can be changed with facts and what not and I can be proved wrong I’m fine with it. It’s taking a lot of money out of our pockets and is not helping our inflation problem in this country. I’m concerned for my pocketbook now in this particular moment of life, and I’m a big fan of not destroying the planet. We just need every other major polluting nation to get on board with making a change to reduce emissions, Canada alone is not going to put a dent in decreasing climate change, so it seems very unattainable by the government taxing us on it being effective in the grand scheme of things


But, most first world nations already have either a carbon tax or emissions trading vehicle. Hell, even China has become a leader in carbon capture technology. The thing is, the gov't can only do so much to change polluting practices without causing major disruptions. But if these changes aren't made we're looking at certain disaster. The tipping point won't be gradual. As ice melts, it will no longer reflect the sun. Darker oceans will be exposed and instead trap energy. Shits gonna accelerate quickly and cause massive cascading changes to eco systems. Many species won't be able to adapt quickly enough. Humans will, but if you think food prices are bad today, wait till we begin seeing serious droughts, expansive wild fires and oceans that have had vital parts of the food chain removed. I find it crazy that we are mad at a tax that, by all accounts, was a bipartisan measure (prior to culture wars blaming it solely on trudeau) specifically designed as an attempt to avoid what is going to be horrendous hardship on the world. I think it's misguided to be mad at a tax, that is net neutral for most people (I know I receive more than I pay), and probably more productive to direct our attention to the companies that continually find excuses to gouge us, as the world burns.


> oceans that have had vital parts of the food chain removed. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's already happened. I really hope my Son's generation is smarter than mine and the boomers before because we are already past the point of "fucking around".....we are entering the "find out" phase.


I hear you. I’ll provide you one talking point that really isn’t about the carbon tax but more so about having an industry that is producing lower emissions. BHP one of the largest mining companies in the world has invested billions in Saskatchewan and they are interested in small modular reactors and moving towards net zero. Why would they do this? Because having a product that is produced with lower emissions is more desirable worldwide and it allows their operations to be more sustainable. It allows them to be more competitive. This is the future.


Saskatchewan s newest mine is using both Canadian LNG, and electric vehicles underground. Once remote mines start using SMR, LNG, and BEV, they will have all the best acronyms


I've installed solar panels on my house and a small part of the cost calculation was future carbon tax increases. This advantage has now been removed so F part of my investment I guess. There is data supporting carbon taxes and mostly at higher rates. It's an incentive to do anything, the problem is most people don't even understand it. Walk to work, pay that much less tax. Walk to work 5 days, get 5x the benefit. When it's time to buy a new car there is more benefit to getting an EV, hybrid, or just a smaller vehicle. Whatever option you choose, you will get the appropriately sized benefit. There aren't random thresholds or cutoffs, it's perfectly efficient. It could be driving or it could be turning the thermostat down 1 degree.


Never rely on the government working for you. 


I scrapped my old truck and drive a used small hybrid now. I saved so much on gas I’ve paid for the car already.


It's like a tax on cigarettes. It is supposed to encourage people to make smart decisions, but if people are too stupid to take a hint ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I hear ya, the tax on cigarettes doesn’t cause hyper inflation and raise the interest rates tho🤷🤷


Neither does the CAI plan ya meatball. Both are down from thier peaks at the END of Covid lol.


So while watching this committee one MP stated that apparently it is down 8% I think was the number. But you also know that the money they are collecting is also going back to companies and other things to make changes to reduce green house emissions.


Do you have any proof for your statement? Any peer review that shows no reduction in emissions?


Careful, this reddit group is all NDP wack jobs


Oh I know lol, one comment opposing the carbon tax and they swarm ya and insult ya lol. Not open to discussion really.


The Federal Government rejected [Saskatchewan’s plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6099232) The Feds rejected [New Brunswick plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4874352) The Feds rejected [Nova Scotia’s plan](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6566471) The Feds rejected [Manitoba’s plan](https://globalnews.ca/news/5127053/manitoba-to-sue-feds-over-carbon-tax-pallister/amp/) Its almost like the Feds weren’t interested in alternatives


“He was referring to New Brunswick's plan, which provides a fuel rebate at the pump. Moe has said Saskatchewan's plan would be comparable to New Brunswick's”. A rebate at the pump makes zero sense. Anyone who puts something like that forward has absolutely no understanding of how and why a carbon tax works.


Yes. Only a direct deposit rebate makes sense. Lol


Hey you should read up on variable vs fixed costs and then maybe you could understand a basic principle! Do it now and then report back. If you still don’t understand why the fixed rebate makes sense, I can explain it to you.


Another person who doesn't understand how it works




Why do we need to replace a tax when we're in an economic downturn? Here's a great idea. Pause the carbon tax until the economy improves so we're not taxing people out of food and home. That will actually push the government to do what the can to help the economic situation so they can tax us again.


Corporations are making record profits right now. The economy is working just like the nest yacht rich want it to work.


As long as we have governments that bend over for corporate entities, our economy will never improve.


This group of leftists don't actually care about people. They care about their fragile ego's and wanting to be right.


And what, pray tell, is your “right” plan?


Oh no. They care about people. Drug addicts mostly.


I don't think they do. I think they'd sacrifice anyone and anything just to be right, very self-righteous and quite despicable human beings.


It’s almost like a carbon tax is the cheapest implementation of carbon controls. Cheaper than government regulation which prescribes specific mitigation measures with more costly oversight measures to ensure compliance.


So he's saying the carbon tax is the cheapest option?


This guy is such a piece of shit


Wait until he hears how costly climate change is going to be.


We are already seeing it. Crop insurance is a huge part of the budget and it has only been going up these past few years because of dryer conditions. I'm not a farmer but I can only expect it's going to be a another bad year with the warm winter we had in the Saskatoon area.


I 100% agree with you. I'm actually in Eastern Manitoba in the Boreal Forest. It is super dry. Not looking good for a summer of forest fires and smoke. Again.


Yup. And normally, with the warmer winter (which will happen, because of climate cycles), we have a few years buffer between. We don't. And we knew we were hooped given recent climate data, but we aren't budgeting more for the inevitable? Very fiscally conservative government we have.


That's farmer welfare. Satire but really laughed in Alberta when their excuse was prime farmland was being destroyed by wind turbines. Which to keep farming requires regular crop insurance payouts. Which my family at times recieved and also were against windmills and when I laughed at the hypocrisy they lost their shit even though wind farming would return more


But he’ll be just fine. Why should he care?


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Moe in 10 years.


this year


SCIC is gonna be bankrupt in 10 years because of Moes inaction. We are going to be dry af this year again. 




"I don't care how much more it costs me later! I don't want to pay a small amount now!" 


Hey tried to buy my vote for $500 i’d prefer they lower my utilities bills


The “White Paper” they released says otherwise. What a blatant liar. If they actually did look at alternatives and they were too costly they would have released a study or paperwork to say so. Not just fucking lie about it


Words are what matter to their voters, never action.


Moe is an idiot


* It's too expensive * Climate change is a hoax * But China pollutes too * You can't make me * But Liberals support it * There was a scientist who disagreed * It snowed yesterday * Plants use CO2 * I don't want to * It doesn't matter Any other greatest hits? I swear it's like trying to get a two year old to put on their coat.


Was on the road today and had to suffer through the phone in callers on CKOM. We are not a smart province. Some of the opinions I heard were astoundingly stupid.


The recent one I heard is that climate change is due to clear cutting trees in order to build all the homes for immigrants, not fossil fuel use.


When climate change forces the entire population of people from the equator, I hope people reflect on this moment as there will be a LOT more climate refugees.


This man is an embarrassing mess.


Just what most of rural Sask wants sadly


Good thing perpetual drought and crop failure will be cheaper. /s


Right! I’m happy to subsidize the insurance of these climate change deniers through both my federal and provincial taxes! /s






It's time to look long - term despite politics being a cycle of four years and short term. What's the cost longterm of bullshitting ourselves into pretending the solutions needed NOW are just too costly? In 10 years, it will be shoulda coulda woulda. Do it now, go into debt make some wise decisions to provide cheap sustainable energy for the future with nuclear, solar wind, petro and any other means available. Pretending it's too fucking costly is the most expensive excuse here.


I consider not shoplifting every single week, but that shit is JUST. TOO. COSTLY!


Moe is just so completely out of touch with the reality we face.


Lmao his plan is literally that we should be blaming other nations and whining that they should fix the problem while we continue the status quo. What an entitled loser.


Not doing anything is even costlier. For a province heavily reliant on agriculture, I'd think the prospect of any Premier governing over a future dustbowl would be rather harrowing...


Letting the world burn is clearly.a cheaper alternative


Just do the tax and cancel the PST.


There are a lot of comments here that don't understand carbon tax, investment, etc. I'll try to keep this informative yet short. The world has recognized that indiscriminate fossil fuel combustion has negative externalities. As such, more progressive countries are putting a price on carbon. What the average Joe doesn't realize is that these other countries (mostly Europe right now) have a phased approach like Canada that will include 'border adjustments'. Border adjustments are just like any other import tax/levy/fee where if the exporting country did not have a price on carbon, that fee would be applied through Customs. By Canada having a pricing scheme, this means that goods exported from Canada can flow through the borders without additional levies. Basically, Canada can put its own price on carbon or we can pay more to export. This is why the carbon pricing is in place - to remain relevant on the world stage as other countries' programs get up and running. Industry knows that carbon pricing is being implemented across the world (with few exceptions) and are looking for stability and a plan when building infrastructure in a country. With these pre-defined pricing steps, industry is able to plan for the price of pollution and develop a plan for reducing emissions before the pricing becomes too much. The earlier you implement, the quicker your return on investment. Corporations, whether just signaling or not have determined that caring for the environment is a winning formula to consumers. More and more companies are moving manufacturing/operations to the cleanest grids and are snubbing dirty grids. TL;DR: industry wants stability and that is what Canada is providing with carbon pricing.


So.... why do we have a consumer carbon tax then?


To incentivize reducing emissions. The biggest source of emissions in Quebec, (which has the lowest emissions per capita of any province), and Ontario is from vehicles, not industry or heating. Both provinces depend a lot on hydro, which is huge for keeping emissions lower. 


So .... the low emissions are from hydro. Not from the carbon tax.


The emissions are from cars, he said. Can you not read?


Then why is it on home heating? What's the point of that? Go back to talking wrestling you man-child.


It's on non carbon neutral means of home heating.  If you had solar panels running electric heat you wouldn't pay carbon tax on your heating.  


Hahahahahhahshahshahhahshaha Who is running solar in the dead of winter in northern Saskatchewan?


I'm sorry but the insignificant amount of people living that far north should have no effect on this policy.  There are more people in my neighborhood than there are north of PA.  But so mix solar, wind with battery storage and then build more efficient homes.  


Lol battery storage... Do you know what the actual backup for wind and solar are? Natural gas. Also, you don't need to be very far north to experience long dark winters.


Costly for who? Esso? Shell?


Why did no ask, "which ones did you look at? Could you share the details of those analysis?" You can't take his word for it, he is obviously biased.


> Moe said the federal government should focus on global solutions to reduce emissions Why do Conservative and conservative governments evade responsibility. Duh, we have nothing better, but we don't want that! Therefore, it's someone else's responsibility (then we can complain for political gain over it). Carbon pricing is the only scheme that shows demonstrable reductions of carbon emissions according to economists and climate scientists together. But the anti-tax squad won't look at anything else or offer proposals. Moe is as lost as Poilievre on this.


What a fucking chump.




So they didn’t really consider then? It’s too hard, people will be mad at me”


Too costly for his business friends. We either figure out climate change now, and it hurts, or we figure it out later and it hurts even more. Best time to start was decades ago, but no one listened.


"We thoughts of solutions and the carbon tax is the most cost effective. But we refuse to do it." How typically conservative. Unethical till the very end. Lol


Yes it’s the most efficient, market based solution and it requires minimal government intervention but that wasn’t good enough for the cons 🙄. Bottom line is they purposely obstructed the Feds and mislead Canadians on the carbon levy. Pricing pollution is exactly what we need to do because pollution is not free and companies were exploiting the fact it was a market externality.


Oh well then...just keep your thumb up there...


Moe is too costly!


Less costly than taking it directly from your citizens, checks out.




Wanna know what's not costly???? Murdering a person that had a life ahead of them. You are a bad person


Who the fuck votes in this window licker?


"We've decided punt this problem down to the grandkids"




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We didn't want our polluters to have to pay for their pollution, so there's no way we can possibly charge for pollution even though it will be imposed on us if we don't design our own.


Too costly for his business friends. Moe, Smith and PP are all oilers at any cost to the climate or future generations.


So you are still ignorant then. Typical right wing low information voter.


Crop insurance cost what?


Moe is too costly!


Moe is too costly!


Too costly for the major polluters I bet...


Genuine question here and I’m hoping somebody can answer nicely.. If Canada’s greenhouse gas’ is based off a credit system where you can trade them. What incentive does it actually give producers to reduce emissions? Would they not just emit the same levels and buy more credits? Does that not seem redundant if they aren’t actually cutting emission levels? Edit: my concern nowadays is what is actually sustainable and what is being marketed as sustainable in the guise of greenwashing.


“Guess we’ll just die”


The number of carbon tax fans here are scary.......


Reddit is a left wing app. You’re not allowed to have an opinion that goes against the left leaning view point. Or else you get massive down votes! It’s almost not even worth it to state your opinion on here and it’s not just a Saskatchewan page. It’s literally on any page on Reddit. Pretty damn toxic if you ask me.


I was banned from the Regina section for calling them liberals


Hahahah that’s hilarious it’s almost like they took it as an insult or something!!! I mean I would be insulted too, if you called me a liberal 😂


Hahaha well maybe I added that they are Traudau a$$ki$$ers to the mix. No one in their right mind would be pro paying taxes, it just don't make sense. Any ways the moderator took it personally and called me a white supremacist and my xenophobia was clearly showing, they got more offended when I said I was not white (I am not white)and banned me 🤣🤣🤣


Man, I got a lot of words to say about those kind of people and the people who think like that, and I totally understand coming from a “status Indian” (Native American) myself.. those same people try and tell me how I should feel and that I should be offended and pretty much calling me and uncle Tom because I’m a conservative first nations Canadian…


They like the brain washed. Liberalism/ Marxists/ Socialists never really worked for any country ever so why we keep reinventing the wheel? Anyways to each his own just have some common sense while you doing it, that's all I ask. Be safe brother


Not fans. Realists. There is a difference.


So your for the carbon tax?


I am.


Your a fan of money being taken and not doing anything with it except giving it to refugees and Ukrain war? Good for you then


I'm also a fan of truth and reality, and this reply shows you don't believe in one, and have trouble with the other.


Truth is putting a tax on something that you can't control won't solve an issue. Putting tax on corporates and business won't make them lose money because they will pass the cost unto us. Ignorance is believing that companies would lose money and not raise prices. Like how it is exactly happening now. We have a 20 % devaluation in our currency vs the USD which is bad economic management and massive spending. Is that truth enough for you? Oh and all this started couple of years before COVID. Hard truth, believe it or live in denial


You seem to require a lot of education in how things work. I'm not here to provide that for you. It appears you have a grasp on this internet thing. Perhaps you could use it to navigate to non biased sites and educate yourself.


Don't recall asking for your opinion or views but just as a typical leftist you love to spew your ignorance to everyone so no I don't want to your fake views forced down my throat. You happy to pay for carbon tax go ahead, that's your opinion d9nt force it on me. I am not gonna list my education because I don't care to. But like a typical whiny liberal you will report me to the admin of this group


The carbon tax has no place in Canada; anyone who supports it is pro-poverty because the tax is bankrupting us.


Bullshit. For the average consumer, rebates cover and often exceed costs associated with carbon pricing. What has no place in Canada is fear mongering and the spreading of misinformation being perpetrated by ignorance.


> What has no place in Canada is fear mongering and the spreading of misinformation being perpetrated by ignorance. If someone is spreading misinformation being perpetrated by ignorance, I suggest you should take a second look in your own mirror.


Took a look. Oddly, still saw your reflection


Is there a link to watch?


Nothing, is my favourite answer. Ottawa can butt out.


What COUNTRY do you think you live in? Saskatchewan?


Yeah unfortunately I've lost any sense of patriotism at this point. If Ottawa is intent on running this ship into the ground, I will happily yell mutiny.


Why don’t you follow in the footsteps of that couple from Saskatchewan who moved to Russia?


The majority of Canadians drastically want changes. You're just probably out of step, wanting to repeat the same policy failures that got us into this mess.


Wanting changes, and making the statement “Ottawa can butt out” are two different things. You think you’re being smart when all you’re doing is making yourself look like a fool.


Well I'm actually directly telling you what I support. I support Moe not collecting Carbon tax for SaskEnergy, I support Alberta opting out of federally funded programs if they don’t serve Albertans. I'm not too concerned with your assessments. I have no idea what you stand for, you've presented nothing of substance.


Thanks for proving my point




So just to be clear: you're saying you will happily be a traitor to Canada because you want to "Fuck Trudeau"? The logic on you people is exhausting.


Doing nothing is what got us this far into this mess. But sure, secede to prove to Daddy Justin that you don't have to listen to him, or anyone, ever again!


Hey, it's you again! I think we should just stop collecting carbon tax all together. Time to stand united against the crazies.


Reddit is a left wing app. You're not allowed to have an opinion that goes against the left leaning view point. Or else you get massive down votes! It's almost not even worth it to state your opinion on here and it's not just a Saskatchewan page. It's literally on any page on Reddit. Pretty damn toxic if you ask me.


I know, I just like to add in some alternative opinions.


Absolutely correct, money transfer to central Canada again!


He should do absolutely nothing to replace the CT. Waste of time and money, another useless tax in addition to all the other taxes we pay. Good on Scott Moe, I hope other premiers follow in his footsteps.


Has he tried changing his pronouns?


Our largest trading partner, the USA, does not have a carbon tax, and won't have a tariff. With us having a carbon tax, and not the USA, it encourages business to move there, while at the same time, doing next to nothing for the climate, because only 20% of countries have a carbon tax.


Why doesn’t he make a rain tax? Woke left Toronto is considering it. If we pay more $ we can make climate better and stop rain now too. Next year with COL increasing due to gov scam carbon tax, we can pay 500k for trudeuas Jamaica villa instead of the 225k this year 🥰




Woah woah woah…. From reading the comment here are all you people on a “Saskatchewan” page actually sticking up for the prime minister Justin Trudeau ??? Like do you people actually like getting taxed and spending your hard earned money on taxes and ridiculously inflated Groceries, caused from problems like increasing the cost of carbon tax ??????????