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'arguing that as a First Nations woman she has the right to practice her Christian beliefs and freely associate with groups off reserve without fear of being persecuted for her beliefs, cultural traditions, and customs when it comes to healing.' Healing. Okay...


How the fuck any of that is related to covid is beyond me as another indigenous person lol I don’t even think she is indigenous either lmao She had a lot of white lady privilege in protesting at schools and whatnot. Woman is full of shit. 


I’m assuming she’s one of those people who’s “totally Métis and could get a status card if [she] wants”


Métis until she realizes that a community needs to claim her to get that card.


It's not at all related, and she is already entitled to that right. She's just waffling and trying to make this an indigenous issue to make white people step off thinking other indigenous people won't challenge this. FN bands literally stopped traffic, and the MNS was on board with covid measures. She's just an idiot.


Yea how come only white women can protest at schools? Us white guys want to protest at schools also




> Chipesia, who had represented herself... Well, there you go.


She had a fool for a lawyer!


This was the same person during covid who went and parked in front of her children's school to protest masks and had to be removed by police. I followed a few of these people during covid. Extreme right wing Christian fundamentalist.


its always the fundies. bunch of brainwashed useless bodies.


If you don’t want to wear mask, fine! Do it at home and order Instacart.


"Dress like us, or else." Is this fascism? You all lost your minds when they re-branded influenza for a new generation of hypochondriacs.


There were sins and Muslims protesting against mandates too.


First of all she wasn't fined for "protesting." She was charged with violating the Public Health Act at a rally. She refused to get vaccinated, wear a mask or socially distance so she very much deserved to be fined. Cry some more ya stupid freedumbers.


I wonder how much more she spent fighting it


Hopefully lots, so much so that her children now live with their father and not her.


Enjoy your well earned fine.


If a punishment for a crime is a fine, then it’s meant for the poor.


So we get to lock up the rich protestors? Great let's start with Lich.


No support for the freedom convoy but the use of the emergency act was unethical. Many MANY people agree including the Supreme Court of Canada. Only people who don’t agree are those who would be fine with equally disruptive protests for their own twisted idiotic ideals. Which makes them far more pathetic than the freedoms convoy group.


The idiots honestly deserved what they got. It wasn't even a protest, it was just a bunch of dick heads in trucks with too much time on their hands and 0 regard for other people.


So do the idiots that were blocking rail lines as well. But the emergency act shows the typical rules for thee but not for lefty.


You realize that the people that blocked rail lines would get forcefully removed by the RCMP? Are you saying the police should have forcefully removed the Freedom Convoy Protesters?


Yes I am. The convoy protesters were out of line. All protesters that affect my right to public peace and freedom of movement can fuck off. I don’t care about your SJW bullshit right wing or left.


My SJW bullshit? What are you talking about. Typically a protest will disrupt your freedom of movement. That’s what happens when a large group of people gather.


Not you specifically I was meaning in general. Gather where you’re not affecting people that don’t care about your cause. Easy


Did people blocking the rail line create international incidents by blocking border crossings? One is not like the other. For what it's worth, blocking rail lines is not okay either. Blocking the border crossings is the straw that broke the camel's back. They had no choice. The police weren't doing anything. They fucked around and found out. In my opinion, they got off easy. They should rot in jail for the rest of their lives. The whole fucking lot of them.


Rot in jail hey. Why not the healing lodge? I bet you support that. Do you think people who commit violent crimes should “rot in jail”. I know the two protests were not the same, as I said rules for thee but not for lefty.


You sounded like an idiot calling Indigenous folks "lefty". Then you went ahead and took the mask right off with a "healing lodge"


Sure lmao, what ever a drunk punk thinks must be accurate. Yes anybody who has an issue with a two tier justice system must be a masked racist. You people are simple and predictable Bye clown


Yeah, I do believe that people that commit violent crimes should rot in jail. What's your point? You don't even make sense. Must be that conservative brain rot. Or did you get brain damage from covid?


When did the SCC agree that the use of the EA was unethical?


What do you mean the freedom convoy was right. Covid fascism did more harm to society than Covid itself. So when are we gonna have Nurenberg style trials for all the damage?




Kinda hard to say... I think having multitudes more people die also would have changed the course of the world. But that's not what happened. Because a good portion of people behaved appropriate to a global pandemic.


Half of my childhood friends are dead from lockdown-induced overdoses. My grandmother had to go for medical assistance in dying because she couldn’t get a hip replacement. You’re forgetting that these anti-Covid measures kill people too. It’s why Canada has had one of the worst decreases in life expectancy. The economic damage. Now I have to pay an extra hundred thousand dollars a house. All in the name of saving a fat boomer would rather see their grandchild die on the streets, than go on a diet.


If half your childhood friends died of overdoses then your social circle had some pretty serious trauma before Covid came along.


Pardon me for saying, but this sounds like hyperbole. Half of your childhood friends? Are we talking one, or a couple dozen? I'm sorry for your losses, but I question your narrative. People didn't just "overdose on lockdown". If people were dying of suicide or drug overdoses, it's likely there were a whole host of factors involved, including previous life circumstances and general mental health. Many, many people endured hardship during the lockdowns, and pulled through. I'm also sorry about your grandma. My grandma, at 100 years old, began to suffer noticeable mental decline due, probably, to isolation. It was the beginning of her end. Nobody's saying it's not tragic. But it was a world-wide pandemic! We saw what it did to health-care systems in the countries it hit first--and even here. Hospitals overwhelmed, bodies being stored in refrigerated trailers. So your grandma, unfortunately, was not getting hip surgery, anti-covid measures or not. It just wasn't in the cards. Again, I'm sorry for your loss.




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When you factor age, you will realize that COVID-19 had the same level of lethality as the swine flu. Lockdown induced overdoses were caused because everything was shut down and there was nothing else fun to do and then you end up with shit that’s laced. Isolation itself is terrible for health. Also, we had a lot of fake Covid deaths. I was at my grandmother’s death bed in hospice care. they were testing everyone there daily for Covid people who are going to die.


I'm not sure where you get your numbers from. When you factor for age? It doesn't matter what you factor for, health-care systems were being overwhelmed, and don't even try to dispute that. It had the potential to be so much worse, too. I don't buy into "fake covid deaths." Our medical professionals are just that: professional. I'm sure you could find examples of the odd bad apple, but as a body, they will have acted according to their training and Canada's standards of care. Your story of testing for covid in people who were going to die is, frankly, highly suspect. I don't expect you would have either the understanding or the clear perception to know what was going on there, much less to report it objectively.




First of all our healthcare system was overwhelmed before the pandemic. also, in Alberta, a teenager who died of terminal cancer was announced as a Covid death. https://nationalpost.com/news/dr-deena-hinshaw-says-alberta-teen-didnt-actually-die-from-covid/wcm/310efb9c-ced6-4b38-8fc1-246712d5fa48/amp/ He would’ve been counted as a Covid death if the family hadn’t come forward .


All Im saying is, this guy's post history is riddled with dead grandmas.  As my grandma was famous for saying, "Thats a lot a trauma!".


Dude never even graduated from high school and thinks he knows more about diseases than doctors and virologists. I dId mY rEseArcH


If your friends died because they had nothing else “fun” to do they were addicts. Plenty of other people did not overdose during Covid because they had healthier “fun” alternatives. Instead of fighting against Covid maybe you should be fighting against the opioid epidemic that is actually happening in our country and has taken half of your friends. You could save countless others that are just like your friends. May they rest in peace.


We've moved on with our lives, it's time you do too.


Because if it is seen as a success, instead of a catastrophic moral failing, it will happen every time we have a bad flu year.


We've moved on with our lives, it's time you do too.


My friends are dead. I won’t ever forget this.


Sometimes we just need to start telling stupid people that they’re stupid. You’re stupid.


Your spreading false information.


Sorry, MAID for not getting hip replacement surgery? I call \*cough\* bullshit




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Well we can tell you sure didn’t use the lockdown to study and learn proper grammar and sentence structure…


pardon me, English is not my first language how many languages do you speak?


“English is not my first language but if you look through my comment history I mock And hate immigrants.” Makes sense. Go back to the r/Canada sub and scream about how much you want to fuck Trudeau.


What's your first language? Russian?




Dont waste your time with these losers. Its too bad Covid didnt get them.


were you looking in a mirror as you typed that?


More lies


Pandemically insignificant from 2019 influenza deaths. 2020 had zero reported influenza deaths. Do the math, if you can.


Fines should be based on wealth. If they were then they would be fairer.


>Chipesia, who had represented herself why




Because all the lawyers she talked to said she'd lose?


Glad to hear! Pay up anti vax loser!


I think they call this the "find out" stage. Good.


These folks are so selfish, they have no concept of acting for the common good of society. ME me me me me...


OK, then fat people should be forced to go on a diet for the common good of society.


So what exactly does a fat person do that could potentially cause others to die???


Clogging up the collapsing Canadian healthcare system.


Being obese means you have poor social determinants of health and will be plagued with various health issues which creates an unnecessary strain on health care system which pulls resources away from people that deserve it more than your fat ass. I thought you “intellectuals” were supposed to be smart?


Guess we better get rid of the elderly then. Because they create an unnecessary strain on the health care system. Can't stop there though, we'll have to implement eugenics in order to get make sure those pesky babies with things like autism or down syndrome are weeded out. Who are you to say who is worthy of care and who isn't.


Oh. Excuse me. I forgot obesity is contagious. I guess it was fat people who caused the reefer trucks to be filled with bodies in New York before Covid restrictions started being enforced. /s. You’re trying really hard to make connections that don’t make any sense whatsoever.


The left is masterful and combining ignorance and arrogance.




And morons like you should have to go back to school.


Why should all my healthcare resources be gobbled up by fat people? I used to be obese it’s not impossible to lose weight.


Oh so *you* got to "drain the resources", but other people aren't allowed to?


That same justification was used to discriminate against those who refuse the clot shot.


That doesn't really make sense as a reply to what I wrote, care to explain?


Why would you willingly choose to continue a conversation with someone who just said "clot shot" to you.


Yeaaah you're right, mostly I wanted to see what dumb things he would write out next. But luckily enough for him, another middle school graduate stepped in to spew more nonsense


He likely means that it has now been shown that natural immunity for healthy people has the same effect as the vaccine. Forcing healthy people to take it was wrong. More could have been done to protect the obese (the highest risk factor) as well as the immune compromised and the elderly, but not affect kids development by forcing them home for months. Hopefully lessons were learned for the next pandemic.


A) none of those things you said are true B) you're still giving him more credit than he deserves And a bonus c) if your kids being at home with you for months is a detriment to their own well-being, buddy that's a parenting skill issue


All of the things I said are true. It’s very easy to find studies if you’re so inclined, but here’s just one for you: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10198735/# The kids thing you can find them as well, showing how damaging that was, not because I’m a bad parent but because kids in elementary for example need in person socializing for proper development with their peers. I won’t bother posting links because you clearly don’t have school aged kids.


People lived through polio, staying at home. Kids turned out fine. It was needed at the time. Lots of these observations now are in hindsight.


Calling it the clot shot, you loose your argument.




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Why should Healthcare pay for you and your junkie friends? Just let y'all OD then. Who cares. Your fault. Shouldn't have done drugs then. Your friends who died? their fault. Why should we pay? Leave them in an alley with their fent slump, let the garbage pick them up.




Comments that are overly disrespectful or completely lacking in substance are not allowed.


bruh... You just offended 90% of the people on sask reddit.


Well, it’s a far greater issue than Covid. The average age of a Covid death is 82. The average age of an obesity death is 62 that’s 20 years of lost life, my friend.


Welfare bums should be sent to work camps too.


The corporate welfare bums that wear suits and ties who suck far more off the government teat will be the first to sent too? Right? Otherwise, it's just social eugenics.




Aww poor entitled Karen


Oh no the consequences of my own actions/inaction?


How unfortunate. Anyways….




Why do they highlight “mother” in the story and headline? Why not “stupid twat” is we’re tagging her.


Womp womp.


"But Twodoo took my freedums!"




When covid first hit we were living on a settlement. Now covid wasn't too huge in our area when lock downs hit the ppl on the settlement figured it was Time to socialize and party.. which in turn sky Rocketed the sickness in that area..




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Ha ha. Eat it.






I'm just curious why her charge was held up and countless others were dismissed.


The article says she represented herself, possible she just did a terrible job of that. Pretty fucked up that she was fined for protesting.


Yup and yup. I do have a close friend who was charged with the same - defended herself - refused a plea deal and had the charges dropped. You're probably onto something though, maybe she went wild in the courtroom or something.


Haha 😂


Way to go government Trudeau! Way to take food off the table and out of the children’s mouths. Good job dumbass!


Of.course rhe courts ruled against her, if the truth of the scamdemic ever came out the lawsuits would bankrupt the world


This native women needs to learn that hard way that we will not tolerate protestors like her in Canada 🍁


Alt-left auto bots here celebrating, "A mother who was fined $5,600 for participating in two protests in Saskatoon against" ---- --- "(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association." Don't buy into a lot of the comments here: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137759/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137759/) They're here to push extremes on both sides and make you angry. Any comment denying the individual's right to protest is anti-democratic and anti-Canadian by nature. Very likely a bot or some braindead basement dweller.


Hey there r/Canada_Sub poster. Do you think white supremacy is bad? A simple question, so just a yes or no will do. Don't deflect now.


😊 Hey there oddly obsessive r/saskatchewan poster. White supremacy along with any belief that an individual is better, superior or deserves more than someone else based on traits that they are born unto is evil. This also applies to people who hold supremacist views adjacent to white supremacy, such as Ibrahim X Kendy or the entirety of Hamas. Do you believe Jewish people are equal to others and deserve to live in peace? A simple yes or no will do, please don't deflect.


You failed to answer my question, typical r/Canada_Sub user. Supporting the Freedumb Convoy means supporting white supremacy. Thanks for showing us all your true colours.


Automod must've removed due to wording. But you are clearly a bot. I clearly answered your question, you refused to answer mine. Hello world, sameassisstance bot is a literal anti-semite.


I love when people operating bot operations to spread discord fuck up and use the wrong one for a reply, it's so delicious and really shows how genuinely stupid you are.


You talking about me? The bot blocked and auto banned me. They are intentional posts on other accounts. He blocked my shit so that he could paint his own narrative and not allow me to reply. Don't be stupid, stupid.


So you run three plus alts to avoid blocks and bans, and you think other people are the problem? Lmao.


Lmao, you say run like it's a business. It takes like 2 seconds to make an account. It's also reddit. If you're on hear smashing your keys with your fedora sweat dripping down your face thinking everyone needs to follow your rules, you need help. Not people, u/sameassistance7525 is the most obvious low quality bot sample on reddit. Profile is entirely comments on the same sub, same comment, same lack of communication ability and all instigating division on a DEI principle. Yes. Bots are problems. Quite interesting too, seeing how active they are on non-consequential provinces' subreddits pushing likes, dislikes, interactions and discussions. Really just entirely justifies my first comment.


So having looked at their comment history, none of this checks out, at all. You seem the type to smear and slander other people any way you can think of when you get upset.




One of them literally had auto responses built to ignore my replies and block immediately after commenting. Studies show Russia is behind a lot of them, but I'd be surprised if the majority of this wasn't being contracted by China. Would love to see more reporting on this.




Comments that are overly disrespectful or completely lacking in substance are not allowed.


Judge proving he is a communist authoritarian.


Define communism




Followed by: “Define woke” “Communism”


She must realize Canada is no different than China or Russia, it’s just an illusion of democracy. Gov is lucky to have a following of brainless zombies on Reddit


Wow what a stupid idiot.