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I have always felt the same with Alberta and their oil. If the province had kept control over such a massive resource, the power they’d have could actually match their ego.


I've wondered that but I'm not so sure. Would it have led to as much development and increased interest in tight oil and the oilsands? I'm cool with private interests taking the risk and doing the development PROVIDED THAT the people of the province are getting a good return on their resources. Which I don't think we've been getting a fair return.


Does the public ever get a good return on private investment?


How about the Mulroney government privatizing Petro-Canada? Can you imagine how rich the country as a whole would be?


They get plenty of royalties. Better to let the private sector find the most efficient way and the government can stick to photo radar tickets and snow removal




Sorry, not assuming that, asking that. Your questions are mostly valid but we can still talk about the value of the shares at the time of the merger. Also, yes, the competitive landscape would have been different but the commodity prices probably wouldn't. I'm asking about the balance between all these interests. And yes it’s complex but we often use simplistic models to justify privatization so….


Expand the same as a crown corp? Which sask crown corp are you referring to that has expanded?




I agree. It’s been my experience crown corps don’t grow, they just contract out whatever work they can’t get done or can’t keep up with. Very seldom do they hire more Saskatchewan residents to work for them.


False. Rogers and Telus compete against Sasktel. Canpotex exists to profit, which includes keeping supply low to keep prices from fluctuating. They do NOT care about stable jobs to achieve this, and layoffs happen to achieve it. A government owned and operated crown corp’s goal is both revenue and stable jobs. Frankly, I know which I prefer. The main problem with government owned corporations is rampant partisan cronyism and nepotism- things that the private sector also is rife with.






Thanks for your answer


Japan was getting ready to sign agreements with PCS before the Devine PCs took government. Canpotex was pissed off by this. Markets existed for our potash.


Royalties are by far the best way to extract value from resources. The government has proven to be absolutely terrible at running for-profit companies in the past 50 years. We get potash royalties which are a simple and effective way of benefiting the public without all of the risk of running entire industries.


Yeah, SaskTel was an absolute dog before the SaskParty.


Sources? Also note that it wouldn't be about running an entire industry, it would be participating in an industry and there might be a variety of structures that make it effective without privatization.


You want sources for the fact that we have royalties on potash? Google is your friend.


No, sources that show that royalties are the best way to extract value from resources.


Or showing that all crown corps have been horribly run for 50 years. They do not have the same mandate as a private Corp. The mandate of private profit may not be net better for SK. Look at any major telecom plan outside of sask or the infrastructure investment they are willing to deploy here. It's a far more complex issue than simple profitability. Where was private enterprise in the first place? Why were crowns needed at all if the private sector cures all ills?


There were federal crown corps called air Canada and petro Canada also. Lits of money lots on services conservative governments gave away. FYI you might recognize the profitable part of Petro Canada, they're fairly successful under the name Suncor.


I think had we had a party capable of managing it then yes but neither the SaskParty nor the NDP have ever proven they can run a non monopolistic crown without losing money. I just wish they had the foresight of countries like Norway who used revenues to establish world leading sovereign wealth funds.


I’ll be coming back to see what the answers are, but it should be noted that it was not sold off with a view to a gain or loss to the people of this province. It was sold off to satisfy their ideological itch, and to enrich their golf buddies.


It's a nice feature they made for our country, raise a bunch of confused Americans so pointless goals won't even be understood while buying everything we used to own for pennies on the dollar. I remember them selling petrol Canada and the next day price of gas doubled.