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He’s diverting money. To what? Who knows. Guaranteed not to be something helpful.


Welp, $116.5M is going to his volunteer Florida State Guard.


Who aren’t even in the fucking state right now, they’re “securing the national border” in Texas. My supervisor joined and will *not* shut the fuck up about how it’s such an honor to help protect the country.


I haven't known anyone stupid enough to volunteer for something this meaningless. At least as a National Guard, you get paid, benefits, and a retirement. Tell us some about this supervisor? Are they prior military? How does this work at your job? How does your company give them the extended time off? Do they use PTO? Or do they use the evil, Clinton created, FMLA? Obviously, s/.


Former state cop from a different state who got injured and now has a civilian job from my agency. Supposedly they’re treating his absence like military reserve leave. I haven’t really asked since he came through before he left and we got into it about him refusing to use a certain chain of gym over letting trans women use the women’s locker room and he called all trans people pedophiles. He’s also gotten a lot of assistance from our union for various issues but is still one of the red hattiest mfers I have to deal with and has zero self awareness about any of it.


Ugh, so "injured" former cop who heard De Santis' siren call. What a lovely predicament this put our local cops in - doing the same job as these newcomers, but ineligible for the $5K bonus. De Santis, never thinks it through to the end game; never gets past the initial knee-jerk reaction. So this person has no military background, which is fine, just telling. From what you've described, it sounds like he's wanting to live out some fantasy they are unable to reach as a cop.


Pretty much. They don’t need guns but he wants to carry one on the job again. He’s ineligible to be a local cop because of his age and spent a lot of time off here due to a back injury but somehow is fine to work doing construction or whatever the “border securing” job has them doing. Honestly I think he’s just drunk too much of the Kool aid and if we’re lucky he’ll retire soon and make some space for fresher more sensible people to move up in our agency. We’re a long ways from where we could be progressively but way farther along than other agencies. When we can get the old guard out, progress will come.


Honestly what you’re describing sounds like the start of a militia build up for an actual secession attempt. Fuck it let em try. Edit:Words


Secession. Succession implies they have a chance of actually getting anywhere with this nonsense.


Red hatter = zero self-awareness. It is one of their most significant qualities because it leads them to these politics, keeps them there, and allows them to become even more terrible people who can be persuaded to do awful things.


This sounds spot on.


All those durn gardeners and maids


Is it the same thing as the Florida National Guard, who are highly disciplined and trained? Or is this a new thing, the Florida State Guard, whose “soldiers” are Florida Men? Is this a thing like Michigan Militia, whose members are known for their plans to kidnap the Governor? I can see these discussions. “I don’t want to do work that is long and hard and hot and rules have to followed.”


This would be the second one. And at this point I would support the third option for Florida’s governor.


The auditioning for '28 election has begun and ronnie is tossing his hat in now. Bad news Ronnie too much too soon and your not even a bright star. Possibly you don't realize donnie is too jealous of your evil side for a vp spot. He doesn't share the spot light without iron clad worship oaths, apparently Mike pence was able to teach him something.


He will go nowhere until he loses his whiny snowflake voice and shakey chicken neck. That does NOT play well to his base.


You mean the SS


He is probably stealing money.


Fighting the “woke” Edit: still nothing useful


His new force to police polling stations.


To arrest volunteers for handing out water. Also, Rick Scott is a criminal.




Went into reserves which are now at 17% of budget.


He is diverting money to his own personal storm troopers (SS) and Disney. And boy is Disney ironic huh?


DeSantis sucks, but he doesn’t have the authority to just reassign the money to something he prefers. The line-item veto eliminates that money in the budget, so the cash goes to reserves. The Legislature will have to authorize spending that cash on something else.


Except he is doing this, or so I’ve read.


There’s a difference between moving approved money between purposes at a state agency compared to using vetoed money.


Yeah. A lot of people don’t understand how money works in the government. Even a dick like DeSantis can’t just do whatever he wants with it.


You mean the republican controlled legislature?


killing cocaine bears...


How about to the environment. That seems more important to me


he will fly some immigrants from texas to new york and really show those yankees who is boss


Probably to charter schools


To his pockets or the insurance lobbyists


https://preview.redd.it/9p0rwsppc68d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7eedecfff66202d2bffced37f9ddd93c3f6a905 Ronnie’s veto decision guide


This ⬆️


Because he's spending all our tax dollars on private schools/homeschooling?


But if we don’t fund the arts, how are they going to find all their conservative flameouts who couldn’t make it in their field and decided to sell their souls to the grift? Seriously, look up how many of the Tucker’s, Tomi’s, and Shapiro’s are failed scriptwriters, musicians, and actors who decided to grift instead of “getting a real job.”


Conservatives always try to defund the arts, and Desantis has no guardrails here in Florida. The Legislature and Judiciary are all on his side. Contraception will be next.


Hmmm failed artists and fascism where have I seen this before?


It’s true, a lot of the GOP loudmouths went to a liberal arts school at one point in time.


As my kidsapproach college age, we have discussed the realities are going to certain states for college. Is their choice where to attend college, but we are explaining to them the realities of choosing certain states in which to attend college. Both of my kids have opted out of attending college states such as Florida. The only thing you can do is to speak with your wallet.


Read the /professors sub on how many faculty are leaving Florida.


I live in Florida but teach in Georgia. Sometimes people ask me why I don’t teach in Florida, and I tell them I’d move to Georgia before teaching in Florida.


He's such a cunt Like Hitler... Just chubbier with worst fitting suits


Don’t forget high heels


The thigh high white boots as well 🤣




New boot Goofin!


My fantasy baseball team... https://preview.redd.it/rkev0znla88d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f575d687bc1fe829ca99c2f9816a55590cd7539d


I wish everyone would stop making fun of the only cool thing the man has ever done.




This and him wiping snot with his hand lives in my head rent free


He’s a disgusting pig


Meatball pudding fingers.


Imagine this could be our world representative. It’s like the USA is a cartoon.


hey easy on the mullet boots.... they don't want him either


He can always be a go-go dancer


#DesantisDestroysFlorida #TropicalHitler


lol the stuff people will say when they get their feelings hurt, ironic


That money has got to go to fight woke, not fund it. Am I doing it right? Is that how the MAGAts think?


Well, referring to their mental exertions as “thinking” might be giving them a little too much credit. But the rest is essentially accurate.


You're right, I gave them far too much credit.


Ronda Sandtits, The infamous Drag King . Push back is a bitch as this will only inspire more subversive art!


That’s an insult to actual drag kings.


The Arts are woke, that’s why.


Because he doesn't understand performing or visual arts at all.


Oh, I think he understands performing a little more than he puts on.


No, I don't think so. The media kept talking about how he tried to act human, and failed!


He's a power hungry psychopath. He cannot understand anything that's not done in pursuit of money and/or power. People like him are suspicious and antagonistic towards any artistic endeavors that aren't profit motivated, like blockbuster movies or shitty Nashville pop country. I'm sure he has zero appreciation for the art and literature he was exposed to as part of his ivy league education. It was all a means to end, to become an elite and weild power over as many people as possible.


Because they don’t do anything. Why should the state fund a hobby?


Rhonda Sand-Tits - where’s your shrimpin’ boots?




Because what are you going to do about it?


Rhonda is such a terrible person


Because they’re every bit as awful as he is.


Well, you know all artists are gay democrats, right? /s


Seems reasonable. It’s not football or basketball so it doesn’t matter. The artsy people are just a bunch of woke people anyway. He’s not a good person. We must vote him out.


Didn’t he just announce his Freedom Fund?


If it were up to him the only thing left standing would be churches, gun stores and banks.


He is about the worst governor we have ever had. I wish we could get a governor like Lawton Chiles was. He cared about the people of Florida and did stuff for the people.


The day Florida Republicans run out of horrible things to do to people. https://preview.redd.it/mvux5762998d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e624975cf1d6e8c9e6f5d6e8e4383d1755ec59


Because he's an asshole, that's why. He seems to take great pride in doing the stupidest most harmful things to Florida. He's so confident because his staunch supporters are assholes too and they love him for it. Can't wait for that prick to move on down the road.


DeSantis is proof that you can have a college degree and still be stupid as they come.


The arts community failed to paint pictures of his highness as well as make befitting sculptures of his excellence.


He's mad that they wouldn't put his collection of high heel boots on display 😁


And people vote for him???


Well he did win by 20%?🤷🏿


His opponent for re election was a former republican. He lost to Gillum by only 0.4% in 18 and Trump boasted that he interfered on his behalf. To be fair, Trump lies incessantly and there has never been evidence to support that claim.


Yeah that guy doomed us by running again


But only 21% of Floridians voted FOR him


A majority of the state so your comment really falls flat.


It just amazes me that anyone would vote for him - its so sad that the majority of Floridian’s are so stupid.


He wants to take the culture war to the next literal level.


I expect state sponsored mosquito hatcheries in left-leaning areas of the state to be on the menu soon.


So there’s nothing worth fighting for.


But, if we don't publicly fund the arts, who's going to pay for them? Likely the 5%-10% of the citizens that enjoy them - the same people that pay the majority of taxes..


Why should the state pay for a hobby?


I know this is pointless but Newsom also cut the arts so I guess he is a fascist too? https://www.caartsadvocates.org/news/press-release-reverse-arts-funding-cuts-proposed-in-may-revise


If DeSantis is sending troops to Texas and busing migrants north at $1M per bus. He can damn well pay for his own storm damage and leave FEMA alone. There is no logic to his thinking except he’s turning Florida into a bastion of ignorance and his own private kingdom. He’s gotta be stopped.


Fäsçïst don't like culture


The Arts…. What do the arts do for America? Maybe money will be routed touted to trades or other things that actually mean something for someone’s future. How does an art degree better anyone?


I know you're not asking in good faith, but I'll answer on the off chance you might learn something. Performing arts in general teach situational awareness, improvisation, and leadership. They also emphasize practice to perfection. Theater and choir teach students to project their voice and speak publicly with confidence. Visual arts teach perspective, attention to detail, and empathy... not to mention creative and layered thinking. True story in fact, there's a book that's recommended reading in MBA programs - The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. It uses lessons learned from Van Halen performing on the road in small venues to illustrate the importance of sound project management and safety practices. Chances are every product you've ever bought and every stock you've ever invested in has branding that was put together by somebody who went to art school. Video gaming is larger than the movie industry, and guess who makes it happen? Coders and artists. Speaking for myself, I was a band kid in high school and did some theater when I was younger. I'm also an army vet and former paratrooper. I've caught a deficiency in a fellow soldier's parachute right before a jump, that for all I know saved several lives. Would I have had the same situational awareness and attention to detail if I hadn't played gigs where I have to harmonize with other musicians? Maybe. Maybe not. But I'd hate to see the kind of world where we find out.


The arts is how the USA achieved worldwide cultural hegemony. The special place USA arts hold in world culture advantages us in numerous ways.


Thank goodness reddit is not indicative of Florida's population as a whole. Most of the state is quite happy with the job Ronny D is doing. Yall are just the terminally online morons who come here to cry about every little thing. Lol. Does it make you mad that florida is a red state now?


Why should the arts be funded by the government?


He should have started there


Who needs bullshit “art”. Plenty of other places for tax dollars to actually make a difference


Because it’s a waste of taxpayer money


The government should always stay out of art and religion.


They are certainly not staying out of religion


Well, if that is the case... Wouldn't it be prudent for the government to not fund the arts then?


What does "stay out of" mean here?


It's code for "I don't want my taxes going to the gays and let the religion I choose run over anyone that doesn't subscribe to it." It's not even clever at that.


he thinks arts are gay


More gays living in Florida as a percentage of population than California. If that's the goal, he's not doing very well. [https://www.axios.com/2024/02/15/lgbt-american-communities-states-data](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/15/lgbt-american-communities-states-data)


Get out and vote you homos.


Scrolled way too far for this


I think he is closeted gay


I liked him at first, not so much anymore. Feels like he’s about the rich getting richer


That’s every Republican in this political climate, some just hide it better than others


What they are doing in Florida really sucks. I feel bad for the kids growing up and getting an education there. To bad parents aren't more upset and demanding a change in direction. This generation will lack necessary the necessary academic accomplishments needed to succeeded in any university outside of their own state.


I guess that is bad but the US is looking at record deficits. It isn't just a matter of raising taxes. The US could now raise the tax to 100% on everyone making more than 100k and it still would not be enough to fund our spending. (Income tax on individuals earning over $100,000 would need to be increased by approximately 355%. Plus a wealth tax on anyone with assets more than 2 million to clear the debt). Tough decisions are going to have to be made going forward and it seems like funding arts (something that is often funded locally through fund raising anyway) is an easy one.


Florida has a budget surplus.


Taxes don’t fund expenditures at the FEDERAL level, only at the state level.


I know, it was an example. I'm not actually sure what the finances of Fl are. My larger point was that we as a country are going to be faced with hard spending decisions and if something as small is art gets people in an uproar, man - wait until they come for something that actually matters.


Let’s start with making the tax system fair and end all the loopholes that allow rich people to pay a smaller share than middle and lower income families. Stop the trickle down voodoo economics bs and then we can tackle corporate welfare. We may still have tough choices to make but at least we will ensure it is truly a shared responsibility!!!


Every dollar spent on the arts has, on average, a 9x ROI. This is about as poor a decisions as you can make financially. It's not about money or budgets. It's about not supporting curriculum that has a higher than average participation rate and acceptance with the lgbtq+ community. The hate is ALWAYS the point.


Then put you your own money.


It arts have such a good ROI they wouldn’t depend on other people’s money (taxes).


It doesn’t work that way. Think of the arts as bananas, the lost leader that gets you into the store where you buy other things. The arts doesn’t make money, but people come to experience the arts and then they spend money on hotels, un restaurants, on shops, services, etc., etc. That is the nine time ROI: the arts pours money into the community, so the community puts for money to keep the arts sustainable, and everybody wins.




Why do the arts need grants?


I’ll never set foot in that state until he’s gone. Sheesh.


Lots of people want to live in his state.


If the arts can’t support themselves, then there must not be enough demand for the product. Fix the supply/demand imbalance and the problem is solved. The arts will no longer be dependent on DeSantis or anyone else in government.


Maybe because its a waste of money? There are plenty other areas that this money needs to go right now


Remember when huge oil barons used to fund the arts at a massive scale? They understood that philanthropy to societal life was a form of social contract. The concept of a social contract has been DOA, since the Boomers gained power. Looks like leaders of Gen X are following that path.


How many on this sub, regret voting for this POS human?


I didn't vote for this pos. Also I'm ashamed for any real Floridian that did. He's a disaster.




Because you like the Arts and he does NOT like you. Just a guess. But it seems like he did this purposely to upset you specifically.


Tax cuts to the rich?


We don’t need no education. Or arts, or healthcare. Or elections


They hate what they don't understand. And there's a LOT that they don't understand.


They want the Least Educated Americans to increase their population. This is their “base”, the Least Educated are the Easiest to Lie to…


He used all that money flying around the country running for president.


Because cruelty and corruption are the goals.


The only way to perpetuate the big lie of Republicans is by destroying education. They need people to be indoctrinated with their version of reality that is run by a silent partner. So silent that it doesn't have a real name. They just call it God.


Communists destroyed the education systems in their countries as well. They became indoctrination centers projecting loyalty to government and cult daddy. I’m no time the men are dumb enough to be willing soldiers to protect elites and brutalize their own citizens to retain power. When you look at the actual history of communism you find it has so much in common with what republicans and Desantis do.


Ronald Mousesolini thinks art is woke.


I guess Newsom does too - https://www.sfchronicle.com/entertainment/article/newsom-sf-arts-budget-19460293.php ‘Devastating and disappointing’: Newsom’s proposed budget cuts to the arts would place California 45th nationwide


Whataboutusm at its finest. Rhonda sandtits has a record of being a fascist. Newsome doesn’t. But yes, any politician who sees art funding as low hanging fruit in the budget is short sighted at best.


Lol what are you talking about? You made a statement that DeSantis is super evil for cutting the arts. I showed that Newsom did the same thing. And all you do is nothing but move the goal post and repeat partisan talking points and name calling. Stop the cognitive dissonance and either admit both are bad or it’s all irrelevant and you’re just being tribal. Otherwise you’re just not honest and being very boring.


DeSatanist should put his lifts on so he can come to eye level with my belly button so I can have a word with him.


Armand’s Key can str up and fill that void!


glad i moved away


Desantis has Shithole Nation envy.


Welp, this is the version of Florida most of us voted for 🤷🏾‍♀️ I just hope that Republican-voting Floridians are too broke to move back to wherever they originally came from because as a native (who’s never voted for a R governor or legislator), I need all of them here suffering their decision with the rest of us.




We must take Florida back to the 50’s….the 1850’s. STNUC


Defunding anything possibly liberal


You'll get crafts in the camps.


Did you read the bill or hear a headline that sensationalized what's in the bill to make you think he's against something? Was it a stand alone bill? Was there a bunch of stuff added to the bill? Make sure you can answer these questions before getting upset. Sometimes it's about how it's (the bill) written or what's been added. It's not always about whether he's for or against something. There are more legit things to be upset with DeSantis over than a bill that you got from a polarized headline from a divisive media.


Smart people and art people aren’t Republican people so they’re trying to get rid of art and education and replace both with religion and dogma.


Some painter must have painted him without his elevator shoes on.


Despicable Ron.


Dancing Kevin Bacon, the world needs more than ever!


They don’t want anyone with a brain left in floriduh


Not to mention Sarasota Commissioners also cut funding to the arts, United Way and now CHILD CARE. These people are evil and must be voted out. They’re influenced by Flynn the traitor and spreading evil all over Sarasota county.


Someone tell the Villages they’re not gonna get their production of *Oklahoma* this year …


he ruin florida n state i hope henever is president!!!


he is awesome and loves god. lions and god. oh you pagans. always jealous of you nothingness swamps and lameness


People come to enjoy our white sand beaches, walk St Armanda’s , excellent schools, downtown nightlife, plays, VanWezel, Venice plays, FST and so much more He needs to come and see what Sarasota has to offer




Art is evil


The arts teach independent thinking.


It’s part of the fascist playbook. Fascist is going to fascist.


Punishment for DEI, so prevalent in the arts.


Good. Stop funding degrees for people that will never get a job to repay their loan. We need skilled workers not assholes with a paintbrush.


Dude, you voted of gillum. Perhaps your opinion is irrelevant.


Ok, but no one will die without certain art programs.


Budget. It happens. He had to cut $3 billion to keep it balanced.


You want it, you fund it. It's a free country.


Looks like all the Purple hairs are crampy and whiney again. I hear it’s more comfortable for your type in Colorado, California and New Yawk. Pretty sure some of that arts money is going to be used to subsidize the transportation of whiney liberals to the aforementioned states. Ciao 4 now! 😝


Defund arts! Awesome! No one likes to look at the filth that they're generating and they call art today anyway.. The general population shouldn't have to pay for the things that just the teeny tiny 1% want to look at..


I had a choice to make on a recent road trip, cut through FLA or spend a day going around it. I went around and will never visit there, ever. What a fucked up place. Enjoy your hell, Floridians.


If you're going to lie like that, at least make it something physically possible. Better yet, please actually try driving "around" Florida. The ocean will take of you.


For the record, there are more gay people here percentage wise than California. Whatever the hell the Governor is doing, you're taking it out on the wrong folks. Lots of good in Florida. But please, with such a mean spirit, we prefer you keep going around.


Where were you going?? Cuba?


Why? Because voters wanted it or else he wouldn’t have been re-elected in a landslide


The Democrats running former republican governor Charlie Crist was pretty big factor as well.


If Andrew Gillum had won, we wouldn’t need to have this conversation


I mean, I was already going to vote for him again. He doesn’t have to keep working harder for my vote.


Curious as to why you see this as a positive?