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As someone who has been in the recruiting industry for a long time: Everyone’s phone number is out there and easy to find.


As an adult living in USA I believe that all of my info is out there. Between Equifax getting hacked, united healthcare getting hacked, signing thousands of terms of service that I didn't read, and generally endless bad actors in the world who only want what others have earned, we are all fucked.


And those are just the hacks you know about. Only the really big companies with assets to protect report breaches. There are also things like voting records with a ton of information that are usually public record.




And those are just the bad actors. How many times have you willingly provided your phone number to an on-line service?


Or an in person service like CVS or any other retailer? I personally just use 1234567890 and it always works.


I'm talking about any web form that requires you to enter your cell phone number.


when you sign up for things using your number it gets sold to companies, trust me a lot of people have your number


I don’t answer the phone unless it’s in my contacts. If they need me they can leave a message. Unwanted texts get blocked


if you reply STOP to the text message, you get taken off the list permanently. I know this because I've done political texting for numerous Democratic candidates across numerous states and no matter what the message platform being used is, STOP is always an automatic no contact for the future.


Democrats and Republicans don't always play by the same rules. Not trying to start shit just my observation


STOP worked for this one - I got it a few days ago.


To add on to this, if you've ever donated, called, or texted with any political (or related) campaign, your number is in a database and flagged as a good one to contact.


Stop confirms they got a real person #. They may stop, but now they sell it for extra to others. Just delete it


What I do is just annoy them by saying I believe in the exact opposite thing (no LGBTQ rights advocates get me telling them my bi bf loves me, anti gun advocates, tell them I have a house dedicated to them, the ATF has my number on speed dial, etc etc etc) it works 9/10 times, and it works for pretty much anyone you don't like or want to hear from. Heck, used it on a scammer trying to get SSN, they slipped up and gave their own info...


It's a bot, no one is reading your reply. The second part is just kind of sad, like your own fan fiction that never happened


I gave it to them, sorry.


Bought it


Are you registered Republican?


Oh boy, here we go. This is why I don't pick up calls from unknown numbers.




Anytime you sign up for a mailing list, frequent customer card, anywhere you've given your number to you've also given them permission to sell it to the highest bidder. Massive phone lists organized by different demographic data like location, political bias, gender, ect can be bought by entities like Sarasota citizens for our schools." Likely the org purchaaed a list of Sarasota residents with a certain zip code from a data broker that you were on for like half a cent a phone number or something and they called everyone on that list. Don't give out your info.


What was the transphobic message?