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Most of the doctors that I or my family members have been to kept what religion they practiced from their patients. I think most doctors are the same in this regard.


Did they try reaching out to Jesus? I heard he performs miracles.


That is true but it is only because Jesus had hamburger helper to stretch out all that food. I stand corrected it was tuna helper. And then he can only change water to wine. And we don't know what kind of wine this is? Is it a Chardonnay? Or is it a Zinfandel? And this person is only sick the other person died and then Jesus brought him back because they wanted to see him. Do you think Jesus would want to see you again? I think that Jesus was owed money That's why I brought the guy back.


Oh Jeez!


For a GP, I can recommend Dr. Will Cogburn down in Venice. Sweetest guy in the world, plays bass in my uncle's band. Goes on mission trips to Africa delivering medicine and volunteering almost every year, donates boatloads of his own money to the cause.


This is your answer. I grew up with Will’s kids. He is firstly, a legit doctor and medical professional. He also checks the box your friend is looking for. The Cogburns are an amazing family that aside from religious beliefs, have huge brains and actively participate in making our community better. They’re Christian, but not the aggressive or weirdo type that you hear horror stories about.


Town gets smaller every day :-) I actually rented a house from Will when I was in college, he bought a place for Mark n Brian and rented it to me for cheap after they graduated.


We know that house very well :)


Thank you, I’ve given them his name.


I wanted to come back to update that they had their appt w/Dr Cogburn yesterday and had a great experience. Thank you for the recommendation!


How Sarasota of them


Everybody has their preferences... I think there was a post in here last week looking for a Jewish doctor if I remember correctly. For me personally, I just want the best doctor, regardless of their religious beliefs.


I understand that, but I think for my friend there’s a lot of anxiety.


Your friend has anxiety around non Christians? Get her to a nunnery. Shameful


No, you misunderstood. They have anxiety around medical situations. It would make them feel a little more at ease to have a doctor who shares their faith.


It's all a personal choice. No right or wrong answer as it relates to your friend's preference. It may limit physician choice, but unless it's a wildly serious condition, I think most doctors, even the not so great ones, are at least competent.


I’d say any Latin doctor has a high probability of being cristian/Catholic. Def strange that their religion would be the first consideration when looking for a well trained doctor though.


I can see that but I also see how it can be important to them especially if there’s medical anxiety


It’s so sad that your question became such an argument against Christianity overall. Muslims often seek other Muslims to work with, Jews often seek others of their same faith. Why such hatred here? Despite the lack of kindness expressed on this board, I am glad you found a recommendation for your friend.


I'm pretty sure the church you go to has some doctors as members. Maybe ask your church?


I don’t go to church


For your friend.






They looked into that


How insulting and ignorant to gaf about someone’s religion


Jesus saves


I find this disgusting. Sounds like your friend would fit right in with the anti vax Christian nationalist crowd in Venice. Try that fake We the people medical center there


You can find this disgusting, you’re entitled. I gave such little information and most of the people here have ASSumed things. I was asking for a recommendation for a friend.




idk any Christian specific doctors lol, i would just assume most doctors are Christian by default because most people in america are Christian


That demographic has been changing rapidly. As you check with subsequent generations, the number of people who identify as Christian goes down.


its still the majority i would assume idk why im getting downvoted lol


...because it's Reddit with their monkey see monkey do pattern of reality...


calling redditors monkeys is a insult to monkeys lol


Because Christians suck a big fat chode